Chapter 895 Team Strength
After Xu Jie left the performance department, he immediately returned to his office. Now that Director Chen has shown enough sincerity to cooperate, he will also prepare a sketch for the China TV Spring Festival Gala.

I still remember that when the creation department was first established, he put forward a rigid work target for all members, one of which was to complete the scripts of two short plays.

There is an old saying: Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while.

It's finally time to play the part of the creative department.

Xu Jie turned on the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive belonging to the creative department, and found the short play folder inside. There were more than 30 story files in it, all of which were works that passed the acceptance test.

It is far from enough for an employee to finish writing the work content he formulated, and he also needs to pass his inspection.

As for the unqualified, go back and rewrite until it passes the acceptance.

Want to make a fool of yourself?Want to fish in troubled waters?
Sorry, not allowed.

The creative department does not need such a person.

In fact, these short play scripts were prepared by Xu Jie for the variety show "Crossover Actors". Since Director Chen and his senior sister invited him to create short plays for the Spring Festival Gala again, these works can just be used.

He selected six of the comedy scripts suitable for the Spring Festival Gala stage, and after printing them, he took them to the creation department.

Compared with the leisurely performance department, the creative department is much more busy.

Minister Qian Cheng and the two members have been staying on the set as the screenwriters of "The Legend of Lan Xi", while other members, some are watching the new director Xu who has just handed over to them to submit, and some are writing the script hard, for Work hard to complete the rigid work targets proposed by Mr. Xu.


A long-haired female member suddenly yelled, turned her head and shook her hair vigorously, and when she stopped, she said distressedly: "I can't write it, I can't write it at all, I have nothing in my mind, and I still have a month and a half to go." The time is running out, what should I do?"

"Who made you focus on chasing dramas instead of writing scripts? By the way, what else do you need?" asked the short-haired female member sitting opposite.

"A TV drama script, a program planning, and a short play script." The former female member said with a sigh.

"So many? Then you are really hopeless. I still have a program planner and a short play script left. If I'm lucky, I can finish it this month." The short-haired female member said in a relaxed tone.

Among the annual hard work indicators set by Mr. Xu, TV drama scripts are recognized as the most difficult and have the most words. In contrast, program planning and short drama scripts are much simpler.

"Is everything finished? Give me some inspiration." The long-haired female member straightened up and asked other colleagues in the office area.

"As far as I know, except for the minister who has completed all of them, everyone else has more or less one or two unfinished." The male member wearing a plaid shirt next to him said: "I still have a TV drama script, but it's already in the beginning." , if there are no accidents, it should be finished before the end of the year."

"Are you mad at me?" The long-haired girl gave him a blank look, then got up and walked over, "Let me see what you wrote."

After the male staff sees it, save the file directly, and then close it.

There are so many people in the department who are writing scripts, and it is still a big case that there are similar plots. Once your ideas are known to others, and the other party's script is submitted to Mr. Xu before you, then your own script will be returned. Wouldn't the possibility be greatly increased?
For them, writing a script is not difficult, but it is not so easy to pass Mr. Xu's acceptance.

As far as he knew, all the people in the department had their script rejected by Mr. Xu, even the minister was no exception, so it's better to be cautious.

Although everyone works in the same department and often cooperates on the same script, it is also a competitive relationship. Who would not want their script to be favored by Mr. Xu and then moved to the screen and stage?In addition to bonuses, this is a great opportunity to be famous.

"Cut, stingy, I'll go upstairs to get some air." The long-haired female member turned and walked outside the creative department.

As soon as she opened the door, her face suddenly changed, then she closed the door again, and hurried back to her work station.

"What's wrong?" the short-haired female member asked with a smile. It felt like a mouse met a cat.

"President Xu is here!"

When everyone heard it, it was really a cat, so those who worked continued to work, and those who did not pretend to work.


The door of the creative department opened, and Xu Jie walked in from the outside.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

The crowd greeted each other.

Xu Jie nodded, glanced around the office, and finally said: "Wait a minute, the person whose name is read will go to the conference room for a meeting."

Then, he began to say the name.

And these people are the creators of the short play scripts he selected.


After hearing Mr. Xu's words, the members of the creative department were full of doubts, and the people who were called were even more at a loss.

what's the situation?
Is it because this year's work tasks have not been completed, and they are called into the conference room to be severely criticized?
But isn't there still one and a half months before the end of this year?

Thinking of this, the staff sitting at their workstations began to look forward to it silently, hoping that Mr. Xu would not read his name.

One, two, three, four, five, six...

When Xu Jie finished reading the sixth name, he turned and walked into the meeting room of the creative department.

The six people who had read their names stood up from their workstations. Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw anxiety and uneasiness in each other's eyes.

And those who didn't read their names secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching those six people walk into the meeting room, the rest of the people began to discuss in low voices.

"President Xu suddenly asked Zhang Kai and the others to go to the conference room, why?"

"I don't know, will these people be fired?"

"Oh no?"

"It is possible that one of the purposes of Mr. Xu's new director support plan is to recruit talents for the company. Maybe Mr. Xu already has a target he likes, so he plans to fire them to make room for the newcomers."

"But Zhang Kai and Zhu Lifei's performance has always been good. If they are to be fired, they shouldn't be fired, right? I still have three unfinished tasks, and I don't see any plan to fire me."

"That could be something else."

"Okay, don't even guess, wait for them to come out, don't you know?"

The office area quickly returned to calm, but everyone secretly looked in the direction of the meeting room, wondering what happened inside.

In the same mood as the people outside, there are these six people sitting in the meeting room at the moment.

They even have a feeling that they have returned to their childhood. They are in class, and suddenly they are called to the office by the teacher. Whose first thought is not to worry about being reprimanded by the teacher?

