Chapter 896 Contract No.1


Xu Jie put all the unfinished manuscripts into the storage box, and then walked out of the office with the box in his arms.

This time when he went to Hengdian, he planned to stay there for a few more days. Today is Tuesday, and he tentatively planned to come back on Sunday. Of course, if he didn’t stay enough by then, or if there was nothing important, it would not be impossible to stay for a while longer. Anyway, no one cares about him, besides, he has been busy for ten months, and now at the end of the year, he should take a long vacation for himself and take a good rest.

The elevator door opened slowly, and just as Xu Jie was about to go in, he saw Boss Jiang walking out of it.

"Xiao Xu!"

Jiang Hai was very excited when he saw Xu Jie, and directly reached out and grabbed Xu Jie who was about to enter the elevator.

"Boss, why are you so happy?" Xu Jie asked curiously. The other party went to the TV station for a meeting in the afternoon. Looking at the situation, it seemed that something good happened.

Could it be that Taili decided to increase investment in Jingshi culture next year?
It seems unlikely.

Over the years, Jingshi Culture has always been responsible for its own profits and losses, but Yu Kuan, the former general manager, will not quit if there is a little oily water.

Moreover, Beijing Radio and Television Station itself has been losing money year after year, and the city still needs financial allocations. How can it give money to Beijing TV Culture?
Could it be that Boss Jiang is going to be promoted?

It seems unlikely.

Boss Jiang has just come to Jingshi Culture for a year. Although Jingshi Culture has changed a lot this year and its performance has also increased significantly, it will become more and more difficult to rise to the level of the other party. Are you eligible?

Just when Xu Jie was guessing wildly, Jiang Hai opened his arms to hug him, but the storage box in Xu Jie's hand blocked in front of him.

However, a small storage box obviously couldn't stop his enthusiasm. He came to Xu Jie's side and hugged Xu Jie's neck tightly from the side.

"Boss, you, what's the matter with you?" Xu Jie was taken aback. If he didn't know that Boss Jiang had a family, he would have thought that the other party had some thoughts about him.

"What's the matter? Of course I'm happy." After Jiang Hai let go of Xu Jie, he said with a smile: "You still want to hide it from me, don't you? I've already heard that you are cooperating with China Television's large-scale program center to produce New Year's Eve Tonight, right?"

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this, it turned out to be this matter.

"Boss, I didn't intend to hide it from you. It's just a verbal agreement. I originally wanted to report to you after the contract was signed." Xu Jie explained.

"What's wrong with the verbal agreement? Huaxia TV is such a big unit, are you afraid that they will backtrack? This is a good start. With this cooperation, there will definitely be a second, third, fourth, and fourth time in the future, Xiao Xu , your personality charm is really extraordinary." While Jiang Hai praised, his squinted eyes shone brightly, and he was even more beautiful in his heart.

To be able to cooperate with Huaxia Television Station, such an opportunity is rare even for Beijing Satellite TV.

After Xu Jie heard the words "Charisma", he immediately thought of the awesomeness he boasted in the performance department. It seems that the members of the performance department have also spread the awesomeness he boasted about.

"I was just teasing them. How can I have that charm? It's just an exchange with Director Chen of the large-scale program center. He cooperates with our company, and I help him make Spring Festival Gala sketches." Xu Jie explained simply.

"Isn't that called charisma? You have to know that strength is also a part of charisma." Jiang Hai said and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, "Thank you for the company."

Xu Jie wanted to say "serving the company", but felt that it was a bit fake, so he said: "This is what I should do, I can't let such a good opportunity slip away in front of me, can I? Then I am not a fool Yet?"

"Look, it's because of your charm that this kind of opportunity will appear in front of you. Why didn't Director Chen come to see me? Okay, let's go home quickly." Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, looked at Boss Jiang and said, "Boss, I'm going to Hengdian tomorrow, "The Legend of Lan Xi" will go to Hengdian for filming in the next stage, I have to go there early It will take about a week to select a scene.”

As for accompanying his wife, of course, this kind of thing cannot be clearly stated.

"Okay, let's go."

Jiang Hai didn't ask much, let alone go to Hengdian, even if he went abroad, he wouldn't care.

After Xu Jie bid farewell to Boss Jiang, he drove away from the company. Instead of going home immediately, he went to sister Liu Jiamanman's house.

