Chapter 893 Greedy!

Xu Jie looked at Chen Ya who proposed cooperation, and thought for a long time in his heart.

He knew that this was a bait deliberately thrown by the other party to lure him into the bait, but he was still tempted.

Most of the company's current large-scale event business comes from Beijing TV Station, and the number of evening parties and large-scale performances is almost the same every year, and there is no growth point at all.

To be more direct, Jingshi Culture's performance business depends entirely on Jingcheng TV Station's entertainment.

If the Beijing TV station does the award, the employees of the company's performance department will have food to eat. If the Beijing TV station does not award it, then the company's performance employees will have to drink the Northwest Wind.

But if we can cooperate with Huaxia TV Station and receive some large-scale event business from Huaxia TV Station, it will be completely different.

Not only can it get rid of the dependence on the Beijing TV station, but it also provides a new growth point for the company's business, and allows the employees of the performance department to live a life of eating and drinking.

Recently, the employees of the performance department have said in private that he is partial.

The TV program department has two variety shows, "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage". "Time and Space Lovers", even if it is playing mahjong, it should be the performance department's turn to sit in the dealership.

The most important thing is that cooperating with Huaxia TV Station can not only enhance the company's influence, but also improve the professional level of employees. This is equivalent to finding the strongest king, and it is also the number one in the national service. It is obviously a direct rhythm .

Although the price of not being able to go home on New Year's Eve is very high, it is of great benefit to the company and to him personally, and it is worth it!
While Xu Jie was analyzing the pros and cons of the matter in his mind, Chen Ya said again: "Most of the programs produced by our large-scale program center are broadcast on CTS, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, New Year's Gala, Spring Festival Gala, and various other programs. Theme party, among other things, there is no problem with putting in an actor or something..."

Being able to get a piece of cake and install actors at the same time, Chen Ya felt that his sincerity was enough. Looking around the whole country, he couldn't find a few people who he valued so much.

If that doesn't work, he really can't do anything.

"Student, you just say something, do you agree or not? You are the only one with this treatment." Jiang Yuanyue urged.

If it was her, she would agree without even thinking about it, and would hold Director Chen's hand tightly, expressing her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

This condition has already broken away from the scope of invitation and cooperation, and it is completely treating the other party as one of our own.

To be honest, she is now anxious for her junior, maybe after this village, there will be no such shop.

What a rare opportunity!

Xu Jie raised his head to look at the senior sister, then looked at Chen Ya beside him, finally nodded and said with a smile: "Director Chen, you've already talked about this, if I still don't agree, then Isn't it just that you don't know good from bad? I agree."

His hard work will benefit the whole company. This business has been done well.

This is equivalent to opening up a road leading to the CTS stage, and this one alone will be envied by countless people.

For Su Yun, it was worth it.

When Chen Ya heard Xu Jie's answer, a smile appeared on his face immediately. You must know that it is no longer a day or two for him to invite the other party to the Spring Festival Gala.

From the day he was appointed as the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, the first thing that comes to mind is this young man.

Now seeing that the other party finally agreed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, he doesn't need to worry about this year's language programs.

As long as language programs can satisfy more than one billion viewers, everyone's evaluation of the Spring Festival Gala will not be low.

After all, compared with singing and dancing programs that are mostly used as background music for playing mahjong and swiping mobile phones, language programs usually can still gain some attention.

"Great!" Chen Ya put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders excitedly, and said with a smile, "With you joining, this year's Spring Festival Gala will be even more powerful."

"That's right!" Jiang Yuanyue patted the table happily, and said, "Student, people go to high places. With your talents, you should not only be limited to local TV stations, you should go to a higher platform." I believe that when you look back on this experience in the future, you will be extremely proud of this decision today."

"I don't have anything personally, the main reason is that I don't want Director Chen to go for nothing." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Jiang Yuanyue was speechless.

Can I have a little face?
Don't want Director Chen to run away for nothing?So why didn't you agree in the first place?

Chen Ya and Jiang Yuanyue had the same thought, but how could they say such words?
"Thank you for giving me face." Chen Ya said.

"Director Chen, you are being polite. I will ask you to take care of me in the future." Xu Jie said politely.

"Student, what about this year's language programs..." Jiang Yuanyue asked tentatively.

"Same as last year, I will offer three." Xu Jie was also unambiguous. Since he agreed to cooperate, he must show enough sincerity.

Every Spring Festival Gala, there will be seven or eight language programs, and he is in charge of three by himself, which is quite a lot.

Chen Yagang wanted to say yes, but was held back by Jiang Yuanyue.

"Student, last year you were in charge of three, and now that we have become partners, you are still in charge of three, isn't it a little less?" Jiang Yuanyue asked unhurriedly.

Xu Jie was startled slightly after hearing this, then squinted his eyes and looked over.

Senior sister, you are not authentic!

Is it too little to contract three programs?
Isn't this insatiable?

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "Okay, then four!"

"Four is less." Jiang Yuanyue shook his head.

