Xu Jie came to the crew and stood outside the crowd.

The scene was not filming, and many actors were resting aside, while the director Yu Zijian was still talking to the assistant director, screenwriter, and several protagonists.

"Everyone think about it carefully, what is the more appropriate reason, don't always use the reasons of being hungry, tired and unable to walk, as if the protagonist group is not here to explore but to travel, it's too hypocritical ..."

"The next thing we're going to film is the conflict between the protagonist group and the villain in this town, so the above reason is very important, and it must not be perfunctory..."

"Use your brains, let's think together..."

While Yu Zijian was speaking, the two screenwriters sitting aside were very embarrassed. Doesn't this mean that the script they wrote was sloppy and the content they wrote was perfunctory?
The two felt very innocent.

Why didn't you ask this question when you read the script?After shooting for such a long time now, I suddenly feel unreasonable, what did I do earlier?If you bring it up early, will they have enough time to think about it?

Of course, these complaints can only be said in the heart, after all, Yu Zijian is a great director, how could they, the screenwriters, be able to blame him?

"How about the injury? Someone in the protagonist group was injured. In this way, there is a reason not to leave this town." One of the screenwriters said, racking his brains, he only thought of such a reason.

"No, everyone in the protagonist group is very important behind. Once someone is injured, it will not only affect the subsequent plot, but also affect the future shooting. You can't solve one problem and leave more problems behind. "Yu Zijian directly shook his head and denied this reason.

If it's just a few extra scenes, that's fine, but if it affects the later plot, it's not worth the candle.

"The protagonist knows that the villain has also come to this town, and wants to test the strength of the villain. What is the reason?" asked the screenwriter on the other side.

"The strength of the villain has been explained before, and the protagonist group has also seen it. Even when they know that the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the enemy is outnumbered, it is still a test. Isn't this a foolish behavior that takes life as a joke? There are other reasons Is it?" After Yu Zijian denied it again, he turned to look at the others.

When everyone saw the director looking over, they immediately looked away, and at the same time pretended to be thinking. The screenwriter couldn't think of any reason. Wouldn't they be more useless?

Seeing that no one was talking, Yu Zijian couldn't help but rubbed his beard on his chin, and began to think about countermeasures.

The surrounding group performers gradually became dissatisfied.

If you can think of it, you can shoot it, if you can't think of it, you quickly disband, why let everyone stay here all the time?

The theater manager next to him also looked embarrassed, it was already dark, should I order dinner or not?There is no night scene in today's shooting plan.

He wanted to ask, but seeing the frowning of the director and the producer, he didn't dare to ask, for fear of disrupting their thinking and becoming a scapegoat.

As time passed, the screenwriter came up with several reasons, but Yu Zijian rejected them all without exception, and even showed displeasure, thinking that the screenwriter was perfunctory and didn't think about it seriously. The two screenwriters who got involved no longer dared to speak.

Yu Zijian lit a cigarette for himself, and looked for inspiration in the breath, but after a while, he didn't find the inspiration, but he found someone.

"Mr. Xu!"

When Yu Zijian saw Xu Jie standing among the staff, he immediately threw away the cigarette, got up and waved at him, signaling him to come over.

Regarding this person's screenwriting ability, he has heard many people mention it, such as Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua. To be praised by these two heavyweight directors in the film industry, his ability is absolutely extraordinary.

"Director Yu, you're busy with your work. I'm just here to watch the fun, so don't worry." Xu Jie worried that Yu Zijian might misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained to the other party.

Yu Zijian thought to himself: You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry.

He quickly came to Xu Jie, then pulled the other's arm back to the place just now, and said straight to the point: "Mr. The place is..."

Immediately afterwards, he explained the problem he encountered just now.

Xu Jie pretended to listen carefully. In fact, when he was watching the fun, he had already heard the conversation of these people, and he also understood why Yu Zijian was worried about the problem. It was the problem he thought of when he was reading the script. It's just that the heroes see the same thing.

"Mr. Xu, I know that your screenwriting ability is very strong. Director Zhang Weiqiang and Director Xu Shenghua have both told me about you, so can I trouble you to think of a reason for us?" Yu Zijian looked at Xu Jie for help after speaking, Pin your hopes on the other person.

It's not that he can't do anything, it's just that he hasn't thought of it for the time being. There is such a capable person by his side, so if he doesn't ask for nothing, maybe the other party can really think of a suitable reason?It also saves them from continuing to waste time here staring.

One more person means more strength.

The assistant director Zhang Hongze next to him also looked for help. He has known Director Yu for many years and knew that Director Yu had a small problem. Think until you come up with a solution.

