Chapter 885 Invitation

When Xu Jie came out of the bank, it was completely dark.

He didn't drive home immediately, but returned to the company. First, he had to send the cashier, and second, there was still some work to be done.

"Xiao Xu, you're back!"

As soon as Xu Jie walked into the company's gate, he saw Boss Jiang who was sitting in the waiting area stood up with a "chug" and walked over quickly.

"President Xu, I'm going back to the financial room first." The cashier said to Xu Jie respectfully.

"En!" Xu Jie nodded at the other party.

At this time, the cashier reported to Mr. Jiang who was coming, and then walked towards the elevator.

Jiang Hai came to Xu Jie's side, put his arms around his shoulders, and asked anxiously, "Xiao Xu, tell me what happened?"

He didn't leave after get off work because he wanted to understand the whole story as soon as possible. Whether he was the general manager of Jingshi Culture or Xiao Xu's big brother, he felt that he needed to figure it out.

If Xiao Xu really has an unspeakable secret, such as being forced to donate or something, he can return the money to Xiao Xu without anyone noticing it through later operations.

More than 4000 million, this is not a small number.

Most people don't earn so much money for a lifetime, or even for a few lifetimes, so they just donate it all. Even an outsider like him feels it's a pity.

"Actually, things aren't that complicated. Liu Jiaman reminded me this morning that Zheng Guoliang lost both money and people in the competition. He must have held back his anger. He told me to be careful when asking for money, and to be careful of moral kidnapping and the like. It turned out that after I went there today, I found that Zheng Guoliang had found a bunch of media reporters and kept asking me how I planned to spend the money. When I saw the situation, I immediately thought of Sister Man’s reminder, so I went Don't keep doing it, come up with such a support plan for new directors, let him be a pre-emptive strike..."

Xu Jie briefly explained the matter, and finally added: "Boss, I didn't discuss such a big matter with you beforehand, I'm sorry."

"What's your apology? This matter is within the scope of your work, you can decide, and your behavior is to gain face for our company and for me. The Taiwan leader even called me specifically for this matter, yes You, praise this new director support plan." Jiang Hai said excitedly.

Of course, he was also praised.

The old saying goes well: the train runs fast, all depends on the headband.

The company has produced such a good thing that has a meaningful and influential impact on society. As the general manager, even if he didn't think it up, it happened under his correct leadership.

What's more, this year, Jingshi Culture has made great strides forward in terms of revenue, and has achieved outstanding results in film and television. May I ask the station leaders not to praise him?
"By the way, boss, there is one more thing. I am planning to hold a celebration banquet for "Lover in Time and Space" at 7 pm this Friday. At the same time, I will officially promote the support plan for new directors at the meeting. Do you think it will work?" Xu Jay asked.

"Okay, that's great, I'll leave this matter to you." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

The news belongs to the news. Of course, such a major event as the new director support plan must be officially announced to achieve the greatest publicity effect. This will also play a very positive role in the development of the company's various businesses.

As the general manager of the company, he will undoubtedly be the biggest beneficiary.

"Okay boss, but as the boss of our Jingshi culture, you are going to speak on stage that day, so you should remember to prepare a speech." Xu Jie reminded.

He has already gained fame and money, so in terms of credit, let it go to Boss Jiang. Anyway, he doesn't need it now, and Boss Jiang is just in need of credit.

"I said? I think you should come. You made the movie, and you also thought of this New Year's director support plan. I didn't do anything. I have already enjoyed the benefits of the fisherman. How can I steal the aura of the protagonist from you?" What? You should be the protagonist that night." Jiang Hai said.

"Boss, I can't say that. Without your full support, how could I have made achievements? So you must have a share of the credit. You don't have to be embarrassed." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Anyway, he is the vice president of Jingshi Culture, so how can he steal the limelight from the general manager?
"Xiao Xu, this matter..."

Jiang Hai still wanted to say something, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he was a little embarrassed to steal the show like this.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, they were interrupted by Xu Jie.

