The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 881 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to walk in the mountains

"Boss Xu?"

Just when Xu Jie was thinking hard about how to deal with the difficulties he might encounter with Zheng Guoliang, the drama manager in the group came over.

"Is something wrong?"

Xu Jie looked up and said that the one who owes money these days is the uncle, and the one who asks for the money is the grandson. It seems that this is true.

Obviously he was the winner, Zheng Guoliang lost to him, but in the end it seemed that he owed the other party money, and he had to think about how to deal with the other party.

Alas, celebrities are not good. The problem that can be solved with a single brick has become so complicated now.

"Mr. Xu, didn't you say you would have roast duck for lunch? I wonder how many you plan to order? Where do you order it? Is it you or me? Also, is there any order for today's box lunch?" The drama manager asked several times question.

No way, who asked him to take care of the eating and drinking of the whole crew?
Now let's ask about the lunch matter clearly, so I should contact the hotel immediately, right?
With so many people's meals, it takes a while to prepare.

"Why, you still want to eat roast duck?" Xu Jie asked back.

"No, I don't mean that." The drama manager hurriedly shook his head, and at the same time secretly blamed himself, he was too happy just now, and it was really stupid to ask such a question.

There are 400 or [-] full-time actors who can be called names in the crew, plus group performances, staff, etc., and there are three to [-] people. If you don’t eat box lunches and just eat roast duck, the average roast duck restaurant can’t really roast it. Come out, and there is absolutely no way to get down tens of thousands of meters.

Tens of thousands of dollars for a meal?
That's not the case with Fu Yu's crew.

Just when the drama manager was hesitating whether to leave, I saw Xu Jie looking at the direction of filming and saying: "There are so many people, it seems that there are too few people. In this case, I will order a hundred to make it easy for everyone. Try it, you ask the restaurant to send it over, by the way, it must be a serious roast duck restaurant, not the kind of roadside stall that only sells one for thirty or forty."

The drama manager was taken aback after listening to it.

One hundred?

so much?
He heard Mr. Xu's voice before, and thought that the other party just wanted to order ten or eight for everyone to try something new, but he didn't expect that one mouth would be a hundred.

Based on the calculation of about two hundred ones, one hundred is twenty thousand. As expected of Mr. Xu, just a simple taste has such a big hand. If it is a good product, then why not empty the roast duck shop?
"Mr. Xu, I happen to have the contact number of a roast duck restaurant here, so let them roast it quickly." The drama manager said immediately, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and went to the side to make a call.

Xu Jie looked at the figure of the drama manager on the phone, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Yes, call!

Didn't Zheng Guoliang want to disgust him?Wouldn't it be okay to call the other party directly?When the time comes, report the bank card number, and just wait here for the SMS notification of the account.

If I don't go, what can you do to me?
Thinking of this, Xu Jie also took out his mobile phone, and when he was about to call Zheng Guoliang, he suddenly realized that he did not have the other party's phone number.

However, this did not bother him.

He didn't, but Ye Chu did.

He and Zheng Guoliang met at Ye Chu's movie celebration banquet, and Zheng Guoliang once sent a business card to Ye Chu, inviting him to join the studio.

Xu Jie found Ye Chu's mobile phone number in the address book, and then called the other party.

Speaking of which, the two haven't seen each other for a long time, and they don't know what the other is doing now, whether they are busy with a new movie project.


The phone was connected quickly, and Ye Chu's excited voice rang out from the microphone.

"President Xu, congratulations!"

Apart from being excited, Ye Chu was more in admiration.

Mr. Xu, as a layman in the film and television industry, made a box office of more than 4 million for the first time he directed a film. Such an achievement even makes many professional film and television directors feel ashamed.

The key is that he can not only direct and edit, but also act. There are very few people like this in the film and television industry, and he can't do it anyway.

"Haha, it's nothing, you know me, it's just normal operation." Xu Jie said with a smile: "By the way, what have you been up to lately?"

"A new movie is being made." Ye Chu replied.

