The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 891 You wait for me!

Chapter 891 You wait for me!


Xu Jie turned off the computer, and then gently rubbed his dry eyes with his hands to relieve eye fatigue.

Today is the first day that JingTV Culture officially released the new director support plan. By the end of get off work, a total of 158 submissions have been received, which is several times that of the past week.

As a "new" company that has just emerged in the film industry, it is not easy to receive so many submissions.

What surprised him the most was that these submissions were not only from the capital, but from all over the country, such as Shanghai, East Guangdong, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, Huxiang, etc., which is enough to show that this newcomer The director support plan has a wide range of influence and a high degree of attention.

Moreover, the vast majority of contributors are from professional backgrounds, some are fledgling graduates of the directing department, some are young directors who have made short films, and some are professional filmmakers who have been assistant directors and screenwriters but have never been taken seriously.

Of course, there are also some netizens who join in the fun on the grounds of "dreams". Although the outline of the story is not very good, this spirit is worth encouraging.

Xu Jie checked the time. It was already half past five, and the sky outside the window was already dark. If he didn't go to Sister Man's house, it might be too late.

In order to avoid being denounced collectively by the actresses and movie kings, he quickly sorted out the tall submissions on his desk, then turned off the lights and left the office.

The colleagues had already left work, the company was empty, and the corridor seemed particularly quiet.

While he was waiting for the elevator, suddenly a burst of music rang, and it was his cell phone.

"Could it be that Sister Man and the others are in a hurry again? It's not time yet."

While thinking, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, but when he saw the caller displayed on the mobile phone screen, his brows immediately frowned.

Jiang Yuanyue?
For this senior sister who works in the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, he really knows it too well. The other party will go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so this call is definitely not good.

Especially at this point in time.

As far as he knew, the director team of China TV Spring Festival Gala had been formed and was currently preparing for the program. If he called him at this time, he really couldn't think of anything else besides the Spring Festival Gala program.

You must know that as early as the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, last year's chief director Chen Ya and language program director Jiang Yuanyue wanted to invite him to join this year's Spring Festival Gala, but it was still a long time before the Spring Festival Gala, so he randomly found a topic to change up.

However, it is already November, and there are less than three months left before the Spring Festival. It may not be so easy to change the topic this time. It seems that we must find a good reason.

"Sister, if you call me at this time, don't you want to ask me out for dinner?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Hee hee, you are really clever. You are right. I really want to invite you to dinner. Thank you for your help at the Mid-Autumn Festival party last time." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

After Xu Jie heard it, he pouted immediately.

Thanks for the help at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?

Then why not treat him to dinner after the Mid-Autumn Festival party?It's been more than a month, and I just remembered to express my gratitude to him?

Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?
"Senior sister, look at what you said, are you out of sight? We helped each other last time, so there is no need to thank each other, and I have been too busy recently. The company has created a support plan for new directors. I am The person in charge, I feel dizzy just looking at the submissions every day, and I’m still in the process of producing a TV series, so I really don’t have the time, how about this, after this time, I’ll treat my senior to dinner.”

Xu Jie didn't wait for the other party to take the initiative to speak up, and directly blocked the other party's words.

This senior's meal is not so delicious.

"How long will it be?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Well... let's start the spring. I'll invite my senior sister when the spring starts next year." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

The beginning of spring is March, and the Spring Festival Gala is in February. For this reason, he perfectly avoided the Spring Festival Gala.

"Student is really busy right now, and I have to make an appointment to have a meal with someone until the beginning of next spring." Jiang Yuanyue said after listening.

"Oh, I don't want to be so busy. I also want to spend more time with my wife and get together with friends, but I can't help it. I have too much work." Xu Jie sighed deeply after finishing speaking.

"Then what's the matter tonight?" Jiang Yuanyue continued to ask.

Xu Jie thought to himself: It seems that this senior sister is not going to let him go easily today.

"I made an appointment with a few actors, and I want to chat with them about filming." Xu Jie replied, as for playing mahjong, he didn't mention a word.

"After talking about filming?"

