The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 886 Celebration Banquet!

Chapter 886 Celebration Banquet!
Time is like money in your pocket, it always goes faster than you think.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday, and Xu Jie woke up very early because of no other reason, but because today is the day to hold a celebration banquet for "Lovers in Time and Space".

He came to the set as usual, because we all know that there will be a celebration banquet tonight, so both the staff and the actors seem very happy.

The TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" uses the original cast of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", so tonight's celebration banquet, everyone present is the protagonist.

"Teacher Xu!"

Just as Xu Jie and Lu Zhihong finished discussing the content of today's filming, Liu Qing, who had changed her clothes, walked over with a smile.

Ever since the box office of the movie "Lover in Time and Space" broke 4 million, and finally brought the other party more than 100 million in share income, this woman's attitude towards him has changed a lot. Temper, no longer so presumptuous and willful.

Those who knew it were because they were blinded by Qian Qian, but those who didn't know it, they thought it was a different person.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie glanced at the other party, then looked down at the script in his hand.

"Mr. Xu, I have an unfeeling request, can I tell you?" Liu Qing came to the man, and when she spoke, there was still a trace of worry on her face.

"Since you said it was an unfeeling invitation, then don't say it." Xu Jie said lightly.


Liu Qing trembled all over, her eyes were full of surprise, she thought to herself: Why doesn't this man play his cards according to the routine?
As a beautiful woman, no matter what it is, since she has already opened her mouth, she should be allowed to continue talking. How can she be shut up?

She found a problem, how could the appearance she was so proud of be useless to this man?If the other party hadn't married Sister Yun and had a good relationship with Sister Yun, she would definitely have reason to suspect that the other party liked men.

"This, this is not my own business, it is everyone's business, and I am asking for everyone." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she pointed at the actors and staff around her, as if she was pleading for the people.

"In that case, why don't they talk about it, and you are the only one? Isn't it because you have too many things?" Xu Jie raised his head to look at Liu Qing, and saw that the other party's face was flushed, so he asked, "Tell me, what's the matter? Just don’t be greedy for roast duck.”

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched involuntarily, greedy for roast duck?It's as if they are all greedy cats.

"It's like this, I think... I want to ask for everyone, can we call it a day earlier?" Liu Qing asked tentatively. At the same time, a pair of bright and agile eyes stared straight at the man's face, Hope to see something from it.

"Why?" Xu Jie frowned and asked.

Could it be that the other party had a dinner today, and then used everyone in the crew as a shield?

But isn't there going to be a movie celebration dinner tonight?

Don't go to the dinner party early, don't go to the dinner party late, but go to the dinner party today, isn't this giving him eye drops?

"Isn't there a celebration banquet tonight? I... Everyone wants to go home early to clean up, put on makeup, and change into beautiful clothes to attend. Such a grand and festive banquet, everyone can't wear work clothes? We are not afraid, After all, they are all part of the same production team, but if outsiders see it, they will know that we are busy, and those who don't know will think that we don't pay much attention to this celebration banquet." Liu Qing said eloquently.

Although there are some spare dresses in her nanny car, after a day of filming, she will change many sets of costumes in the play, so she must take a good bath, right?
Although it is just a celebration banquet for "Lover in Time and Space" and not an awards ceremony or a fashion event, as a female star, no matter how big or small the event is, she must show her best side. This is a kind of self-cultivation for a female star. It is also a habit developed over the years.

Xu Jie was taken aback after hearing this, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable.

Tonight's celebration banquet included not only the leaders of the stage, but also big shots in the film industry, as well as some big stars. If the protagonists of the banquet wore these work clothes, it would be easy to be looked down upon.

Since you are the protagonist of the banquet, of course you have to dress up to attend. In addition to enjoying the applause and praise, you also need to show the spirit of JingTV culture to the outside world. Something to announce about the future of culture.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie stood up from his chair.

Liu Qing's heart tightened, and she couldn't help pushing back two steps, while preparing for the training.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands and said loudly: "Everyone stop what you are doing first."

When the people on the set heard Mr. Xu's words, they all looked over.

Xu Jie continued: "Everyone knows that tonight there will be a celebration banquet for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space". In order to show our spiritual outlook to the outside world, we will not rest at noon today. Hold on, everyone, at [-]:[-] p.m. Finish work, and then go back to each house, the men should dress handsomely, the women should dress up beautifully, and attend the celebration banquet with the fullest emotions at night, okay?"

"it is good!"

After everyone heard it, they immediately applauded in unison.

Mr. Xu's decision is really important to everyone.

If you finish work according to the usual time, by the time everyone returns to the city by car, it will be close to [-] o'clock, and the celebration banquet will start at [-] o'clock, which means that everyone does not even have time to change clothes. I can wear my current dirty clothes to participate.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get ready to go, but you have to say something first, everyone should be more serious to me. If anyone relaxes now and affects the shooting, don't blame me for being rude." Xu Jie said with a straight face.

I'm not afraid of making mistakes at work, but I'm afraid of being absent-minded, not to mention that the celebration banquet hasn't started yet, Hun'er all ran to the hotel.


