The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 880 Digging a pit?

It stands to reason that there should be a lot of people watching movies on weekends, but since there have been no new movies released for a long time, and the movies being screened are all released on National Day, not many people enter the movie theater.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Except for the box office champion of the National Day file, "The Wave", which can still break through 2000 million at the box office this weekend, all other movies are below 2000 million.

The National Day box office runner-up "Homeland" only won 100 million box office in the last weekend, while the third runner-up "Crazy Cosmic Man" performed similarly to "Homeland", only tens of thousands of dollars less.

At that time, "Lover in Time and Space", which ranked fourth, was affected by the filming of derivative TV series and the favorable influence of many actor and actress joining, the weekend box office surpassed "Homeland" and "Crazy Cosmic Man", reaching 300 million. And "Most Exciting", which ranked fifth, did not even exceed 920 million at the box office, only [-] million.

As the weekend came to an end, except for the movies "The Wave" and "Homeland" that received key extensions, the rest of the movies were released one after another.

In the end, the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" won a combined box office of 4 million, while the combined box office of "The Most Heartwarming" was 4372 million.

on Monday.

Xu Jie came to the film and television base as usual. As soon as he parked his car and got off, there was warm applause on the set, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy.


wow wow wow...

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it, and felt that this scene was a bit familiar. He remembered that when the box office of "Lovers in Time and Space" exceeded 4 million a few days ago, everyone looked like this.

Oh, right!

He suddenly remembered that yesterday was the last day for the movie to be released, that is to say, "Lover in Time and Space" has already been released, and now he can wait for the rice to be collected.

"The celebration banquet will be held on Friday night, and we must go at that time. No one is allowed to find excuses!" Xu Jie said loudly.

As a member of the Beijing Radio and Television Station, it is indeed a bit high-profile for him to do so, but he also has his own ideas.

One, of course, is to reward the staff of the film crew, because without their hard work, the film would not have been released as scheduled; two, it is to thank those who have helped him, such as the general manager of Forbidden Pictures Guo Chuan and the vice president Gao Xiaobin, as well as Hu Zhen from Liangxing Brokerage Company, and those theater bosses who arranged for the movies; as for the three...

The third is to build the reputation of Jingshi Culture Communication Company in the film circle, let all colleagues and actors know its existence, and hope to attract more outstanding talents and find more good projects.

"it is good!"

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

Everyone applauded one after another, and the applause became even harder.

The reason why everyone is like this is not because there is a big meal to eat, but because they follow Dao Xu, let them see hope, the future is no longer confused, but bright.

Let me ask, who wouldn't want to make a career at a young age?
"Mr. Xu, what about today? You won against Zheng Guoliang, so it's hard to justify not treating us today." An employee shouted.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, in order to support you, I watched the movie for the second time, and even dragged all my friends and classmates to the movie theater."

"Me too, I swiped three times!"

"I persuade people to watch movies in the community group and classmate group every day."

"I posted three movie reviews with thousands of words."


All the employees talked about their performance in this "battle".

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie smiled.

What is this called?
This makes everyone gather firewood and make high flames.

Perhaps these people will not bring much box office to the movie, but as the vice president of the company and the director of the crew, he can see that everyone is thinking and working hard in one place. Is he happy?

Just for this, today must be a treat.

"Roast duck at noon!" Xu Jie said cheerfully.


The crowd cheered.

In fact, what everyone cares about is not a roast duck meal, but the atmosphere, adding a little fun to the monotonous life of the crew.

"Okay, let's hurry up and work." Xu Jie said to the people around him, even if he achieved good results at the box office and won Zheng Guoliang, he couldn't delay his current work, right?
The staff of the crew dispersed immediately, those who should move the props, those who should check the equipment, but everyone had a smile on their faces.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations."

After putting on her makeup, Liu Jiaman came to Xu Jie, smiling and congratulating her.

