The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 878 The More You Spend, The More You Earn

Chapter 878 The More You Spend, The More You Earn

Another day of filming is over.

"Brother Luo, you have worked hard. Are you satisfied with the work of our crew? If you think we have done something wrong, please don't be polite and tell me."

Xu Jie came to the dressing room and found Luo Wanglin who was removing makeup.

Today is the first day for the other party to join the filming team. The impression of the crew is very important, because later I will go to Sister Man’s house to play mahjong. When I meet with the other three super-lines, several people will inevitably mention the daytime in the crew. Feelings, so once Luo Wanglin's feelings are not good, it will inevitably be passed on to the other three, and this is not what he wants to see.

What he wanted Luo Wanglin to see was the seriousness of the crew and the enthusiasm of the actors for filming.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, this is one of the best crews I have ever met, Mr. Xu is really well managed." Luo Wanglin praised after hearing this.

Although there is a little bit of politeness in these words, everyone's attitude towards him is really good. It feels like it's not the first day he joined the filming team, but he has been with everyone for a long time.

"Brother Luo, you just pick up nice things to say." Xu Jie said with a smile, he was relieved when the other party was satisfied.

"Brother, what are you talking about, hurry up and go." Liu Jiaman outside the door shouted loudly at Xu Jie.

For her, staying one minute longer on the set means playing mahjong for one minute less at home. How can this work?

"Understood Sister Man." Xu Jie replied, and then walked out of the dressing room.

"Mr. Xu, wait a minute." At this time, the costumer found Xu Jie.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie stopped when he saw Sister Man walking towards the parking lot.

"Mr. Xu, the two sets of costumes that you customized for Mr. Luo will be delivered tomorrow." The costumer said.

"Really? That's good, the next few scenes can be shot normally." Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and his face was full of surprise.

He not only added scenes for Luo Wanglin, Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing, but also customized brand new costumes for them, in order to make the images of these four people more brilliant in the play.

After all, the vast majority of viewers watch dramas for the stars in them. TV stations and media companies pay high prices for the premiere and webcast rights, aren't they also for these stars?
Therefore, he cannot disappoint the audience, nor can he disappoint the TV stations and media companies. He wants the buyers to feel that the money is worth the money after watching the TV series.

"Mr. Xu..." The costumer looked around, and then whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Are you really planning to customize new costumes for these four characters? All those costumes will cost 500 yuan." Wan, in fact, you can rent similar clothes.”

"Some money can be saved, but some money must not be saved, such as the costumes of these four, do you know how many fans they have? Do you know how many viewers want to see them? Although renting clothes can save us a fortune Money, but in terms of material and style, it will be very different from the custom ones, and it will not be able to perfectly show the image of the character. If it doesn’t fit after wearing it, will they still be scolded by their fans? I don’t want to let " "Legend of Lan Xi" was stamped as crudely made." Xu Jie said solemnly.

He has always attached great importance to the image of actors.

As the old saying goes: People depend on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing.

Clothes are an essential part of an actor's image.

Before "Legend of Lan Xi" was launched, he spent more than 300 million for Liu Jiaman's costume alone, and Liu Qing, although he could use the costume in "Lover in Time and Space", he still paid for the other party. More than 100 million clothes have been customized.

Although Luo Wanglin and others didn't have as many roles as Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing, they were also the protagonists of each unit, so they definitely couldn't make do with the costumes.

What's more, the premiere rights and webcasting rights of "Legend of Lan Xi" were sold for more than one billion yuan. Now he is not short of money at all, and there is no need to lose big because of small things.

Even the decorators know that you can’t save face. If you want to save it, you have to save it in other places. If you don’t do a good job of superficial work, everything will look fake at first glance. How will the homeowner feel after the house inspection? Are you closing the room?Certainly not.

Moreover, he has a little selfishness.

Jingshi Culture's investment in "Legend of Lanxi" is a fixed 5000 million, while his investment in "Legend of Lanxi" will depend on the needs, how much is lacking, and how much is paid.

If there is a shortage of 5000 million, then he and Jingshi Culture will be divided into one to three, and the income from the first broadcast rights and webcast rights will be divided into four. In the end, he can only get 8000 million, with a net profit of 3000 million. The 4000 million yuan will be owned by Jingshi Culture.

