The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 884 People in Focus

Zheng Guoliang looked at Xu Jie, who was surrounded by reporters like stars holding the moon, and was so angry that his clenched fists were shaking uncontrollably.

The guy surnamed Xu came up with a support plan for new directors, not to mention for the time being, what happened to these reporters?Did you forget who invited them here?
Also, it was clearly stated before, that the person surnamed Xu must be severely disgusted. Everyone also expressed their understanding and comprehension, but what are they doing now?Are you ready to sing the praises of Xu?
Do you still want a gift?

"Cough cough!"

Zheng Guoliang couldn't stand it anymore, and coughed a few times on purpose to show his presence.

However, these reporters were so enthusiastic that they rushed to ask Xu Jie questions, but they never heard or noticed that Zheng Guoliang was coughing.

Is the cough news?


But Mr. Xu's support plan for new directors of JingTV Culture is news.

As a media person, as a reporter, of course everyone should care about those influential events. Unless he coughs up blood, who cares about whether a celebrity coughs or not?
When Zheng Guoliang saw that no one was paying attention to him, a mouthful of old blood almost spewed out of his mouth.

The box office was not as good as that of the one surnamed Xu, and he lost more than 4000 million yuan.

He looked to the left, and then to the right. On the one hand, there were the sound of the reporters chasing after him, and on the other, the sound of bank tellers and money counters counting money. His head was about to explode.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet!" Zheng Guoliang yelled at the reporters: "Don't delay the bank tellers counting the money, okay? If there's anything wrong, can't you ask later?"

The reporters only noticed Zheng Guoliang at this time. After seeing the livid face of the other party, they finally realized something, so they stopped asking.

Of course, they didn't feel that their actions just now were wrong.

What did Director Zheng say before?

I don't want to see Mr. Xu squandering the money recklessly. I hope Mr. Xu will use the money for the development of the industry.

And now?

Mr. Xu donated everything, didn't he squander it?Launched a support plan for new directors, will it be used in the development of the industry?

Everything Mr. Xu has done has now fulfilled Director Zheng's wish, so how can they let these reporters fan the flames and make things difficult for Mr. Xu?Embarrassing Mr. Xu at this time is really contrary to Director Zheng's original intention.

Therefore, they cannot be blamed for being too enthusiastic about Mr. Xu.

"Manager Chen, how long will it take to count the money?" Xu Jie asked the bank manager at the side.

"If it's 430 according to what you said, it should be able to count in five hours." Manager Chen said while counting, the movements in his hands did not stop at all.

Xu Jie looked back at the time. It was already 11 o'clock, and five hours later it would be 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The bank was not closed at that time, and there was still time to deposit it in the bank.

"Manager Chen, I'm going to order some takeaway for you, what do you want to eat?" Xu Jie asked.

In fact, this manager Chen was not found by him on the way, but the cooperative bank he contacted through the company's finances. Now it is indeed thanks to these people, otherwise he alone would have counted the years of the dog.

"Mr. Xu, don't bother. Before I left, I told my colleagues to come and deliver lunch at noon." Manager Chen said after hearing this.

Jingshi Culture Company is a big customer of their bank, so shouldn't it be a small favor?Not to mention saving money.

Not to mention more than 4000 million, even if it is [-] million, they are willing to count.

Xu Jie didn't know if the bank had any regulations on staff eating, so he didn't say anything more, turned around and looked at the media reporters aside, and said, "Dear reporters, you have heard that there are still five hours to count, and now I will It's noon, let's have a simple work meal to deal with it first. By the way, at 7 o'clock in the evening this Friday, we, Jingshi Culture, will hold a celebration banquet for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", and we will officially announce it at that time The new director support plan, I hope everyone can go, the location is Wanhe Hotel next door to our Jingshi Culture."

When the reporters heard it, their eyes lit up.

Celebration feast?
It will be very lively then, maybe we can see movie starring actors, like Su Yun, Liu Qing, Fang Yi, Ding Mengni, and Liu Jiaman.

Mr. Xu, interesting enough!
"Thank you Mr. Xu for the invitation."