It happened to me a few days ago, when everyone had already gone back to the hotel to rest, but the other party suddenly thought of a problem, and pulled several assistant directors and screenwriters to think about it together, until 4 o'clock in the morning, the other party came up with a solution. Let everyone go back to the room to sleep.

If the problems encountered in the plot cannot be solved today, the entire crew will probably have to accompany Director Yu.

"Director Yu, thank you for your recognition of me, but I don't know much about the story, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you or come up with any good ideas." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian.

The screenwriter of "The Game in the Game" was on the sidelines, and he came to think of a way. Isn't this smashing people's jobs and grabbing their jobs?Besides, he confiscated the disaster relief money, so there is no need to talk too much here.

"It doesn't matter, you can say whatever comes to your mind. Let's discuss whether the idea is good or not." Yu Zijian said as he brought a stool from the side and put it next to Xu Jie, obviously letting him go so easily without disturbing him.

Xu Jie looked at the stool, if it was daytime, he would definitely find a reason to leave, but now, those who should get off work have already got off work, there is really no reason to leave, and in the end he couldn't survive Yu Zijian's pull, for fear of being touched by the other party , can only sit down.

Yu Zijian came to Su Yun with a stool, and said with a smile, "Su Yun, go and sit." After speaking, he pointed to Xu Jie's side.

Although Su Yun felt a little embarrassed in her heart, she still took the stool and sat down next to her husband. After all, it was registered, and no one could say anything.

Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian, this old guy, is he planning to use a beauty trick on him?
So sinister!
However, he did not speak, and continued to be a spectator, and the set fell into silence again.

After a while, the assistant director Zhang Hongze suddenly thought of a way, and he opened his mouth and said, "How about adding a character to this scene? For example, the residents of a small town ask the protagonist group for help, how about it?"

"Ask for help from the protagonist group for what?" Yu Zijian asked.

"This, I haven't thought about it yet." Zhang Hongze smiled awkwardly. This was just an idea he thought of, and he hadn't had time to think about the specific content.

Yu Zijian thought for a while, and said: "Ask for help from the protagonist group is equivalent to adding new tasks to the protagonist group. If it is related to the main storyline, it is fine, but if it has nothing to do with the main storyline, this scene will have no meaning. For a reasonable Reason, adding a meaningless scene, wouldn’t that be superfluous?”

In fact, he also thought about this plan, but after thinking about it, he directly denied it in his heart.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone is sitting here to solve problems. If solving problems brings new problems, can it be called solving problems?

The most important thing is that Director Zhang's proposal will increase the workload of the actors and crew, and will also increase the cost of shooting. It is okay to add a few shots, but it is not worthwhile to add a whole scene.

"I'll think about it again." Zhang Hongze said with a smile.

Others also began to continue thinking, and fell silent for a while.

Xu Jie looked at the director, then at the screenwriter, and finally at the time on his watch. It was already past seven o'clock. If he continued to sit like this, his date with Su Yun would be ruined at night.

Xu Jie secretly sighed.

He really didn't want to be nosy, but for his date with Su Yun and for Su Yun to get off work early, he could only offend these two screenwriters.

Who made these two weak?

"Director Yu, you want to give the protagonist group a reason to stay in the town for one night. I don't know if I understand right?" Xu Jie wanted to confirm again.

"Yes!" Yu Zijian nodded, and when he looked at Xu Jie, his eyes were full of expectation, and his intuition told him that this person had an idea, and Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua did not lie to him.

"You said...there are wolves in and out of the town at night, is this a good reason?" Xu Jie asked.

He doesn't care what others think, anyway, if he were to be the director or screenwriter, he would definitely write like this.

After everyone heard it, they were stunned.

The reason sounds so simple.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be really good.

As the old saying goes: A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves.

There are only four protagonists in the group, with only a dagger in their hands, without Gatling, what can they do to face the pack of wolves?
When facing villains, you can still hide, but when facing wolves, there is nowhere to hide.


Yu Zijian suddenly reached out and patted his thigh, and stood up directly from the stool.

"That's a good reason. You don't need to add actors or scenes. You just need to add a line." Yu Zijian looked excitedly at Xu Jie who was sitting opposite him, and directly extended a thumb, saying, "President Xu, It's still you who are amazing, and you solved the problem that troubled us with one sentence."

"It's nothing, I also listened to everyone's ideas and got some inspiration, that's all." Xu Jie said lightly.

I thought: The problem has been solved, can I go off work?
"Mr. Xu, you're too modest. I've heard it from beginning to end, and I'm familiar with the content of the script. Why didn't I think of it?" Assistant director Zhang Hongze said. After all, if he can get in the car of the other party, it will only be good for him.