But what if there is a shortage of 5000 million?Then the share between him and Jingshi Culture will be one to one, and then he will get 6000 million yuan and a net profit of 1000 million yuan, which is nearly two more small goals.

After understanding this account, what reason does he have to save money for the crew?
Not only can't save, but also keep spending, because the more he spends, the more he earns.

If the 5000 million invested by Beijing Television Culture is enough, the money from the sale of the first broadcast rights and webcast rights will have nothing to do with him.

"I understand Mr. Xu." The costume designer was deeply moved by Mr. Xu's serious and responsible attitude, and at the same time secretly sighed in his heart. If everyone was like Mr. Xu, there would be no bad movies. .

Xu Jie thought to himself after hearing this: You understand a ball.

"Brother, are you going or not?" Liu Jiaman lowered the car window and shouted dissatisfied.

Just now I saw the other party coming out of the dressing room, why did the other party stop when she got in the car to look again?

"Let's go, let's go." Xu Jie said immediately, and then trotted towards his car.

In fact, it is precisely because of Liu Jiaman that Luo Wanglin can adapt to the atmosphere of the crew of "The Legend of Lanxi" so quickly. If there is no Liu Jiaman, an old friend, old neighbor and old acquaintance, Luo Wanglin may not be able to play for a while. I really can't get into the state so quickly.

Thinking that there are Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing behind, how dare Xu Jie neglect Sister Man?
Even if there are newcomers, the old ones cannot be forgotten.

After an hour's drive, I finally arrived at Sister Man's house.

Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing have already arrived. Since receiving the guidance of Teacher Xu, they have paid more attention to the two hours of study at night, and even put off some entertainment and some activities, just for the sake of learning card skills.

On the table.

"Lao Luo, how are you doing on the set today? Did you hold back the crew?" Hu Jing asked while eating, apparently joking about Luo Wanglin, but actually inquiring about the situation of the crew.

Although they are all filming crews, there are also big differences between the crews, such as the atmosphere in the crew, the state of everyone at work, and whether the staff and actors are professional or not, etc. These will not only affect the shooting The progress will even affect the performance of the actors.

"Jingjing, are you underestimating me? How could I hold back the crew? Is it Teacher Xu?" Luo Wanglin looked at Xu Jie who was eating beside him.

"Well, Big Brother Luo's performance is perfect, it's just that the actors who play with him suffer." Xu Jie said.

"Why, has Lao Luo become a drama bully?" Chen Guang asked excitedly, as if he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"It's not a bully, it's Brother Luo who acted so well that he directly crushed the actors who played against him. Originally, these actors had filmed "Lovers in Time and Space". Standing in front of the camera, the sentence was judged before even saying a line, which makes me worry. I know that Brother Luo is good at acting, but those who don’t know think that the crew just randomly recruited two passers-by from the side of the road to make up for it. What?" Xu Jie said with a sigh.

When everyone heard this, they exclaimed in their hearts that this flattery is even more powerful than poker skills.

"Mr. Xu, did Lao Luo do you a favour? I think you're going to blow him up." Hu Jing said, she was embarrassed to say that the other party was flattering, after all, she would have to learn card skills from him in the future.

"I'm not bragging, I'm just telling the truth. Otherwise, how could Big Brother Luo get the actor? Why can't I get it?" Xu Jie said solemnly, then looked at Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing, and said: " Brothers and sisters, when it is your turn in the future, be sure to keep quiet, otherwise the actors who play with you will be easily scolded by the audience."

Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen, and Hu Jing all laughed when they heard it. Isn't this saying that their acting skills are as good as Lao Luo's?
While some are happy, others are depressed.

Liu Qing was eating sullenly. She had the most scenes with Luo Wanglin today, and as the heroine, she will also have scenes with Chen Guang, Jiang Liwen and Hu Jing in the future. Doesn't Xu Jie's words mean that her acting skills are poor?

Although it was true, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Glancing at Xu Jie on the opposite side, he thought to himself: If you flatter, you can flatter, why hurt others by mistake?Did I provoke you?

In contrast, Ding Mengni's mentality is very good.

With a room full of movie kings and queens, it is already an honor to be able to compare her with these people, even if she is said to be inferior to these people, it is also an honor.

