Chapter 890 Warm response
On the second day after the celebration banquet of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" ended successfully, many news media reported the event in detail.

Among them are not only mainstream media, such as Langxin, Yiwang and other portal websites, but also some official media, such as Beijing News, Movie Network, etc., and even Beijing News, which also carried out small-scale reports, which aroused enthusiasm in the entertainment industry. repercussions.

In particular, Xu Jie, the director, screenwriter and leading actor of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", donated 4473 million yuan to support the new director support plan, which has received praise and praise from countless audiences and netizens.

For a time, Xu Jie's name spread throughout the entertainment industry.


Xu Jie drove to the film and television base.

As the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, he has weekends, but as the producer of the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi", he doesn't have weekends.


Xu Jie found a chair on the set and sat down, then sighed involuntarily, looking listless and sluggish.

This sigh didn't matter, it directly frightened the director Lu Zhihong on the side, thinking that Xu was always dissatisfied with his work, so he asked guiltily: "Mr. Xu, what's wrong?"

While inquiring, he tried his best to recall his performance during this period. It was clear that he was fine the day before yesterday, but Mr. Xu didn't come yesterday... Wait, did Mr. Xu listen to someone and say that he was dissatisfied with his work yesterday?

But yesterday's filming went very smoothly, and I made up for the unfinished scenes on Friday, and when I rewatched the film at night, I didn't think there was anything wrong.

Xu Jie looked up at Lu Zhihong, then shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Then he sighed again.



Lu Zhihong was completely dumbfounded.

Does this seem to be okay?
This time, not only Lu Zhihong, but even the actors around them who put on good makeup were frightened, thinking: Is Mr. Xu dissatisfied with everyone's performance?

Several members of the director team looked at me and I looked at you, none of them knew what to say, because they didn't know what went wrong, so they stopped working for a while.

In the end, Liu Jiaman walked over, sat aside and pretended to ask casually: "What's the matter, brother, someone cooked it?"

"No." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Then what's wrong with you? Do you regret donating money? I don't think you are short of that little money, right?" Liu Jiaman teased.

This was the first time she saw Xu Jie like this, so it was inevitable that people would think indiscriminately.

"It's not about the money, it's..." Xu Jie was about to say, when he suddenly realized that this is a studio, and there are many people standing around. If he said, "My wife is gone, I miss my wife", wouldn't it make people laugh?So he changed his words and said: "The new director support plan will be officially released tomorrow. As the person in charge of the plan, I feel that this burden is a bit heavy, and I don't know if I can do it well."

Liu Jiaman was startled, it turned out that this was the matter, but it was indeed in line with her understanding of this man, that is, he had a sense of responsibility, whether it was for his work or for the actor, he was very responsible.

After Lu Zhihong, Wang Wen and others heard it, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was related to filming, but it turned out that it was because of the support plan for new directors.

It's fine if it has nothing to do with filming, it's fine if it has nothing to do with him.

"I said brother, there is nothing to worry about. You are the father of the funder. Those who are under pressure should be those who use the money to make movies." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

"Isn't Mr. Xu worried about encountering scammers? There are quite a few people going around defrauding investment in the name of making movies." Luo Wanglin also came over.

"There's no need to worry about this. Isn't it okay for my younger brother or someone from Jingshi Culture to be the producer? At that time, we will hold the money in our own hands, and we are afraid that the other party will cheat the money? Besides, we must not invest before investing. Do you want to read the script carefully? As long as the script passes the test, we can shoot it ourselves even if people take money and run away. Among other things, my brother has always had a good eye for scripts." Liu Jiaman said.

"Well, that's true." Luo Wanglin nodded.

Support does not mean blind investment. For such an important project, there must be a complete set of review mechanism and supervision mechanism. You can’t just give money to anyone who asks for the script, and you can’t spend it as you want when you get the investment. how to spend.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman, and then at Luo Wanglin. Since the queen and actor have spoken, he should also take advantage of the slope to avoid misunderstanding and continue.