"Thank you Sister Man, if it wasn't for Sister Man, the box office wouldn't be so high, so Sister Man is also responsible for this." Xu Jie said with a smile.

One of the selling points of the movie "Lover in Time and Space" is that the actress Liu Jiaman came out again after six years away from the film industry. Many viewers who chose this movie during the National Day file watched it because of Liu Jiaman, so The box office is as high as it is now, thanks to Sister Man.

"I can really talk." Liu Jiaman smiled coquettishly, and then said: "I just made a cameo appearance, and there are not a few scenes in total, so I can't talk about any credit at all. The story of the movie itself is better, and you directed it." Well, coupled with the good performance of the lead actor, the combination of these will make the audience buy it."

"In addition to you, Sister Man, although you don't have many roles in Sister Man, you have contributed some of the most wonderful performances. In the whole movie, no one has played better than you." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Forget it, I'm not that attractive."

"Yes, absolutely, trust me."

"I have already agreed to appear in "Legend of Lan Xi", so don't praise me here, by the way, as far as I know, you have won a lot from Zheng Guoliang this time." Liu Jiaman was praised Sorry, change the subject quickly.

"It's quite a lot, one-tenth of the box office, about 4000 million." Xu Jie remembered that it was more than 2000 million when he watched it last night, but he forgot the exact figure.

"How do you plan to spend the money?" Liu Jiaman asked.

Xu Jie was startled, and looked over suspiciously. Why did the other party ask this question?Could it be that seeing that he won money, he felt that it was not worthwhile to act in a friendship with zero pay, so he wanted a piece of the action?

"I haven't thought about it yet." Xu Jie said truthfully, and at the same time, he was thinking about how much remuneration he should give the other party.

"How you spend is secondary, but you must be careful that Zheng Guoliang digs holes for you in this matter." Liu Jiaman reminded in a low voice.

"Dig a hole?"

Xu Jie had question marks all over his face.

The box office data is there. If you win, you win. Can the other party go back on their word?When the contest was decided, hundreds of insiders listened. If the other party dared to go back on their word, wouldn't it be more embarrassing than losing?

Unless he hides, disappears in the world, and bids farewell to the film and television industry from now on, but it is only 4000 million, which should not be a big deal to that Zheng Zheng, and he will not quit the film and television industry because of this little money. Earn 4000 million back and actively make more movies.

"Can he still deny it?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"It shouldn't be impossible to deny it. After all, Zheng Guoliang is also a respectable person in the film and television industry. However, he must not be reconciled to losing. Even if he pays, he will disgust you severely." Liu Jiaman thought for a while want to say.

Although she has never cooperated with Zheng Guoliang, she has heard some rumors about him from other insiders more or less, so she reminded Xu Jie that after all Xu Jie is now her little brother.

After Xu Jie heard this, he couldn't help frowning. He had to say that Sister Man's reminder was very good.

The guy surnamed Zheng aggressively wanted to compete with him, a layman, because of a few words of quarrel. One could imagine how despicable and shameless the other party was.

Although he won Zheng Guoliang this time, as Sister Man said, the other party must not be reconciled. Even if Zheng Guoliang took out the money, he would not be comfortable with it.

"Sister Man, how can he disgust me?" Xu Jie hurriedly asked Liu Jiaman for advice, because he was going to ask Zheng Guoliang for money in the past few days, so it is necessary to understand the routines that the other party may use.

"Didn't I ask you just now? If he asked you like me, how would you answer?"

"how to answer……"

Xu Jie didn't understand what Sister Man meant.

Don't you think about this reason?

Besides, it was the money that Zheng Guoliang lost to him, that is, his own money. Even if he bought his wife a hand full of diamond rings, would the other party care?
Liu Jiaman saw that this little brother didn't understand what he meant, so he opened his mouth and said: "Zheng Guoliang wants to disgust you, there is almost no doubt about it, so he will definitely not let you take this money comfortably, it must be He will make a big fuss about this matter, let you win money, but you can't spend the money casually, and if he does this, his goal of disgusting you will be achieved."

