early morning.

Xu Jie was having a sweet dream when he vaguely heard someone talking.

He reached out and touched his side, but found no one, so he opened his eyes immediately.

Su Yun was not there, but the voices of his wife and Huang Xiaorong came from another room outside the bedroom.

He picked up the watch on the bed and looked at the time. It was already 7:[-], and he didn't know if Su Yun would have time to go to the set.

However, after thinking about it, the movie "The Game in the Game" is a modern film, and the make-up is very simple, unlike the ancient costume look of "Lover in Time and Space", which needs to be done two or three hours in advance every day.

Xu Jie put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Su Yun was putting the breakfast that Huang Xiaorong brought on the table. When she saw him coming out, she immediately put down the things in her hands, regardless of Huang Xiaorong, hugging him was just a good morning kiss. .

"Hurry up and have breakfast, don't you still have to go to the field to inspect the shooting scene today?" Su Yun said while pulling Xu Jie to the table.

Xu Jie sat down, if Huang Xiaorong hadn't been there, this situation would really feel like being at home.

"You eat too." Xu Jie looked at Huang Xiaorong who was standing beside him.

"Ms. Xu, I've already eaten." Huang Xiaorong replied politely. In order not to disturb the boss's world of two, she looked at the boss and said tactfully, "Sister Yun, I'm going back to my room first."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

After Huang Xiaorong left, Su Yun sat down, looked at Xu Jie while eating wholemeal bread, and asked, "Husband, didn't Director Yu ask you to help read the script? How do you plan to reply him?"

"It's not easy, just say I've seen it, no problem." Xu Jie said after hearing it, he came to the crew of "The Game in the Game" to watch his wife, not to change the script.

Besides, how can someone catch someone and ask them to read the script to find problems?

"Director Yu is... how should I put it? He is a person who will never give up until he achieves his goal. If you don't find out a single problem, he will definitely not let you go easily." Su Yun said seriously.

"No way? Can't you find the problem?" Xu Jie was stunned, remembering that because of an unreasonable place last night, Yu Zijian asked the whole crew to accompany him on the set. Maybe it would be like what his wife said like that.

"Others can't find the problem, it's okay, but you can't find the problem, no, who made you famous, and helped him solve a problem that the whole crew couldn't solve with one sentence?" Su Yun smiled. Said.

Xu Jie patted his mouth with his hands, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I shouldn't have said that much last night."

Su Yun was amused, "That's not true, if you think about it, don't tell me, what time did we have to stay on the set last night, and you have to know, as Director Yu, not everyone can It made him put down his body and ask for it."

"According to what you say, I should feel honored?" Xu Jie suddenly thought of the script he threw away last night, so he immediately got up and looked around.

Where did it come from?

Last night, I was only thinking about having fun, but then I threw it away, and I didn't pay attention to where to throw it.

Fortunately, the room was not big and the decoration was simple. Xu Jie quickly found the script that Yu Zijian had given him behind the sofa.

He went back to the dining table and read while eating, but only turned a few pages before he discovered the problem.

"Why is the above content different from when I read it?" Xu Jie asked his wife beside him.

"The movie is being edited as it is being filmed. The version you are seeing now should have been edited many times, and it is also the latest version." Su Yun explained.

Xu Jie didn't say anything when he heard it. There is no director in the world who doesn't change the script, including himself. He wrote the script of "Lover in Time and Space" by himself. When it was time to shoot, didn't he change it again and again?
Of course, it is normal for a director to change the script, because the stories told in many movies are thought up by the director themselves, and finally turned into a movie script through professional screenwriters, and the director himself is the screenwriter.

What is abnormal is that many actors with big wrists will bring their own screenwriters into the group to modify the content of the script, which not only destroys the content of the story, but also delays the shooting schedule.

Xu Jie didn't want to watch it, and there were also reasons for this.

The situation he is facing now is different from that when he changed the script for Xu Shenghua.

