The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 892 Attractive Cake

Chapter 892 Attractive Cake

on Tuesday.

Xu Jie did not go to the studio, but came to the unit to review the submissions received yesterday.

After so many days of running-in by the crew, the filming work has been on the right track, even without him, normal filming can be carried out.

Therefore, in the next period of time, he will shift the focus of his work to the support plan for new directors. More directly, he will find the next film that can be invested in for Jingshi Culture, so that the company can be more successful in the film business. To get better development, rather than sit and eat.

In fact, in the past six months, he has read many movie scripts submitted by members of the creative department, and there are many wonderful stories among them.

But since it is going to be made into a movie, it is natural to be cautious, so as not to stumble on the second step just after taking the first step.

And now this new director support plan can just provide him with more choices.

If a better story can be found, the company's next film will be settled. If all the submissions are not satisfactory, then he can switch to a script written by his own people.

Supporting outsiders is also helping, and supporting one's own is also helping. As the old saying goes: the fat does not flow to outsiders. There are many people in the company who hope to become famous, waiting for the opportunity to direct a movie, including screenwriters.

Xu Jie read one after another. In one morning, he read a total of more than a dozen submissions.

how to say?

I feel that the overall quality of the submissions this time is higher than that of those who submitted in advance last week. Although occasionally there will be one or two books that are not right, but at least people can read them.

Xu Jie puts together the submissions that he thinks are good, puts together the submissions that he thinks are not good, and then gives the good ones to the staff of the creative department to read and listen to more opinions.

He is not a god, and he has no ability to turn stones into gold.

Isn't there such a sentence?People have stumbled, horses have stumbled.

If you want to stand out from the crowd of submissions, it is not enough to conquer him, you must be able to conquer more talents.

At noon, Xu Jie threw a few good submissions to the creative department, and then went to a restaurant near the company to eat bowls of noodles.

When he came to the first floor of the company, he first put on a mask and then a hat before he dared to go out.

No way, who made him a star now?
Xu Jie walked out of the company gate, and just a few steps away, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. When he saw the caller ID, he immediately showed a wry smile on his face.

This senior sister Jiang is really difficult.

But, with the communication last night, is it possible for him to give the other party a chance?
Of course not!
So, he directly turned his phone to silent mode, put the phone in his pocket, and walked towards the restaurant.

Hit, hit, I can't hear you.

Xu Jie thought to himself.

Next to Jingshi Culture, there is a noodle restaurant newly opened in the first half of the year, which is very good, especially the signature braised beef noodles in the store. He is at work, and seven out of ten days he would eat braised beef noodles at noon.

When he came outside the noodle shop, the aroma had already entered his nose. Just as he was about to open the door, a voice suddenly came from behind.


Xu Jie was shocked when he heard it, as if someone had tapped his acupoints, he froze in place.

He was almost wrapped into a zongzi, yet he was still recognized?
Could it be that a tracker was installed on him?

At this moment, a few seconds seemed as long as several hours. However, when he adjusted his mood and turned around, he found that standing behind him was not only his senior sister, but also the director of the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, Mr. Chen. ya.

"Director Chen, senior sister, why are you here?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, but after asking, he already had the answer in his heart.

It seems that senior sister came with a helper this time.

Who is the helper?

Of course it's Chen Ya!
Last night, the senior was alone, but today she came in a group with Chen Ya.

"Didn't you tell me last night that there is a delicious noodle restaurant near Beijing Television Culture? So I brought Director Chen over to try it. The noodle restaurant recommended by the director of the food program must not be bad, right Director Chen?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at Xu Jie in protest and said, and at the same time pulled Chen Ya out.

"That's right, I really like noodles, and I eat at least four or five meals a week." Chen Ya said cooperatively.

"Really? Me too." Xu Jie echoed in his mouth, but in his heart he wished to give himself a big mouth, it was all caused by his lack of mouth.

"Brother, I called you just now, why didn't you answer?" Jiang Yuanyue asked suddenly.

"Ah? No way?" Xu Jie pretended to be surprised, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after seeing the two missed calls displayed on the screen, he immediately showed the mobile phone in front of the senior sister and explained: "The unit had a meeting just now. , the phone was on mute, and I forgot to cancel it after the meeting, did my sister have something to do with me?"

