The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 883 This is called pattern!

"It turned out to be a friend from the media. No wonder I felt very kind in my heart when I saw you just now. I was born as a media reporter. We are all colleagues. Thank you for coming today to report the results of the competition between me and Director Zheng." Witness." Xu Jie looked at the nine reporters present with a smile on his face, without worries or concerns.

As a media person, how could he be intimidated by the media people?

When the reporters heard this, they were all ready to be Zheng Guoliang's "thugs", but now that Mr. Xu said this, they immediately felt that the relationship with the other party was much closer.

"President Xu, you are too polite."

"That's right, don't think we're in the way."

Everyone responded.

When Zheng Guoliang saw this situation, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily, wondering who were these reporters with?Do you need to be so polite to this Xu guy?Could it be that you want to paralyze the other party?Yes, it must be so.

"Everyone, since everyone has arrived, let's go in for the handover." Zheng Guoliang pointed to the large conference room on the side, opened the door and walked in first.

As one of the protagonists of the incident, Xu Jie was naturally the second to enter.

As for the rest of the media reporters, there is no order, no priority, whoever is closest to the door will go first.

When everyone walked into the conference room and saw the scene inside, they were stunned, and the screams of "Wow" and "Wow" were endless.

This is a very shocking picture.

I saw bundles of red bills piled up on the conference table, which seemed to be more than half a meter high and five or six meters long, like a wall made of money, very spectacular, and even felt that there was nothing in the air. It smells like money.

The reporters opened their eyes one by one, some were surprised, some were excited. It's not that they haven't seen money, but they really haven't seen so much money.

Although Xu Jie was mentally prepared, when he saw so much money, he was also stunned... Is the Zheng surname sick?No need for good bank transfers, so much cash has to be moved into the office to build walls, isn't it tiring!

"So much money is here. If you know that Director Zheng lost to me, if you don't know, you may think that we are making a movie here." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Then he walked to the wall of money and picked up a bundle, which was quite heavy.

"All four thousand, four, three, and seventy thousand are here. Do you want Mr. Xu to count them? There is a saying in the bank: I am not responsible for leaving the cabinet. The same is true here. It happens that the media friends are all here. Don't turn around and say that there is something wrong with my money. , I will not be responsible at that time." Zheng Guoliang said in a strange way.

This was the first problem he posed to the opponent.

If the other party wants to count and check, I'm sorry, he doesn't have a money counter here, so he counts and checks slowly, more than 400 million, enough to count for a few days.

If the other party doesn't want to count or test, I'm sorry, no, today must be counted and tested, you can trust me, but I can't trust you, what should I do if I turn around and spread rumors to ruin my reputation?
"Oh, what do you count? Director Zheng's character is well-known and obvious to all in the circle. Director Zheng started preparing the money for me before the movie was released and knew that he would definitely lose. , I believe in Director Zheng, and I don't need Director Zheng to take any responsibility, and friends from the media present can be a witness." Xu Jie said.

The reporters around couldn't help but want to laugh when they heard it. What do you mean: the movie hasn't been released yet, and you know you will definitely lose?

Isn't this a run on people?
Zheng Guoliang on the side was gnashing his teeth angrily, wishing he could raise his hand and slap the other party.

Run on who?

Can you speak?

For the sake of the other party getting into the trap he designed, he endured it this time.

"That's not okay, you trust me, but I don't trust you, what if you deliberately spread rumors to destroy my name?" Zheng Guoliang said the lines he designed.

"Director Zheng, I know you don't believe me, otherwise you wouldn't have so many friends from the media as witnesses, but now that all the witnesses are present, you are still worried. Doesn't this mean that you don't believe the witnesses?" Xu Jay said seriously.

Zheng Guoliang was shocked all over, sweating coldly.

This, isn't this trying to provoke the relationship between him and his friends in the media?
Zheng Guoliang quickly turned his head to look at the media reporter next to him, and explained: "No, everyone, don't listen to him. You were invited by me. How could I not believe you? I'm worried that he doesn't believe you, so I will excuse you later. You're with me to throw dirty water on me."

"Director Zheng, we know what you mean."

"Yes, we won't misunderstand you." The reporters said one after another, but they felt that Zheng Guoliang's handling of this matter was not safe.

To testify is to testify, and they are even involved. If you say it nicely, you call it a helper, but if you put it badly, you call it using them as gunmen.

In fact, it’s okay to be a gunman. Media reporters are guns. It’s normal to be used by others, but they don’t do things well enough.

Zheng Guoliang's face turned blue and purple, very ugly, the reporter invited today was too failed, no, it's not that the plan was too failed, but the enemy was too cunning.

"Mr. Xu, it's getting late, so hurry up and count, or you won't be able to finish counting any later." Zheng Guoliang urged.


Xu Jie sighed deeply, shook his head and said: "I believe in Director Zheng so much, but I didn't expect that Director Zheng didn't believe me. I had my heart for Mingyue, but Mingyue shines in the ditch. Well, to make Director Zheng feel at ease, I will count. "

After he finished speaking, he didn't go to get the money, but took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

"You, what are you doing?" Zheng Guoliang asked suspiciously, thinking: Could it be that you are looking for help?
"Shaking people!" Xu Jie said to Zheng Guoliang in a simple and clear manner. After the phone was connected, he just said a word, "Come on." Then he hung up the phone.