"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we will never delay work."

Everyone expressed their attitude immediately.

Xu Jie nodded when he saw it, then went back to the chair and sat down, looked at Liu Qing beside him and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No, no." Liu Qing's face was full of joy, it was already very good if the other party agreed to this matter, and wouldn't it be an inch?
After such a long time, she has figured out the man's character. As long as he doesn't show his face, the other party will never be in a hurry.

"Then hurry up and play the scene!" Xu Jie said, staring at the other party.

"Okay, I'll go now" Liu Qing said with a smile, and then walked away on tiptoe little by little.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing's back with a puzzled expression on his face. The other party's temper suddenly changed, and he really didn't get used to it.

"I said brother!" At this time, Liu Jiaman sat down beside him, and said with a sad face: "You didn't pay back on Monday night, and you owe me another night tonight. Now there are two nights in total. You Remember to pay me back."

"Don't worry, Sister Man, no matter how late you are, I will definitely make up for you," Xu Jie said.

"Do what you say." Liu Jiaman was afraid that Xu Jie would forget, so he asked his assistant to write down all the days when he didn't play mahjong, including what happened.

Xu Jie couldn't help but wryly smiled when he heard it, does he look like such a dishonest person?

In order not to delay the filming progress, director Lv Zhihong started work ahead of schedule and started filming today's scene after the actors had put on their makeup.

Maybe it's because I don't want to see Xu Jie "you're welcome", or maybe I want to finish the shoot and go home to dress up. Today's filming went very smoothly, and even the number of NGs was greatly reduced. Many shots were taken twice at a time. Once again, this work efficiency made Xu Jie want to hold a celebration banquet every day.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, work is over on time.

Xu Jie didn't leave immediately, but stayed on the set until he finished the work, and then drove away.

When he got home, it was almost three o'clock.

Although there are still four hours before the celebration banquet, for him, the organizer of the banquet, the time seems very tight.

Not only did he have to arrive at the hotel ahead of time and arrange for people to set up the venue, but he also needed to check the process of the entire banquet to avoid giving people a sense of chaos. After all, many people from outside the production team and from the company were invited to the venue today, and he must not be among these people. It's embarrassing in front of you.

Xu Jie took off his coat after entering the door, and then walked upstairs three steps at a time. There was no time for lunch, but he had to change into a decent suit. After all, he was also the number one male in the movie, and he was also the face of Beijing Television Culture. , must not embarrass the company.

In order to save time, he took off his clothes while walking, and was about to take a shower first to wash himself clean, but when he came outside the bathroom, he heard the sound of "crash clatter" inside.

what's the situation?
Could it be that the water pipe burst?
But there is no water outside the door.

Could it be a thief?
Today's thieves are becoming more and more courageous. Some not only dare to drink at the owner's house, but also dare to cook a few more dishes for the sake of the wine.

But it was the first time he had heard of anyone who dared to take a bath at the owner's house.

It seems that this is still a clean thief.

Xu Jie threw the clothes in his hand aside, and then slowly pushed open the door of the bathroom. It was steaming inside, and a person was washing his hair standing under the shower.

Although from his angle, only a graceful back can be seen, but it is not difficult to see from the long black hair that this is a woman.


Although he had never seen a female snitch, it would be a pity to be a snitch with such a good-looking woman. The point is, the more he looked at it, the more familiar she looked.

"Wife?" Xu Jie called out in a low voice.

The woman was startled by the sudden sound, screamed "Ah", and grabbed the bath towel around her body.

When Xu Jie heard the voice, he became more certain of his judgment, and his expression changed from doubt to surprise. He strode over and asked, "Honey, when did you come back, why didn't you tell me?"

Su Yun put her arms around her wet hair, her panic turned into a wry smile, "Why did you come back so early? I wanted to give you a surprise."

"We're going to hold a movie celebration dinner tonight, so the production team has finished work early, how about you? Did you finish filming?" Xu Jie asked.

He was indeed pleasantly surprised, but the other party seemed to be frightened.

"It's still early, but the director knows that there will be a celebration banquet tonight, so he specially gave me two days off to come back to attend the celebration banquet. I wanted to inform you at first, but I also wanted to give you a surprise, so I secretly I flew back, but I didn't expect you to come back early, it seems that my surprise plan is doomed to fail!" Su Yun said.

"It didn't fail. I was really pleasantly surprised when I saw you." Xu Jie told the truth that as long as his wife could appear in front of him, no matter where he was, he would be pleasantly surprised. After all, he hadn't seen his wife in real life for a long time. , and she is also the wife in the shower, isn't this a surprise?
"What a surprise, what a shame." Su Yun said with a blushing face, she could imagine how embarrassed she was now.

No clothes, hugging a bath towel, foam still remains on the wet hair... Everyone else is Izumi Furong, and she is Izumi Sadako now.

"What a shame, how beautiful it is." Xu Jie said while taking off his pants.

"Where is it beautiful, huh? What are you doing?" Su Yun asked.

"Take a shower." Xu Jie said naturally.