"We will definitely go then."


Everyone is very happy, but there is only one person who is not happy, and that is Zheng Guoliang.

The celebration banquet of "Lover in Time and Space"?Isn't this equivalent to his Tucao conference?The competition between him and Xu Jie is known to everyone in the film and television industry, and the people who will be present at that time will definitely complain about him crazily.

It's over, and his fame in the first life is likely to be destroyed in one fell swoop.

The biggest laughing stock in the film and television industry this year will undoubtedly be him.

Zheng Guoliang really wanted to ask Xu Jie: Can we not have a celebration banquet... But the self-esteem of the famous director told him that he must never bow his head to that Xu.

"Director Zheng!" Xu Jie suddenly looked at Zheng Guoliang, and said sincerely: "Without you, I, Xu Jie, would not be where I am today, so I am very grateful to you, and you must go this Friday."


The corner of Zheng Guoliang's mouth twitched involuntarily. Is this to thank him?Clearly, he was pouring salt into his wounds.

Intuit does not talk about martial arts!

"I'm very busy and don't have time." Zheng Guoliang refused coldly.

"Oh, that's such a pity." Xu Jie sighed deeply, his face full of disappointment.

The reporters around couldn't help laughing secretly, Director Zheng definitely shot himself in the foot this time.

Zheng Guoliang looked viciously at Xu Jie who was ordering takeaway with his mobile phone, as if he wanted to eat him as if he was taking takeaway.

'Want to bribe the reporter I invited?There are no doors. '

Zheng Guoliang made a phone call and called the secretary over, and then the two walked to the corner, muttering softly.

"Little Jiang, go downstairs and buy some pizza and milk tea and bring them here. These media reporters will each have a copy."

"Good boss."

The assistant hurriedly left the conference room.

Zheng Guoliang stared at Xu Jie with a sneer, waiting to see whether these media reporters would eat his pizza and milk tea, or the other party's work meal.

The restaurant is downstairs, so Secretary Jiang Yang quickly returned to the meeting room with food.

"Friends from the press, this is the pizza and milk tea from a restaurant downstairs in our company. It is very famous around here. Please try it while it's hot." Zheng Guoliang said enthusiastically, and handed the pizza and milk tea to the reporter's room with his own hands. before.

The guy surnamed Xu wanted these reporters to help with publicity, so he had to stop them and ask these reporters to write less, or even not to write about what happened here today, and resolutely not let the other party get the limelight in the film and television circle.

When the reporters saw it, they immediately knew what Zheng Guoliang was up to. He clearly wanted to buy them off with pizza and milk tea.

Eat, Mr. Xu is on the side.

If you don't eat, Zheng Guoliang is here to stare.

After much deliberation, everyone felt that this was Zheng Guoliang's studio, and then thought that Mr. Xu ordered a work meal, and finally ate pizza and milk tea.

Zheng Guoliang looked proud when he saw it.

As the old saying goes: Cannibals are short-mouthed, but short-handed.

In addition, he ordered pizza and milk tea, which were much better than work meals. These reporters' attitudes should not be inclined to him?
Not long after, Xu Jie received a call from the delivery man, telling him that the delivery he ordered just now has arrived, please go outside to pick it up.

When Zheng Guoliang heard this, he immediately arranged for his secretary to send someone to pick it up. He couldn't wait to compare the combination of pizza and milk tea with the other party's work meal.

Soon, the secretary came back to the conference room with big bags and small bags. When Xu Jie opened the pockets, Zheng Guoliang stared blankly again, and those reporters also regretted eating pizza.

I saw sliced ​​roast duck inside the lunch box, and before the lid of the lunch box was opened, the aroma had already spread throughout the meeting room.

What's more, in addition to the roast duck, there are also four sauced pork knuckles. If these are wrapped in lotus leaf pancakes, they will definitely taste as good as roast duck.

One side is roast duck and sauced pork knuckle, and the other side is pizza, which one is delicious, you don't have to think about it.

"Are you full? If you're not full, come and eat. You're welcome." Xu Jie said to the reporters with a smile.