Xu Shenghua's filming of the movie "Strange Road" had not yet started. No matter how he changed it, it would not delay the filming of the film. However, Yu Zijian's "The Game in the Game" was different. The film had been filming for a long time, and most of the plot The filming has already been finished. If he really finds any problems, or has ideas that are different from the original script, will the finished scenes be re-shot?

What would the actor think?
What will the producer think?
And he has no name or distinction, so isn't it a dog meddling with a mouse?

After breakfast, Su Yun called Huang Xiaorong and Xiaoying to her room, one tidied things up and the other did her makeup.

"Honey, I'm leaving, are you going to the set today?" Su Yun asked.

"Forget it, I don't want to meet Director Yu now." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

Su Yun smiled, then came to Xu Jie, hugged him, and finally left the room reluctantly.

Xu Jie didn't stay in the hotel all the time because he still had a task to do. He read the script in the room for a while, and then walked out of the room after it was time for work.

"Mr. Xu!"

Xu Jie had just stepped out of the elevator and came to the lobby of the hotel when a voice suddenly reached his ears. Before he could react, Yu Zijian had already walked in front of him quickly.


Xu Jie looked at each other in surprise.

The time to start up is coming soon, but the other party is still here?And the few steps I ran just now didn't look like an old man in his 60s at all.

"Director Yu? What a coincidence." Xu Jie forced a smile. In fact, he could guess that the other party must have deliberately blocked him here, otherwise the other party should be on the set at this time.

Alas, careless!
"Yes, what a coincidence, where is Mr. Xu going?" Yu Zijian asked with concern.

"Go to choose a scene." Xu Jie said.

"I know Hengdian very well, do you want me to take you there? I know a few scenes, which are especially suitable for court dramas." Yu Zijian said enthusiastically.

"No, no, director Yu is so busy, how dare I bother you? I've already contacted the good guy." Xu Jie said quickly.


After all, the other party is also a first-line director in China. With such a big name, how dare he use him as a guide?What's more, the crew of "The Game in the Game" is still waiting for the other party to film.

Moreover, who knows if this person will suddenly chat about the script when he is serving as his tour guide?He hasn't even read a tenth of the script now, so he has nothing to talk about.

"Really? That's good. By the way, did Mr. Xu read the script last night?" Yu Zijian asked.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. This should be the real purpose of director Yu Da to block him. As for the guide mentioned earlier, it was just a polite talk.

"I watched a few scenes, but I haven't finished it yet." Xu Jie said.

Isn't the purpose of his coming to Hengdian just to spend more time with his wife at night?
If he reads the script at night and does not accompany his wife, then what is he doing in Hengdian?There are plenty of scripts to read in the capital, and the submissions for the support plan for new directors have not been finished yet.

"How do you feel?" Yu Zijian asked Xu Jie intently.

Xu Jie pretended to be thinking about it seriously, and said after a while: "The script you gave me is a little different from the script you gave Su Yun at the beginning, and the plot is smoother, but I haven't had time to read it later, so for the time being I can’t even say what I feel.”

Yu Zijian nodded. Although Xu Jie didn't express his feelings, it was fine as long as the other party read it.

"Then take a look, I won't bother you with your business, let's talk at night." Yu Zijian said with a smile, then waved his hands and hurriedly walked outside the hotel.

Xu Jie stared blankly at Director Yu's background, feeling a little dazed.

Still talking tonight?

Don't bother!

In the evening, he had already left it all to his wife, and never thought of leaving it to the old man.

And what he just said was very clear, he only watched a few scenes, and besides, he had to choose scenes during the day, so he didn't have time to read the script at all, so what was there to talk about at night?

This, doesn't this mean forcing him to take time to watch it during the day?

The problem is that the suitcase he brought has not been finished yet.

Xu Jie couldn't help but think of what Su Yun had said to him during breakfast, this old man is really determined not to give up until he reaches his goal!

Well, now I don’t want to watch it anymore.

