The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 894 Cooperation with CTS

Chapter 894 Cooperation with CTS

Probably because of the lunch break, the call was quickly connected.

"Honey, do you miss me?"

Su Yun's sweet and playful voice came from the microphone, instantly reminding Xu Jie of the scene when he met his wife a few days ago.

"Well, I think, I'm not busy this week, I'll go to Hengdian to see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

When he said not busy, he meant that he did not need to go to the set.

Because Taili also attaches great importance to the support plan for new directors this time, he plans not to go to the studio this week, and concentrate on screening and submitting manuscripts in the unit.

In fact, the work of screening and submitting manuscripts does not have any strict requirements on the environment. It can be done in the unit, and it can be done in Hengdian. There will be no delay in screening.

As for the matter of playing mahjong with Sister Man and the others, it can be explained that he went on a business trip to other places, and at worst the days in arrears were recorded on the account, anyway, he had already owed a few days before.

Isn't there such a sentence?
If there are many lice, there will be no itching, and if there are many debts, there will be no worries.

"Really? That's great!" Su Yun said happily after hearing that, but when she was happy, she suddenly thought of something, and asked doubtfully: "Isn't "The Legend of Lan Xi" still filming? As the producer Don't you need to be there?"

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged. Originally, I didn't plan to go this week. With such a big company, I can't just watch TV dramas every day, can I?" Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun nodded, feeling that what her husband said was indeed correct.

The producer is not the director, why should he be there every day?

Just like the movie she is currently shooting, it has been on for such a long time, and the number of times the producer has come to the set can be counted with two hands.

"Honey, I want to ask you something, do you want to be the boss?" Xu Jie started to talk about business.

"Boss? Am I not the boss now?" Su Yun said with a smile.

The studio is hers. Although there are fewer employees, she can do whatever she wants without looking at other people's faces. Isn't this the boss?
"The boss you mentioned and the boss I mentioned are not the same boss. I mean, has your studio ever thought about signing artists? I see that many artists now choose to sign some newcomers after setting up their personal studios. If one of the five is popular, the business will be profitable." Xu Jie said.

"My studio has just been established. Not only are there not many people, but also I don't have any resources in the film and television industry, so I have never thought about it. My husband, why did you suddenly have such an idea?" Su Yun asked curiously. asked.

She set up a personal studio in the first place in order to be able to focus more on making movies. She herself is just getting a foothold at the moment, how can she have the ability to sign new people?
"It's like this. I just met Director Chen of China TV's large-scale program center and promised him to join the creative team of this year's Spring Festival Gala. He will not only cooperate with our Beijing Television Culture in large-scale program performances, but also allow me to ask him Recommend artists to participate in these large-scale events, but we Jingshi Culture does not have the business of contracting artists, so I thought of your studio. Now I have the resources of Beijing TV Station and Huaxia TV Station. , It’s too wasteful, you can help me refer to it, is this possible.”

After Xu Jie explained the whole story, he asked his wife for advice.

On the other side, Su Yun was already stunned by her husband's words.

How could such a good thing happen?
You must know that Chen Ya, who is in the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV, is not something ordinary people can catch up with.

Director Chen is in charge of all large and small programs of China TV, including evening parties, themed events, etc. And all the entertainers in the entertainment industry don't want to be on the stage of China TV.

Now that my husband is able to establish such a relationship with Director Chen, I don't know how many people will envy and hate him.

"You can think about this matter." Su Yun said after thinking for a while.

One is Huaxia TV Station and the other is Beijing TV Station. Such resources can be described as against the sky.

Moreover, JingTV Culture can also make its own movies and TV series, so there is no need to worry about the lack of shows for artists.

Even if she had never considered signing a new contract, she couldn't help but feel excited.

"Do you have any suitable candidates? I need it urgently. This year's Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party is the first cooperation between Beijing TV Culture and Huaxia TV's large-scale program center. I have already promised Director Chen that I will recommend some artists. "Xu Jie said.

"Ah? So urgent?" Su Yun was taken aback, very surprised.

Signing an artist is not something that can be done just by signing.

If you want to sign a newcomer, you must first conduct an all-round inspection of the target, such as personality, appearance, specialty, acting skills, etc.; if you want to sign a potential new star, most of them have already got a job, unless the contract expires.

In a situation like my husband's, the newcomer is definitely not good, because the newcomer has no works and is not well-known, and there is no way for the newcomer to be on the stage of the CTV New Year's Eve party.

A potential new star is fine, but in such a hurry, where should she be signed?

You can't go directly to other entertainment companies or brokerage companies to poach roles, right?

In this way, it will not only establish an enemy, but also pay a huge amount of liquidated damages, which is really not cost-effective.

"Is there no suitable one? Forget it, let's talk about it later." Xu Jie said.

Signing an artist contract and cultivating an artist is a very time-consuming thing in itself, let alone two months, even those who have debuted for five or six years, aren't most of them unknown?

It's easy to make a debut, but it's not easy to be famous in the entertainment circle.

Therefore, it shows the importance of resources.