He didn't feel that the other party was bragging. After all, compared with Mr. Xu's variety shows that cost [-] to [-] million in naming fees, making a movie and earning [-] million at the box office is really nothing.

"Really? You're not short of money this time, right?" Xu Jie joked.

Since the film "The World" written and directed by the other party has achieved a box office of more than 3000 million, the whole person has become the hot pursuit of many film companies, and they can't wait to poach the other party to their own company immediately. Making movies, and they are all tens of millions, the other party is no longer the little director who went to make movies with 200 million in his hand.

"Oh!" Ye Chu suddenly sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked curiously after hearing this.

"Let's be short-handed." Ye Chu never regarded Xu Jie as an outsider, but as a benefactor, so he continued: "It's okay for the producer to interfere with the casting, and the two leading actors and actresses are willing to add to the play, and there is not a day when they don't. Yes, filming is too difficult, too difficult..."

As soon as Xu Jie heard it, he instantly understood why Ye Chu sighed.

If he guessed correctly, the screenwriter of this movie should also be Ye Chu, otherwise the other party wouldn't care so much about adding scenes.

My own work has been changed beyond recognition, which screenwriter and director would be happy?
And Ye Chu seemed to be holding back for a long time, and he kept talking as soon as he opened his mouth, saying that acting as a heroine can't act, and saying that the management always gave him such and such opinions. The key is that he doesn't think these opinions However, the management insisted on filming in this way, which made him very passive as a director. He felt that the management did not take a fancy to his movies, but his fame.

"Mr. Xu, I especially miss the time when I was filming "The World". No one interfered with my filming, and you were the gatekeeper for me." Ye Chu finally said.

"You, you still have too little experience. This kind of thing is normal in the film and television industry. When you make more movies, you will get used to it." Xu Jie played comfortingly.

What is capital?
Capital is the party that pays.

People have spent so much money investing in making movies, can people not talk about it?
Besides, the one who invests in the film is either the boss or the boss, who is used to bossing around and giving orders in the company, but now they are asked to pay and cannot command, how is it possible?

This is also Xu Jie's cleverness.

To join the entertainment industry?
I do not!

I don't want to listen to others' orders, I just want to order others.

"Maybe." Ye Chu felt much more comfortable after pouring out the bitter water. At this moment, he remembered Mr. Xu's phone call, so he asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you need from me?"

"Well, do you have Zheng Guoliang's mobile phone number? Send it to my mobile phone." Xu Jie talked about business.

"Senior Brother Zheng's phone number? Mr. Xu, why are you looking for him?" Ye Chu asked in surprise. He still hasn't forgotten the conflict between Mr. Xu and Senior Brother Zheng. Join the film industry to make movies, compare the box office with Brother Zheng...

and many more!

Than the box office?
Ye Chu suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Xu, you must be asking Brother Zheng for a bet, right?"

"Yes, now that the movie is released and the results are out, it's time to pick the fruits of victory." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Okay Mr. Xu, I'll send you Brother Zheng's mobile phone number right now, but as far as I know, Brother Zheng is a little narrow-minded, you'd better pay attention when picking the fruits, and don't follow his way " Ye Chu reminded kindly.

In fact, he himself was the victim.

At the beginning, because he did not accept Brother Zheng's invitation, he was rejected by many colleagues in the industry. At first, he didn't know what was going on, thinking that he was not well-known and had just debuted. Later, an old classmate told him secretly.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

If only Sister Man said that Zheng Guoliang's character is problematic, it's fine, but now even the other's fellow disciples say the same, it seems that this person is really not very good.

Not long after Xu Jie hung up the phone, he received a text message from Ye Chu, which contained Zheng Guoliang's mobile phone number and even the address of the studio.

After saving the number, he immediately called the other party.

After a few seconds, the phone connects.


An impatient voice, mixed with a hint of anger, came from the microphone.

Although Xu Jie only had contact with Zheng Guoliang once, he still recognized Zheng Guoliang's voice immediately.

That's right!

"Hello, Director Zheng. I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Zheng Guoliang became even angrier when he heard the words "how's he doing recently?", because everyone in the entertainment industry knew that he was not doing well recently, and he was very bad.