Don't look at it, he didn't have a good night life in Hengdian.

Director Yu is too ruthless!
Xu Jie came to Hengdian Film and Television City Co., Ltd., met Zhao Su'e, and then took the other party's car to the nearest scenic spot.

The reason why Hengdian Film and Television City can stand out among many film and television cities and become the first choice for many crews to shoot film and television dramas is not only because of its large size, but also because of its good quality.

Take the antique buildings as an example, almost all of them are restored one-to-one. Not only does it look magnificent, but it can also withstand scrutiny, unlike some buildings in film and television cities, which look nondescript.

Because old boss Yu was pressing so hard that he would not be allowed to spend the night without talking about something tonight, so Xu Jie only went back to the hotel after inspecting the scenic spots all morning, and went carefully from beginning to end. Check out the script for The Game In The Game.

It's okay if you don't look carefully, but if you look carefully, you will find some problems.

Some cannot be explained clearly, some are not explained clearly, and some are ostentatious. The most important thing is that he thinks that he should focus on the description, but hastily passed it in the script.

Although there are not many problems and they are not big, for those who work rigorously and strive for perfection, no matter how small the problem is, it is not allowed.

Xu Jie marked out the questions while watching, and finally even sorted out a list of questions, listing one, two, three, four, five in detail.

Regarding whether these issues can be recognized by Yu Dao, he is not clear. Maybe with the other party, these issues will have other endings, but this has nothing to do with him. Come back and ruin every night he has in Hengdian, that's all.


Xu Jie was still sorting out the problem when the door opened next to his ear.

When he looked up, he saw Su Yun, Huang Xiaorong, Chen Guo, and Xiaoying walking in from outside.

"Husband, are you here? When did you come back?" Su Yun happily came to sit beside Xu Jie, and leaned directly on the man's body.

Filming is tiring, but once you lean on a man's body, you don't feel tired.

"I'll be back at noon." Xu Jie said with his arms around his woman.

"Have you finished stepping so quickly?" Su Yun asked curiously, the film and television city is so big, let alone a morning, even a week may not be able to finish it all.

"What are you stepping on, as if I'm a thief, that's called investigation." Xu Jie corrected.

"Okay, survey, how is the survey going?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"I've been to six places, and there are still [-] that I haven't visited." Xu Jie sighed after finishing speaking. He originally planned to spend two or three days to walk through all the scenic spots, but now, he had to spend an extra day.

Su Yun didn't care how many scenic spots her husband went to. The other party had plans for the other party. It was useless to know so much, but at this moment, she suddenly noticed the script in her husband's other hand. If she remembered correctly, it was the script from yesterday. The one sent by Director Yu in the evening.

In fact, it’s okay to read the script. My husband also read it during dinner in the morning. The key is that there is a piece of paper sandwiched in the script, and there are many words written on it.

For a moment, she seemed to understand something.

"Husband, did you come back so early just to read the script?" Su Yun was a little surprised, because from the conversation in the morning, she could see that her husband didn't care about what Director Yu asked him to do, so why did he suddenly change his mind? ?
After hearing this, Xu Jie thought again of meeting Yu Zijian in the morning, so he told Su Yun about it.

After hearing this, Su Yun had an expression of enlightenment on her face, and said, "No wonder Director Yu, who usually goes to the set one hour earlier, is late today. He was blocking you, hehe, it seems that in his heart, you It's more important than filming."

"No, it's better to treat me as a little transparent." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun knew that what Xu Jie did was all for her, so she cupped the other's face and kissed him comfortingly, then picked up the script and started to read it.

"Let me see what you wrote."

Xu Jie's upper body fell back and leaned on the back of the sofa. When he was concentrating before, he didn't feel anything else. Now that his wife interrupted him like this, he suddenly felt a little sore and aching in his back.

I don't know if it will affect tonight's performance.

At first Su Yun just looked at the questions on the paper with a curious attitude, but after watching, the smile on her face disappeared, and she became serious.