Xu Jie directly threw the printed script in front of the corresponding creator, and said straight to the point: "I called you here today, mainly because I want you to re-edit your respective scripts, and while plump each character, add more Some jokes, change it now, stop all the work in hand."

The six people picked up the script, and when they found out that it was a short play they created before, their expressions immediately became ugly.

You must know that Mr. Xu used to write comments on scripts that he was not satisfied with, and then return them to the creation department. Today, Mr. Xu not only came to the creation department, but also called them together to revise the script. It is conceivable How dissatisfied with their script.

"Mr. Xu, can I write a new one?" Jiang Wenbin asked.

He felt that since Mr. Xu was not satisfied with the script, there was no need to revise it. Not only would it take more time to change it, but it would not necessarily satisfy Mr. Xu after the modification. It would be better to write a new one. Whether the new characters in the story are exciting or not is another matter, at least it will give Mr. Xu a sense of freshness.

Among the other five, there were some who had the same idea as Jiang Wenbin.

"Why?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Wenbin and asked, could the other party write a better skit script than this?
"Mr. Xu, aren't you dissatisfied?" Jiang Wenbin said in a low voice.

"Who said I'm not satisfied?" Xu Jie asked.


When Jiang Wenbin heard it, he was stunned.

It's not dissatisfaction, is it still unsatisfactory?

But if you are satisfied, why do you want everyone to modify the script?It doesn't make sense!

The others also looked confused, thinking: Mr. Xu must be angry and confused, right?

Xu Jie looked at the six people in front of him and understood their thinking a little bit, so he said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I asked you to revise the script because I liked your script, and I want to choose four of them. Sent to China TV Spring Festival Gala to participate in the review of language programs."

After the six people heard it, the expressions on their faces gradually changed from bewilderment to surprise, and finally to excitement.

"China Television Spring Festival Gala?"

"Xu, Mr. Xu, are you talking about sketches?"

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded.

After everyone got a definite answer, they were so excited that they didn't know what to say for a while.

The creation department has been established for less than a year, and their works have the opportunity to appear on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala?Never even dreamed of such a thing.

You must know that before the establishment of the creative department, the works they wrote had never even appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV.

Xu Jie continued: "When you are revising, it is best to limit the characters in it to less than five people, and it is more suitable for the sketch stage to perform. At the same time, write down the actors you want to play a certain role on it."


"Got it, Mr. Xu!"

Everyone replied excitedly, it felt like coming to heaven from hell all of a sudden, they didn't expect not only not to be criticized, but also the work would have a chance to be featured in the Spring Festival Gala, and there would be material for bragging in the future.

"I know you are very happy, but don't be too happy too early. I said to choose four of you because your revised script meets my requirements. If it doesn't meet my requirements, I won't force it. Take it to the China TV Spring Festival Gala and embarrass me." Xu Jie suddenly became serious and poured cold water on the six people present.

Although he has selected six short play scripts, it does not mean that he will definitely choose from them.

And he did this not because he was lazy, but because he wanted to give more opportunities to the employees of the company. If there are opportunities, everyone can see hope, and then they will take the initiative to improve themselves.

In the future, the company's business will increase, and he cannot rely entirely on him alone. He must improve the individual combat effectiveness of the employees and the overall combat effectiveness of the team as soon as possible, so that they can stand on a bigger and higher stage.

Instead of muddling along like before.

What the company needs now are capable people. As for the incompetent people, there are only two choices before them: one is to take the initiative to learn to improve their capabilities, and the other is to be gradually eliminated and leave the company.

Of course, he couldn't write none of the sketch scripts. After all, Director Chen and his senior sister invited him, and they also valued his screenwriting ability.

If the sketch scripts are handed over to the senior sister in the future, and the other party sees that the screenwriters of the four sketches are all unfamiliar names, then why not directly turn into a tigress to attack him?
Therefore, he also wants to write, but he doesn't need to write so much, two are enough.

When the senior sister asks, he can justifiably say that these people are members of his screenwriting team. Like those popular classic sketches in the past, don't the names of several people be written in the screenwriter column?

Hearing Mr. Xu's words, the few people who were extremely excited just now calmed down instantly.

Yes, it's still too early to be happy. Even if Mr. Xu recommends him to the CTV Spring Festival Gala, he might be eliminated during the sketch review process.

Therefore, seriously revising the script is the most important thing to do right now.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if the script was not approved in the end after blowing it out?
Xu Jie saw that everyone seemed to have calmed down a lot, and the expressions on their faces eased, and then said: "If you feel that you can't start when you are revising, you can find one or two people in the department to form a small team and participate together. When it comes to the revision of the script, there is great strength in numbers, don’t always think about eating alone, learn to brainstorm, unite and cooperate, and always put excellence first.”


The six spoke in unison.

Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction this time, and said before leaving: "The opportunity is here for you, don't let it go to waste. If you do well this time, next year's CTV Spring Festival Gala will be without you."

The cooperation between the performance department of the company and China Television's large-scale program center is long-term, so in the future, his participation in the creation of China Television's Spring Festival Gala will also become a norm.

Unless the chief director is replaced, the director of language programs is replaced.

However, as the director of Chen Ya's large-scale program center, even if the chief director changes, the other party will probably recommend him to the new director.

"President Xu, I will definitely revise it seriously!" Zhang Kai stood up and said.

"Me too, Mr. Xu, don't worry." Zhu Lifei also said.

Others expressed their opinions one after another.

They want their works to be on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala, and even more hope that their future works can also be on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala.

In the past, there was no chance, and even if I wanted to do something, I still had more energy than I wanted.

But now it's different.

The opportunity is right in front of them, if they can't seize it, maybe this miss will be a lifetime.


(End of this chapter)

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