The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 889 Able to Bend and Extend a Husband

Chapter 889 Able to Bend and Extend a Husband

"Jiang Hai, Xiao Xu, this time, the support plan for new directors that you Beijing Television Culture has come up with is very good. While scouting out talents, it not only creates economic value, but also fulfills social responsibilities, especially Xiao Xu, who can transfer the income from the competition Donate all, this kind of selfless spirit is admirable, I want to give you a big thumbs up!"

After Zhao Juncheng said these words, he extended a thumbs up to Xu Jie, not only with a satisfied smile on his face, but also with appreciation in his eyes.

If everyone in the station is like this, then he, the head of the station, will be at ease.

"Director, Xiao Xu is not only a good hand in business, but also always puts social value and humanistic care first. I think this is also an important reason why he can produce many excellent programs and movies." Jiang Hai followed closely Before the stage was full, he praised Xu Jie again.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether the director praises him or not. Anyway, Xiao Xu's achievements are the company's achievements. As the leader of the company, the company's achievements are his achievements. Xu, in this way, the company will also benefit from it.


Zhao Juncheng nodded, the more he looked at this young man, the more he liked him, he turned to look at Lu Hong who was beside him and said, "Your satellite TV channel must vigorously promote things like this, so that more new directors can participate in this plan, Realize their ideals, fulfill their aspirations."

"Director, please don't worry, I will immediately arrange someone to report this matter in detail." Lu Hong said after hearing this.

Xu Jie stood aside and didn't speak all the time. He was naturally very happy to be praised by the director, but he didn't show it all. He always had a faint smile on his face. Not proud, not pretentious, appearing polite and modest.

"Since the ceremony is over, I'll go first." Zhao Juncheng stood up after speaking.

"Director, can you stay and have something to eat?" Jiang Hai hurriedly said, the food for the celebration banquet has just been served, how can the director leave hungry?

"Haha, I forgot to tell you, I ate at home before I came here." Zhao Juncheng said with a smile.

"Coincidentally, me too, Director, I'll go with you." Deputy Director Wang Yuan also said.

The director didn't even stay for dinner, how could he have the nerve to stay?Even if you haven't eaten it, pretend to have eaten it.

Lu Hong looked at the head of the station, then at the deputy head of the station, well, don't stay here.

So, the three left together.

After Xu Jie sent Director Zhao, Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu to the car, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't make any mistakes and was praised by the three leaders, he was a little cautious in his heart. He believed that not only him, but also those colleagues in the banquet hall were the same.


Just as Xu Jie wanted to tell Boss Jiang to go back to the banquet hall, he saw that the other party heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, everyone is the same.

The old saying goes well: the first rank of officials crushes people to death.

Not to mention several levels.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Jiang Hai came back to his senses, and looked at Xu Jie beside him suspiciously.

"Let's go up." Xu Jie stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, meaning upstairs.

"Okay!" After Jiang Hai responded, he put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders, smiling happily, excitedly, and unscrupulously, unlike just now.

Once the three leaders in the stage leave, he will be the boss in the banquet hall now, and there is no need to worry about anything anymore.

The two returned to the banquet hall, maybe they were hungry after waiting for a long time, so everyone had already eaten.

"It's past 8 o'clock, let's eat something quickly." Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie.

If only Deputy Director Wang and Lao Lu were around, he might feel comfortable eating some, but with the director around, he just listened and answered, and really couldn't let go of eating.

Just imagine, the director is talking to him, but his mouth is full, what will the director think?Is this the starving ghost rebirth?

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

In order to share the joys and sorrows with the crew, he didn't eat lunch, and his chest was already hungry, so what Boss Jiang said, it came to his heart, no, it was his stomach.

The two hurried back to the dining table and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

"Mr. Xu..."

Suddenly a cry came from beside him. When Xu Jie heard it, he turned around. It was Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei and Zhou Jiang. All three of them held a wine glass in their hands, while Zhou Jiang held a wine glass in the other hand. bottle of wine.

Are you still going to drink with him?
Xu Jie looked at the other party, from the time he drank three and a half catties in one breath, and directly sent himself to the hospital, until now, it can be said that he has not touched a drop of alcohol, and he has not even eaten beer duck.

He chewed a few mouthfuls of what was in his mouth before swallowing it into his stomach, then stood up and looked at the three of them and said, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhou, what are you..."

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry about what happened last time. In fact, we've been wanting to apologize to you these days, but we didn't find the opportunity. Today we will borrow your wine and formally apologize to you." Wang Zhaoqiang seriously Said.

"That's right, we punish ourselves." Zhou Jiang followed up.

They had been paying attention to Xu Jie just now, and when they saw Zhao Juncheng patting his shoulder and giving him a thumbs up, they immediately felt that this young man must have a bright future.

It's too late for everyone to make friends with such a person, so how can he offend him?

Although they didn't care about the drinking last time when they met in the lobby on the first floor, they couldn't treat each other's generosity as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, the three of them decided to take the initiative to make amends, hoping to truly resolve the previous grievances.