Now that someone asks this question, it's like adding salt to his wounds.

"Who are you?" Zheng Guoliang asked angrily, and was ready to hang up the phone.

"Director Zheng really forgets things so much, you can't even hear my voice. I'm Xu Jie."


Zheng Guoliang was shocked, and then frowned.

Although the voice on the phone sounded a little strange to him, he was very familiar with this name.

He even said that in the past month, he would think of this name many times a day, and then say something that could be easily silenced.

"So it's you, what can you do with me?" Zheng Guoliang asked in a deep voice.

"Director Zheng, you haven't forgotten our competition, have you? Now that your and my movies have been released, and the comprehensive box office data has come out, shouldn't you also be willing to admit defeat and give the bet to What about me? I’ve done the math for you, the combined box office of my movie is 4 million, calculated according to one-tenth, that’s 4372 million, I’ll erase the fraction for you, you’re welcome.” Xu Jie Said loudly.


Zheng Guoliang was so angry that he clenched his fist tightly, veins popped out on the back of his hand, and his two eyes glowed red, all of which were bloodshot.

Although he knew that he had lost more than 4000 million, when this moment really came, he was still surprisingly angry in his heart, and at the same time felt humiliated.

It is a great shame for a well-known director with a professional background to lose to a layman who is a half-way monk and a reporter in terms of box office and ratings.

What's wrong with fans now?Don't even have the most basic judgment ability?
"Director Zheng, Director Zheng? You are such an old director, you don't want to renege on your debt, do you?" Xu Jie saw that the other party hadn't spoken for a long time, so he took the initiative to remind him.

"Who reneged? It's only 4000 million, I can afford to lose." Zheng Guoliang said angrily.

Although his mouth was tough, his heart was bleeding.

That's more than 4000!

In the film industry, directors are not paid as much as actors. Actors often earn tens of millions of dollars, and they can earn back in one or two movies. However, directors' salaries are far different. A few million is already very good.

Of course, after working in this industry for so many years, he still has some savings. Although 4000 million is available, it still hurts a bit.

No, it's a bit traumatic.

There is an old saying: one hundred days of injury.

He didn't know how many hundred days he would have to shoot to earn the money back.

"Haha, I knew that Director Zheng is a straightforward person. In this way, I will give you a bank card number, and you can just transfer the more than 4000 million yuan to my card." Xu Jie then reported a series of numbers, which are the bank card numbers. card number.

"So, don't you plan to come to my studio to get it?" Zheng Guoliang narrowed his eyes, wanting to get the money from him so easily, hmph, it's not that easy.

He had already thought of an idea just now, an idea that allowed the other party to win money, but he couldn't put it in his pocket.

"Director Zheng, don't be joking, how can I get more than 4000 catties for more than 900 million yuan?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

I thought: This person really has no good intentions.

Now that bank transfers are so convenient, and there is no handling fee, how can you withdraw more than 4000 million cash and put it in the office for others to pick up?Is this what people do?

"However, I've already prepared it for you. It's in my studio. If you ask me to transfer the money to you now, I won't be able to transfer it in a while. Of course, if you can wait, then I don't mind sending you the money again." It may take more time to save this money." Zheng Guoliang said slowly, and it is not difficult to hear from the speed of his speech that the so-called extra time is definitely not a day or two.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that Zheng Guoliang must be disgusting with him, and he even thought of the reason for refusing to transfer the money.


God knows how long it will take.

Moreover, the person surnamed Zheng obviously didn't want to hand over the money to him without hesitation, just like Sister Man said, if he agreed to wait, wouldn't it just be in the way of the other party?
"Since Director Zheng is ready, fine, then I'll go get it now." Xu Jie said.

The soldiers came to block the water and cover it with earth. No matter what, the other party lost the money to him. He is a winner, and can he be frightened by his defeated generals?Those who didn't know thought he was afraid of the other party.

Now even if he knows that there are tigers in the mountains, he still wants to go to the tiger mountains.

He is going to be Wu Song today!

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