The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 887 High specification!

Chapter 887 High specification!
Xu Jie invited many directors of theater companies tonight, and sent out more than [-] invitations alone, covering almost all the theater companies in Beijing, and even the offices of some foreign theater companies in Beijing were not released. However, it is only to establish a good cooperative relationship with these theater companies.

In his future planning for Beijing Television Culture, movies are a very important part, even surpassing TV dramas and variety shows. As for why...

There is indeed a little selfishness in it.

Su Yun has now shifted the focus of all her work to movies. Although several movies with good box office and reputation have been made in the past two years, there is still a little gap between her real foothold in the movie industry, at least So far, the other party has not won any decent awards in this field.

Awards not only represent achievements and honors, but also a kind of affirmation and a signal of acceptance.

In fact, every circle will have resistance to outsiders, and Su Yun, who was born as a singer, is undoubtedly an outsider to the film circle.

They will clique, reject, and express their disapproval of outsiders in various forms, so as to keep outsiders out of the circle.

And Xu Jie did this to become Su Yun's solid backing in the movie circle.

Of course, he is not only for Su Yun, but also for the future development of the company.

Beijing Television Culture currently has several major businesses, namely: evening shows, programs, TV dramas and movies.

Among these businesses, evening parties, programs, and TV dramas are all too dependent on Beijing TV Station. Although it is good to enjoy the shade by a big tree, it is not a good thing for the company's development.

As the old saying goes: People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

The business is all dependent on Beijing TV Station, which will inevitably be controlled by others. This is also an important reason why Beijing TV Culture has not developed for many years.

Therefore, he wants to break through this restriction and break out of this cage, and movies are undoubtedly the best breakthrough.

Movies have nothing to do with TV stations, and they have a strong influence, and their market is also very broad. If he can lead Beijing TV Culture to make a breakthrough in the movie industry, the returns will definitely be better than variety shows and TV dramas. to be tall.

So as the terminal of the film industry, the importance of theaters is self-evident.

This is why Xu Jie invited so many directors of theater companies.

"President Xu, congratulations, congratulations to the box office success of the movie." Zhao Chengdong held Xu Jie's hand tightly, with a smile on his face.

"Happiness and joy, thanks to Mr. Zhao and Mr. Qian for their support. Without you, how could the movie have the current box office?" Xu Jie said politely.

At the beginning, in order to win more screening rates, he promised these theater companies to increase the rebate, even though it was only [-]%, with the box office of "Lover in Time and Space" at more than [-] million, these people can increase their income by a lot.

"Mr. Xu, you are too modest. I think the reason why the movie is so popular is inseparable from your excellent director, wonderful writing, and superb acting skills." Qian Xuejun praised.

"Mr. Qian, I feel so proud when you say that." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"It's okay, you can rest assured that you are proud, even Zheng Guoliang was killed by you, you have the capital to be proud." Qian Xuejun said, obviously also aware of the box office competition.

"Because of your support, I dare to compete with Director Zheng. You are my capital." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Haha, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, I really admire you." Qian Xuejun smiled from ear to ear.

Although when I signed the film arrangement contract with the other party, I was frightened by the other party hugging Lao Mao, but now that I have made money, I will naturally not dwell on those pasts.

He only looks at the result, not the process.

"Based on this humble attitude, I have every reason to believe that Mr. Xu's next film will continue to sell well. I wonder if there is any plan to direct the second film?" Zhao Chengdong praised After a while, he began to ask questions with concern.

"Not yet, I'm currently busy with TV dramas." Xu Jie said.

"I know, it's "Legend of Lan Xi", right? I heard that this TV series gathers many movie stars and queens. It would be great if it was a movie, and the box office should be at least one billion." Zhao Chengdong said softly He sighed, expressing the regret in his heart.

Such a lineup of immortal actors is really useless if they don't use it for filming.

While talking, someone entered the hotel again. Instead of going upstairs, these people stood aside, as if waiting to talk to Xu Jie.

After Qian Xuejun saw it, he knew that this was not a place to chat, let alone occupy Mr. Xu, so he said: "Mr. Xu, Lao Zhao and I went up. You are busy with your work. Let's chat when you have time."

"Okay Mr. Qian." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he immediately winked at Wang Wen who was standing next to him. Wang Wen received the order and quickly arranged for the staff to lead the way for the guests.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body walked towards Xu Jie, stretched out his hand and followed two people, one dark and thin, the other short and fat.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang, and Mr. Zhou, welcome the three of you to the celebration banquet!" Xu Jie was still very enthusiastic. These three were none other than the three who forced him to drink in exchange for filming. Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei and Zhou Jiang.

Although he was taken to the hospital by these three people, he never resented anyone in his heart, and he was even very grateful. He thanked these three people for giving him a chance to get a film, and thanked these three people for giving him a chance to handle other theaters. The opportunity for the person in charge, if he hadn't been admitted to the hospital, would the other theater companies have been so happy to arrange films for him?Certainly not.