As soon as the problem was solved, Yu Zijian's mood immediately improved, as if the constipation that had plagued him for many years was cured, and his whole body became smoother, and he said loudly: "Okay, today's filming will end here, and tomorrow will continue. "

Xu Jie was overjoyed.

This is what he was waiting for.

The idea just now was not in vain.

When the others heard it, they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and they could finally get off work.

It's like working overtime, even if it's just sitting around, no one wants to work overtime.

It's not a matter of being tired, but of feeling deprived of freedom.

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu with gratitude in their eyes.

Thanks Mr. Xu for returning their freedom to them.

Su Yun stood up and looked at her husband beside her with affection, with a little more pride and pride in her eyes, as if saying: This is my man!
The actresses around all cast envious and jealous eyes, only hating why they didn't meet Mr. Xu before Su Yun.

Su Yun ignored everyone's gaze, took the man's hand intimately, and walked towards the nanny's car.

She just wants to enjoy the world of two now.

The two found a restaurant near the film and television city, and returned to the hotel after a simple meal.

Spring Night is worth a thousand dollars!
At a time like this, who still wants to eat?
Xu Jie didn't, and neither did Su Yun. She is still feeling overwhelmed by her husband's performance just now.

As soon as they entered the room, the two hugged each other directly as if they had a heart-to-heart connection.

Just as Xu Jie carried Princess Su Yun onto the bed, there was a sudden knock on the door.


Xu Jie didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but the people outside the door kept knocking, and he lost any mood.

"I'll open the door, wait for me!" Xu Jie said to Su Yun, then straightened his clothes and walked over to open the door.

It turned out to be Yu Zijian.

"Mr. Xu, have you eaten yet?" Yu Zijian asked with a smile.

In the past, the serious director in the impression now looks like an amiable old man.

"Well, we're done eating. Director Yu, are you here to find Su Yun? I'll call her." Xu Jie saw that the other party was holding a notebook in his hand, and thought that he must have come for filming, so he turned and walked back to the room .

"Wait, Mr. Xu, I'm not here to look for Su Yun, I'm here to look for you." Yu Zijian said quickly.

"Looking for me?" Xu Jie stopped and looked at Yu Zijian suspiciously. He is not a producer or producer, and he is not an actor on the set. Why do you want him?But for Su Yun's sake, he still asked politely, "Director Yu, what do you want from me?"

"Hey, I have a small matter to trouble you, I don't know if I should say it or not." Yu Zijian asked hesitantly, even a little embarrassed.

Xu Jie thought to himself: What are you talking about? If you have something to say, just fart.

"Director Yu, tell me."

Xu Jie suppressed his restless heart, and now he just wanted to get rid of this person in front of him quickly, even if he was a first-line leader.

"That's it. This is the script of "The Game in the Game". I would like to ask you to take a look and see if there are any contradictions or intellectual deficiencies in it, so I can modify it." Yu Zijian explained the purpose of his visit.

In fact, after hearing the excellent idea from the other party on the set, he had the idea of ​​asking the other party to read the whole script for him. For this reason, he didn't even eat dinner, and kept waiting in the hotel where the crew was located.

No, after knowing that the other party came back, he came over immediately.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were full of surprise, but then he scolded himself fiercely in his heart: Xu Jie, Xu Jie, I told you to meddle in your own business, it's all right now, let's find the matter!
"Director Yu, let me tell you the truth. I have read the script of "The Game in the Game" a long time ago. The characters are vivid and the story is wonderful. At the beginning, I suggested that Su Yun take this script, so I don't think there is any need to modify it. Very good." Xu Jie said seriously.

My wife is waiting for me on the bed, you want me to change the script for you?What a joke.

"Having said that, isn't there such a saying? There is no best, only better. In fact, this is the second time I have found a problem in the script, so please take another look at Mr. Xu, please." .”

After Yu Zijian finished speaking, he was about to bend and bow. Xu Jie saw it, and quickly supported him with both hands.

Although he was dissatisfied with the old man's destruction of his and Su Yun's good deeds, the other party's current attitude made him unable to get angry.

And from the "overtime" incident today, it can be seen that the other party is a very persistent person. If he doesn't agree, the other party may do something else.

never mind!

"Since Mr. Yu thinks highly of me, then I'll take a look." Xu Jie took the script from the other party, and now he just wants to go back to the room.

As for the script, how would the other party know whether he read it or not?

When the time comes, just say a few words and you'll be fine.

If you don't see the problem, you can't blame him, can you?
When Yu Zijian saw Xu Jie agreeing, he immediately showed a joyful expression, and said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you." After speaking, he left happily.

Xu Jie closed the door and returned to the room.

Su Yun stood by the bed and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Xu Jie didn't answer, but threw the script in his hand aside, and rushed towards Su Yun.

"Honey, I'm coming!"


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