The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 879 The Last Struggle

Zheng Guoliang looked at the calendar on his phone, and walked around in a hurry in the office.

Today is the 27th, and in two days, the movie "Most Heartwarming" directed by him will be released. Although this movie has set a new record for his personal movie box office, he is not happy at all.

On the one hand, the box office of the movie did not reach the breakeven line of 6 million, which means that "The Most Heartwarming" is still losing money so far; , even under normal circumstances, there is still a box office difference of several million with the other party, which means that he will undoubtedly lose in the movie box office competition with Xu Jie.

It's okay to lose, after all, winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs, but losing so thoroughly, losing so hard, and losing so ugly made it hard for him to accept it.

If the current comprehensive box office ranking continues until the next release, won't he become a joke in the film and television industry in the future?Who can't laugh at him after dinner?
Today is Friday, and there is still the last weekend before the movie is released. This is also his last chance. If the box office of the movie still fails to surpass that Xu in the last two days, the loss is small, and the embarrassment is big. The money can be earned back, but the lost face is hard to get back.

Well, there is not much time left for him.

How to do it?

Zheng Guoliang frowned deeply, with his hands behind his back, he looked like ants on a hot pot, walking back and forth in front of the desk.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

After Zheng Guoliang heard it, he hurried back to sit behind the desk, straightened his clothes, and shouted at the door with a calm expression, "Come in."


The door opened, and assistant Jiang Yang came in from the outside.

"Boss, Tianyu is here." Jiang Yang said cautiously.

He, no, everyone in the studio knew that the boss was in a particularly bad mood recently, so he paid extra attention, for fear of accidentally becoming the boss' punching bag.

[The book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Ye Guo Reading!It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.yeguoyuedu]

It's fine to be a punching bag, in fact, many people are willing to be a punching bag for Director Zheng, but being a punching bag every day, no matter how good the quality is, they can't stand it.

"Bai Yu?"

Zheng Guoliang was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that today he made an appointment with Bai Baiyu to watch a movie. This is a love movie directed by him this year, and it is expected to be released on Valentine's Day next year. Because of the role schedule, the heroine has already watched It's over, only the character Bai Yu hasn't watched yet.

"Let him come over," Zheng Guoliang said.

The movie "Most Heartwarming" is considered finished, so he has pinned all his hopes on the next movie, and he is completely counting on this movie to be a good turnaround.

Soon, a tall, thin and handsome boy walked in from the door. It was Bai Yu, the hottest traffic star in the past two years.

There is a follower behind the other party, holding clothes and a bag, who should be an assistant or something.

"Tianyu, it's so punctual." Zheng Guoliang stood up, and took the initiative to walk over to hold the other party's hand to show his welcome.


No way, who made the other party angry?

In the entertainment industry, fire is traffic, and fire is capital.

Moreover, Bai Tianyu's fire is not an ordinary fire. There is a saying that goes well: a small fire depends on luck, and a big fire depends on capital.

If Bai Baiyu didn't have a strong capital behind him to operate and support, how could the other party become so popular like now, and how could it last for two or three years?
In front of traffic stars, he can still maintain the face of a famous director, but in front of capital, he is nothing.

"It should be, Director Zheng..." Bai Yu originally wanted to say a few polite words, but when he saw Zheng Guoliang's appearance at a close distance, he was suddenly stunned.

When the film was finished in July, Director Zheng still looked energetic and radiant. It has only been three months, so why does he seem to be several years older?

Not only did the skin look loose, but it was also dull, especially the eyes, which were cloudy and covered with red blood, forming a strong contrast with the surrounding dark circles.

Bai Yu held back for a long time, and finally said: "Director Zheng, you have worked hard these days."

He believes that the reason Zheng Guoliang became what he is now must be due to working hard for the movie.

Zheng Guoliang was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize what Bai Yu meant, and said copiously, "Well, it should be, let's go to the cinema room to watch the film first."

"Well, good." Bai Baiyu nodded.

Zheng Guoliang led the way, led Bai Baiyu into the viewing room, and began to play the finished film.