"The three of us are not only here to attend the celebration banquet today, but mainly to thank Mr. Xu for giving us such an opportunity to make money." Wang Zhaoqiang said while looking at the young man in front of him, as if looking at each other Are there any sequelae from the last alcoholism?

"Mr. Wang is too polite. I should be the one to say thank you." Xu Jie said sincerely.

"Mr. Xu, don't you make us feel sorry for you by saying that?" Wang Zhaoqiang smiled wryly, then turned his head to look at Zhou Jiang at the side, and gave him a wink.

"Mr. Xu..." Zhou Jiang hesitated for a while, and finally stepped forward to grab Xu Jie's hand and held it tightly, "What happened last time was because I went too far, and I'm here to apologize to you. "

"Mr. Zhou, let's not mention the past. Besides, I did it voluntarily and it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to apologize or blame yourself. Besides, we don't know each other without drinking. If I don't drink those wines , can we still get together like we are now?" Xu Jie said with a smile, not paying attention to what happened back then.

Zhou Jiang was not very willing to apologize at first, but now when he heard the other party's words, he felt a burst of shame in his heart. He was overwhelmed by the other party's mind, and he no longer looked down on this young man like before.

"Mr. Xu, be generous!" Wang Zhaoqiang stretched out his thumb.

"Mr. Xu, what you said made me feel even more ashamed. How about it, I will punish myself with three cups later. Also, if you have a movie released in the future, my company will definitely arrange the movie. I, Zhou Jiang, will do what I say. "Zhou Jiang said with a serious expression.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou." Xu Jie's eyes lit up. What he wanted most was such a guarantee. As for the penalty of drinking, it was all fake, so he didn't care.

"Xiao Xu!"

Xu Jie looked over after hearing the call, and it was Wang Yuan, the deputy head of the station, who had come.

"Master Wang, welcome." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, we are all on our own, so don't be so polite." Wang Yuan said with a smile: "By the way, during the meeting in the afternoon, the director said he would come too, so you have to prepare well."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.

Although he sent invitations to the director, it was only out of superiors and politeness, and he never thought that the director would actually come, which was beyond his expectation.


No place was reserved for the director.

"Thank you, Director Wang, for reminding me."

After Xu Jie thanked him, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lu Zhihong in the banquet hall, asking him to prepare a chair and leave a seat for the director.

After Wang Zhaoqiang, Zhou Jiang and Yang Anfei behind them saw the intimate relationship between Xu Jie and Wang Yuan, the deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, their eyes were full of surprises. They didn't expect Xu Jie to have such a good relationship with the station leader. After eavesdropping that the station director Zhao Juncheng will also come tonight, he was even more secretly startled.

It's just a film celebration banquet, and the director will come?

Jingshi Culture is a subsidiary company of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and film is only one of the company's many businesses.

It stands to reason that if a film celebration banquet is to be held, it would be considered pretty good if the top executives of the company can attend, but now, not only the deputy director of the Beijing Radio and Television Station is here, but even the director is also here.

Well, how much face does this Xu Jie have? Even the director of the station can be moved. You must know that the director of Beijing Radio and Television Station has multiple identities in the city, and he is an out-and-out city leader.

Even if they are the directors of theater companies like them, it depends on Zhao Juncheng's face.

This can no longer be described in terms of face, it is simply... awesome!
"How about Lao Zhou, I asked you to apologize, I didn't wrong you." Wang Zhaoqiang said in a low voice.

In order not to delay Xu Jie's reception of other guests, the three of them have already gone upstairs by themselves, because the specifications of today's celebration banquet have obviously exceeded their imagination.

"No, no!" Zhou Jiang shook his head while secretly sweating for himself.

Fortunately, after listening to Lao Wang's words, I apologized to Xu Jie just now, otherwise if I choked up again, it would not be something that can be solved by punishing myself with three cups.

"I really didn't realize that Mr. Xu has such great energy. The director and deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station have come. Those who knew it was a film celebration banquet, but those who didn't know thought it was a film festival." Yang Anfei sighed road.

"When I learned that Wang Yuan and Lu Hong were going to visit Xu Jie in the hospital, I told you that this young man is unusual. How is it? Did I hit the mark?" Wang Zhaoqiang said triumphantly, admiring himself at the same time eyesight.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!" Zhou Jiang still couldn't believe it.

In a place like a TV station, there are many program producers, and there are also many famous brand variety show directors. He originally thought that Xu Jie was limited to this, but unexpectedly, it was far beyond his phenomenon.

"Hey, look quickly, isn't that Zhao Chengdong from Xingchen Dadi Cinema? He is also here, and Jin Shilai, Li Kangyong, Zhao Youzhong, Liu Ye... are all here." Yang Anfei said in surprise after entering the banquet hall.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who are optimistic about Mr. Xu." Wang Zhaoqiang said in a low voice, it seems that it is right to skip the dinner tonight and come to this celebration banquet, otherwise, we might really miss something.

Xu Jie was standing on the first floor. Because he knew that the director would come, he never left, holding his urine even when he urinated.

After waiting for a while, the director did not come, but the actors of the crew did.

