The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 901 The 2-person world is ruined

"Huh, finally gone."

Looking at Yu Zijian's back, Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

From noon to now, such a long time of hard work was finally not in vain, and I no longer have to worry about being disturbed tonight.

Xu Jie closed the door and returned to the house, waved his hand, and said to Su Yun: "Honey, let's go out to eat."

Su Yun saw that her husband had swept away his previous worries and returned to his previous look, so she pointed to the bedroom inside and said with a smile, "I'll go in and change, and I'll be fine soon."

Xu Jie tidied up the pens and papers on the table, then sat on the chair and waited. Without old man Yu's life-hungry questions, he felt much more relaxed.

Not long after, Su Yun changed her clothes and came out of the bedroom. The simple sportswear made her look extraordinarily low-key, but also a little more energetic than before, especially those slender and straight long legs , It's a pity not to go to the hurdles.

"Xiao Rong, Chen Guo, Xiao Ying, you can take care of dinner today." Su Yun said to the assistants, then took Xu Jie's arm and walked outside with a happy face.

Of course, I didn't forget to wear a baseball cap when I went out. After all, Hengdian Film and Television City not only has a lot of stars, but also a lot of extras and fans.

If they are seen by fans, the two-person world of the two may be ruined again.

Xu Jie and Su Yun walked out of the hotel. It was already dark outside, but it was more lively than during the day.

There are a large number of production crews living around the film and television city, and there are many people who pursue their dream of being an actor. These people are filming in the film and television city during the day, and only have their own time at night, so there are more people at night than during the day. Everyone come out Relax, relax, and enjoy life while filming.

Xu Jie took Su Yun to a hot pot restaurant with good reviews on the Internet, which was said to be opened by a female celebrity.

This kind of celebrity restaurant is very common in Hengdian. Some artists spend two to three hundred days a year filming in Hengdian. It is inevitable that they will miss the taste of their hometown. For my own tongue, I can also cut some leeks by the way, why not do it?
However, this kind of restaurant usually closes after only a few years. As for the reasons, there are many.

For example, celebrities don't come to the restaurant often, and they don't care about the three melons and dates the restaurant earns. The result is the lack of effective management, and the business is naturally not much better. Who will insist on losing money?
Furthermore, the price of dishes in celebrity restaurants is generally high. Most of the people living in Hengdian are group performers who pay a labor fee of 80 yuan a day, and their spending power is limited.

In fact, there is the most important point. There is an old saying: A person does not have a thousand days and a flower does not have a hundred days to be popular. Most of the stars are only popular for a few years. Without it, there is no need for the restaurant to continue operating.

And the restaurant that Xu Jie is going to now is the restaurant opened by the popular flower Yang Lan. According to the Internet, the specialty dishes in the restaurant are all Yang Lan’s favorite dishes, and the cook is also invited from Gaoxin in his hometown. I don’t know if it’s true. Fake.

It was dinner time at this time, and there were not many people in the restaurant, but it was not too small. Half of the tables were empty, and the other half of the tables with people sitting were not full of dishes, and many people were sitting on the table. Looking around while playing with the mobile phone, it seems that the mind is not on eating.

"It seems that the comments on the Internet cannot be easily trusted." Xu Jie whispered to Su Yun beside him. These people in the restaurant are obviously fans. Can fans write bad reviews for their idol's restaurant?Certainly not.

Xu Jie had a premonition that today's dinner might be overturned, and there are too many star fans, which is not a good thing for him and Su Yun. Who knows if there are any fans of him and Su Yun?
Su Yun smiled when she heard it, and didn't say anything. In her opinion, it doesn't matter what she eats, as long as she can sit and eat with her husband.

"Handsome guy, beautiful girl, are they two?" the waiter stepped forward and asked with a smile on his face.

Xu Jie originally wanted to leave, but seeing the enthusiasm of the waiter, he felt embarrassed to leave.

He is a man with a thin skin sometimes.

"Is there a private room?" Xu Jie asked, he didn't want to be disturbed.

"Sorry, no." The waiter said apologetically.