Playing mahjong is the second, mainly to ask Sister Man for leave, to avoid misunderstandings from the other party, which will affect the mood of filming.

When he came to Sister Man's house, everyone had already arrived and was sitting around eating.

"Brother, come and eat!" Liu Jiaman waved at Xu Jie while nibbling on an apple.

"Why is it so early today?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

It's not yet six o'clock. At this time in the past, Sister Man, Liu Qing, Ding Mengni and the others should still be on the way.

"Today was relatively smooth, 10 minutes ahead of schedule." Liu Jiaman explained.

After these days of shooting, everyone gradually developed a tacit understanding at work, and many shots were shot one by one, saving a lot of time virtually.

"is it?"

Xu Jie was very happy.

Smoothly means that the shooting is good, and it is impossible to leave work early if the shooting is not good.

He came to the table and sat down. Although several female artists were either eating apples or cucumbers, the dinner on the table was still very rich.

Because he doesn't have to go abroad to act, he doesn't have to go on a diet like he did when filming "Lovers in Time and Space", so he picked up the chopsticks and started eating in big mouthfuls.

"Sister Man, I won't be able to come and play mahjong with you tomorrow night, night after night, and this week." Xu Jie said while eating.

"Ah? Why?" Liu Jiaman asked suspiciously, and even stopped chewing the apple in his mouth.

It's not that the other party didn't ask for leave before, but it was only for one night. Even if Su Yun came back from Hengdian, the other party only asked for two nights.

However, this opening is only a week, is it too long?
""Legend of Lan Xi" will go to Hengdian for filming in the next stage, and I will go there to select the scene in advance." Xu Jie explained the reason to the outside world.

When Liu Jiaman heard it, it turned out that it was for work.

Although "Legend of Lan Xi" has just started shooting, the shooting scenes in Hengdian are very popular, especially those famous scenes. It is common to book in advance.

This is business.

"Okay, but I have to put it on the account for these seven days." Liu Jiaman put the apple in his hand aside, then picked up the mobile phone on the dining table, and tapped his fingers on the screen, as if recording something in it .

"Remember it for seven days first, and if you don't come back by then, you will remember it for another seven days." Xu Jie said.

When the others heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

In the past, I only knew how to keep accounts for owed money. After I came here, I realized that I can also keep accounts when I play with you.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, a burst of music suddenly sounded, and Ding Mengni quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket. However, when she saw the caller ID, she not only frowned slightly, but then hung up the phone directly and put the mobile phone back into her pocket.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rang again.

Ding Mengni took out her mobile phone, and after seeing the same phone number, she turned it off this time.

"Is it the suitor you met on the set a few days ago?" Liu Qing looked over with concern, gossip shining in her eyes.

If she didn't become an entertainer, she would definitely become a competent entertainment reporter.

"I think that young man is good, he looks handsome and stable." Liu Jiaman said.

Women like to gossip, even actresses.

"That's wrong." Jiang Liwen shook her head and said, "You can tell that you are handsome, but you can tell that you are steady, or you can pretend it is, Mengni, you have to keep your eyes open, and don't be confused by the appearance of a man. "

"Hey, hey, what do you mean? You seem to be doubting my way of seeing men?" Liu Jiaman said to Jiang Liwen dissatisfied.

"Old Liu, you misunderstood, it doesn't seem like, I just suspect that you look at men." Jiang Liwen said solemnly, and then snapped her fingers, "Like the music producer last time, he told you about his The reputation is not good, you just don’t believe it, what’s the result? Did you get reported by Chaoyang people within a month of knowing each other?”

Liu Jiaman trembled all over, his expression was a little embarrassed, but he still insisted and said: "That doesn't count, I just ate a few meals and discussed music, and I didn't do anything."

"Hmph, what about the one who played the piano before? Did he cheat you out of a lot of money?" Jiang Liwen said again.

"Ahem, at least the music he plays is very nice." Liu Jiaman said bravely.

"Hehe, and..."

"Alright, alright!"

Liu Jiaman couldn't help but interrupted Jiang Liwen directly, pretending to be angry and said, "We're talking about Mengni, what do you think I'm doing?"

It's fine to talk about it normally, but now she actually said it in front of several juniors, isn't this destroying her image in the minds of these juniors?