As the character of the other party, coupled with the capital support behind him, he has a very important voice in this movie. If there is anything dissatisfied with this movie, such as a certain scene or a certain line, he can promptly respond to it. Make adjustments, either find replacements, or simply subtract.

The 96 minutes passed quickly, and as the staff table slowly rose, it indicated that the movie was over.

"Tianyu, what do you think?" Zheng Guoliang saw that Bai Yu didn't speak while watching the film, so he took the initiative to ask. , these problems are just that the heroine is too narcissistic.

"I think Director Zheng's editing is quite good. The movie is very exciting, so there is no need to make changes." Bai Baiyu said, he doesn't care about the plot or anything, as long as his image in the movie is handsome enough.

"Really? You don't want to compliment me." Zheng Guoliang finally saw a smile on his face, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

No need to change, great.

As a director, what he hates most is that actors dictate to the movie, just like the heroine before, if he didn't need the other party's traffic, he would have made the other party a jerk.

Picking faults?
Do you understand movies?

"No compliments, I'm telling the truth. I'll post on Weibo later to promote our movie." Bai Yu said while taking out his phone from his pocket.

Seeing Bai Yu's actions, Zheng Guoliang suddenly had an idea in his heart, so he stepped forward and said, "Tianyu, can I trouble you and do me a little favor?"

Bai Yu, who was about to post on Weibo, raised his head and looked at Zheng Guoliang suspiciously, "Director Zheng, you are too polite, talk to me if you have something to do."


"Hey, that's it. I would like to trouble you to post on Weibo to promote my other movie "The Most Heartwarming" that is currently being released." Zheng Guoliang said with a smile.

The other party has traffic, topics, and fans. If you can help him promote it, even if one out of a thousand fans can enter the movie theater, it can increase the box office of "The Most Heartwarming" by millions.

Bai Tianyu was taken aback when he heard it, and then said: "Director Zheng, I already posted on Weibo when this movie was first released, have you forgotten?"

"Ah?" Zheng Guoliang recalled for a while, it seems that there is such a thing, but it was sent in mass at that time, so I forgot who it was sent to, "I know, I haven't forgotten, but the movie is only a few days away It's released, and I want to work harder in the last few days."


Bai Yu replied, but his voice was a little hesitant.

How can there be repeated promotion of the same content?
What do you think of his Weibo?Vegetable market?

Zheng Guoliang saw Bai Yu's thoughts immediately when he saw it, so he made a move to retreat and said with a smile: "Tianyu, don't make things difficult, it doesn't matter if you don't send it, in fact, I just said it casually, don't go Take it to heart, let's go out." After speaking, he put his arms around the other's shoulders and walked to the movie theater.

During the day, Yu blushed, it was just a Weibo, and it was not for him to go down the mountain of swords and fire. If he refused because of such a trivial matter, it would be unreasonable. Besides, the new movie has not been released yet, and it is inevitable that he will be with Director Zheng in the future. To promote the movie, when the time comes, will you still talk or communicate?

"Director Zheng, what are you talking about? Isn't it just a Weibo? How can you be embarrassed? I'll post it later." Bai Baiyu said.

Zheng Guoliang was happy in his heart, and said in his mouth: "Then Tianyu will be troubled. By the way, "The Most Heartwarming" will be released first. As for our new movie, it will not be too late to release it later."

The purpose of his instructions is mainly to worry that the two Weibo posts are too close together, which will disperse the popularity of fans and halve the effect of publicity.

"Yeah." Bai Baiyu nodded.

Now that we have decided to post it, let the good people follow through and listen to the other party.

come back to the office.

During the day, Yu sat down, logged into Weibo with his mobile phone, and started typing.

Zheng Guoliang went to get a bottle of mineral water, then stood beside Bai Baiyu, his neck stretched out like a giraffe, his eyes fixed on the mobile phone in Bai Baiyu's hand, and secretly supervised.

Soon, the promotional content will be written.

During the day, Yu deliberately handed the phone to Zheng Guoliang, and asked, "Director Zheng, do you think it's okay?"