"Boss, don't give up. Why are you being polite to me?" Xu Jie said, pushing Boss Jiang away, "It's getting late, my sister-in-law must be waiting at home, you'd better go home quickly, I Go back to the office to draw up a list of invitations for the day of the celebration banquet, and leave in a while."

"Okay, stop pushing, I'll listen to you." Jiang Hai finally agreed with a wry smile.


the next day.

Xu Jie did not go to the set, but came to the company to prepare invitations.

The invitation list for the celebration banquet has already been written, there are more than 40 people in total, of course, the crew members are not counted.

Although the celebration banquet is not a big deal, it always feels a bit rash to just call to inform. It is better to send invitations formally, and it will give people a sense of importance.


Xu Jie left the office with a pack of invitations, and he wanted to deliver them himself to show his sincerity and importance.

The elevator goes to the first floor.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator door, he saw seven or eight people standing up suddenly in the waiting area, running towards him like a sprint of [-] meters, scrambling to speak.

"Mr. Xu, are you Mr. Xu? My name is Jiang Yi, and this is the script I wrote."

"Hi Mr. Xu, I was very moved after hearing about your support plan for new directors. Thank you for your support for us new directors. This is a story that I have painstakingly crafted for four years. I hope you can support it."

"Mr. Xu, I am your idol, no no, you are my idol, please read my script."


Several people handed the script in front of Xu Jie in unison, and some even stabbed the script directly in Xu Jie's mouth in order to attract Xu Jie's attention and let Xu Jie see clearly.

Xu Jie was taken aback by the sudden situation. He thought it was fans asking him for an autograph, and all the star fans came to the company. He didn't understand what was going on until he heard what they said clearly.

It turned out that it was all for the New Year's director support plan.

To put it more directly, these people are all here for money, asking for money to make movies.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet!" Xu Jie suddenly said loudly, his voice suppressed everyone's voice.

The few people who were still vying to introduce themselves immediately quieted down and squeezed in front of Xu Jie, just to occupy a good position and let Xu Jie see themselves clearly.

Xu Jie took two steps back, leaving a certain distance, and then looked at the people in front of him and said, "Thank you for coming here to vote for scripts, and thank you for your trust in me, but the new director support plan is currently formulating specific regulations. It will be officially announced in a few days, you'd better wait until then to submit your manuscript, of course, I can't let you make a waste of time, how about this, you put the script on the front desk, I will read it carefully later."


When everyone heard this, they realized that they had come early.

"Mr. Xu, I put the notebook on the front desk. I didn't vote for this notebook, so I just voted for you. You must read it carefully. If you don't understand, you can call me. There is my contact information in the notebook. I can contact you in person. Tell you this story." A man with black-rimmed glasses said.

"Me too, I'm always on call." Another young man scrambled to say.

"And me, let me do whatever."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, why did he feel that his taste had changed?

Do anything?
These words don't sound like they're just here to invest in the book.

"Okay, I see. Let's go back first." Xu Jie said after hearing that, now is not the time to discuss the script.

Several people looked at each other, perhaps knowing that the support plan had not been officially announced, so they reluctantly walked away from Xu Jie and put the script on the front desk.

"President Xu, you must watch it!"

"My story is really good, you're sure to like it."


Xu Jie nodded and waved his hands, until they walked out of the company, he was slightly relieved, but when he looked at the backs of those people, he also showed a little smile on his face.

To be honest, in such a short period of time, someone responded to the support plan for new directors. As the initiator, he was very happy.

One of his purposes for initiating this plan is to find talents and find good investment projects. If no one comes, it will be called failure.

Xu Jie came to the front desk and said to Zhao Xiaoying and Yang Xiuyan: "In the future, someone will come to the company to ask me to pitch for a script, ask them to leave the script and contact information, and tell them, I will read it seriously."

"Alright Mr. Xu." The two girls said sweetly.

Xu Jie turned around and walked out. When he reached the gate, he stopped suddenly. He reached out and took out a mask from his pocket before he dared to go out.

Alas, this is the trouble with stars.

The first stop for sending invitations is the TV station.

