Chapter 897 Goal
On Wednesday morning, Xu Jie took the earliest flight to Hengdian, where he started the week-long scenography work.

Of course, the location selection is just an excuse, and being with his wife is the real purpose of his trip.

"Lover in Time and Space" has been released, and the filming of "The Legend of Lan Xi" is on track. The most relaxing period of time, after this village, it will be difficult to spend time with his wife in the future, and it is foreseeable that next year he will be busier than this year, so he has the opportunity to spend time with his wife idea.

At 9:30, the plane landed at Yiwu Airport on time.

Xu Jie was dragging a suitcase full of submissions. As soon as he went out, he saw the driver, Lao Zhou, who was standing next to a car. After seeing him, he immediately stepped forward to take the suitcase.

"Ms. Xu, please get in the car." Zhou Chengqiang said while putting the suitcase into the trunk.

After Xu Jie got into the car, he took off his hat and sunglasses, looked at Lao Zhou who started the car, and asked, "Are you all right, is anyone bothering you?"

There are many crews filming in Hengdian. Usually, when everyone comes and goes, it is inevitable that they will encounter some competitors. As the old saying goes: it is easy to hide a hidden arrow, but it is difficult to guard against it. What should I do if someone is jealous and secretly tricks?Usually, Su Yun would only report good news but not bad news on the phone. Sometimes he was really worried that his wife would be wronged here.

The entertainment industry seems to be harmonious, but in fact it is like a knife and a sword.

Every star who has become popular has fought his way through thousands of competitions to achieve his current brilliance.

It's just that some people choose to be upright, while others choose to be evil.

"There is no trouble, the boss is all right here." Zhou Chengqiang said after hearing it.

"Really? Old Zhou, you can't help my wife lie to me." Xu Jie reminded the other party.

Zhou Chengqiang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was shocked, and quickly turned his head and said, "Mr. Xu, I really didn't lie to you. In the past, there were indeed people who said something bad in front of the boss, but now, everyone is very polite to the boss." .”

Xu Jie looked at Lao Zhou, he was an honest man, he didn't look like he was lying, so the expression on his face softened a lot, and he said with a smile: "That's good, it's okay, Lao Zhou, let's go."

"Okay Teacher Xu." Zhou Chengqiang sweated secretly. The pressure that Teacher Xu put on him was much more than the pressure that his boss put on him.

Of course, he can also understand, after all, the boss is Mrs. Xu's wife, and it's normal for her husband to be worried when his wife is filming in other places.

He turned around, stepped on the accelerator slowly, and left Yiwu Airport.

Xu Jie sat in the car and looked out the window. It was also November, and the temperature here in Hengdian was seven or eight degrees higher than that in Beijing. Although there was a little bit of coolness in the air, he couldn't feel the cold at all.

Even the trees on the side of the road are green, unlike the capital city, the leaves have already turned yellow, and some of them who are not resistant to cold even lose their hair.

In less than an hour, the car drove slowly into the film and television city, and finally stopped at the periphery of the film "The Game in the Game".

"Mr. Xu, the boss is filming over there." Zhou Chengqiang pointed to the crowd in front of him.

Xu Jie nodded, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

The surrounding houses are dilapidated, and it looks like a deserted town. This environment is suitable for the shooting of "The Game in the Game", an adventure film with a modern theme.

Fortunately, it was daytime, and there were many people around. If it was night, even if they knew that this was a scene in Hengdian Film and Television City, they would be trembling with fright, and their hearts would be pounding.

"Hey, it's filming here, so I can't enter..."

The staff standing outside just raised their hands, but after seeing the appearance of the person coming, they quickly put them down again, and asked politely: "You, are you Mr. Xu?"

"Well, I'll come and see my wife, won't I disturb you?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"No, no!" The staff immediately shook their heads, then moved out of the way, pointed to the crowded place behind them and said, "Sister Yun is right there, you can see it when you go there, let me guide you."

The staff simply walked ahead, looking back as they walked, for fear that Xu Jie might not keep up.

As Xu Jie gradually approached the center of the set, more and more people saw him. While everyone was surprised, their eyes were also full of envy.

To have a successful career at a young age, and to marry Su Yun as a wife, is a sure winner in life!

