Xu Jie returned to the set of the movie "The Game in the Game".

The shooting work in the morning has ended, and the actors and staff of the crew are holding lunch boxes to eat as fast as possible. This is also a rare time for everyone to rest.

Su Yun had been standing outside the car waiting for Xu Jie, and when she finally came back, she greeted him happily.

The people around watched with relish while eating. In their hearts, Sister Yun has always been a fresh and refined, dignified national goddess. They never expected that in front of Teacher Xu, she would become a gentle and lovely little woman in seconds. She really is true love. Only love can make such a big change in a woman.

"Is the matter over?" Su Yun asked, while naturally taking Xu Jie's arm, pulling the other side in the direction of the nanny's car.

"Not yet, I just selected some photos of the scene, and I will conduct field inspections starting tomorrow." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Although he has been to Hengdian many times, this is the first time he has read the information about the film and television city. In terms of scale, this place is larger than the few film and television cities around the capital.

If the film and television city on the other side of the capital is compared to a university, then this side is a university city.

"Yes, take your time." Su Yun said with a smile.

The slower the other party was, the longer he would spend with her in Hengdian.

She didn't have time to go back to the capital, and the only way to be with a man was to let him stay here for a while.

The two got into the nanny's car, and when the door was closed, it seemed that only each other was left.

Su Yun took out the lunch box from the thermal bag, arranged the rice and vegetables on the table one by one, then handed the chopsticks to Xu Jie, and said virtuously, "Come, let's eat."


Xu Jie nodded, took the chopsticks and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Because he had to catch the earliest flight, he got up early today and didn't have time to eat breakfast. He just ate a little in the VIP room at the airport, and he was already hungry.

"By the way, didn't I tell you about signing an artist on the phone yesterday? I already found one for you." Xu Jie said while eating.

"Oh? Who is it?" Su Yun asked with great interest. It is obvious that this person is not ordinary to be spotted by her husband.

"You know Ding Mengni." Xu Jie said.

"Mengni?" Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it, but she was not surprised.

"When I went to Sister Man's house to play mahjong last night, an entertainment company called Ding Mengni. The general idea was that they wanted to sign her. However, she also knew that if she didn't participate in the dinner or socialize, she would definitely not get good resources, so she didn't agree. I think Ding Mengni's acting skills are not bad, and with her second uncle's relationship, she will be used anyway, why not just sign her to your studio." Xu Jie explained.

"Well, Ding Mengni's conditions in all aspects are indeed good. If she is willing to participate in the dinner, she might have entered the ranks of second-tier artists now, and she won't have no female lead to play." Su Yun said.

Regardless of her acting skills, Ding Mengni is more beautiful than many popular young female artists when it comes to looks alone, but in the entertainment industry, it is useless to be beautiful, one has to be good at it.

For example, if investors or producers want to see how this female artist is doing, do they have to make an appointment for dinner?If you don't go, you don't give face, if you don't go, you look down on people. Which investors and producers will still use it?

Now that people sign in to her studio, even if they don't go out to socialize, with the relationship of her husband and her help, will they still have to worry about acting in the future?Certainly not.

Under such circumstances, Ding Mengni might really be popular.

"Isn't this a rush to hire people? Among the artists around me, she is the only one who doesn't have a brokerage contract. Signing her to the studio now will not waste the resources of CTV's New Year's Eve party, and also send a signal to the outside world. Your studio has started to sign artists, maybe some artists will come to your door, which saves us from digging, what do you think?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, afraid that the other party would misunderstand.

"Well, I'll contact Mengni after dinner and ask Chenxi to go back to the capital to deal with the signing." Su Yun nodded.

She has never doubted her husband's decision, and the past has proved that her husband's decision is correct. In fact, she is a very independent person, but now she really has to face a choice, she will still trust her husband, according to her husband idea to do it.

"By the way, how about Meng Ni's singing? I've never heard her sing before. China TV's New Year's Eve party is not an ordinary stage." Su Yun reminded.

"I told Mengni to let her practice hard during this period of time, and let Chen Guang teach her. With such a teacher of Song Wang, it shouldn't be too bad." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't know how well Ding Mengni sang, otherwise he wouldn't have encouraged Ding Mengni to worship Chen Guang as his teacher.

And with this relationship, it will be of great benefit to Ding Mengni's future development.

"Well, that's good." Su Yun nodded reassuringly.

Now that Ding Mengni has agreed to sign her studio, she will have to think more about him in the future.

When people who love each other are together, time always passes very quickly.

Before Xu Jie and Su Yun talked enough, the lunch break was over.