Xu Jie froze in place.

Can you still do that?
He felt that what Sister Man said made sense, so he brought a chair from the side and put it behind Liu Jiaman, and asked the other party to sit down and talk slowly.

Liu Jiaman glanced at the director's team, since the filming hadn't started anyway, he continued: "If you say that you haven't thought about it or haven't thought about it, he will most likely come up with a suggestion that he thought about in advance, such as asking you to donate In short, let you be a passing God of Wealth..."

"Then I have to say I've thought it through?" Xu Jie asked.

"If you think about it, such as buying a house to improve the living environment or something, then he will definitely criticize you from the moral high ground against your idea, and reprimand you for not doing some public welfare. Post it on the Internet, there will definitely be netizens who will echo it, after all, they don't need to pay for it..." Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie looked at Sister Man in surprise. Although what the other party said might be exaggerated, there is no guarantee that this situation will not happen.

"I see. Thank you, Sister Man, for reminding me." Xu Jie said gratefully.

Fortunately, Sister Man reminded him, which gave him time to ponder. If he didn't come to the set today, but went directly to Zheng Guoliang, he might have fallen into the trap of the other party.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm worrying too much, but isn't there such a sentence? You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. I will go." Liu Jiaman pointed in the direction of the directing crew, and then Get up and leave.

Xu Jie looked at Sister Man's back, lost in thought.

How to spend this money?

Now it seems that it is not impossible to buy a hand full of diamond rings for his wife, but if the surname Zheng said that he is extravagant and lustful, wouldn't it be a failure of character?
Put it in the bank?

What should I do once the other party says: "Let the money go idle, why don't you use it to help some people in need"?Isn't he passive again?

If you know it, Zheng Guoliang lost the money to him. If you don't know it, you think Zheng Guoliang paid for it.

People who stand on the moral high ground never feel cold.

It seems that you really have to think about this matter.


Guoliang studio.

Zheng Guoliang looked at the stack of movie tickets brought by the accountant, his lips turned purple with anger.

He stayed up all night last night, and has been paying attention to the changes in the box office of the movie. As a result, after the last week, the box office of "The Most Heartwarming" not only did not exceed that of Xu, but was even widened by that Xu. In a few days, more than 400 million have become more than 800 million now.

You must know that during these two days, not only did he go all out to get the artists he had worked with to help him promote again, he even secretly paid out his own wallet, spending more than 100 million yuan, but in the end he still lost, completely.

"Boss, I've already counted them. There are 1266 in total, and the total reimbursement is 28485 yuan." The accountant said in a low voice.

If calculated according to the face value, these tickets total more than 6000, but the "benefits" given by the boss can only be reimbursed for half, so it becomes more than 8000.

Twenty-eight thousand, is that much?

not much.

But the boss lost in the competition with Xu Jie, so the two thousand and eighty thousand is very annoying to the boss.

"Just that little?" Zheng Guoliang's face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed.

No wonder the box office didn't surpass that of Xu's. Now he finally found the reason.

Because the company's employees are not strong enough.

If the movie tickets sold were not a thousand, but a hundred thousand, would you still worry about not being able to outperform that Xu?


Finances are confused.

Is this less?
There are only a dozen people in the entire studio, and each person bought more than 100 movie tickets on average. The addition of all relatives and friends is not enough, and neighbors have to be brought along.

She doesn't know about others, anyway, when she got married, only ten tables were set up, and less than 100 people came.

If this is too little, isn’t it forcing everyone to buy tickets and distribute them on the road?

"A bunch of trash, you can't count on them at the critical moment, get out with these trash papers!" Zheng Guoliang snorted coldly, then waved his hand impatiently, motioning the treasurer to go out.

He needs to be alone now to calm down and think about how to face that Xu.

Offer money with both hands?


It would be embarrassing to lose to the other party at the box office, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if you were so obedient?
run away?