Jiang Yuanyue smiled slightly after hearing this, and then said: "It's nothing serious, I just wanted to ask what the name of your noodle shop is. I didn't expect to meet you outside the noodle shop by such a coincidence, so let's eat together, junior, you don't mind. ?”

Of course you mind!

Xu Jie thought to himself.

But the words were not uttered.

Life is like this, sometimes even if you don't want to, you have to pretend to be willing.

"Okay, my treat, please come in, both of you." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he opened the door of the noodle restaurant, and then pointed his head inside, making a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Chen Ya looked at Xu Jie politely and said.

"Director Chen, you are too polite, it's just a bowl of noodles, nothing more." Xu Jie said.

Chen Ya nodded to Xu Jie with a smile, and then walked into the noodle shop, while Jiang Yuanyue stood there without moving.

Xu Jie looked at the senior in doubt, and asked, "Sister, go in."

"You go ahead." Jiang Yuanyue stared at Xu Jie and said, with a trace of vigilance in his eyes.


Xu Jie was taken aback. Could it be that the other party was still worried that he would not be able to escape?

Who do you think he is?
Even if he didn't want to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, he would say it straightforwardly instead of choosing to escape.

"Just go in!" Xu Jie let go of the door, turned and walked into the noodle shop.

There are so many people who come to eat noodles at noon that there are no more vacancies.

"There's no room, let's wait a while." After asking the clerk, Chen Ya said to Xu Jie and Jiang Yuanyue who came in later.

Jiang Yuanyue nodded. Anyway, she didn't come here today to eat noodles. It doesn't matter how long you wait. Anyway, she won't leave until she achieves her goal.

However, when the clerk saw Xu Jie, he immediately walked over quickly and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Xu, you are here. There is no place downstairs. I will take you upstairs."

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He is a frequent visitor here, and he is also the leading actor in "Delicious History", so he can enjoy such preferential treatment.

Led by the clerk, the three of them came to a spacious private room upstairs.

Xu Jie ordered three bowls of signature braised beef noodles, a brine platter and two small cold dishes, and then asked the clerk to prepare.

"It's good to be a star, and you can brush your face when you eat." Jiang Yuanyue said after the clerk left.

Three people, and they only ordered so few things, they would not be arranged in a private room under normal circumstances.

"How about senior sister also enter the showbiz? Absolutely proper acting school." Xu Jie said jokingly.

"Student, are you running on me?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with narrowed eyes.

"No, absolutely not, I'm just praising you, senior." Xu Jie changed his face and said solemnly.

"Really? That's really my honor." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile, and then suddenly clapped her hands, as if suddenly remembering something, and said loudly: "I remember, you are the director. His gaze must be unusual, Director Chen, why don't I go to the showbiz to test the waters?"

"Okay, Mr. Xu's screenwriting and directing skills are so strong, it will definitely make you a hit." Chen Ya said.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Do you think I am an old schemer?Who will be popular?

Jiang Yuanyue seemed to take it seriously, she reached out and grabbed Xu Jie's sleeve, and said anxiously: "Student, hurry up, make me popular, it doesn't matter what kind of movie it is."

Xu Jie knew that senior sister was acting again, so he said: "Sister, don't worry, as the old saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient, let me think about it later, what kind of role you are suitable for, and I will tailor it for you at that time." A script will definitely make you red and purple."

"Then please worry about it, junior, I'm waiting for your good news." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Senior, look at what you said, you still see me like this." Xu Jie waved his hands again and again, indicating that it was nothing.

"Mr. Xu, hearing what you said, even I am a little tempted. Although I am not your senior sister and senior, our relationship is not bad. Why don't you write a few more scripts so that I can experience the popularity again?" How do you feel?" Chen Ya on the side also joined in.

"Director Chen, you are already very popular." Xu Jie said.

"That's all happened in the past. Not only is it not popular now, but it's often blackmailed by people. It makes me take medicine every night to fall asleep, alas!" Chen Ya said with a deep sigh.