Su Yun gave Xu Jie a kiss, then got out of the car, and Xu Jie took out the manuscript from the suitcase and started working in the car.

The wife has to accompany, the scene has to be seen, and the contribution has to be selected.

The premise of staying with your wife is not to delay your work. If you delay your work because you are with your wife, after the news spreads, won't you be gossiped?
In other matters, he allows others to gossip, but in matters of work, he does not allow it.

Work is the basis of his foothold, so I will not let anyone touch his foundation.

In the past few years, he has directly and indirectly offended many people.

As the old saying goes: it is easy to hide an open gun, but it is difficult to defend against a hidden arrow.

As long as you don't give others a chance, you won't worry about being backstabbed.

Xu Jie read one after another, left a mark on the finished manuscript, put it back in the suitcase, and then picked up the new submission to read.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky gradually darkened.

Xu Jie rubbed his dry eyes, and then looked at the time on his watch. Before he knew it, it was past five o'clock. He put the manuscript he had just read into the suitcase, opened the car door and walked out.

get off work!


There is a trace of coolness in the air, and it is very comfortable to breathe.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the crew, and the filming was still going on.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a movie or a TV series, there are very few plays in the evening, because this will delay the actors and staff from getting off work.

Even if it is a night scene, everyone should be allowed to eat and rest at this time.

He didn't want to disturb the shooting, and he didn't want the director to wait for him in a hurry, so he moved his body around the nanny car and sat all afternoon, feeling that his joints seemed to be rusted.

The direction of the set has already turned on the lights, and it seems that they are preparing to turn on the night battle.

Xu Jie checked the time, it was 6:12.

He has not only worked with many actors, but also with many directors, but this is the first time he encountered a night scene where the actors and staff were not allowed to eat.

Even if it's to save money, you can't save money on meals, right?

Everyone is hungry, the actors are not in the mood to act, and the staff is not in the mood to work.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and searched for nearby restaurants, thinking about what to have for dinner with his wife.

I heard that there are many restaurants opened by celebrities around the film and television city, but I don't know how it tastes.

Just as he was reading the reviews of a restaurant, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. When he raised his head, he saw Huang Xiaorong walking towards him.

"How long will it take to finish filming?" Xu Jie asked casually.

"I don't know. The filming encountered some problems. Director Yu felt that there were loopholes in the plot and has been discussing with everyone. It seems that it will take a while." Huang Xiaorong sighed softly after finishing speaking.

Once the great director's stubbornness came up, no one could stop him. The key point was that no one dared to stop him. Even if it was past six o'clock, no one dared to say that it was late.

She got into the nanny's car, took out a bottle of water from it, and then walked in the direction of the crew.

That's it!

Xu Jie has been a director, so he understands Yu Zijian's mood at this moment very well.

In the process of filming, the last thing a director wants to see is plot loopholes, which will not only affect the next filming work, but also affect the content that has already been filmed. Sometimes in order to solve the plot loopholes, it is common to stop work for a few days some.

Of course, great directors have high requirements for the plot, so they will be very concerned about it, even if it is a trivial detail, they will be serious.

If it were some irresponsible directors, even if they knew about the loopholes in the plot, they would not bother to pay attention to them. They would pat their buttocks and take the money and leave according to the script. This is why many film and television dramas feel that the plot loopholes after watching There are a lot of illogical reasons.

Xu Jie had seen the script of the movie "The Game in the Game" at the beginning, and he had some understanding of the story and some of its plots. He recalled the whole plot carefully. If he wanted to talk about loopholes, or in other words, they came into being while reading the script. Doubts, there really are.

For example, when the protagonist group and the villain met in this small town, why did they continue to stay here and wait until the next day when there were many enemies and few us, instead of leaving this place overnight.

It seems a very common thing, but if it is not explained clearly and there is no reason that sounds reasonable, the protagonist group can easily be regarded as mentally handicapped by some audiences.

As long as it is reasonable, even a sentence is fine.

However, the reason of "tired" in the original script, when placed on the protagonists who are all the way, is obviously a bit forced to lower their intelligence.

Of course, this is also his unilateral understanding.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this reason is normal, and they don't even notice this kind of thing, that is, he only cares about these trivial details.

No way, this is an occupational disease.

When I was a reporter in the past, I had to write reports with clear logic and evidence. Even when I was writing scripts for variety shows, I always followed this principle.

But he has always believed that details determine success or failure!

Xu Jie waited for a while, and saw that the crew had no intention of leaving get off work, so he walked over there curiously.

He wanted to see what the problem was, and it stumped the great director Yu Zijian.


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