"I see, thank you Sister Man, thank you Brother Luo." Xu Jie said gratefully, with a smile on his face.

"It's nothing." Luo Wanglin waved his hand, seeing that Xu Jie had recovered, he turned around and left.

Liu Jiaman saw the director leave, saw Lao Luo leave again, saw that there was no one around, suddenly leaned over, and asked in a low voice with a half-smile, "Did you miss Su Yun?"

Xu Jie was shocked all over, and looked at Liu Jiaman in surprise, even though he was very thick-skinned, his face was not only a little hot at this time, is this woman a witch?Can you even guess this?

"Of course I do, she is my wife, can I not?" Xu Jie said confidently following the other party's words, while pretending not to understand the other party's meaning.

"Don't act, can you play me? It's not shameful to think of a daughter-in-law as long as you want a daughter-in-law. As for talking about work?" Liu Jiaman curled her lips and said, looking like she had insight into everything.

Xu Jie thought to himself: You are officially certified, of course I can't play you.

But he still asked stiffly: "Sister Man, why do you think so?"

He wondered where he was going wrong.

"Hmph, no matter how tight your time is and how busy you are at work, you always look calm and at ease. When did you ever feel sad because of your work?" Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, hearing Liu Jiaman's impression of him, he didn't know whether to be happy or smile wryly.

It turns out that people are too good, and sometimes it is also a shortcoming.

"I was afraid of affecting your filming, so I forced a smile in front of you. You have never seen me frowning in front of work." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

I have done a lot of putting gold on my face, but this is the first time I have done it to smear my face, and I am really uncomfortable.

"Forget it, I'm not blind. Don't think my sister is single now, but she has had a few vigorous love affairs in the past. With your little thoughtfulness, you can still deceive me?" Liu Jiaman pointed directly at Xu Jie rolled his eyes, then got up and left.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman's figure, and sure enough, the more stories people have, the better they can act.

"All departments are preparing..."

With director Lu Zhihong's voice sounding on the set, today's filming will also begin.

In order not to let the crew and actors think too much, Xu Jie hid his thoughts about Su Yun deep in his heart, and began to concentrate on supervising the work on the scene.

In fact, not only is he not worried about this new director support plan, but he is even full of expectations. He hopes that through this event, he can recruit and reserve some talents for Jingshi Culture, and provide a steady stream of impetus for the company's future development.

In the past, Beijing TV Culture had no money, and everything it did was powerless, but now it is different, the company has money, and it has also made money. Naturally, he will do a big job to change Beijing TV Culture. The status quo is not working.

And movies and TV shows are the best breakthroughs.

Who Makes Movies and TV Shows Money?
Their ability to absorb money is not inferior to variety shows at all, and compared with variety shows, movies and TV series have greater influence and reach a wider range.

Once you get another award, it will be even more incredible.

In the final analysis, a variety show is an entertainment program, but movies and TV dramas are different. They can directly be elevated to the level of art, which is something that variety shows will never be able to match.

Xu Jie is now focusing on both entertainment and art.

Grasp with both hands, both hands must be firm.

There is nothing wrong with variety shows, so now the main focus is movies and TV series.

It's time to officially enter the entertainment industry!

on Monday.

Xu Jie did not go to the studio, but came to the unit. Today is the day when the support plan for new directors is officially announced. As the person in charge, he must sit in JingTV Culture.

At 10:[-] in the morning, JingTV Culture held a press conference and announced the official launch of the new director support plan, which aims to discover new talents, encourage creation, and provide financial support and technical guidance for selected candidates and works.

There are two ways to participate: one is to send the resume and works to the activity mailbox, and the other is to bring the works to Jingshi Culture Company for registration.

A reply will be given within one month regardless of whether the pass is passed or not.

After the press conference, Xu Jie and Boss Jiang walked out of the conference room.

"Starting from today, our Jingshi Culture has completely established our name in the showbiz circle." Jiang Hai said as he walked, his happy eyes were narrowed, and it was impossible to tell whether they were open or closed.