"What's the matter with those actors? Who made them laugh and dangle there? Do you know that this is stealing the show?"

Director Yu Zijian was reprimanding several actors in a stern voice.

There was a difficult scene just now. The male number one shot it more than 20 times, and finally succeeded eight times at No.20. As a result, the scene just now had to be re-shot because of the restless movements of the actors behind. Will he not be angry if he needs to take more than [-] times?

"Director Yu..." At this time, the assistant director Zhang Hongze came behind Yu Zijian and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture is here."

Yu Zijian was startled for a moment, then turned his head and looked over. After realizing that it was indeed what the assistant director said, a smile appeared on his originally serious face.

"Mr. Xu, welcome, Mr. Xu is welcome to come and guide you." Yu Zijian said enthusiastically, and at the same time stretched out his hand.

"Director Yu, you're too polite. I'm just here to visit the film industry. Besides, in the film industry, you are a senior and an expert. How dare I play tricks in front of you?" Xu Jie said while holding the other party's hand.

Yu Zijian is a first-line director in China. Not only has he made many films, but he has also won many awards. He is one of the few directors who can make commercial films that are both popular and well-received. His standard has always been very stable, unlike some directors. ghost.

When he and Su Yun chose this movie, half of it was for the script, and the other half was for the director.

"Mr. Xu, you are too modest." Yu Zijian said with a smile, feeling flattered by the compliment, then looked around for a while, and asked loudly, "Su Yun, where is Su Yun?"

"Mr. Yu, Sister Yun is changing clothes in the clothing room." Zhang Hongze reminded.

"Tell her not to change, that scene will be filmed in the afternoon." Yu Zijian said.

Since Xu always came to visit the class, he had to give this face, not to mention him, even if his boss Wang Tiannan came, he had to give Mr. Xu some face.

Who in the circle doesn't know that this Xu always spoils his wife and is crazy?

For the sake of his wife, he dared to fight against many entertainment companies. The key is to win in the end. Not everyone can have such courage and methods.

"Director Yu, you shoot yours, don't delay the shooting progress because of me, and I came to Hengdian this time mainly to choose the scene for the TV series, and I have to say hello to the person in charge later, It's noon, I'll come over during the lunch break." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian.

He has already arrived in Hengdian, so naturally he won't be in a hurry, and he is a director himself, so he hates people disrupting the shooting progress.

What's more, when Su Yun was promoting "Lovers in Time and Space" before, and when she participated in the celebration banquet of "Lovers in Time and Space", she had already asked for leave with the other party several times.

Now that someone else came from the capital, it would be unreasonable to ask for leave at this time.

He thanked the other party for giving him face, but face is mutual, if the other party gives him face, he also has to give him face, right?
"Mr. Xu, it's okay. Don't delay the shooting. It's only an hour before the lunch break." Yu Zijian has been in this business for so many years, and naturally knows the pain of the husband and wife being separated for a long time. Now, seeing Mr. Xu coming all the way from the capital When you come to Hengdian, whether it is for work or for other reasons, you should take care of yourself emotionally and rationally.

"No need, I think I'd better leave quickly and don't bother you." Xu Jie walked out after finishing speaking.

As a result, after walking not far, I saw Su Yun coming out of the clothing room.

At this time, Su Yun also saw Xu Jie and walked over quickly.

The two hugged together as if no one else was around, and dog food was scattered on the scene.

Xu Jie whispered next to Su Yun's ear, "You film first, and I'll come to you during the lunch break."

Say don't bother, don't bother.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded lightly.

She knew that Xu Jie had other things to do when he came to Hengdian this time, and she also knew that the other party would stay in Hengdian for many days this time, so if the relationship between the two lasted for a long time, how could they be in the same day and night?
After Xu Jie and Su Yun separated, they came to Hengdian Film and Television City Co., Ltd.

He waited in the hall for a while, and within a few minutes, he saw a woman in her early forties, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, walking over.

"President Xu, welcome to Hengdian Film and Television City, you are much more handsome than those on TV!" The woman said while carefully sizing up the young man in front of her.

"Mr. Zhao, you are more temperamental than in the photo." Xu Jie looked at the woman in front of him and said, if he didn't miss it, this should be Zhao Su'e, the deputy general manager of Hengdian Film and Television City Co., Ltd. that Wang Wen introduced to him , a department head of the former Forbidden Pictures.