Zheng Guoliang stood still, pretending not to care and said: "Okay, just post it, you are so angry now, anything you post will attract people, come on, drink your saliva."

"Not director Zheng, I have an event in the afternoon, and I need to prepare it in advance." Bai Baiyu stood up and said.

It is true that there are activities, and it is true that he wants to leave. He is worried that if he continues to stay here, Director Zheng will make other requests. He is not here to send warmth today.

"You are a busy person, so I won't keep you. Let's meet again some other day." Zheng Guoliang said with a smile.

Of course, this is just being polite. After all, everyone is so busy, just like ordinary people meeting on the road.


"Young, long time no see"

"Yes, it's been a while."

"Let's meet again some other day."

"it is good."

Really lost.

Zheng Guoliang sent Bai Yu away, but the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and he returned to his previous seriousness and anxiety.

He knew very well in his heart that relying on Bai Tianyu's Weibo post alone was not enough. There were so many co-stars promoting "The Legend of Lan Xi" on Weibo at the beginning, but the result was not overtaken by that surnamed Xu. ?

Publicity is publicity. No one knows how many fans really buy it, let alone make specific statistics. Therefore, if you want to increase the movie box office, you have to think of other ways.

How to do it?

What other potential groups can go to watch movies?
Horn fan?

The movie has been released for so long, it seems that the leeks have been cut almost, and if you want to eat them again, you have to uproot them.

Zheng Guoliang returned to the studio, and the office area, which had been full of discussions, suddenly became quiet.

Zheng Guoliang suddenly stopped and turned to look at the employees in the office area. Aren't these all people?

"Clap clap clap!"

Zheng Guoliang clapped his hands, indicating that he had something to say.

All the employees immediately looked up, for fear of being scolded for moving too slowly.

When the boss is happy, it doesn't matter if you are late. When the boss is unhappy, it may be wrong to take a breath.

"Everyone has worked hard these days. Tomorrow is the weekend. I will give you a weekend this week." Zheng Guoliang said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

I usually have a single day off, and I am often asked to work overtime in the studio on Sundays. What happened to the boss today?Is the sun coming out from the west?



It's never happened before, no matter how tired they are at work, the boss thinks it's the right thing to do.


Nor is it possible.

The overall box office of the movie "Legend of Lan Xi" did not meet expectations, and it also lost to Xu Jie. The boss has been angry for a long time because of this, so how can he celebrate it?

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, none of them could figure out the boss's decision, so no one was happy to cheer and celebrate, for fear that this was a trap.

Zheng Guoliang looked at the unresponsive employees and asked suspiciously: "Why, don't you want to have weekends?"

"miss you!"

Under the temptation of weekends, one actor couldn't hold back in the end, and then the second and third, everyone began to express their true thoughts.

Zheng Guoliang nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "If you feel that the weekend is really boring, I suggest that you bring your family, relatives, friends, and friends of friends and go to the cinema together to watch our movie "The Most Heartwarming". You should know that it will be released in two days, and if you want to watch it in the cinema, you will have no chance."


Everyone looked at the boss dumbfounded, and now they just want to give themselves a big mouth.

I knew there was nothing good about the double break, and I believed it just now.

What kind of suggestion is this? It is clearly implying that they must go.

In fact, in order to respond to the boss's call and to support the boss, everyone has already gone to the cinema twice, and if they go again, they will do it three times.

Forget it, it's all about spending money to buy a vacation.

Just as everyone resigned to their fate, the boss's voice sounded again in the office area.

"After watching it, remember to bring the movie tickets back to the company, and the finance department will reimburse you half."

After everyone heard it, instead of being happy, they all changed their faces.

Want to be reimbursed?

Reimbursement is a good thing, but half of it is reimbursed. Isn't this the same as wanting to know how many people everyone brought to the movies?
The boss's suggestion just now is very clear, bring family members, relatives, friends, and even friends of friends.

This, doesn't this mean making them pay for the movie?
How could anyone do this?

How shameless!

Everyone gritted their teeth angrily, but there was no other way, so we couldn't make a big deal out of small things, right?

Since you can't resist, you can only endure silently.


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