Since the beginning of this year, although Beijing TV Culture has achieved very good results in variety shows, it has not established its own reputation.

When the outside world mentioned the two super-popular variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", the first thing that came to mind was the broadcasting platform Beijing Satellite TV, and not many people would pay attention to the producer of the show.

However, the support plan for new directors this time can make a name for Beijing TV Culture in the entertainment industry, especially under the influence of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" which has achieved good box office results, it can make the outside world see Beijing TV Culture. determination in this matter.

"Well, the first step has already been taken, and it depends on how to go next." Xu Jie is also very excited. It has been almost a year since he came to Jingshi Culture, and he can finally extend his hand to the entertainment industry.

As for the variety shows produced before, they can't be counted at all.

However, this plan is also a double-edged sword. If one or two good movies can appear in the entire support plan, it will be an explanation for both the company and the outside world. If all the objects of the show are overturned, then Beijing Television Culture's control and professionalism in the film industry will inevitably arouse doubts from the outside world.

At that time, not only will the company not be able to attract talents, but even those who want to cooperate will choose to quit. After all, no one is willing to cooperate with an extremely unprofessional company, just like in competitive sports, no one would want to Find a pig teammate.

"Yes." Jiang Hai nodded.

In his opinion, although it is the first step, it is very important.

Many things are difficult to take the first step, as long as you take this first step, at least you will have the courage to continue.

It is better to walk than to stand still, even if it is only a small step.

"Ring bell bell!"

As soon as Xu Jie returned to the office, he heard the phone on the desk ringing non-stop. He immediately grabbed the receiver, put it to his ear, and asked, "I'm Xu Jie, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Xu, there are too many people who have come to register, and there are reporters interviewing those people. Would you like to come down and take a look?" Zhao Liying asked softly at the front desk.

"Okay, I'll go down right away." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

In fact, since the new director support plan he came up with was reported last week, people have been coming to JingTV Culture to recommend themselves. After a week, they have received more than 20 scripts. However, although everyone is very enthusiastic , but the quality of the works is very worrying, none of them are satisfactory.

Of course, he didn't go down for the people who registered, but for the reporters. Don't worry about what the contributors say, those reporters will report whatever.

Xu Jie came downstairs in a hurry, but was shocked by the scene in the hall.

I saw a long queue in the lobby, from the front desk to the outside of the company gate, it seemed that there were at least 40 to [-] people.

And those reporters who just finished the press conference are interviewing the people who lined up.

"Sir, what are you guys doing in line here?" A reporter found a person in line and asked, if he didn't know this, he would have thought that some milk tea shop opened today.

"Come to contribute." The man being interviewed replied, and picked up the kraft paper bag in his hand.

"Are you talking about the support plan for new directors?" the reporter asked.

"That's right." The man nodded.

"All of you?" The reporter looked at the few people who lined up.


"Why do you come here to contribute?" The reporter asked again.

"JingTV Culture is backed by Beijing Radio and Television Station, so it has strength and security." One person said.

"JingTV Culture seems to be interested in developing the film business. I think this is a good opportunity." Another person said.

"Old Xu is my idol, I am here for him." A person in the back shouted loudly.

The reporter laughed directly after listening.

"So, everyone is very optimistic about Beijing Television Culture's support plan for new directors?" the reporter asked.


Everyone nodded.

At the same time, I thought to myself: I have to try it or not, once it succeeds, won’t the crow have a chance to become a phoenix?
In fact, to them, it doesn't matter which company or who is in charge, what matters is having such an opportunity.

This is just like fresh graduates submitting their resumes. Regardless of the size of the company or any position, as long as they are recruiting, they must apply for one. They would rather print a few copies than let one go. Once they are admitted by which company?

If there is an opportunity, go for it.

There is no free lunch.

If you don't fight for it, how can you have a chance?
The cameraman of Beijing Satellite TV pointed the camera at the long queue, and recorded everyone's enthusiasm for the support plan for new directors.

Regardless of the result, at least this plan has received support and response from many people.

Next, let people wait and see the result!


(End of this chapter)

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