The phone hangs up.

Zheng Guoliang, who was still full of contempt one moment, became flustered the next moment.

What I said just now, "The money is ready, and it's in the studio", is actually a bluff. He is coming now, what should he do with this?

More than 400 million, that is not a small amount, even if you call the bank, it is not easy to send it in a short time.

How to do it?

Zheng Guoliang rubbed his forehead with his hands, then suddenly grabbed the phone on the table and dialed the company's financial account.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"You should contact the bank immediately and take out all the money in the company's account and send it to the meeting room. It must be done within an hour." Zheng Guoliang said in a hurry.


After the finance minister heard it, he was stunned on the spot.

Although the company does not have a lot of money on the books, only a few million, such large withdrawals usually require an appointment in advance. For a refund of [-] steps, even if the withdrawal is possible, the bank must make preparations?One hour, but also sent to the company, isn't this a problem for people?Even if you pass all the money through the counters, it will take an hour.

"Ah what? Go do it!" Zheng Guoliang yelled loudly, if he ruined his affairs and made him lose face in front of that surnamed Xu, he must be fired.

"Boss, you need to make an appointment two working days in advance to withdraw large amounts of cash. If you need it urgently, you can transfer the money." The accountant said in a low voice.

"Nonsense, if I can transfer the money, I will still use you to withdraw cash?" Zheng Guoliang said angrily, but he also knew that this matter was not financial incompetence, but the bank's regulations, and it was useless to scold the financial department, so he said: " You go to the bank and withdraw as much as you can.”

"Yes, yes!" The accountant responded repeatedly, and at the same time thought: The boss's mental state has become more and more abnormal recently.

Zheng Guoliang hung up the phone, then picked up his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers. This is the mobile phone number of a bank manager, and he is a VIP customer of this bank.

"Mr. Zheng, hello."

After the phone was connected, a man's voice sounded from inside.

"Manager Zhou, I need to withdraw 400 million yuan in cash for urgent use. Can you arrange it for me immediately, the sooner the better." Zheng Guoliang said.

"Ah? Mr. Zheng, why are you withdrawing so much cash all at once? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Manager Zhou asked hastily. It had been a long time since he had met anyone who asked to withdraw so much cash.

Zheng Guoliang was embarrassed to say that he lost more than 4000 million to others, so he thought for a while and said: "Giving rewards to employees, using cash can more arouse employees' enthusiasm for work."

"Oh, that's the way it is. It's just that Mr. Zheng, you need to make an appointment in advance to withdraw large amounts of cash like yours. If you want it right away, our bank really can't get that much out. Why don't you wait a few days before giving it to the staff?" Rewards? For example, the [-]nd and [-]rd next month are good days." Manager Zhou said.

At the end of each month, the bank deposits have to be rushed to cope with the inspection of the regulatory authorities. It is too unfriendly for him, the bank manager, to suddenly withdraw so much cash at this time. …

When Zheng Guoliang heard that Manager Zhou's words were the same as his own accountant's, he immediately frowned, and became more anxious in his heart.

You know, the person surnamed Xu can come during the conversation, if he can't make up 430 during this period, won't he be ridiculed and ridiculed by the other party?
It's hard to be exposed to a lie in person.

"Manager Zhou, I really need it urgently. Can you help me? It's okay to temporarily transfer some from other branches of your bank." Zheng Guoliang said anxiously.

"Mr. Zheng, I really can't give you so much cash at once. This is our bank's regulation, and you should know it. Well, I'll make an exception and prepare 100 million for you. How about it? You can come and pick it up now." Manager Zhou said, he didn't want to make too much noise and lose this big celebrity client.

Zheng Guoliang immediately rolled his eyes after hearing this.


Not even a fraction is enough.

When I first saved money, I said that it was a hype, but now that I withdraw money, I can't do this, and I can't do that.

"Okay, I'll go get it right away." Zheng Guoliang gritted his teeth and said, something is better than nothing, one million counts as one million, the accumulation of less makes more.

The call ended, but his troubles did not end.

It took more than 4000 million to make up 100 million, which is equivalent to just walking to Wuzhishan to learn the scriptures from the West. There is still a long way to go before passing this hurdle.

How to do it?

Zheng Guoliang once again fell into deep distress.

Cash is rarely used these days.

Large transactions can be directly transferred, and small transactions can be directly scanned. Who would keep so much cash at home when they are free?The thieves who came to the door couldn't steal any money, so they took alcohol and cigarettes instead.

and many more!

High... credit company!
Zheng Guoliang suddenly thought of a person who not only had a lot of cash in hand, but could also send it over in a short time, but the interest was a bit high.

However, in order to deal with that surnamed Xu, I can't control so much now. Besides, more than 4000 million have already been lost, and there are still a few days' interest left?
Thinking of this, Zheng Guoliang turned on his phone and began to search in the address book.

In his line of work, people from all walks of life will know some of them, and they may be able to use them at any time, just like now, is he short of money?There is no shortage, but isn't this useful?