All, all come up?
Zheng Guoliang frowned. If he understood correctly, what he said meant not only that the other party brought people here, but also brought a lot of people.

It turned out that the other party did not come alone.

However, bringing someone along is nothing more than bringing the cashier of the company over. As for other people... the other people are slow, and they can't distinguish between true and false when counting money. More than 4000 million in cash is enough for the cashier and this surname. Xu has been counting for a while.

Soon, Zheng Guoliang's cell phone rang too. He looked at the caller ID, then connected the phone, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, five people came outside, saying that Mr. Xu asked them to come up." The front desk said.

Zheng Guoliang was startled.

Five people?
Are there so many cashiers in Jingshi Culture Communication Company?

This number was more than he had imagined, and he thought there were at most two or three.

Could it be that the finance and accountants are also called?

Well, it's possible.

"Bring them into the conference room." Zheng Guoliang ordered, and then hung up the phone.

So what if five people come?

On average, each person has to count nearly [-] stacks, and it is already very good to be able to count before dark.

In less than 2 minutes, there was a knock on the door outside the conference room. Xu Jie opened the door, only to see the little sister who was chatting with him at the front desk just now came in with five people in uniform.

"Count all the money here, and then pretend to take it away." Xu Jie said.

"Alright Mr. Xu." The leading middle-aged woman said with a smile, while directing the other four to start working.

I saw a few people open the suitcase, take out the banknote counter from inside, and then unpack the whole bundle of money on the table. The speed is not lost at all to the money counter.

Zheng Guoliang, who was standing beside him, stared straight at him.

I have seen people who count money quickly, but I have never seen someone who counts money so fast. Compared with ordinary people, one is like ten, so professional.

A professional is like a bank teller...

and many more!

"These people are..." Zheng Guoliang couldn't help asking Xu Jie, wanting to confirm his guess.

"People from the bank." Xu Jie said truthfully.


Zheng Guoliang was stunned.

Although he had doubts just now, he didn't expect it to be true.

This person surnamed Xu actually asked someone from the bank to ask for money?

This, doesn't this mean looking for foreign aid?
Foul, foul in the eye.

Seeing Zheng Guoliang's dumbfounded look, Xu Jie said, "Such a lot of cash must not be kept at home, so I found a bank on the way here and asked about deposits. When I know that I have 4000 When there was more than [-] in cash, the manager Chen immediately said that he could provide door-to-door service. In addition to these tellers, there is also a cash truck outside. The service is really thoughtful. Director Zheng, if you need to save money in the future, you must save This bank."

Zheng Guoliang looked at Xu Jie, then at the teller, and finally at the cash on the table. He didn't know what to say.

He worked so hard to borrow so much cash just to torment this Xu, but now it's good, he directly helps the other party become a bank VIP.


It is difficult to withdraw money, but it is not easy to save money?
Zheng Guoliang clenched his fist, and the plan was cracked by the opponent again.

No, you can't just be taken away by the other party so easily.

It seems that we have to use the last resort.

"Mr. Xu, although I lost the money to you, I still want to ask, how do you plan to use the money?" Zheng Guoliang asked.

He stopped playing, and he was going to directly attack the opponent.

"How to use it..." Xu Jie thought after hearing this and said: "Although this money is not too much for me, it is not too little. I am going to use this money well. Isn't there a saying? Good steel To be used wisely, the money must be spent in a valuable and meaningful way..."

Xu Jie talked on and on for a long time, and mentioned money several times, but he just didn't mention what it was used for, and brought the nonsense literature to the extreme.

And the more the other party wants to know, the more he doesn't say anything, this old lamp is so anxious to death!

Zheng Guoliang was already impatient to hear this, this was his last big move, how could he allow Fang Hu to get past him?

"Mr. Xu, do you want to improve your life, buy a house or a car, or go out to play with Su Yun, buy a watch or a bag?" Zheng Guoliang asked with a smile, seemingly caring, but in fact he was giving the other party a favor. As long as the other party said something, he would immediately stand on the moral high ground and educate the other party with dignity.

When the surrounding reporters heard Zheng Guoliang's words, they couldn't help but straighten their bodies, and their eyes shifted from the banknote in the bank teller's hand to Xu Jie's body.

They knew that Zheng Guoliang was about to make trouble, and a good show was about to be staged.

According to what was said at the briefing meeting before, they will also fan the flames and fuel the flames, but they don't know how President Xu will answer.

Xu Jie squinted his eyes and looked at Zheng Guoliang. It was as expected by Sister Man. Fortunately, Sister Man reminded him.
Dig a hole and want me to jump in it?
No way!
"Director Zheng, from what you said, it seems that you don't know me well. Is the car I drive not good enough? Is the room I live in not big enough? There are also watches and bags. It seems that I don't have the money. It’s like you can’t afford it,” Xu Jie said.

"Oh? Then how do you plan to spend it?" Zheng Guoliang continued to ask.