As the female lead of the movie, she has read the script countless times and memorized the content by heart. Because of this, she feels that the questions written by Xu Jie are really true, and they are definitely not written indiscriminately for the sake of perfunctory from.

"Is this what you summed up this afternoon?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked, surprised at the other party's sharp eyes and attention to details. Few people would notice these problems, at least when she was watching , I didn't notice the difference, I believe that the people in the same crew are the same, because two of the questions raised by the other party are still in the scenes that have already been filmed.

"Hmm." Xu Jie stretched his waist, then looked at Su Yun and asked, "What do you think of these questions I wrote? Are they redundant?"

The other party has been in the crew of "The Game in the Game" for so long, and he should have some understanding of Yu Zijian's thinking about problems. He really wants to know what old man Yu will think about these problems after seeing them.

Su Yun shook her head, and said seriously: "I think it's not only unnecessary, but also very necessary."

"You don't think it's a big deal, do you?" Xu Jie asked again.

"The details determine success or failure. "The Game in the Game" itself is an adventurous suspense movie, so it is very necessary to perfect these details. Now movie fans are very picky. If they are discovered by the audience after the release, it will seriously affect the movie. If the word of mouth is bad, the box office will naturally be affected." Su Yun said seriously.

As the heroine, she hopes from the bottom of her heart that the film will have a good reputation and a good box office, because this will affect her reputation as an actor, and even its commercial value.

If the movie pulls her hips, others will not only say that she made a bad movie, but also question her vision. For her who is eager to make a difference in the movie industry, although it will not be fatal, it will have some impact.

Compared with those who only care about the remuneration, she cherishes her feathers even more.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

At the same time, Xu Jie felt a "thump" in his heart, vaguely having a bad premonition.

Huang Xiaorong opened the door, and when she saw the people outside, she immediately greeted politely, "Hello, Director Yu, please come in."

"I won't go in." Yu Zijian said with a smile and waved his hands. After all, this is an actress' room, and her husband is here, so it's inappropriate to go in. "Well, is Mr. Xu there?"

"Director Yu, I'm here!"

Before Huang Xiaorong could reply, Xu Jie took the script and walked over. He just wanted to quickly hand over the problems he had sorted out so hard to let the other party go back and think about it, so as not to disturb the two-person world between him and Su Yun.

"Mr. Xu, have you eaten yet?" Yu Zijian asked with a smile.

"Not yet." Xu Jie looked at the other party's amiable appearance. If he didn't understand him, he would be easily deceived by the other party's current face.

He has always felt that a good actor is not necessarily a good director, but a good director must be a good actor, because if a director does not have two brushes for acting, there is no way to guide actors.

Which of the major domestic directors who made cameo appearances in movies gave people a sense of surprise?It is even regarded as a classic.

If Director Yu in front of him also acts in a movie, maybe he can win a best actor or something.

"I know a good hot pot restaurant. You bring Su Yun, and I invite you and my wife as a thank you for your help last night." Yu Zijian said.

Xu Jie thought to himself: What kind of hot pot are you eating? Don’t think I don’t know what you want to do.

When we met in the morning, I obviously wanted to ask if I had read the script, but I said I wanted to be a guide. Now I want to talk about the script, and I want to eat hot pot.

It’s fine to use it once, but it’s boring to use it every time.

Without further ado, Xu Jie handed over the script in his hand and the list of questions listed, "Director Yu, these are a few questions I picked up. Of course, these are my personal opinions. If there is something wrong place, you just think I have bad eyesight."

Yu Zijian was stunned, he really didn't expect the other party to finish reading so quickly, and even picked out a problem, which was unexpected, too unexpected.

"Mr. Xu, look at you, and I'm not in a hurry, so thank you, I'll go back and have a look!"

After Yu Zijian finished speaking, he left in a hurry. He couldn't wait to know what problem Xu Jie found.

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