The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 888 Banquet protagonist!

Chapter 888 Banquet protagonist!

"Xiao Xu, why is the director here?" Jiang Hai pulled Xu Jie to a corner of the banquet hall, with a nervous look on his brows.

Among the three high-level TV stations present today, it was within his expectation that Lao Lu could accept the invitation. After all, the variety show of Beijing Satellite TV was supported by Xiao Xu alone. Give Xiao Xu a face.

As for Deputy Director Wang, I was somewhat surprised, but considering that the other party has been paying attention to Xiao Xu for the past two years, and has personally presented awards to Xiao Xu many times, it is understandable that he can appear here tonight.

But the director's arrival was completely beyond his expectation.

The director of the station holds multiple positions, not only has a lot of work, but also has a lot of activities. He usually spends very little time in the station, let alone taking time to participate in an ordinary film celebration banquet held by a subsidiary company, even after get off work. time.

This is not a question of whether there is time, but a question of identity. The celebration banquet of "Lover in Time and Space" is equivalent in nature to the celebration banquet after the final battle of "Crossover Actor". As the leader of a unit, it is really unnecessary join.

Of course, Jiang Hai wasn't afraid, but felt very sudden and unprepared.

For example: as the head of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, the head of the station, his immediate boss, is he going to speak on stage later?

Are there certain things that cannot be said in front of the director?


"I'm not sure, but when I went to the TV station to deliver invitations this Tuesday, I also prepared one for the station director to save his face. At that time, the station director was not there, so the invitation was handed over to Assistant Zhang. I didn't expect It's really here." Xu Jie sighed after speaking.

For this matter, he only heard it from Deputy Director Wang half an hour in advance.

Jiang Hai sneaked a glance in the director's direction, and saw the director chatting with Deputy Director Wang and Lao Lu with a smile on his face, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking.

"The celebration banquet is about to start, why don't we go over and ask if the director will speak on stage?" Jiang Hai looked back at Xu Jie and asked.

In fact, on occasions like today, it is enough to have him as the general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, but since the director is here, the director is naturally required to make important speeches, even if it is just a few casual words.

"En." Xu Jie thought for a while, and finally nodded.

As a subordinate, it is up to the director whether to say it or not, but it is up to them whether to invite them or not. It is better to disturb a few times than to be negligent.

"Okay, you go." After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he stood there and waited.

In fact, he has always had a worry in his heart, that is, he is worried that Taili will be dissatisfied with the company's celebration banquet.

If it was a private film company outside, they would just hold the celebration banquet, but Jingshi Culture is a TV station company, and all the expenses for holding the celebration banquet are paid by the company. In other words, it is public money. ?
Xu Jie was slightly startled, looked at Boss Jiang who had no plan to go, and said, "Boss, what do you mean? You are the head of the general manager of Jingshi Culture. You should go to this kind of thing. What am I?"

As a deputy general manager, he went to the head of the station, isn't it equivalent to going to the kang through the pot?
"You are the protagonist tonight, so it should be up to you to ask." Jiang Hai said.

"It's true that I am the protagonist, but you are the head of Jingshi Culture, don't we all have to listen to you?" Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Since you have said to listen to me, I will let you go, will you go?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Here, boss, don't you use power to suppress people? And today is a celebration banquet, which is a good thing, and it's not a trial meeting. Why are you so timid? When I was leading the way just now, the director said personally Alright, today I'm here to congratulate us." Xu Jie persuaded.

After working with Boss Jiang for so long, how could he not know what the other person was thinking?

But when he came up with the head of the station just now, the head of the station was always smiling and looked very happy, he didn't seem to be dissatisfied with the grand celebration banquet, so he felt that Boss Jiang didn't need to worry at all.

Jiang Hai knew what Xiao Xu meant, but when a person reached a certain height, he was particular about not showing his emotions and anger, so how could he show his true thoughts on his face?

But what Xiao Xu said before is also true. He is the general manager of the company, and he should be the one who communicates with the director.

The most important thing is that he can't let Xiao Xu "test the danger with himself".

If Xiao Xu is fined, the company's business will be greatly affected.

"Well, I'll go."

Jiang Hai compromised.

He took a deep breath, straightened his back, made himself look more confident, and then walked towards the director.

Alas, I was just being polite and didn't say a single point.

Jiang Hai came to the Director with a nervous mood, and asked with a smile: "Director, the celebration banquet is about to begin, what would you like to say on stage later?"

Zhao Juncheng waved his hands directly when he heard it, "I'm just here tonight to join in the fun, so I won't go up to speak, you can do whatever you want, don't be tied up just because of my arrival, today is a celebration banquet, the most important thing It's everyone's joy."

When Jiang Hai heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he pretended to say: "Director, JingTV Culture's success in film this time is inseparable from your leadership. You should go up and explain to everyone. Two sentences to encourage everyone..."