After he found the number, he immediately called the other party, but he was a little worried. Although these people are quite capable, more than 4000 million in cash is not a small amount, and he doesn't know if he can take it out.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hello, is this Mr. Wang from Tongxin Credit Company? I'm Zheng Guoliang, do you remember me?" Zheng Guoliang asked.

He had a few times when he was in urgent need of capital turnover, and he borrowed it from this person at that time, but it was two or three years ago, and he didn't know if the other party still remembered him.

"Director Zheng, how could I forget you? You haven't contacted me for so long, I thought you forgot me." President Wang said with a smile.

People like these celebrities and stars are all his high-quality customers, because when lending money to these people, they never have to worry about turning into bad debts. …

Zheng Guoliang understood that now is not the time to talk about family matters, so he said straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, it is like this. I urgently need a large sum of cash, about 400 million, and it must be delivered to my work within half an hour." Room, can you do it?"

"No problem, isn't it just 400 million? I'll arrange it right away and deliver it to you in person. I won't raise the interest for you, so I'll keep the original rate." Mr. Wang said generously.

"Mr. Wang, it's like this. I have money, but the bank can't take out that much cash in a short time. After you come, we will go to the bank in the afternoon. I will transfer the money to you in person. Do you think it's okay?" Zheng Guoliang asked.

"Ah? So that's the case, but Director Zheng, you should know that no matter how many days you borrow from me, it must be counted from one week at least. That is to say, if you transfer it to me now, it is also a week's interest, and it will be transferred to me a week later. , is also a week's interest." Mr. Wang reminded.

He is a businessman, and of course a businessman must put making money first, and he will never do anything that does not make money.

"Okay, it will be counted as a week." Zheng Guoliang gritted his teeth and said.

If he can make this call, he is not afraid of paying high interest.

"Director Zheng, in fact, there is no need to rush to return it. You can use it as long as you want, and we are with each other." Mr. Wang said with a smile, showing a deep friendship.

After Zheng Guoliang heard it, he murmured in his heart: Of course you want the time to be longer, the longer the time, the more interest you will get.

The most depressing thing is that he still has to say thank you.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

After the phone call, Zheng Guoliang breathed a sigh of relief, then put on his coat and left the company.

On the way to the bank, he made several calls in a row. These people were all reporters he was familiar with, including magazine reporters and website reporters.

And the reason why he did this was to embarrass that Xu.

Without the presence of reporters, how would the outside world know what was going to happen next?
When he arrived at the bank, he put 100 million in cash into the car, then stepped on the accelerator and drove back.

Part of the money in the box is that Xu, and the other part can just be used to pay interest.

When Zheng Guoliang returned to the company, Mr. Wang had already arrived, with more than a dozen people beside him, each carrying a [-]-inch suitcase in their hands.

No need to ask, it must be full of banknotes.

All the employees in the studio were frightened by such a scene, because these people who suddenly appeared in the studio were not only very strong, but also tall and fierce, scaring the little girl at the front desk so pale that she didn't dare to say a word , In such a short time, I went to the bathroom two or three times.

"Director Zheng, everything is ready, where should I put it?" The leading man took off his sunglasses and came to Zheng Guoliang.

Turning cash into demand deposits can cost hundreds of thousands in one hand. This business has been done before.

"follow me."

Zheng Guoliang waved his hand and led the way.

When he came to the meeting room, he directed Mr. Wang's people to put the money in the box directly on the meeting table.

He didn't use the banknote counter to transfer money. First, it was a waste of time. Second, Mr. Wang's business pays the most attention to credibility. If someone finds out that he used fake money in it, who would dare to borrow it in the future? …

The 37 stacks of banknotes, plus the [-] stacks freshly taken out from the bank, piled up a hill in the conference room, which looked extraordinarily spectacular.

"Director Zheng, then I won't bother you. Goodbye." Mr. Wang said with a smile, and at the same time picked up the suitcase that Zheng Guoliang handed over. These are interest, so don't make it too easy.

"Well, please trouble Mr. Wang." Zheng Guoliang said.

Although he was very polite in his mouth, he was very depressed in his heart. Hundreds of thousands were lost just like that, just in line with the sentence: I want to save face and suffer.

Not long after, reporters also came to Zheng Guoliang's studio one after another.

"Director Zheng, why did you call us here suddenly?" A female reporter in her early thirties asked curiously.

"Yes, Director Zheng!"

"You don't want to be fooled anymore!"

Others chimed in.

Asking on the phone without telling, it's so secretive, even if it's a new movie launch, there's no need to keep it so secret, right?
"Don't worry, everyone, listen to me slowly."

Zheng Guoliang changed his seriousness and meanness when he treated employees, and showed a warm and friendly smile on his face when facing reporters.

Whether the person surnamed Xu will be scolded, denounced and resisted, whether his plan can be realized depends on the ability of these reporters, and he also prepared gifts for these reporters, just for those who are writing reports Time can add fuel and vinegar, and severely criticize that surnamed Xu.