Xu Jie took the elevator directly to the floor where the director's office was located.

As the head of a station, he would not normally participate in celebration parties of subsidiaries of Beijing Radio and Television Station, but for Xu Jie, whether the head of the station goes is one thing, and whether he invites him or not is another matter. thing.

What's more, deputy director Wang and deputy editor-in-chief Lu are all on his must-see list, and the deputy directors have been invited. It would be unreasonable not to invite the director.

The elevator door opened, and Xu Jie walked out.

"Huh, Xiao Xu? Why are you here?" The assistant director's eyes lit up when he saw Xu Jie. Although the other party doesn't usually work at the TV station, there are always rumors about him.

For example, in the past few days, he can often hear Xu Jie's name from the director's mouth, and his words are full of appreciation and praise, and he can't find a second one in the entire TV station.

"Good afternoon Assistant Zhang, I'm here to find the director, is he there?" Xu Jie looked in the direction of the director's office.

"The director went to the city to participate in an event, and he won't be back for a while. If you have something urgent, I can help you get in touch." Zhang Benyi said.

"No, no, no." Xu Jie shook his head again and again, who is the director, how dare he disturb the director to participate in the activities?So looking at Assistant Zhang in front of him, he said, "It's like this. We, Jingshi Culture, are going to hold a celebration banquet for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". Long go to participate and stand for us."

As he spoke, he took out the invitation card he had prepared in advance, and handed it over with both hands.

"Oh, so this is the matter." Zhang Benyi took the invitation and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will tell the director about the invitation and your intentions."

"Thank you Assistant Zhang, then I won't disturb your work."

Xu Jie took the elevator and came downstairs to Wang Yuan's office, deputy head of the station.


"Please come in."

Xu Jie pushed the door open after hearing Deputy Director Wang's voice, and said, "Good afternoon, Director Wang, I'm here to send you an invitation."

"Xiao Xu?" Wang Yuan saw the person coming, with a surprised expression on his face, then quickly stood up, pointed to the chair opposite, and said enthusiastically: "Please sit down, you are a rare visitor now."

"I also want to come to Mr. Wang's place more often to make progress." Xu Jie said as he walked over to sit down.

"You are already good enough. If you improve further, I'm really afraid that you will fly away." Wang Yuan said in a joking tone, but he was telling the truth.

Because according to what he pointed out, in addition to Huxiang TV station came to poach Xiao Xu, even China TV station also sent an invitation to Xiao Xu.

The threat from local stations can be ignored for the time being, after all, the platforms are the same, but the threat from China TV is much greater than that of local stations.

Aren't many excellent hosts and program producers poached by Huaxia TV from local stations?

If Xiao Xu leaves, it will be a huge loss to Beijing Television Culture and Beijing Satellite TV, and this loss is not short-term, but long-term, because with the current situation in the station, it is really hard to find out A person who can replace Xiao Xu.

"Master Wang was joking. I don't have wings, so where are I going to fly?" Xu Jie said as he handed over the invitation, and then repeated what he had said to Assistant Zhang.

Wang Yuan flipped through the invitations while listening. If someone from another subsidiary company came to invite him, he would seriously consider it, but today it was Xiao Xu who came to invite him. He had to join in the excitement.

"7 o'clock on Friday night, okay, I will definitely be there on time." Wang Yuan agreed very happily.

"Thank you, Director Wang."

Next, Xu Jie went to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, but the deputy editor-in-chief was not there, so he also went to participate in the event.

At this time of the end of the year, not only were there many activities in the entertainment circle, but there were also many activities everywhere, so he had no choice but to hand over the invitation to the deputy director of the satellite TV program center, and asked the other party to forward the invitation to deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

The last stop is the Art Center.

The Cultural Program Center is not only one of the filming locations, the people here have also appeared in the film. Although there are not many scenes, they are also actors, so they are definitely qualified to participate in the celebration banquet.

Xu Jie left the TV station after delivering the invitations, already looking forward to the celebration banquet on Friday.


(End of this chapter)

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