"You are the general manager of Jingshi Culture, and your encouragement is enough. You can say a few more words later and bring out my share." Zhao Juncheng said jokingly.

Jiang Hai did not persuade this time. The first time he was polite, the second time he insisted. If he continued to persuade, it would be a bit annoying.

"Okay Director, then I'll get ready." After Jiang Hai saluted, he turned and left. When he looked at Xu Jie who was not far away, he made an "OK" gesture calmly.

Xu Jie smiled.

His purpose for holding this celebration banquet was firstly to raise the reputation of Jingshi Culture in the film industry, and secondly to get closer to the theater company.

The ultimate goal of these two items is to make the company better and better, not to eat and drink.

Taking a step back, isn't it normal to eat and drink for the sake of the company's business even if you are eating and drinking?Even if the people in the station go out to discuss business, wouldn't eating and drinking be indispensable?
If someone is really picky and insists on talking about this matter, then he doesn't mind handing over the film business to the other party.

Time passed by, and soon it was 7 o'clock in the evening.

The celebration banquet officially began.

Accompanied by music and illuminated by lights, host Qin Yan made a beautiful appearance.

"Respected leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, everyone, thank you for coming to the celebration banquet of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" despite your busy schedule..."

In fact, this opening statement was not the one she had prepared in advance, because too many Taiwan leaders came to the scene tonight, so I had to add a few words impromptu.

The small-scale celebration banquet also suddenly turned into a thank-you banquet.

In fact, no matter how it changes, the purpose of the banquet will not change.

What to do is second, the key is to be able to achieve the goal.

The first item is the leader's speech, which is also a common practice in the world.

Jiang Hai appeared on the stage as the general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company. He first thanked the leaders of the station for their support, then thanked the crew for their dedication, and finally thanked all the actors for their superb performances. After thanking everyone , and began to narrate the process of the movie "Lover in Time and Space" from scratch.

Of course, in the process of telling the story, the protagonist of the matter is of course Xu Jie.

From his decision to expand the company's business to establish a film project, to asking people to attract investment; Admired, looked at the protagonist frequently.

As for Xu Jie, he was a little embarrassed to hear that.

Where is this celebration banquet?
It was clearly his personal commendation meeting.

Xu Jie didn't expect that Jiang Boss would do such a trick.

It seems that this is to expand his influence in the film industry and make him the spokesperson of Jingshi Culture in the film industry.

Of course, nothing was mentioned in the speech about the competition between him and Zheng Guoliang.

If you don't mention this kind of thing, it's for the company, if you mention it, it's a false public benefit.

Even if you want to replace it, it shouldn't be mentioned now.

The previous polite words of thanks only lasted a few minutes, but the story behind the movie lasted more than ten minutes.

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, the scene immediately burst into warm applause, and everyone turned their attention to Xu Jie, because without Xu Jie, there would be no movie, let alone tonight's celebration banquet.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

"Next, some representatives of the cast and crew of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" will be invited to the stage."

As Qin Yan's voice fell, those who had been notified before stood up from their seats and walked to the stage.

Xu Jie is no exception.

However, sitting at the table with the stage leader, he didn't immediately go up to the stage. Instead, he went to the actor's table, took Su Yun's hand, and showed his affection in full view of the crowd.

The combination of talent and beauty made everyone envious.

However, what Xu Jie did was not just as simple as showing affection.

Many of the people present today are the bosses of cinema companies. They not only have a great say in the film industry, but can also affect the box office trend of a movie, and even the selection of actors by the film company.

Although everyone present knew about his husband and wife relationship with Su Yun, he still wanted to send a message to the bosses of these theater companies by showing his affection: We are very affectionate!
There is an old saying: Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

When Su Yun's movie is about to be released in the future, for his sake, he should arrange more movies, right?Or after becoming a producer, when considering using actors, you can recommend Su Yun.

Speaking of which, the previous few shows of affection were all in front of the cameras of the media, and now it's time for these cinema bosses to take a look.

A row of people stood on the stage, and everyone stood up according to the number of starring roles. Of course, there was one exception, and that was Liu Jiaman.

Although she only made a cameo appearance in a few scenes, the coffee position was there, so she stood directly between Su Yun and Liu Qing.

In fact, she could be closer to the host, but in that case, Xu Jie and Su Yun would be separated, and she didn't want to be this "third party".

"Mr. Xu, as the director, screenwriter, and leading actor of the movie, you must be very happy after seeing "Lovers in Time and Space" achieve such a good box office. I would like to ask, besides being happy, what other thoughts do you have?" Qin Yan first interviewed Xu Jie.

Boss Jiang had just finished talking about Xu Jie. Interviewing Xu Jie at this time is undoubtedly the best way to stimulate the atmosphere of the scene, seamlessly connecting the previous session with the current session.

"I feel..." Xu Jie paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "I just want to know when the box office revenue will arrive!"

Hearing his words, there were bursts of laughter at the scene.

But no one can deny that Mr. Xu's words are indeed correct, and the movie's dividends are indeed very worrying.