"Everyone is my friend of Zheng Guoliang, so I will not hide it. The thing is like this. I believe everyone has heard the rumors that Xu Jie and I competed for the box office of the movie. This time, I Zheng Guoliang Inadvertently, I lost to him, and the bet is one-tenth of the box office. I have already prepared the money, and Xu Jie will come to collect it later, so I hope everyone can be a witness..."


Before Zheng Guoliang finished speaking, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

He opened the door of the small conference room dissatisfied, looked at the employees standing outside, and asked angrily, "What's the matter, don't you see that I'm busy?"

"Boss, Xu Jie is here." The employee whispered.

Zheng Guoliang was taken aback, it was a coincidence that he came here.

"You tell him to wait, I'll go there right away." Zheng Guoliang quickly closed the door, and continued to the reporters in the room: "Although I lost the money to him, I think that if he takes the money The wanton squandering of money, I am really sorry for the money. As an old filmmaker and a person who has developed the film industry, I sincerely hope that he can use this money for the development of the industry, otherwise it will violate the principle of my competition with him. The original intention failed to live up to the trust and entrustment of an old filmmaker to him."

"Director Zheng, we understand." A male reporter said.

"Don't worry, Director Zheng, we know how to report." The female reporter who asked the question before also said.

The other reporters also nodded.

Everyone is a smart person, and even if they don't say it in detail or directly, they all understand what's going on.

Isn't it because you lost the money, you are not convinced, and you don't want to see the lost money being taken away by Xu Jie?What about the development of the film industry, and how about messing around with a room full of smart people?

"That's good. I'm really sorry that you came here because of me in your busy schedule. I have prepared some small gifts for you. Don't forget to take them when you leave." Zheng Guoliang said with a smile. …

This can be regarded as an unwritten rule. If you want a reporter to write a good report, gifts are essential.

Isn't there such a sentence?Cannibals have short mouths and short hands.

If you take his things, can you not write news according to his wishes?

"Director Zheng, you are too polite."

"Yes, I'm so sorry."

The reporters also became polite.

"Then what, Xu Jie is already here, I'll go first, Xiao Zhang, take all the reporters and friends to wait for me outside the big conference room." Zheng Guoliang left the small conference room after finishing speaking.

When he walked out of the office area, he saw that surnamed Xu leaning on the table from a distance, chatting with the female staff at the front desk, and talking and laughing, the face of the funny female receptionist was flushed.

Zheng Guoliang's face darkened in an instant, it's unreasonable to forget the money he won, and to come to moles his female employees.

But looking back, it seems that I let the other party come here.

Depressed, suffered another dumb loss.

Zheng Guoliang walked over, and said with a half smile: "President Xu, you came so fast!"

"Haha, Director Zheng, who doesn't move fast when he has money?" Xu Jie said with a smile, if it wasn't for the severe speed limit on the road from the film and television base to the city, he would have made the engine smoke.

At worst, get another one.

Rich is self-willed.

"Hehe, that's exactly what you said." Zheng Guoliang curled his lips, thinking: Take it?Wait and see how you take it.

"By the way, Director Zheng, where's the money?" Xu Jie asked while looking around.

"So much money, it definitely can't be placed here. Why, Mr. Xu came alone today?" Zheng Guoliang said and looked at the front desk, who nodded immediately when he saw it, and Zheng Guoliang smiled immediately after receiving it , "Mr. Xu, if you really came here alone, you might not be able to move the money today."

"It's okay, when the move is over, Director Zheng won't drive me away?" Xu Jie asked.

"Haha, how could it be? Mr. Xu, come with me." Zheng Guoliang turned around and walked into the office area without losing money.

Xu Jie followed behind Zheng Guoliang. This was his first visit to Zheng Guoliang's studio, and he couldn't help looking around.

The office area is very large, but there are not many people. There are a dozen or so people here and there, but Zheng Guoliang can be recruited into the studio.

Passing through a corridor, suddenly eight or nine people appeared in front of him.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Xu Jie was obviously very different from the people he saw in the office area just now.

Those people in the office area were all cautious and didn't dare to look up when they looked at him, while the people in front of them were all smiling, and there was even a little expectation in their eyes.

These people should not be employees here!
Xu Jie came to a conclusion in his heart.

The boss loses money, as an employee, he must be extra careful, how can he be gloating, isn't that short-sighted?
"Mr. Xu, these are the friends from the media I invited. You don't mind to be a witness for the handover later, do you?" Zheng Guoliang looked at Xu Jie with a half-smile and asked.


Xu Jie narrowed his eyes. Since he is a witness, he should find some respected people in the entertainment industry. Why are some media here?
Want to watch the fun?

Besides, losing money is a shameful thing, but this Zheng Guoliang called so many media, obviously he wanted to write something.

Write what?

Certainly not about losing money.

Isn't that like lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?

Besides, how can you expose your own shortcomings?

Unless you lose too much, get stimulated, and become stupid.

However, Zheng Guoliang at this moment does not look stupid.

Xu Jie cast his eyes on Zheng Guoliang, and he became more vigilant. It seems that the other party not only wanted to disgust him today, but also made him look ugly in front of the reporters, so that everyone in the entertainment industry would know.

This old lamp...

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