"Sleep, it's eleven or twelve o'clock after the chat, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Then before going to bed, I'll treat you to a supper."

"Thank you senior sister for your kindness, but I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, I need to get up early, and senior sister, you know, I am also a star now, I have to sleep well for beauty sleep, or I will be photographed by the paparazzi and I am not in good condition How can you hang out in the entertainment industry in the future?" Xu Jie felt that the other party seemed to be ready to stalk, so he pretended to be very busy and said: "Sister, I have something to do here, hang up first, let's talk to you later."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he hung up the phone directly.


Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure of dealing with the senior just now was no less than preparing the sketch, and he felt that the senior should have guessed his thoughts, but just didn't want to give up.

After all, the three skits he prepared last year did receive a lot of praise and saved some word of mouth for the language program of the Spring Festival Gala. As the director of this year's language program, how could the other party easily let him go?
You must know that the director of language programs is the one with the most pressure every year, because language programs are usually the programs that audiences look forward to the most.

'Senior sister, I'm sorry, this year I'm going home with my wife for the New Year! '

Xu Jie took the elevator to the first floor, walked out of the company gate, and was walking towards the parking lot when he vaguely saw a person standing beside his car.

I rub!

Senior Sister?

Why are you still chasing after the company?
"Sister? You are..." Xu Jie looked at the other party pretending to be puzzled.

"It's okay, I just pass by your company after get off work, so I stopped to call you and asked if I have time to eat, but since you don't have time now, forget it..." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw the smile on the senior sister's face, he felt a bad premonition in his heart. The man's sixth sense told him that it was definitely not as simple as forgetting it. The other party should have left after the call just ended, instead of standing next to his car.

Besides, Huaxia TV Station is far away from JingTV Culture, one is in the west and the other is in the east. How can they pass by him?

"Senior sister, I'll go first, there are actors waiting for me over there." Xu Jie pretended to be anxious, and took out the key to open the car door.

36 is the best plan.

Cherish New Year's Eve and stay away from senior sisters.

"En." Jiang Yuanyue agreed, and then moved away from the driver's seat.

Xu Jie smiled at the senior sister apologetically, and then quickly got into the car, but just as he closed the car door, he heard a "click", and then saw the co-pilot's door being pulled open, and the senior sister sat directly. in the car.


Xu Jie looked at the senior sister in surprise, why did she come up again?
"Senior sister, you, where are you going?" Xu Jie asked calmly, and it was exactly as he expected, some things are not just to be left alone.

"I'll go wherever you go." Jiang Yuanyue put on his seat belt, then turned to look at Xu Jie and said, "Let's go."

Xu Jie was speechless.

Where are you going?
Go to Sister Man's house to play mahjong?
If you let the other party know about this, you won't let him go.

"Senior sister, why are you doing this? Didn't I say that we are helping each other about the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, so there is no need to invite me to dinner for such a small matter, and I am losing weight these days, and the actors have a lot to do with body management. It's quite strict, I'm adapting to this new role, you can't let me fall by the wayside." Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Yeah, my junior is already a big star now, little fresh meat, right?" Jiang Yuanyue suddenly changed the subject after boasting, "Okay, stop acting, you should know why I'm looking for you, Go or not and give me a happy word."

"Sister, I really don't want to eat." Xu Jie continued to pretend to be confused.

Jiang Yuanyue squinted her eyes and stared at Xu Jie, as if to say: You pretend, keep pretending, and see how long you can pretend.

If eyes can turn into needles, Xu Jie must have become a hedgehog by now.

But Xu Jie didn't give it for nothing. What important person hasn't seen in the past few years?What big scene have you never experienced?If he can be intimidated by a look, then he doesn't have to come out to mess around, he just goes home and lies in his wife's arms and concentrates on being a soft rice boy.

Your eyes are like needles?
I'm as skinny as a wall!
See if it's the tip of your needle or the thickness of my wall.

after awhile.