Because the box office income of the movie needs to be settled three to six months after the movie is released, and the income will be credited to the investor's account within seven working days after the settlement is completed. It took more than three months to receive the money.

The feeling of waiting is not good.

"Is Mr. Xu in a hurry?" Qin Yan asked with a smile.

"Well, wait for the rice to go into the pot." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? So, Mr. Xu already has plans to make a second movie?" Qin Yan's eyes lit up.

At the same time, the people at the scene were also very surprised.

Especially the employees of the company's film department and TV drama department. They spend all day with Mr. Xu and have never heard of the new film project.

But no matter what, everyone is very excited, because there is a new movie to be made.

And the bosses of those theater companies were also very surprised. They started preparing for the second movie as soon as the first movie was released?
This is a big deal.

They feel very regretful that they failed to invest in the movie "Lover in Time and Space", so they must not miss the second time.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded without changing his expression, his superb acting skills fooled everyone.

In fact, there is no new film project, it just wants everyone to pay more attention to Jingshi culture.

And with the high return of "Lover in Time and Space", more people will definitely be willing to invest in Jingshi Culture's movies. In this way, the risk of Jingshi Culture's film production can also be reduced.

"Mr. Xu, can you tell everyone?" Qin Yan asked, she was really curious.

"The content is kept secret for the time being, but with the experience of "Lover in Time and Space", I think the second film will definitely achieve better results." Xu Jie said loudly.

"Okay, then let us look forward to Mr. Xu's second movie together, then Sister Yun..."

Because there were a lot of interviewees, Qin Yan ended the interview with Xu Jie, came to Su Yun's side, and started the interview with Su Yun.

"Most of us know about your relationship with Mr. Xu, but I have one thing that I'm very curious about. During the preparation of the film, did Mr. Xu find you first, or did you seek Mr. Xu first?" Qin Yan asked.

Su Yun smiled slightly, looked at Xu Jie beside her, and replied: "I was the one who looked for him first, to be precise, I accidentally saw the script written by him at home, and thought the story was very touching, so I took the initiative to recommend it." Myself, you don’t shy away from relatives if you give virtue.”

The humorous answer once again attracted a burst of laughter from the scene.

"It's a good thing to recruit talents without avoiding relatives. Looking at the results, sister Yun succeeded in raising talents?" Qin Yan asked with a smile.

Everyone thought: Can it fail?This is my daughter-in-law!

The key is, does Mr. Xu dare to refuse?
Once rejected, why don't you just wash the clothes board at home?
Next, Qin Yan asked two more questions before interviewing the next person.

A total of eight people came on stage, and the interview took [-] minutes to end.

After the representatives of the cast and crew left the stage, another highlight of tonight's celebration banquet officially began.

"Next, let us once again invite Mr. Jiang Hai, General Manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, to come on stage and announce a very important matter."

After hearing the host's words, the people present showed puzzled eyes.

The cast and crew have finished interviewing and the cake has been cut, so shouldn't it be dinner?What else is important?
Banquet Banquet, isn't eating the most important thing?

Jiang Hai came to the stage, glanced across the banquet hall, and finally fell on Xu Jie, then nodded slightly at the other party, and said: "Before announcing this important thing, I will say another thing first." , I wonder if everyone here knows about the competition between President Xu and Director Zheng Guoliang?"

In the banquet hall, some people were surprised. They didn't expect Jiang Hai to talk about this matter, and some people were at a loss. They didn't know what the competition Jiang Haikou mentioned.

"Some of the guests here know and some don't, so I'll start from the beginning..." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hai told about the movie box office competition between Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang.

In fact, most people at the scene knew about it, but Jiang Hai still felt that it would be better to say it clearly. After all, there were media reporters at the scene, so it was easy for people to guess wildly.

Of course, he didn't tell the real reason for the competition between Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang, but just described the competition as a discussion, an exchange, and mutual encouragement, and directly raised the private incident to the stage of film development. level.

And those who know the truth don't tell the truth, and if they don't tell the truth, we are still friends, not to mention that even if they tell the truth, the person concerned will definitely not admit it.

"After Xu Jie won 430 million bets, he didn't choose to keep it for himself, but donated it in full to support new directors and realize their director dreams. Next, I will announce the second thing……"

Jiang Hai paused for a moment, and then continued in a thick and high voice: "JingTV Culture Communication Company will launch a new director support plan to discover and accumulate new talents for the industry and help the new generation of filmmakers. Applause, and welcome to the stage Xu Jie, the person in charge of this project."

After speaking, he pointed to Xu Jie in the audience.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was thunderous applause in the banquet hall.

Even those who had already seen the news were once again impressed by Xu Jie's behavior and offered their palms.

Can donate more than 4000 million, and come up with such a plan to benefit new directors and the film industry, shouldn't such a person deserve applause?

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The applause continued for a long, long time.


(End of this chapter)

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