"Aren't you unconvinced?" Jiang Liwen said.

"I...I eat apples." Liu Jiaman picked up the apple on the table, opened his mouth to take a big bite, and started to eat it.

Jiang Liwen turned her head to look at Ding Mengni and said, "See, this is a negative teaching material!"

Ding Mengni smiled embarrassingly, and said that it’s okay to see it, and it’s okay to say that she didn’t see it, and she simply confessed, "It’s not that man, it’s the general manager of Huokai Entertainment Company. He wanted to sign me to his company, but I didn’t agree, so Call me often."

"Huokai Entertainment Company? I've heard that it's a small company, you're right if you don't sign. Going there will only delay your future." Hu Jing said after hearing this.

"Meng Ni, haven't you signed the company yet?" Jiang Liwen asked curiously.

"Yes." Ding Mengni nodded.

"Why?" Jiang Liwen was a little surprised.

The other party is beautiful, and the momentum of development is also very good. Such a potential new star should be sought after by entertainment companies, and shouldn't be alone.

You must know that in a place like the entertainment industry, one can't make a name for himself alone. If one wants to make a big progress, one must enter a certain circle.

"When I first entered the industry, I signed a brokerage company, but I didn't like socializing and couldn't get resources, so I played small roles with few lines. After two years like this, the company didn't care about me. We realized the value, so we terminated the contract peacefully, and I never signed a brokerage contract after that." Ding Mengni said simply.

"So this is ah!"

After everyone heard it, they looked suddenly enlightened.

If you want to develop in the film and television industry, you must not socialize. Let alone a newcomer, even a famous actress who has been famous for a long time, often has to participate in the wine game in order to compete for a resource, to deal with those directors, Various roles such as producer, investor, boss, etc.

This is not an exception, but a common phenomenon.

Of these people at the dinner table, who dares to say that they haven't been to a party?

If you haven't participated, can there be such good film and television resources?Without good film and television resources, how could it be possible to have the current achievements?
"Then how do you usually take on the show?" Hu Jing asked, at the same time, her eyes swept over Xu Jie's face inadvertently.

She was very curious, if there was no agent and no agency behind it, how could she receive so many roles from Mr. Xu?
It's impossible not to think about it.

"I have a Weibo with my work mailbox on it. My two assistants will help me sort out my emails. I have been receiving dramas in this way for the past few years, but many people know that I don't like socializing, so they come to me There aren't many people acting." Ding Mengni said.

"Oh, then you really... have no desires or desires." Hu Jing didn't know how to describe Ding Mengni, anyway, her behavior was very unusual in the circle.

"Of course she doesn't want anything. Do you know what her family does?" Xu Jie heard the implication of Hu Jing's words. In order to avoid being misunderstood, he directly exposed Ding Mengni's family background, "Her father It’s in the textile business, and her second uncle is in the food business, you’ve heard of Dainiu Dairy, right?”

"big cow?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Ding Mengni in surprise.

Daniel yogurt, who does not know, who does not know?That is a famous domestic dairy giant.

It turns out that Ding Mengni is not only a rich second generation, but also a super rich second generation. No wonder she is unwilling to socialize. The other party's family has more money than the person she is socializing with. Why should she go to drink and laugh with her?
Xu Jie saw that the effect was good, so he continued: "I am friends with her second uncle. Her second uncle sponsored my show, and we also made investments together. On the other hand, Meng Ni is also my niece, so whenever I have a project in hand, I will bring her along, but her acting skills are really good, what do you think?"

"Well, among these young actresses, Meng Ni's acting skills are considered very good!" Hu Jing immediately echoed, not daring to think about it anymore.

"Although sometimes it feels a bit jerky, but as long as it is polished a little bit, it will definitely become a piece of beautiful jade." Liu Jiaman thought for a while and said.

"Young actors need opportunities to exercise. How can they grow without exercise? Mengni, you are still young, take your time." Jiang Liwen asked encouragingly.

Originally, she was going to invite the other party to join her company, but when she thought that the other party's second uncle and Xu were always good friends, she dismissed the idea.

With Mr. Xu here, do you still worry about not having a chance?

Mr. Xu himself is the resource party.

Xu Jie looked at Ding Mengni who was sitting across the dining table, and suddenly an idea popped into his mind.

Isn't the wife's studio unable to sign artists for a while?