Probably sensing the younger brother's resolute attitude, Jiang Yuanyue sighed suddenly, with a melancholy expression on his face, and said: "Student brother, I remember that I told you at the Mid-Autumn Festival party that this year I will be in charge. I’m still the person in the CTS Spring Festival Gala language program, do you know why?”

"Of course it's my senior who is knowledgeable and capable." Xu Jie hurriedly flattered her, and at the same time said silently in her heart: Don't do it because of me, don't do it because of me...

"This is only one aspect, but it is not the decisive factor. The most important thing is because of you. It is precisely because your works have received unanimous praise from everyone and made last year's language programs shine. That's why the station decided to Let me continue to be in charge of language programs for this year's Spring Festival Gala." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

Xu Jie turned his head away silently, looked at himself in the car window, and secretly blamed him in his heart: You, you, what are you doing so well, aren't you asking for trouble for yourself?

And the figure in the car window seems to say: I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it.

Jiang Yuanyue saw that her junior didn't speak, so she continued to say earnestly: "Student, I know you don't want to go, and I don't want to, but I can't help it. In order to present a wonderful Spring Festival Gala to the people of the whole country on New Year's Eve, Those of us can only give up our little family to take care of everyone. You also participated in the Spring Festival Gala last year. Look at those underage actors, and look at those old artists who have passed their sixtieth year. Isn’t everyone doing it for more? Did multiple people bring laughter at the expense of family reunion on New Year’s Eve? I think…”


Xu Jie turned around and interrupted the senior sister directly. Didn't the other party make it clear that he was selfish?
"Why, you agreed?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior excitedly, it seemed that what she said just now with reason and emotion was not in vain.

"Senior sister, I can count the number of times I went back to my hometown to accompany my parents this year with two hands, and because of the nature of my work, I don't spend much time with Su Yun in a year, and I can't even take care of my family now. , how can you still have the energy to take care of everyone?" Xu Jie showed a miserable face.

Jiang Yuanyue's expression froze. She didn't expect that she couldn't even use this trick. You must know that when she said these words to others before, no one disagreed.

Besides, the invitation to the CTS Spring Festival Gala was too late to compete, and no one would refuse at all.

"Brother, I beg you, sister. This time I owe you a favor. When you have a movie released in the future, I will find a way to help you advertise on the CTS stage. How about it?" Jiang Yuanyue made another move trick.

Since it cannot be persuaded with righteousness, it can only be exchanged with benefits.

"Senior sister, in fact, I have been thinking about it for a while, what a stage China TV is on, how can I advertise on it? It's outrageous, I used to be low-minded, but now my consciousness has become higher , I realized my mistake, so I will never play softly on the CTV stage again." Xu Jie said.

The corners of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched involuntarily, and her eyes stared angrily.

I tell you about enlightenment, you tell me about family affection, I tell you about benefits, and you tell me about enlightenment, are you practicing Tai Chi?Pushed around?

Jiang Yuanyue gritted her teeth, it seemed that she could only use the third move.

"This year's Spring Festival Gala is going to invite Su Yun to participate again." Jiang Yuanyue said triumphantly.

This is her trump card.

She didn't want to use this move at first, but this junior is not good at it now, so she can only use this move.

Xu Jie laughed directly after hearing this, and was even more thorough about the senior sister's careful thoughts.

"Really? But I think she might not agree this year, because she has been filming in Hengdian, and the filming will definitely not be finished within three or two months. I can't even see her, let alone you." Xu Jie said.

When Jiang Yuanyue saw how proud her junior was, she immediately became angry, but she had already hit all three axes, and she couldn't think of any other way, what should I do?

Without her junior, wouldn't she have to stretch her hips for this year's Spring Festival Gala work?
"Senior sister, I'm really in a hurry, why don't you find a place to eat tonight? There is a good noodle restaurant next to our company, and his seafood noodle is a must. You can try it." Xu Jie suggested.

"You, you wait for me!"

Jiang Yuanyue knew that the other party was deliberately running on her, so she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car angrily.

Looking at the leaving car, Jiang Yuanyue stomped on the spot.

"I'll be back!"


(End of this chapter)

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