The first one to appear was Ding Mengni, probably because of the cold weather. Apart from wearing a long dress, Ding Mengni also wore a short coat on her upper body, which looked fashionable and stylish.

Next was Fang Yi. The other party came with Hu Zhen, the boss of the brokerage company, but Fang Yi was wearing formal clothes, while Hu Zhen was wearing casual clothes.

As soon as Hu Zhen and Fang Yi left, a familiar nanny car stopped outside the hotel.

The female number one is here!

Xu Jie stepped forward and took Su Yun's hand, but to his surprise, the other party did not wear an evening gown today, but chose a black slim suit, which contrasted sharply with her fair skin. Elegant and atmospheric.

Seeing Xu Jie staring at her, Su Yun unconsciously recalled what happened two hours ago in her mind, her face turned red, and two red clouds appeared.

"I'm not late, am I?" Su Yun asked.

"I'm not late, there are still 10 minutes left. Unfortunately, our director is coming tonight, so we can't send you up." Xu Jie sighed.

"You are busy with your work, and you are still so polite to me?" Su Yun smiled.

Xu Jie called Wang Wen and asked him to take Su Yun upstairs.

However, before taking a few steps, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Su Yun!"

Xu Jie was taken aback. Whoever yelled so indiscriminately, didn't this want to cause confusion?

He frowned and looked over, but when he saw the shouting person, he immediately lost his temper.

"Sister Man, Sister Jing, Sister Wen, Brother Luo, Brother Chen, are you here in a group?" Xu Jie asked.

His students are all here, and the one who shouted just now is Liu Jiaman.

"By the way, so we came here together." After Liu Jiaman explained, he went straight to Su Yun, "Yunyun, when did you come back? It's been a long time since we played mahjong together, let me introduce you to my mahjong friend , is also your husband's student..."

Su Yun smiled slightly after hearing this.

She had heard about it from her husband a long time ago, and she thought it was funny at the time. She never thought that there would be such a group of movie kings and queens who like mahjong in the entertainment industry. She even agreed to make a movie because of her skills. She originally thought that only Liu Qing could do this kind of thing, but she didn't expect that these movie kings and queens could also do it.

"Sister Man, do you think I might not know these seniors? They were my idols before my debut." Su Yun took the initiative to greet these four after speaking to Liu Jiaman.

These four are not only her seniors, but also top-notch individuals who have achieved brilliant results in their respective fields. They are existences that she cannot match at present.


Not to mention her from the entertainment circle, even passers-by outside the circle would be able to recognize these four if they just picked one up, and they would immediately pull out their phones to ask for a group photo.

"Hee hee, that's right." Liu Jiaman smiled, and then said to Xu Jie: "Mr. Xu, your wife and we will go up first."

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Everyone, everyone, please, please follow me..." Facing the big stars in front of her, Wang Wen stuttered even when she spoke.

Although she has heard about these people from Mr. Xu long ago, and knows that the scenes added in "The Legend of Lan Xi" are tailor-made for them, but when these people appear together in front of her eyes, she still feels that they I was so surprised that I couldn't even believe my eyes.

What kind of fairy lineup is this!

In addition to sighing, I admire Mr. Xu even more in my heart, and only Mr. Xu can invite these people into the same TV series.

Along the way, she could always feel that all the eyes around her were looking at her, even the waiters in the hotel couldn't help but cast surprised glances.

"Look, it's Liu Jiaman, Su Yun, Hu Jing, Jiang Liwen, Luo Wanglin, and Chen Guang. All my favorite actors and singers are here."

"Didn't the manager say that the celebration banquet for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" is being held here? Luo Wanglin and Jiang Liwen don't seem to be actors in this movie, do they?"

"I want to take a group photo, do you think the manager will fine you?"

"As long as you don't get fired, the fine is worth it."


When Wang Wen heard this, she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Finally came to the banquet hall, but the moment she stepped in, she once again became the focus of attention of the whole city.

Of course, the focus is not on her, but behind her.

Media reporters, crew actors, company employees, and even the bosses of those theater companies are no exception.

Starting a company is all about making money, and theater companies are no exception. These big stars are the guarantee of the movie box office. They used to bring a lot of income to theater companies. It is far beyond comparison, and now they actually gathered together and appeared at the celebration banquet of a movie that has just been released. This has to make people think too much.

What is the relationship between these top-notch stars and Mr. Xu?Why do they even come?

Could it be a friend?
Unexpectedly, Mr. Xu has not been in the industry for a long time, but he has made friends with so many movie kings and queens. It seems that the movies produced by Jingshi Culture must pay more attention to them.

Just when the CEOs of the theater companies were feeling that tonight's celebration banquet was unusual, a few more people walked in from outside the banquet hall. When they saw clearly the middle-aged man walking in the front, everyone was shocked again.

It is Zhao Juncheng, the director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, Wang Yuan, the deputy director, and Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief...

If the appearance of super first-line stars is amazing, then the appearance of these few people has simply raised the standard of the entire celebration banquet.

Are you sure this is just an ordinary celebration banquet?

(End of this chapter)

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