The reporters put down the pizza in their hands without hesitation, and turned to Mr. Xu. Even those who are already full should continue to eat a few more mouthfuls.

Zheng Guoliang was angry again, and almost threw out the milk tea in his hand. He really wanted to confront that surname Xu face to face, does your family call roast duck and sauced elbow a work meal?

If he knew that the other party ordered roast duck and pork knuckle instead of box lunch, he would never order pizza and milk tea.

Well now, pizza and milk tea are free.

The nine reporters wore handbags, and the ones they ate were delicious.

90.00% of the people who eat pizza are for the cheese on top, but if you really want to satisfy your gluttony, you have to eat roast duck and sauced elbows to be enjoyable.

Maybe it was delicious, some reporters started editing articles immediately after eating, and other reporters started writing after seeing it, wanting to be the first to report the news.

Ever since, before the bank teller finished counting the money, the news that Xu Jie invested all the 430 million won by Zheng Guoliang into the new director support plan appeared on the Internet, and soon attracted countless netizens s concern.

"Who, like me, knows about the box office competition between Lao Xu and Director Zheng?"

"I remember seeing it on Weibo, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"More than 4000 million yuan was donated to support new directors to make movies? Old Xu is grand."

"I just want to know if Zheng Guoliang has fainted in the toilet now."


In addition to the vast number of netizens, the film and television circles are also paying special attention to this news, especially those new directors who are depressed, they seem to see hope at this moment, and some people have even started to prepare to go to Jingshi Culture to have a try.

"Ring bell bell!"

Xu Jie was fighting the landlord, when the cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID showed that it was Boss Jiang calling.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Xiao Xu, what's going on with the news on the Internet? Are you really going to use the money you won to use the company's name to support new directors?" Jiang Hai's voice was very loud and full of surprise.

That is more than 4000 million yuan, not 4000 yuan.

Last year, the entire Jingshi Culture did not make so much profit.

"It's true." Xu Jie said calmly, not wanting Zheng Guoliang behind him to see anything.

"You, what do you think? Why can't you use so much money? If you really want to support the new director, the company can definitely provide the money, and you don't need to take it." Jiang Hai said.

It is a good thing for someone to donate money to the company, but since the money came from Xu Jie, he felt that it was unnecessary.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Because Zheng Guoliang is on the side, and there are many reporters here, he can't tell Boss Jiang truthfully about some things, and can only answer very officially.

Jiang Hai wasn't stupid, as soon as he heard Xiao Xu's voice, he knew that it was inconvenient for the other party to speak now, but it also reminded him of more.

"Xiao Xu, have you been kidnapped, moral kidnapping?" Jiang Hai asked in a low voice.

The competition between Xiao Xu and Zheng Guoliang is known to almost everyone in the entertainment industry. Now that both movies have been released and the winner has been decided, there must be many people staring at these two people.

Staring at Zheng Guoliang, I want to know whether this person is willing to admit defeat and hand over the money to Xiao Xu, and staring at Xiao Xu, I must want to know how this person will spend such a large sum of money.

It's like winning the lottery. If you don't donate a little if you win the big prize, there will always be some people who will stand on the commanding heights of morality and pretend to be saints.

Xiao Xu is also a celebrity, and he became a star after he finished "Lover in Time and Space", so he will definitely be stared at by more people.

"Almost." Xu Jie said.

He really didn't think about donating at first, but after Sister Man reminded him, he gradually came up with the idea that he could manage the money by himself and do something meaningful to the company and himself.

Of course, he can deny it in front of Boss Jiang, but he doesn't want to pretend to be a saint.

"Understood, we'll talk again when you come back." Jiang Hai didn't ask any more questions, and hung up the phone directly.

However, Xu Jie was about to put down the phone when the ringtone rang again, this time it was Wang Wen.

Needless to ask, it must have something to do with the support plan for new directors.

"Mr. Xu, I just saw a piece of news. It's very clear. I don't know if it's true or not. The content of the news is..."

Wang Wen was interrupted by Xu Jie just in the middle of her words.

"Well, it's true."


Wang Wen's exclamation came from the microphone, and then it became noisy, as if in a vegetable market.

Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, it seemed that the entire crew already knew about it.

He was just about to ask the other party to hang up the phone when another voice came from the microphone.

"Brother, preemptive strikes, well done!"

This is Liu Jiaman's voice.

"Teacher Xu, remember this sentence: An inch of your heart is as wide as your road. You will definitely go further and gain more in the future."

This is the voice of actor Luo Wanglin.

"You really make me look up."

This is Liu Qing's voice.

"Get out!" Xu Jie scolded directly, thinking: I want you to look up to me?

"Mr. Xu, the roast duck has already eaten into everyone's stomachs, can I still be reimbursed?"

This is the voice of the theater director.

"Don't worry." Xu Jie comforted.

The theater manager let out a sigh of relief.

Next, Xu Jie's phone rang non-stop, and people kept calling him to inquire about the authenticity of the news, including leaders in the station and friends in the entertainment circle.

There are also some artists who have worked with him. Although they didn't call, they sent him a thumbs up picture through WeChat.

It became the focus for a while.

In order not to disturb the bank tellers counting money, Xu Jie finally had to switch his mobile phone to vibrate mode.

In contrast, the mobile phone of another party, Zheng Guoliang, was relatively quiet.

Although Zheng Guoliang was also mentioned in the news, no one called him to inquire about the situation. First, the focus of the news was not Zheng Guoliang, and second, as the party who lost money, calling to inquire at this time was undoubtedly spit on the wound. Salt.

Zheng Guoliang looked at Xu Jie who kept answering the phone, his eyes were full of envy and hatred.

Although he didn't hear what was said on the phone, he could fully guess how much he wanted to be like the other party and enjoy everyone's pursuit and praise.

It's a pity that the game was short of a move.

No, it's five hundred million short.

If the combined box office of "The Most Heartwarming" can reach [-] million, then he will be the busy person now.

Counting continues.

It didn't end until 4:15 p.m.

"Mr. Xu, all 430 have been counted." Manager Chen of the bank came to Xu Jie and said.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said gratefully to the bank staff.

"It's nothing, this is our job." Manager Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for letting us experience the feeling of counting money until our hands cramp." A bank teller said, and then stretched out his trembling hand.

Because of the different ways of counting money, the trembling fingers of each bank teller are also different. Some trembling thumbs, some trembling index fingers, and some trembling all five fingers.

"Mr. Xu, follow us to the bank to go through deposit procedures." Manager Chen said.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded, then looked at Zheng Guoliang, and said with a smile: "Director Zheng, the money is finished and it's not bad, so I'll go first."

Zheng Guoliang snorted and thought: Let's go quickly.

Xu Jie also ignored Zheng Guoliang, turned to the nine reporters and said, "Everyone, I'm really sorry for wasting everyone's time today."

"No no!"

"It is our honor to be able to bear witness for President Xu and Director Zheng."

All the reporters said one after another.

"Everyone remembers going to the celebration banquet on Friday, bye!" Xu Jie waved his hand, and then walked out of the meeting room with the bank manager.

After Xu Jie left, one of the reporters saw Zheng Guoliang's uneasy expression, so he winked at the other reporters, and said, "Since everything has been witnessed, let's go too."

"Yes, yes!" The other reporters agreed tacitly.

At this moment, no one wants to stay here any longer.

Soon, Zheng Guoliang was the only one left in the conference room.

Looking at the empty conference room, Zheng Guoliang recalled the wall of money placed on the table before, and suddenly felt a huge sense of loss in his heart.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just then, a burst of music sounded.

Zheng Guoliang was shocked, it was his cell phone ringing.

Finally, someone finally remembered him.

However, when he picked up the phone, the expression on his face froze instantly.

It's Mr. Wang of the credit company.

"President Wang, what's the matter?"

"Director Zheng, didn't you say that you would go with me to go through the transfer procedures this afternoon? The bank is almost closed, when are you going to go with me?"


Zheng Guoliang, the first and the second eldest, sent away the one who took the money, and ushered in the one who reminded him of the debt. These days, there is no way to live.


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