"What?" Xu Jie frowned directly, looked at the senior sister and said bluntly: "How many language programs can there be in one Spring Festival gala? Eight? I'm in charge of half now, senior sister, you still don't like it?" Little? If I take charge of everything, what are you, the director in charge of language programs, doing? Are you cheering on the sidelines?"

"Wrong, the job of a director is mainly to grasp the creation, the theme, and the whole, rather than writing the scripts of all the programs. Writing the scripts is the job of the creative team and screenwriters. In other words, as long as I can invite actors, find good actors for them. story, the task will be successfully completed." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

"So, are you going to use me as your tool and use it to your death?" Xu Jie picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of noodles, "Then just pretend that I didn't agree to anything just now, and let's continue eating noodles." , My unit is quite busy, so I have to go back quickly after eating." After speaking, he ate the noodles with a big mouthful.

Cooperation, yes.

But if you want to bully him with those advantages, no!
Although he very much hopes to cooperate with the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, it does not mean that he will be a cow and a horse for the sake of cooperation.

The big deal is not to use this piece of cake. Anyway, the two pieces of cake, the movie market and the TV drama market, are big enough for him to eat.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched, she said that she was fine just now, the main reason was that she didn't want Director Chen to make a trip for nothing, and before 2 minutes had passed, she immediately turned her face and refused to recognize anyone.

"Okay, junior, don't be angry, I'm just kidding, four is four, it's so happy." Jiang Yuanyue coaxed.

Xu Jie curled his lips, what am I kidding you for, he is clearly testing his bottom line.

If he compromised to the other party again just now for the sake of cooperation, why not let the other party decide in the future?

It's okay to let him work, but it's not okay to bully honest people.

"Eat noodles." Xu Jie said lightly, and at the same time conveyed a message to these two people: I am also a person with a temper.

"Yes, eat noodles." Chen Ya smiled and smoothed things over, and at the same time gave Jiang Yuanyue a wink, signaling the other party to stop talking, anyway, the goal has been achieved.

Jiang Yuanyue received the message from Director Chen, so she stopped talking. She was in a good mood at the moment, her appetite opened up, and she picked up the chopsticks and slurped up the noodles.

After the meal, perhaps to express his apology, Jiang Yuanyue took the initiative to pay the bill.

Xu Jie didn't fight with the other party. If the other party wanted to tie the knot, he let the other party know. He had to let the other party know that he, Xu Jie, was different from other people who flattered them.

"Director Chen, I'm going back to the company. Let's see you another day." After leaving the restaurant, Xu Jie said to Chen Ya neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay, in a few days, the creative team of the Spring Festival Gala will hold a small meeting, and I will notify you in advance." Chen Ya said with a smile.


Xu Jie nodded, then walked in the direction of the company.

But after walking a few steps, he stopped again.

Not right!

He is now about to prepare scripts for language programs for the Spring Festival Gala, but the other party has not given him anything in return.

What's the use of light being able to see a cake?It is delicious only if it can be eaten in the mouth.

"Director Chen."

Xu Jie turned around, looked at Chen Ya and said, "Do you want to cooperate with China TV at the Spring Festival Gala next?"

Chen Ya was stunned for a moment, thinking: This kid really doesn't see a rabbit or a hawk.

"Xiao Xu, you should know that for events like the Spring Festival Gala, our large-scale program center usually produces independently. If you can't even do such a small thing, wouldn't it be a disgrace to China TV?" Chen Ya said .

When Xu Jie heard this, he immediately frowned, pointed at the restaurant and said, "Director Chen, could it be that the cooperation you mentioned here is just fooling me?"

When I was eating noodles, I said well that I can cooperate in large-scale events, but when I left the noodle restaurant, I immediately found a reason to refuse. Isn’t this a backlash?

How could the other party, the director of the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, do such a thing?
Where is the spirit of the contract?

"Don't worry, just listen to me slowly." Chen Ya saw Xu Jie's displeasure, so he continued: "Although we can't cooperate in the Spring Festival Gala, we can cooperate in the New Year's Eve Gala. The New Year's Eve Gala and Mid-Autumn Festival Like the evening party, the location is not fixed every year, and it is usually held in other cities, so it is inseparable from the cooperation with the local TV station. Isn't it a logical thing to add your JingTV culture to it?"

Xu Jie thought for a while, and it seemed that what he said made sense, so his brows gradually relaxed, and his expression softened.

"Student, aren't you Beijing TV Culture still responsible for the various evening parties of Beijing Satellite TV? Now you are also cooperating with our Huaxia TV station. Do you have so many people in your company?" Jiang Yuanyue asked at this time.

Xu Jie took a breath.

That's right, when Huaxia TV is holding a party, most of Beijing TV is also holding a party, and these shows are originally produced in the form of cooperation between Beijing Satellite TV and Beijing TV Culture, so there are not many employees in the Beijing TV Cultural Performance Department. Let's disperse these people, not to mention what will happen to Huaxia TV station, there will be a shortage of personnel on the Beijing TV station alone.

Xu Jie was depressed.

The cake sent by Ganqing Chen Ya just looks good, but there are not many places to eat it, it's all just decoration.

Can he eat this dumb thing?

Of course not!