No, no!
The old saying goes well: If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

The studio is here, where is he going?
And the next movie will be released in a few months, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if the other party caught him right then?
No matter what, he was already ashamed, and this time the Xu must be humiliated as well.

Hmph, you let me lose so much money so easily, I will never let you get this money so easily.

The treasurer carefully closed the door of the office, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the boss told her to leave. If she continued to stay in the office, she would have a heart attack due to nervousness.

"Sister Liu!"

An employee sitting at the desk yelled at the accountant in a low voice, and at the same time waved cautiously at the other party, as if there was something important.

"What's the matter?" The treasurer walked over and asked in a low voice, and then looked back at the boss's office, afraid that the boss would hear.

"Are movie tickets reported?" the employee asked.

And the few employees around, although they were all looking down at the document, they all listened carefully with their ears pricked up.

Although the boss lost, their ticket money can't be wasted, right?

"The boss didn't say anything." The finance minister replied.

"Didn't say?"

Hearing the financial words, all the surrounding employees couldn't bear it anymore, and they stopped pretending, and looked over one after another, their faces full of doubts, and even a little angry.

I said before that I would reimburse half of the ticket, but now that I have bought the tickets, I didn’t say anything about the half reimbursement. Isn’t this fooling them?
"What did the boss say?" an employee asked unwillingly.

He bought those movie tickets with real money. If he couldn't get even half of them reimbursed, then his loss would be huge. At least one month's rent would be in vain.

"The boss told me to take these waste papers and leave." The finance minister said with a bitter face. Everyone has been scolded by the boss these days, so there is nothing embarrassing to say.

When everyone heard it, it seemed that this time it was the meat bun that beat the dog and never returned.

"Sister Liu, do you think there is such a possibility..." An employee next to him said, "The boss wants you to come back and reimburse everyone?"


Finance directly rolled his eyes.

Is this treating her as mentally retarded?

"Sister Liu, why don't you go in and ask again?" An employee in the distance asked, it was about the money in everyone's pockets, and no one wanted to just waste money like this.

The accountant shook his head quickly when he heard it, "I want to go with you, I won't go anyway." After speaking, he hurriedly walked to the accounting room.

When she thought of the boss's cold face just now, her body trembled with fright, and she went back to ask?Didn't that make her die?
When everyone saw the treasurer leaving, they all showed depressed expressions without exception.

"I guessed it would be like this." In the corner, a male employee sighed softly.

"Stop pretending, you didn't spend much money." Said the female employee next to her.

"Why didn't I spend much money? I bought 150 movie tickets and spent a total of [-]. There are still marks on the tickets." The male employee retorted.

"Tch, don't think I don't know, you are in Blue Star Studios, as long as "The Most Heartwarming" is over, you can exchange Coke and the people who come out for movie tickets..."

"Hush! Keep your voice down!" The male employee's complexion changed, he looked around cautiously, and then asked the female employee in a low voice, "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, of course I saw it with my own eyes." The female employee said proudly.

"Don't tell others, I'll buy you milk tea later." The male employee decided to gag the other party's mouth with milk tea. If the boss finds out about this, why don't they just let him go?
"Don't worry, I'm tight-lipped, but are you tired holding a box of Coke? And the cost of that thing is so high, you might as well go wholesale roses, less than two yuan a flower, couples watching movies are willing Exchange." The female employee said.

"That's right, why didn't I think of that!" The male employee slapped his thigh, then suddenly squinted his eyes and said to the female employee, "No, I went to the nearby Qianda Studio after changing in Blue Star Studios. In the studio, when I went in, I saw some couples holding roses in their hands. At that time, I wondered, it’s not Valentine’s Day, why are you buying roses, could it be you?”

"No, it's not me!" The female employee turned her head quickly, pretending to read the documents, but the red cloud on her cheeks had already betrayed her.


The male employee was speechless.

It turned out that he wasn't the only one who did that, and probably not just the two of them, but this way, he felt relieved.


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