Worse than the actor and actress, no shame.

May I ask how many people in the entire film and television industry can outperform these movie kings and queens in their acting skills?

"By the way, guess who I saw today?" Chen Guang suddenly said mysteriously, and then his eyes fell on Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was stunned immediately, did the other party see him?But he didn't see the other party, and the other party has such a big wrist, if he went to the film crew, he should be discovered, but he didn't hear anyone mention it.

"Gao Jin?" Liu Jiaman asked curiously.

Gao Jin is the God of Gamblers in the movie "God of Gamblers".

"What is Gao Jin, it's Zheng Guoliang." Seeing that Liu Jiaman's guess was too outrageous, Chen Guang announced the answer directly.

"Zheng Guoliang?"

Everyone was startled, and then looked at Xu Jie.

Although they didn't know the grievances between Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang, they had heard about the competition between Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang.

"Counting it all together, the batch of movies released on National Day will also be released in a few days." After Jiang Liwen finished speaking, she deliberately took out her mobile phone from her pocket and checked the box office of the movie. The box office is 4 million, and the combined box office of "The Most Heartwarming" is 2561 million, congratulations to Director Xu."

"Mr. Xu, I heard that your bet is [-]% of the box office? This time you want to treat me." Hu Jing said with a smile.

The box office of more than 4 million means that Zheng Guoliang will lose to Xu Jie by more than 4000 million, which is not a small sum.

"The movie hasn't been released yet, so it's too early to tell the outcome." Xu Jie said.

"It's still early? Xiao Xu, are you too modest, or don't you want to treat guests? Let's not say that your movie box office can win as long as it reaches half of Zheng Guoliang's box office. Even if there is no such condition, judging from the current box office, you have to win." Pass Zheng Guoliang." Luo Wanglin said.

"That's right, your movie has reached the end of its release. It's pretty good if you get 300 or [-] million every day. There are still four days before the release. How can he surpass you? One hundred million a day is not enough." Liu Jiaman also said.

She has nothing to do with Zheng Guoliang, so she naturally hopes that Xu Jie can win, maybe the other party will feel better after winning, and he can teach her a few more tricks.

"When I met Zheng Guoliang today, he had been promoting the movie "The Most Heartwarming", and he also asked the artists who usually participated in the activities to help forward the promotion. I reckoned that he would not be able to win you, but he wanted to win in the total box office. Surpassing you can be regarded as giving yourself the last bit of face." Chen Guang analyzed.

As a well-known director, it would not be too embarrassing if he lost because the box office did not exceed twice that of Xu Jie, but if under normal circumstances, the box office of the movie did not exceed Xu Jie, then it would be too embarrassing.

"By the way, Xiao Xu, I've heard about the box office competition between you and Zheng Guoliang for a year, but I still don't know why you are competing. Do you have any problems with him?" Hu Jing asked curiously.

In fact, there are many versions in the circle about the reason for the competition. It can be said that there are different opinions. Some say it is a rival in love, some say it is for the C position, and some say it is hype together. In the end, no one knows which one is the best. is the truth
"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that during a party, there was a debate over one sentence, which turned into a competition." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Which sentence?" Hu Jing asked.

"Director Zheng said that only professionals can do professional things well, and he also said that laymen are too self-sufficient to make movies. I don't think so, so there will be a later competition." Xu Jie said simply, those debates at the beginning have been forgotten. It's almost the same, now I can only remember the theme.

"I see." Hu Jing suddenly realized.

Nothing is more believable than what comes out of the mouth of the person involved.

"Mr. Xu, I admire you. You are right. How can a layman be overconfident in making films? Before the concept of film existed, wasn't the first person to make a film an layman?" Chen Guang said righteously.

He is a singer, but now he comes to act in movies and movies. Isn't Zheng Guoliang's words the same as saying that he is beyond his control?
"As far as I know, many people in the film and television industry are half-way monks, including some big movie stars and big directors. I said that when the movie was released, why didn't many people promote Zheng Guoliang? His words must be It offended many people." Liu Jiaman said.

"He deserves it!"

"Mr. Xu, after the movie is released, remember to hold a celebration party."

Seeing everyone's support, Xu Jie couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, all of you will come then."

"Well, I will definitely go!"


(End of this chapter)

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