"Then you can arrange a seat for us casually." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, please follow me." The waiter led the way after speaking.

Probably knowing that the guests wanted a more private space, the waiter arranged Xu Jie and Su Yun in a corner, and there were no people around the tables.

In order to be able to take photos of their idols at close range, those groupies choose locations very close to the gate, so the closer to the corner, the fewer people there are.

Xu Jie ordered a few signs, then returned the menu to the waiter, looked around, and said to Su Yun beside him, "Do you want to open a restaurant here too? How about the branch of Zhou's Cuisine?"

Su Yun smiled, then whispered, "I never thought about cutting leeks."

She is a person who cherishes feathers, and now she is ushering in the second spring of her career, so she will never do things that damage her reputation.

She has no shortage of that.

What's more, as long as you maintain your image well, endorsements will naturally come to your door. If it harms the interests of fans and loses the support of fans, will the merchants still ask her to endorse?On the contrary, the loss outweighs the gain.

"You mean that celebrities open restaurants to cut leeks?" Xu Jie asked.

"I didn't say that." Su Yun stretched out her hand and squeezed the man, actually setting her up.

While speaking, there was a sudden commotion in the restaurant. Everyone stretched their necks and looked out the window, their faces full of excitement.

Soon, the door opened, and three women walked in from the outside. The one in the middle was wearing a fisherman's hat. After entering the restaurant, she walked quickly inside.

"It's Yang Lan!"

"so beautiful!"

"I finally saw it. The past ten days were not in vain."

"Look at the photo I just took, but unfortunately there is no group photo."

"It's okay, Yang Lan will definitely go back to the hotel after dinner, and it won't be too late to take a group photo when she comes out."


The appearance of Yang Lan made the originally quiet restaurant boil instantly, each and every one of them seemed to be pumped with blood, extremely excited.

"As for?" Xu Jie shook his head.

Although he has seen the excited and crazy scenes of fans chasing stars, he still can't understand it.

"You often get in touch with celebrities, and even many celebrities want to curry favor with you, so of course you don't understand, but you have to know that the distance between ordinary people and celebrities is very far, and most people have never seen a celebrity in their entire lives. Not to mention that fans can see their idols with their own eyes." Su Yun said.

Fans' love for idols is beyond comprehension to outsiders.

Some people play truant from school to pick up their idols at the airport, some even buy instant noodles for a week and buy tickets to their idols’ concerts, and some even borrow money to give gifts to their idols. Are these behaviors understandable?

To be honest, even an idol like her can't understand it.

Xu Jie thought for a while, but still didn't understand. Even if he didn't see any celebrities when he was in school, there wasn't any celebrity worthy of him to squat, and he squatted in the same place for more than ten days.

The serving speed of the restaurant was still very fast, and it didn't take long for all four dishes Xu Jie ordered to be served.

Xu Jie put a piece of braised pork into his mouth. It was moderately salty and had a strong flavor of plum vegetables. Generally speaking, it was not bad, not outrageous.

Just when Xu Jie was about to eat another dish, the door of the restaurant was pushed open again, and then four people walked in from the outside surrounded by one person, the formation was bigger than the one just now, and then it seemed like someone Passed by the hall as if in a hurry, and disappeared into the corridor.

"Zhang Xian, the person who walked in just now seems to be Zhang Xian."

"That's right, I said why it looks so familiar, it's Mr. Zhang, that's right."

"Why is Mr. Zhang here?"

"Don't you know? Yang Lan is filming a TV series, and the leading actor is Zhang Xian. It seems that they came to the party after filming."

Everyone was discussing, the door opened again, this time more people came in, there were eight or nine people, everyone was talking and laughing, looking very happy.

"Wow, it's Huang Sen, Chen Siyan, Zhang Weiwei..."

The people in the restaurant were not calm again.

In the past, it was the appearance of one star after another, but now several stars appear together. Whose heart can bear this?
too excited.

Although there are many stars in Hengdian, it's just luck to be able to guard so many at once.

"Let me tell you, in today's crying scene, I..." Chen Siyan was talking about the key point, when she suddenly felt that there were two figures in the restaurant that looked very familiar, and her footsteps also stopped.