"How to spend it? Buying a house, a car, a watch, and a bag are all too small. As I said just now, the money must be spent meaningfully."

When Xu Jie said this, he deliberately glanced at the expectant media reporters beside him, seeing that everyone was listening carefully, so he continued:

"Actually, regarding the competition you provoked, I didn't want to challenge it at first, but some of the status quo in the film industry made me very worried. Some people are blindly arrogant after a little achievement, and don't let others go. In my eyes, look down on this, look down on that, the reason why I challenged is not for money, but to let these people know, don't underestimate anyone, even a newcomer, even the so-called layman in your mouth, you can shoot Make movies that the audience likes..."

Xu Jiekang spoke impassionedly, and the media reporters present were excited, and they wished to join the tide of filming.

"So, in order for the film industry to develop better and better, and to add some fresh blood to the film industry and allow more people with lofty ideals to join the film industry, I am going to launch a newcomer in the name of Jingshi Culture Communication Company. The director support plan, discovers newcomers, trains newcomers, supports newcomers, provides opportunities for new directors to make movies, and helps them realize their dreams, and today's 430 million will all be invested in this plan."

As the voice fell, the meeting room immediately burst into warm applause.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The reporters around applauded Mr. Xu's words.

What is this called?
This is called pattern.

Not only are they not going to spend a penny, but they are also going to use it to support the development of the film industry and support new directors. How can people be dissatisfied with this kind of mind and attitude?
Looking at Zheng Guoliang on the other side, not to mention bullying laymen, but still not convinced after losing, wanting to borrow this money to embarrass Xu Jie, is simply a villain through and through.

Put these two people together, no need to compare, just compare and judge.

Zheng Guoliang was already in a daze.

New Director Support Program?

So much money is all invested in this plan?
This person, is this person crazy?Still think money is hot?

If such a plan is launched in the name of an individual or an individual company, it can be regarded as a kind of personal investment, and the money made by investing in newcomers to make movies in the future belongs to this person.

However, the other party actually launched this plan in the name of Jingshi Culture. You must know that Jingshi Culture is a public company, not Xu Jie's company alone. The other party has invested more than 4000 million in this plan. Have you confiscated the money?
The most important thing is that he can't find a reason to attack the other party.

Who to attack?
The other party himself?

People have already spent money to support the development of the film, how to attack?

Attack on Beijing Television Culture?

Behind Jingshi Culture is Jingcheng Radio and Television Station. Doesn't attacking it mean asking for death?Are you still staying in the circle of the capital in the future?

Zheng Guoliang stood motionless on the spot, as if he had been cast with a holding spell, but both sides of his face were flushed and he was holding back.

He tried his best to dig a big hole with great difficulty. He had already picked up the shovel, and he was waiting for the other party to jump in. The person was buried, and even his own waist was flashed. A lot of accusations and criticisms of the other party were all held back in his mouth. Can you not blush?
He looked at the young man with a tangled expression, unable to think about anything.

How did this kid donate so much money?
Are you stupid?
Of course, Xu Jie was not stupid for doing this.

First of all, he really does not lack this little money. He has already earned a lot from investing in movies and TV dramas. Instead of keeping this bomb, it is better to get some reputation for himself.

Secondly, when the money is invested in this new director's project, there is no doubt that he will manage the money in the end, how to spend it, where to spend it, and what to do with it, it is still up to him to decide.

Thirdly, it is just right to take advantage of this opportunity to make a good publicity for Jingshi Culture and attract some outstanding talents for the company.

As the vice president of the company, he now feels more and more that the company has too few talents in film and television, and there is not even a person who can direct a movie independently. Even if the creative department can come up with a good script, no one can. What's the use of standing up and taking pictures?
If we can attract some excellent talents and good projects through this new director support plan this time, even if these people don't join Beijing Television Culture, it can be regarded as a good investment, and then we can attract the company of my brother-in-law , Don't you have another chance to make money?Even if you earn two out of ten, you can't lose as a whole.

Moreover, is the money spent for nothing?

Of these new directors who supported him, which one should not be grateful to him?
As the old saying goes: icing on the cake is everywhere, but there is nothing like giving charcoal in the snow.

This can be regarded as a timely gift, right?
Once someone really comes out one day in the future, he will ask the other party to make a movie, so that's okay?At that time, the other party will not be grateful to Dade for taking pictures for him?

To put it bluntly, it is to use the money to make long-term investments, not only in movies, but also in people.

"My fellow journalists!"

Xu Jie turned to face the media, got rid of Zheng Guoliang, now it's time to get rid of these media.

"If we want to do this well, we can't do without your support, so I hope everyone can publicize this new director support plan for our Jingshi culture, so that more new directors who lack investment will know about this. With you Only by promoting this matter can it be done well and become bigger, I am here to thank you all." Xu Jie bowed after finishing speaking.

When the reporters saw that they still had the opportunity to play a role in such a great plan, they immediately rushed to express their opinions as if they had been beaten to death.

"Mr. Xu, this is a good thing for you. After I go back, I will definitely publicize it for you."

"That's right, I want to write a long novel, at least a thousand words or more."

"Must be the headline!"


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