"Three, didn't I already tell you when we met just now, it's been a long time, it's really nothing." Xu Jie stood up while speaking.

Just now he thought it was for drinking again, but it turned out that it was because of the incident last time.


Jiang Hai coughed lightly, then stretched out his foot and kicked Xu Jie under the table, signaling to the other party to ignore it, these people can drink as much as they want, it’s just a penalty glass, can they still be admitted to the hospital?
Expressing his sincerity, Zhou Jiang raised his wine glass directly, then raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass. Wang Zhaoqiang and Yang Anfei were not ambiguous, and drank two liang of goblets in one gulp.

But Zhou Jiang didn't stop after drinking one cup. He poured himself another cup and drank it into his stomach again without saying a word. He didn't stop until the three cups were finished.

After Xu Jie saw it, he also poured himself a cup.

"Mr. Xu, don't drink." Zhou Jiang said while taking the bottle from Xu Jie's hand.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, we are self-punishing, what are you doing?" Wang Zhaoqiang said, he likes to drink, and he also likes to force people to drink, but this time, he really doesn't want the other party to drink.

"I accept the wishes of the three of you. I hope we can deepen our cooperation in the future." Xu Jie picked up the wine glass that was only half filled, and drank without a drop.

"Mr. Xu, it's interesting, you friend, we've made a deal!" Yang Anfei said after seeing it.

Zhou Jiang took a deep breath, suppressed the alcohol, and then said with a smile: "Yes, as Mr. Xu said before, we don't know each other without drinking, and there will be more cooperation in the future."

After Wang Zhaoqiang left, Xu Jie sat down and continued eating.

"Are you soft-hearted or what's the matter? Forgot how they poured you into the hospital? If they want to drink, let them drink. What do you want to drink?" Jiang Hai whispered.

"Enemies should be solved rather than tied. If you want to develop the film business, you can't do without the support of the bosses of these theater companies. Isn't there a saying? Many friends have many paths, and many enemies have many walls." Xu Jie said seriously Said: "The glass of wine I had just now was not only for these three people, but also for all the directors of the theaters present today. I can't let them think that I am killing a donkey."

Beijing TV Culture will not only make the movie "Lover in Time and Space", and "Lovers in Time and Space" is only the first step in his formal entry into the film industry, and there will be a second and third step in the future, which means that in the future He will definitely have frequent dealings with theater companies.

Theater companies are the terminal of the film industry. Even though many movies are now sold to video websites, theater companies still play an important role in this industry.

If a film wants to have a good box office, it must have a sufficient screening rate. Therefore, as the investor and producer of the film, there is no need for him to have a deadlock with the theater company at the end of the broadcast.

Besides, the three and a half catties of liquor have already been drunk. If Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei, and Zhou Jiang are embarrassed at this time, won't the previous hospital be in vain?

What's more, if he has lowered his status and offered to make amends, it is better to be more magnanimous and leave a good name in this circle. If he does not accept it, what will the directors of other theater companies think?
Why, look down on our theaters?
"You, forget it, don't care about you, anyway, just don't wrong yourself." Jiang Hai said.

"Don't worry boss." Xu Jie smiled.

He was very moved by Boss Jiang's concern, which was one of the reasons why he always liked to follow him.

Xu Jie ate for a while, stopped when he was [-]% full, then told Boss Jiang, and walked towards Su Yun's position.

Su Yun, Liu Jiaman and the others sat at the same table, and the best actor, actress, and queen of all time was the queen of song. In contrast, Liu Qing, one of the four young female roles born in 95, had no sense of existence at all.


Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side, looked at the others present and asked, "What are you talking about so happily?"

"Talk about you drinking and going to the hospital." Liu Jiaman said directly.

"Ah? Really?" Xu Jie looked down at his wife and saw her nodding with a smile, so he said, "What is there to talk about such a shameful thing."

"It's not shameful, it's bravery!" Luo Wanglin said solemnly.

It was the first time he had heard of it, and he really didn't expect that Mr. Xu, who seemed gentle and steady, would have such a ruthless side.

You know, it's easy to be cruel to others, but it's hard to be cruel to yourself.

"That's right!" Chen Guang on the side echoed.

Only today did he know that in the movie "Lover in Time and Space", the other party not only directed and acted, but also wrote and made his own. The film industry is also very rare.

"I heard that you are still holding a box of Lao Mao everywhere to find a toast to the director of the theater company to arrange a film? Hee hee, I admire you so much." Jiang Liwen said with a smile.

Inviting the person in charge of a theater to have a meal and drink, this kind of thing is very normal in the film industry, she herself has participated in such dinners and drinks many times, just to get more movies, but she has never heard of someone holding a white wine Going to make a toast, and sneaking out while in the hospital for alcoholism to do so.

She could even imagine the expressions on the faces of those directors of theaters who are usually awesome when they heard about this incident, they must be terrified.

But this kind of thing also divides people.

If they did this, or some directors, they might not be able to succeed, and only Xu Jie, a person in the system, would make those directors of theaters feel scruples.

"It's a small skill, it's showing up." Xu Jie said shyly.