"You should be looking at the photo of me when I was in the Forbidden Pictures, right? It has been ten years in a blink of an eye, am I much older than the photo?" Zhao Su'e asked, touching her face.

"You are mature." Xu Jie said.

"As expected of a man who can marry Su Yun." Zhao Su'e smiled, then pointed in the direction of the elevator, "Let's go, let's chat in my office."

"it is good."

Xu Jie followed Zhao Su'e to the other party's office.

The office is big and bright, and the film and television city not far away can be seen from the window, and the view is very good.

Zhao Su'e took a cup, poured tea and said, "I used to work in Forbidden Films, and you now work in Beijing TV Culture. Both companies belong to Beijing Radio and Television Station. We are also our own people. If you have any requests, just ask them. Don't be rude to me."

"Mr. Zhao..."

Just as Xu Jie opened his mouth to get to the point, he was interrupted by Zhao Su'e.

"Still called Mr. Zhao? You said you belong to me. If Mr. Xu doesn't feel disadvantaged, you can call me Sister E." Zhao Su'e put the teacup in front of Xu Jie, and then sat on the other side.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party was more approachable than he imagined. He heard Wang Wen say that she was a strong woman, but now it seemed to him that she was a student who took good care of him when he was working in the life program center. sister.

"Sister E, you can just call me by my name," Xu Jie said.

"it is good!"

Because the two had contacted on the phone before, Zhao Su'e got up and went to the desk to get a laptop and put it in front of Xu Jie, saying: "All the information about the theme parks and shooting scenes of our Hengdian Film and Television City are here. You First see which one is suitable and meets your requirements, and then I will take you to see it on the spot, otherwise you will go to one place and one place, and you may not be able to finish it next month."

Hengdian Film and Television City covers an area of ​​more than 5 mu, equivalent to about 33 square kilometers, which is equivalent to more than 600 football fields.

"Thank you, Miss E."

Xu Jie looked at the screen and carefully read the information inside.

Although he has been to Hengdian many times before, he has only been to a few sets. Now that he has seen all the materials, he feels overwhelmed, which is much bigger than he imagined.

The point is that every scene looks good.

I had already made a decision, but every time I turned to the following information, I changed my mind.

Xu Jie is not a procrastination person, but at the moment he is suffering from difficulty in choosing.

After looking at it for a while, he felt that this was not the solution, anyway, he would stay in Hengdian for a while, so he wrote down all the things he thought were good, and took a good look at them during this period.

With the cast of "Legend of Lan Xi", the hardware is naturally the best.

His goal is not only to get the first place in the ratings at the same time, but also to get the first place in the ratings for the whole year.

spend money?

Don't be afraid!
Anyway, the more he spends, the more he earns.

Xu Jie picked more than 40 in one go, and when he finished choosing, it was time for lunch break.

"Mr. Xu, you really have a good eye for picking out all the best scenes in our place." Zhao Su'e said in surprise.

If she hadn't checked the news about the TV series "Legend of Lan Xi" last night, she would even suspect that the other party was teasing her now.

Since when did JingTV Culture become so rich that it even started making big productions?

"It's all my fault, Sister E, you're so nice here, I'm confused." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Hee hee, when do you have time, I'll take you around, how about now?" Zhao Su'e asked.

"Tomorrow, Sister E, if you are busy, just arrange for someone to lead me the way." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, the other party is the deputy general manager of the company anyway, with so many things to do every day, there is no need to accompany him around.

"It's okay." Zhao Su'e looked at the time on her watch, "It's noon, let's have dinner together, let's go." After speaking, she stood up.

After hearing this, Xu Jie stood up embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, Sister E, I have already made an appointment with my wife. Let's have another day, and we will have a banquet another day. Thank you, Sister E."

"You mean Su Yun? I remembered, Su Yun is also filming here, okay, then I won't delay your husband and wife reunion." Zhao Su'e said with a smile.

"Thank you, Sister E, for your understanding. Then I'll go first." Xu Jie said.

In fact, he was in a hurry, otherwise he would definitely look at the information in the computer for a while.

Wife, here I come!


(End of this chapter)

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