"It's the end of the year now, and many artists' contracts will expire. I will pay attention to it." Su Yun said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Xu Jie put down the phone.

He was indeed anxious about this matter, and it seemed that this time he was going to take advantage of others.

Xu Jie glanced at the distance, the senior sister's car had already disappeared without a trace, put aside the artist matter for now, it is better to go back to the unit and tell the good news of the cooperation with China TV to the people in the performance department.

performance department.

Because the New Year’s Eve party of Beijing Satellite TV this year is still mainly about singing, it doesn’t need such a long preparation time, so the employees don’t seem to be busy. Others were chatting. Compared with the busyness of the film department, TV drama department, and creative department, this place was like another world.

"I passed the TV drama department just now. There are only two people on duty in the office, and the others are not there. It's really enviable." A short-haired female employee said disappointedly.

"Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to have cramps counting the bonuses for the program department, film department, and TV drama department at the end of this year. Pity our performance department. I want to apply for transfer to other departments." The female employee sitting next to him said Said while doing makeup in the mirror.

"Didn't you say that when they couldn't pay out the bonus two years ago? They were keeping the clouds open to see the moon. Feng Shui turns around. You can't let them drink the northwest wind all the time, can you?" The actor wearing glasses said with a smile.

"Our performance department is like this. With the same little money for thousands of years, you can't eat enough and starve to death. Thinking about it from another angle, it can be regarded as a guarantee of income from drought and flood. Please be satisfied." Zhang Qize, head of the performance department, comforted.

"Minister, in the year since Mr. Xu came to the company, the program department, film department, and TV drama department have all developed visibly to the naked eye, and even the newly established creative department has flourished. Do you think it will be our turn in the future? What about the performance department?" The female employee with short hair asked again.

When the others heard this, they also cast expectant looks at the minister.

It would be a lie to say that he is not jealous of other departments.

Who doesn't want to pay out some extra bonuses at the end of the year?
Even if it is a bit busy, everyone is willing.

Zhang Qize looked at the group of people under his command, everyone asked him, but who did he ask?
To be honest, he also wants to know this question, but he is very clear about the situation of the performance department. Apart from Beijing TV Station, there is no other business at all. He can't hold a party by himself when he is free. ?Isn't that a farce?Besides, where did the money for the party come from?

However, as the head of the performance department, he didn't want to disappoint everyone, so he said: "If you want to know, you can ask Mr. Xu, I'm not..."

"What do you say to me?"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Zhang Qize's words, and when everyone was looking for his reputation, they were too scared to make a sound.

It's Mr. Xu!
Really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Those who follow dramas hurriedly close the webpage, those who chatted hurriedly lowered their heads and pretended to be working, and those who ate takeaway panicked and threw their lunch boxes into the trash can at their feet.

You must know that talking about the leader behind his back is a taboo in the workplace, not to mention being heard by the leader himself, isn't this an unlucky rhythm?

It's all right now, not to mention developed, it's pretty good if you don't wear small shoes.

Xu Jie walked into the performance department, looked at the other people with great interest and asked, "Why didn't you say anything? You guys seemed to be chatting very lively just now. How about I go out and you continue?"

After speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

When Zhang Qize saw him, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Xu, don't leave. We are too happy that you can come to our performance department to inspect the work. Just now everyone mentioned you, saying that in the year you came to the company, JingTV Culture There's been a sea change, and everyone says you're a good leader, right?"

After Zhang Qize finished speaking, he looked at the employees in the office area.


"That's right!"

"Boss Xu, you are too powerful."

"You are not only our leader in the workplace, but also a bright light in our work."

While echoing Zhang Qize, all the employees flattered Mr. Xu, hoping that the other party would not hold on to what happened just now.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I know how good I am." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Qize and asked, "When will you start preparing for the New Year's Eve party at Beijing TV Station?"

"Early December." Zhang Qize replied.

"Is there anyone else?" Xu Jie asked again.

When Zhang Qize heard this, he was stunned.

The employees in the office area were even more surprised.

Are there any extra people?
What does Mr. Xu mean by this?
Could it be that he saw that everyone was busy just now, so he thought of laying off employees?

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and everyone became uneasy.

But think about it, people in other departments are busy, only their performance department is idle talking about the leadership behind their backs, who do they want to lay off?

"Xu, Mr. Xu, we don't have any extra people in the performance department." Zhang Qize shook his head, fearing that Mr. Xu would take the performance department into trouble, he hurriedly explained: "Don't look at us as if we are all idle now, but actually wait until we are preparing for the party , We are so busy that we are too busy to work overtime. Especially during the end of the year, we have to prepare for the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party. There will be a Lantern Festival party later, and we often can't go home... ..."

The performance department is like this. They die idle when they are free, and die busy when they are busy, but they can't be blamed for this situation. They also want to be busy every day, but the question is, can they save energy every day?Can the party be held every day?

"Are you so busy?" Xu Jie asked after listening.

"En." Zhang Qize nodded heavily.

Although layoffs are not his turn, reducing the number of people is not a good thing for him, the director of the performance department. When the time comes, the team will be even more difficult to lead when people lose their minds.