So he straightened up and replied: "Yes, of course there are so many people, even if you can't get out too many, can't you still get out the small ones? Besides, the cooperation between JingTV Culture and your large-scale program center is actually very important. Just to show off and focus on participation, can you really put them in important positions? You still have to focus on the people from China TV, right? "

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sweated secretly. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise the cake would not be taken away by the other party?And the other party had to say: I gave you the cake, but you have diabetes and can't eat it, so don't blame me.

"Hehe!" Jiang Yuanyue laughed twice, obviously she had seen through Xu Jie, but this time she was showing her face and didn't expose it directly.

Hearing Jiang Yuanyue's laughter, Chen Ya was worried that Xu Jie might have misunderstood him, so he retracted his previous words of cooperation, so he said, "Well, that's right, the focus is on participation, and there are many kinds of participation, even if there is no staff To participate, you can also recommend artists to participate, like Su Yun, as long as she wants to go to any party, she can choose whatever she wants."

Xu Jie looked at Chen Ya, the idea of ​​recommending artists is also very good, but in that way, the performance of the company will become his personal favor.

No matter who is recommended by him, don't you have to owe him a favor?

However, children only make choices, and adults of course want them all.

Performance is important, and human relationship is also important.

"Okay, then let's work together at the next New Year's Eve party. Just tell me what kind of talents you need. Then, I will recommend a few more artists to you, so that you won't have to worry about whom to invite. .” Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Student, you are really greedy." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Need talent?
Does Huaxia TV still need talents?It's a talent pool in itself, and the best people in television are here.

As for whom to worry about...

Do they need to worry?
Those entertainment companies and brokerage companies are all scrambling to send their artists to the stage of Huaxia TV Station, not only does it not matter how much the labor fee is, but they are even willing to do it wrong.

The junior is not only greedy, but also good-looking when he gets a bargain.

To use one word to describe it is: good enough!

"Senior sister, compared with you, I am far behind, and I still have to learn from you." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Anyone who says he can be greedy is fine, but the senior in front of him can't, because the other party is more worried than him.


Jiang Yuanyue knew that what the younger brother said was that she asked the other party to be in charge of more programs just now, but she couldn't refute it, so she could only stare at the other party fiercely.

"Okay, that's it." Chen Ya made a decision directly, not wanting to make any changes because of this incident. To him, this is not a big deal, just a show of sincerity. After all, the Spring Festival Gala is the most important thing.

"Yeah!" Xu Jie nodded. He was also worried about the change, so he stood by the side of the road and said, "I'll find you a taxi."

"No, my car is in front." Jiang Yuanyue said.

The three walked forward together, and when they were about to reach Jingshi Culture, Jiang Yuanyue pointed to a red car on the side of the road.

Xu Jie took a closer look at the senior sister's car. There was nothing special about the car, but it was parked in a special place, where you could see both the gate of Jingshi Culture and the noodle shop.

and many more!

The senior sister made the phone call before, didn't she just make the call when she saw him coming out of the unit?

If it is, it means that his every move, including not answering the call, has been seen by the other party.

Looking back now, the senior sister asked him why he didn't answer the phone outside the noodle shop, and she had other intentions.

It's okay, I have a thick skin, I'm not afraid!
Xu Jie comforted himself like this.

"Student!" Jiang Yuanyue looked at Xu Jie when he opened the car door and said, "Remember to prepare the script well!"

"If you are worried, you can find someone else." Xu Jie said.

Prepare well?

Is not this nonsensical?

Can he smash his own signboard?
Jiang Yuanyue chose to swallow this breath because the Spring Festival Gala is the most important thing at the moment. After all, as the director in charge of language programs, she is relying on the other party.

The car started and slowly drove into the driveway.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the car and began to think about cooperation in the New Year's Eve party.

The staff is easy to find, you can just pick a few people from the performance department, but who should the artist look for?


The production team is very busy, if I ask my wife to attend the New Year's Eve party, it will delay the progress of the filming, and to participate is to participate in the more important Spring Festival party.

Who else?

Xu Jie's mind went blank.

JingTV Culture is essentially a production company, not an entertainment company or a brokerage company, and has no signed artists, so even if it encounters such a good thing that can increase exposure, it is useless. In the end, he can only use this opportunity to go to other The company changed favors.

For example, Hu Zhen's agency will give more opportunities like this to the artists under the other party. When employing people in the future, they can discuss the remuneration.

There is also Wang Tiannan's Huasen Media. The movie that Su Yun is currently filming is produced by Huasen Media. The director and some of the actors in it are also from Huasen Media. It is also a good thing to be able to establish a relationship with this entertainment giant. Excellent thing.

After thinking about it, an idea suddenly popped into Xu Jie's mind.

It would be great if Su Yun's studio can also sign some artists.

While many big-name artists set up studios to serve themselves, they will also sign some artists, and through the form of helping and mentoring, they will fight for roles for these artists, and while increasing their income, they will embark on the road of being a boss.

Now that he has the resources of Beijing TV Station and Huaxia TV Station, it is not easy to praise anyone?
Even if it is not popular, it can always be done if it is familiar to the audience, right?
Yes, tell your wife now!

(End of this chapter)

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