"Then what are your hands doing?"

"Provide you with a full range of scrubbing services."

Su Yun wanted to say something, but before she could speak, her mouth was blocked.

Xu Jie did this because he was worried that his wife would choke when taking a bath, so he gave him artificial respiration in advance.

That's it.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Jie appeared in the banquet hall of Wanhe Hotel.

The layout of the meeting place has been completed under Wang Yunjie's command. As the deputy general manager in charge of the marketing business department of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, she can do things like brand promotion and government affairs activities at her fingertips.

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xu Jie said gratefully to Wang Yunjie. These were supposed to be his work, but he overworked and forgot the time.

"No trouble, no trouble, I just don't know if Mr. Xu is satisfied with my arrangements?" Wang Yunjie asked Xu Jie, pointing to the layout of the venue.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, much better than I thought." Xu Jie's words were not polite, he was fine with setting up the stage, but he really didn't have much experience in setting up such a banquet.

"Really? Then I'm relieved." Wang Yunjie breathed a sigh of relief.

She has already understood that in today's Beijing Television Culture, only by assisting Xu Jie can she and the content resource department she manages find a sense of existence.

If you don’t work for the other party, just relying on the work that the content resource department takes over will be nothing in the company’s revenue this year. Only by following the other party’s pace can you eat spicy food, otherwise, you can even drink soup less than.

Instead of arranging the scene, Xu Jie directly rehearsed the process of the celebration banquet with the staff.

Of course, if it's just a celebration banquet, there's no need to be so troublesome, but tonight, in addition to celebrating the box office of the movie, there is also a plan to support new directors to be announced, so the whole celebration banquet must have a sense of ceremony.

"Old Xu!"

Qin Yan came to Xu Jie at a trot, bent over to take a few breaths, and then said: "I, I am not late, am I? I came after work, and I really didn't delay for a minute."

"Don't worry, it's not too late, you should rest first, and wait until you have recovered your breath." Xu Jie said with a smile after seeing Qin Yan's appearance.

"I'm fine, but I was a little out of breath when I ran out of the TV station. It's all right now. By the way, I've memorized all the lines you gave me. Do you want to listen to it?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"No, if I don't trust you, I won't invite you to be the host of tonight's celebration banquet. I think it's getting late. Let's rehearse the process at the end. Also, don't put any pressure on everyone. , is a simple celebration banquet, understand?" Xu Jie asked.


The crowd answered in unison.

Xu Jie nodded, and then began the rehearsal.

The time soon came to six o'clock.

Standing on the first floor, Xu Jie quickly saw several acquaintances.

"Reporter Zhang, Reporter Liu, and Reporter Wang, welcome to the celebration banquet." Xu Jie warmly greeted them. These reporters were called by Zheng Guoliang to be witnesses a few days ago.

The three of them couldn't help being flattered when they saw Xu Jie's appearance. They didn't expect that Mr. Xu would still be so enthusiastic about these little reporters after the testimony was over.

This is different from many people in the circle.

"Mr. Xu, we're here to report on the celebration banquet. I wonder if it's okay?" Reporter Zhang asked on behalf of others.

It is one thing to be invited to participate, and quite another to be denied coverage.

There are many film crews who held a celebration banquet, but how many of them were actually reported and leaked photos?
"Welcome, on behalf of Jingshi Culture, I warmly welcome everyone to come to report." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he personally took a few reporters upstairs, and then arranged the seats in the banquet hall closest to the door for these reporters. In this way, As long as someone enters the banquet hall, these reporters will see it immediately.

The three reporters were also very satisfied with Xu Jie's arrangement, they kept saying thank you, and at the same time firmly stated that they would never disturb the guests present.

When Xu Jie returned downstairs, he saw Wang Wen and Lu Zhihong leading the entire crew walking in, which made the originally spacious hotel lobby immediately crowded.

"President Xu, we are here." Wang Wen smiled sweetly.

Tonight, she deliberately changed into a sexy black dress. This was the first film celebration banquet she participated in after coming to Jingshi Culture. As the director of the film department, she naturally had to perform well.

"Mr. Xu, what can we do for you?" Lu Zhihong also stepped forward and asked.

"Leave ten people to lead the way for the guests present today." Xu Jie said.

He invited a lot of people, and it was impossible to send them up one by one. He sent the reporters just now because he had plenty of time. Now that the celebration banquet is getting closer, more and more people are arriving. At this time, people are needed to lead the way.

While talking, two luxury cars stopped outside the hotel, a Mercedes-Benz and a Bentley, and then two people got out of the car, adjusted their clothes, and walked into the hotel.

After Xu Jie saw who was coming, he immediately winked at Wang Wen and Lu Zhihong. The two immediately understood. One selected ten people to stay on standby, and the other led the others upstairs to avoid crowding and chaos.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Qian, welcome!" Xu Jie stretched out his hand to the people, one of them was Zhao Chengdong, the owner of Xingchen Dadi Cinema, and the other was Qian Xuejun, the owner of Shengli Cinema.

The key person he invited tonight is here!

(End of this chapter)

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