Isn't this ready-made?

"Mengni, do you want to sign a brokerage contract?" Xu Jie looked at Ding Mengni and asked.

Ding Mengni was slightly taken aback. She often heard this question from other people, but it was the first time she heard it from Teacher Xu.

Is Jingshi Culture also signing artists?
Never heard of it.

Or, do you want to recommend her to other brokerage companies?
It is possible.

"Yes!" Ding Mengni replied affirmatively.

If you want to develop in the entertainment industry, you must have a backer behind you, and the company where the manager is usually the artist's backer. Only with a backer can you have resources, and you can play more dramas and more important roles. Otherwise, even a decent role will be impossible. Can't win.

"But Teacher Xu..." Ding Mengni continued, "You know, I don't like socializing."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Jie said: "My wife's studio is planning to sign a group of artists. I wonder if you are interested?"


Ding Mengni was startled, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Xu, you mean Sister Yun's studio?"

"That's right." Xu Jie nodded.

"Is it fake?" Liu Qing on the side said in disbelief at this moment: "Why have I never heard sister Yun mention it?"

"Of course she won't tell you when you signed the company. If you don't have an agent appointment, you can see if she will tell you." Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party and thought: We talked about it at noon today, can you It's strange to know.

The corner of Liu Qing's mouth twitched, she was stunned and had nothing to say.

As for Liu Jiaman, Luo Wanglin and others, I am not surprised. Many star studios like to sign up newcomers to train them. This is nothing new in the entertainment industry.

"I am willing, I am willing to sign a brokerage contract with Sister Yun." Ding Mengni said loudly, her face full of surprise.

Su Yun is her idol, and she has collaborated with Sister Yun many times, of course she is willing to sign in the idol's studio, not to mention that the idol's husband is Teacher Xu.

From her point of view, Teacher Xu is kind to her, and working under the hands of her benefactor and idol is simply not too happy.

"Really? You have to think about it. After signing the brokerage contract, you have to accept the company's arrangement. You can no longer be as free as before." Xu Jie reminded.

"I've made up my mind." Ding Mengni said seriously.

"Let me ask you a question, can you sing?" Xu Jie asked suddenly.

Not only Ding Mengni was stunned by this question, but also the other people around were stunned.

"Is there any direct connection between signing a brokerage contract and being able to sing? Isn't Meng Ni following the actor route?" Liu Jiaman asked suspiciously.

"I'm okay." Ding Mengni thought for a while and said.

Although she is not a professional singer, she is also a graduate of the Performance Department of Zhengbajing, and there are four subjects in the performing arts, and the voice refers to vocal music, which is singing.

"Now there is such an opportunity, China TV's New Year's Eve party is short of a singer, do you want to go?" Xu Jie asked.

Everyone was shocked.

If they understood correctly, Mr. Xu seemed to mean that Ding Mengni was going to be on the stage of CTV's New Year's Eve party.

Why is CTV's New Year's Eve party missing a singer? When did CTV's stage lack a singer?It's too late for artists to compete.

You must know that not everyone can be on the stage of CTS, nor can anyone be on it if they want to.

"Are you sure it's Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party, not Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party?" Liu Qing asked, she felt that the other party must have made a mistake.

You, a person from Beijing Radio and Television Station, what relationship do you have with Huaxia Television Station?
"It's the New Year's Eve party of China TV." Xu Jie said.

Everyone looked at Xu Jie in amazement. Before, they only knew that the other party was from Beijing TV Station, but they didn't expect that the other party was able to get the resources of Huaxia TV Station. This is simply amazing.

"I want to go, but can I do it?" Ding Mengni didn't know if she could do it, after all, it was the stage of China TV's New Year's Eve party.

Xu Jie looked at Ding Mengni, then suddenly shifted his gaze to Chen Guang who was at the side, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, you are the king of songs, can you give Mengni a tutor?"

Chen Guang was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to make such a request.

"Well, no problem." Chen Guang said, we have known each other for such a long time, it is really embarrassing to refuse.

"Thank you, Brother Chen, then it's settled!" Xu Jie said quickly, and then winked at Ding Mengni who was beside him, "Mengni, hurry up and call the teacher!"

"Hello, Teacher Chen!" Ding Mengni immediately stood up and said, bowing at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing.

Isn't the problem solved?

(End of this chapter)

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