"Oh? Someone dares to blackmail you, Director Chen? Call the police and sue these people for defamation!" Xu Jie was a little surprised, even people from Huaxia TV dared to blackmail?
"But there are too many people, I can't sue. Think about it, there are 12 billion people watching the Spring Festival Gala in the whole country. If the show is not done well, these 12 billion people will come to scold me. How do you say I should sue?" Chen Ya stared intently. Staring at Xu Jie, waiting for the other party's answer.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and secretly said that ginger is still hot.

In fact, he was very clear about the purpose of senior sister and director Chen looking for him today, so when he was talking just now, he was always careful about these two people, but he didn't expect that after talking about it, he was still surrounded by director Chen.

"Then let's not guide, let these 12 billion people scold others." Xu Jie said.

In retrospect, he was also one of those 12 billion people.

"But the arrangement has already been made, and the press conference has already been held. Wouldn't it be irresponsible to pick someone up at this time? I don't know if Mr. Xu has other options?" Chen Ya asked again.

"Then let these 12 billion people scold me. I think that when Su Yun and I registered to get the license, there were hundreds of millions of netizens scolding me. Didn't I survive this? And everyone said that Su Yun and I were both talented and beautiful. , In fact, some things may not feel very good at the time, but when people recall them many years later, they may regard it as a classic, and I believe that Director Chen will definitely create a classic." Xu Jie said .

At this moment, braised beef noodles, assorted brine and small cold dishes were brought in by the clerk. Xu Jie unceremoniously picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and blew air, and said, "Director Chen, eat while it's hot."

Chen Ya looked at the young man next to him "Zi Walk Zi Walk" eating noodles, and now he finally knew why Xiao Jiang failed to take him down, and asked him for help.

This person is too difficult to deal with.

He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the noodles. Not to mention, they were really delicious, especially the braised beef with braised sauce, which was salty and sweet, and sweet with a hint of spiciness, which stimulated his taste buds.

"Well, this noodles are really delicious." Chen Ya praised.

Xu Jie laughed when he heard it.

Of course it's delicious, but if it's not good, can he frequent it?
"If the Spring Festival Gala can be as amazing and comfortable as this bowl of noodles, that would be great, but unfortunately I am not qualified as a cook." Chen Ya sighed again.

Xu Jie's smile froze, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

Eating noodles can also be associated with the Spring Festival Gala. If he had known this, he should not have recommended this noodle shop to his senior sister last night, but recommended the stinky tofu sold on the roadside cart.

Chen Ya glanced at Xu Jie from the corner of his eyes, and saw that the other party was concentrating on cooking, not only raised his eyebrows, but this also completely aroused his competitive spirit.

This young man must be taken down today.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that Beijing TV Culture is often responsible for large-scale cultural performances of Beijing Satellite TV, such as various evening parties and themed activities?" Chen Ya asked casually while eating noodles.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

"I wonder if Mr. Xu is interested in cooperating with our China TV station?" Chen Ya asked lightly.

Xu Jie was shocked, and the chopsticks in his hand stopped in mid-air.

Seeing Xu Jie's changes, Chen Ya was secretly delighted, and continued to say: "Although our large-scale program center does not have many performance tasks every year, there are thirty or forty performances in a year. If Mr. Xu is willing, this I can make a decision on anything.”

He is the director of the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV station, who he cooperates with and who he chooses to appear on the stage is just a matter of his words.

In order to allow Xu Jie to join the Spring Festival Gala, he didn't mind taking out a piece of cake and sharing it with the other party.

The most important thing is that this piece of cake can be eaten for a long time, that is to say, not only this year, but also the Spring Festival Gala of next year, the year after, and the year after the next year. As long as he wants, the other party will join the Spring Festival Gala, because anyone who eats There is no one who does not want to continue eating a piece of cake.

This is also his trump card.

In contrast, doing soft advertising at the party is nothing at all.

Chen Ya looked at Xu Jie who was deep in thought without eating noodles, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and a trace of complacency flashed in his eyes.

He didn't believe that the other party could withstand the temptation this time!
Come on, eat it, it's delicious, after you take one bite, you'll want to have a second bite, the signature braised beef noodles will be rubbish, only this cake will be the most delicious.


(End of this chapter)

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