"Aren't these large-scale performances usually the cooperation between Beijing TV Culture and Beijing TV Station? Can't we have a little less people?" Xu Jie asked.

He was in charge of a New Year's Eve party when he was working at the Cultural Program Center of Beijing TV Station, so he still has some understanding of the staff composition of the party.

The period before the festival is usually a very busy period for TV stations, because many programs need to prepare a special program for the festival, and the investment is naturally more than usual, so at this time, JingTV Culture needs to appear.

However, for the evening party held at the Beijing TV station, it is necessary to know the on-site staff and the host in the station. It is impossible to outsource the whole thing. Therefore, the two parties will jointly complete this work in the form of cooperation. Depending on the culture a part of the people.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, there are very few people in the performance department, otherwise, they wouldn't often be pulling New Era Media into a tripartite cooperation." Zhang Qize said with a bitter face.

"That's it, that's troublesome." Xu Jie frowned and said, "I just met with the people from China TV, and I plan to work together to produce China TV's New Year's Eve party. You don't have any extra people in the performance department. How else can I cooperate with Huaxia TV?"


When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

Cooperate with Huaxia TV?

Want to make the New Year's Eve party of Huaxia TV together?
This, is this a dream?

What is Huaxia Television?National team.

Not only is the ability of the staff second to none in the industry, but even the evening shows produced look superior to other satellite TV channels.

Now they want to cooperate with a company affiliated to Beijing TV Station. How is this possible?

As the director of the performance department, Zhang Qize was the first to recover, and asked stammeringly: "Xu, Mr. Xu, is what you said true?"

"Do you think I have free time to come to your performance department to joke?" Xu Jie asked back.

Everyone thought, yes.

Mr. Xu is so busy. He is also busy with TV dramas, screening submissions for the new director support plan, and reading scripts from the creative department.

"Mr. Xu, please sit down!" Zhang Qize quickly pulled a chair from the side and placed it behind Xu Jie.

And an employee next to him seemed to have received the signal, and hurriedly took out a bottle of Coke from his drawer and handed it over.

"Mr. Xu, drink Coke!"

Other employees also took action at this time, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea each showed their magical powers, some took out potato chips, some took out chocolates, and some took out sausages, all of which were placed in front of Mr. Xu.

"Mr. Xu, we didn't know too much just now, why don't you tell us more while eating and drinking?" an actress asked excitedly.

Everyone surrounded Mr. Xu, as if they were afraid that the other party would leave.

Xu Jie looked at the snacks in front of him. Are these people here for work or for a tea party?

He opened a bag of potato chips and said while eating: "At noon today, just now, I had dinner with Director Chen of the large-scale program center of China TV. The meal was held in a friendly atmosphere. The two sides discussed the possibility of cooperation. We exchanged opinions on this, and finally reached a consensus that the New Year's Eve party is the first step of cooperation, and we can cooperate in the future, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival party and 315."



After everyone listened, they cheered excitedly.

Being able to cooperate with China TV is not only an opportunity, but also a great honor. Not everyone can come across such an opportunity.

"President Xu, you are too powerful!"

"President Xu, you are my idol!"

"Yes, yes, I can't even think about cooperating with China TV. How did you do it, Mr. Xu?"

When everyone is flattering, they still don't forget to ask the reason. After all, this kind of thing can't be done just by discussing it at the dinner table.

If it is possible, the people queuing up for dinner outside Huaxia TV Station can go all the way outside the Fifth Ring Road.

"Is there even a question? Can't you see it?" Xu Jie tossed his hair, "Of course it's the charisma!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then showed adoring eyes.

Because apart from the charisma of personality, they couldn't think of any other way for Mr. Xu to use. After all, JingTV's cultural background is weak, and there is nothing he can do in front of Huaxia TV.

Not to mention the charm of personality, even if it is said that it is a beauty trick, they will believe it.

"Mr. Xu, how many people are needed for this cooperation?" Zhang Qize asked.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "It doesn't take much to cooperate for the first time, just form a team of about ten people. If there are no extra people in the department, then we can only..."

"Yes, there are extra people!" Zhang Qize said immediately.

Many people are also eager to try.

"Didn't you just say no?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qize, and then at the others.

"That, that is, the cooperation you negotiated with great difficulty, Mr. Xu. Even if one person in our performance department is used as two people, we must gather ten people to live up to your expectations, Mr. Xu." Zhang Qize said with a serious face.

I thought to myself: If I knew that it was not layoffs, but to cooperate and study with China TV, I would not have said what I just said.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, then stood up, hugged all the snacks on the table in his arms, and said as he walked out: "Man, your performance department chooses by yourself, and you must cooperate firmly. Grasp it, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"Yes!" Zhang Qize said seriously.

Xu Jie walked out of the performance department, and before he had gone far, he heard arguing behind him.

"Minister, I'm signing up!"

"I also need to go!"

"All of you will be robbed from me, or you will be blamed for turning against me!"



(End of this chapter)

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