"That's wrong. Isn't there such a saying? It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. Therefore, no matter what method, the method that can solve the problem and achieve the goal is a good method." Liu Jiaman said solemnly Said.

There are too many problems in this world, and there are too many people who can create problems, so what is most lacking now are people who can solve problems.

"That's what I said, but I have to make up for causing trouble." Xu Jie then looked at Su Yun and said, "Wife, are you going with me?"

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, then nodded with a smile, agreeing readily.


Then she stood up and took her husband's arm.

Since Xu Jie invited many directors of theaters, several tables were seated tonight.

Xu Jie brought Su Yun to one of the tables, and everyone stood up when they saw it.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to tonight's celebration banquet in spite of your busy schedule." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"President Xu, you are too polite."

"Yes, it is our honor that you can invite us."


Everyone is also very polite.

"Everyone, there is actually one thing that I have always wanted to apologize to everyone. It was the toast at the door. I was really helpless at that time. Please don't take it to heart." Xu Jie said apologetically.

All the directors of the theater companies present were stunned. They didn't expect Xu Jie to say these words suddenly, and even took the initiative to apologize to them.

This attitude of being able to bend and stretch, to go up and down, is definitely a man.

"Mr. Xu, what is that called? We have already forgotten it." Zhao Chengdong, the person in charge of Xingchen Dadi Cinemas, said, and then gave the other colleagues a wink.

"Mr. Xu, how can you say that? It's too late for us to be happy that you can come to toast us." Qian Xuejun, the person in charge of Victory Cinema, was confused.

"Mr. Xu, what are you apologizing for? You sent money for us, why are you apologizing to us? We should thank you for guessing right." It was Jin Shilai from Dahua Cinemas who spoke.

"That's right."

Everyone said everything, but no one blamed Xu Jie.

The process is not important, what matters is the result.

Did the movie make money?Is the rebate given to them higher than other movies?

That's enough.

As for the rest, that doesn't matter.

If they can still make money next time, let alone the other party come to toast with a box of wine, even if they have a box of alcohol, they will pick it up.

"Thank you everyone." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and then stretched out his arms to gently hug Su Yun, "Let me introduce to you, this is my wife Su Yun."

"I know."

While answering, everyone looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

The queen of music, and the heroine of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", who doesn't know her?

Xu Jie continued: "It's like this. During the New Year's Day, the latest movie "Stranger Road" directed by Xu Shenghua will be released soon. As everyone knows, the heroine of this movie is my wife, and I am also one of the screenwriters of this movie. One, I know that the market does not need art films, but human beings need art films, so I sincerely hope that you can give this film more arrangements, and I will thank you..."

Su Yun looked at the man beside her in surprise. She originally thought that he brought her here just to apologize to the directors of these theater companies, but she didn't expect that it was to arrange for her next movie.

The screening rate of literary and artistic films has always been very low among all types of films, even for big directors, such as director Xu Shenghua's "Stranger Road". In the end, it was Xu Jie who made the most of the effort and asked Forbidden Films to invest 2000 million on the condition that she go to the Hua Mulan crew to film first.

The films directed by Xu Shenghua are big winners in major film festivals, but they have always been well-received, and the screening rate has not increased. If this time they can get a higher screening and a higher box office than before, then for her this As far as the heroine is concerned, a well-received and well-received literary film can definitely bring her more honor and allow her to gain a firm foothold in this circle.

Is Xu Jie apologizing for the previous toast?

Do not!
It was for her that I apologized.

After all, the movie "Lover in Time and Space" has brought huge benefits to the directors of these theater companies present. From this point of view, Xu Jie does not owe these people anything.

Thinking of this, her heart was filled with emotion.

Zhao Chengdong and the others were a little surprised, and Xu Jie would suddenly ask for an arrangement for Xu Shenghua's movie.

Literary and artistic films have always been unpopular with theaters. A film city can arrange two shows a day, which is already very good. Even in some small third- and fourth-tier cities, they will not be screened at all.

But since Xu Jie has already spoken, if they don't agree, wouldn't it be a bit unreasonable?Didn't the previous thanks also become hypocrisy?
"Mr. Xu, since you are the screenwriter, there is no problem. We will definitely add more films to this movie." Li Kangyong, who has been in business with JingTV Culture, spoke first.

And Wang Dekun, who is in the same theater alliance, also chimed in at this time: "Mr. Isn't it one of the screenwriters? By the way, the heroine of that movie seems to be Su Yun, too?"

After Wang Dekun said this, others also remembered it.

Because that low-budget literary film did create a miracle, everyone was deeply impressed.

The most important thing is that Xu Jie and Su Yun's husband and wife team seems to have never disappointed people, whether it is the literary film "Human World" or the romantic film "Lover in Time and Space", including last year's National Day film "Mulan" .

"Mr. Xu, our Dahua Cinemas will increase the lineup of Stranger Things."

"Our Victory Cinemas will too."


Others also expressed their attitude.

Of course, what they believed was not the movie itself, but Xu Jie.

"Thank you, on behalf of the "Stranger Road" crew, thank you all!"


(End of this chapter)

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