Zhang Weiwei, who was following behind, didn't pay attention, and bumped into Chen Siyan directly, "Oh, why did you stop suddenly? You, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Weiwei followed Chen Siyan's gaze, and saw a man and a woman sitting in the corner of the restaurant, but due to the angle, he could only see one side.

Just when Zhang Weiwei was puzzled, Chen Siyan walked quickly in that direction.


The few people in the company were very puzzled, thinking: Did Chen Siyan meet an acquaintance?
In Hengdian, the chances of meeting acquaintances are still very high, especially acquaintances in the circle.

Chen Siyan walked very fast at the beginning, but the closer she got to the target, the slower her pace became. When she stopped, she even showed a cautious look.

"Excuse me..." Chen Siyan asked softly, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Xu and Sister Yun?"

In fact, she had already recognized it, but she just wanted to confirm it.

"Well, you are...?" Xu Jie turned his head to look at the other party. The woman was pretty, but he didn't remember seeing this person. Of course, it may be that he has seen too many beauties in the past few years. I can't think of it for a while, after all, there are too many celebrities with a face, a nose, and eyebrows these days.

On the other hand, Su Yun, who was on the side, smiled and said, "So it's Sisi, what a coincidence." Then she introduced to Xu Jie, "This is Chen Siyan, an artist from Fanhua Brokerage."

When Xu Jie heard about Fanhua's manager, he immediately thought of Liu Jinghua.

"Liu Jinghua is your manager?" Xu Jie looked at the other party lightly and asked.

"Sister Hua is my boss, and Liu Fan is my manager." Chen Siyan replied respectfully.

Xu Jie didn't know Liu Fan, but according to the other party, this Liu Fan should be Liu Jinghua's manager, but as long as he was Liu Jinghua's people, he hated them all.

Head down to eat.

Su Yun knew that her husband hated everyone in Fanhua's brokerage company, but she didn't reach out to slap anyone with a smiley face. In order to avoid Chen Siyan's embarrassment, she took the initiative to say, "Go back and say hello to Liu Fan for me."

"Okay Sister Yun, I will definitely bring the message." Chen Siyan said immediately, and she also felt Mr. Xu's indifferent attitude, so she bent down and saluted directly, and said, "Then I won't bother Mr. Xu and Sister Yun for dinner." ,goodbye."

"Well, bye." Su Yun waved to Chen Siyan to show her friendliness.

After Chen Siyan left, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, only then did she realize that her palms were actually covered in sweat.

There is no way, Mr. Xu's aura is too strong, just sitting there without saying anything makes her feel very nervous.

In fact, she could have pretended not to see it, but Broker Fanhua's current situation is very bad.

Because the company lost a lot of resources, Sister Hua gave most of the resources to top artists, and female artists like her at the end of the second line can only pick up some leftovers.

Now many artists in Fanhua's agency are beginning to feel dissatisfied with the company, and have even contacted other agency companies and entertainment companies in private, planning to change to another company for development, and she, who is on the rise in her career, also has the same idea.

The reason why she took the initiative to say hello was mainly because she wanted to leave a good impression on Mr. Xu. It doesn't matter if you block Fanhua's brokerage company, but don't block her, but just now I saw the disgusted expression on the other side's face when he heard the word Fanhua's brokerage. The gesture of greeting was a failure.

Back to her partner, Chen Siyan was a little depressed.

"Siyan, who were those two people just now?" Zhang Weiwei asked curiously.

She only saw a silhouette and didn't know who it was, so she didn't follow, but Chen Siyan's respectful and nervous look just now did not escape her eyes, so she really wanted to know who could make Chen Siyan so nervous , even a little scared.

"Xu Jie and Su Yun." Chen Siyan said truthfully.


Zhang Weiwei, Huang Sen and others beside them all showed shocked expressions.

There are many people with the name Xu Jie, but there is only one Xu Jie in the entertainment industry, and that is Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company.

There are actually many cultural communication companies in Beijing and even the whole country, but why is it that only the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture is remembered by everyone?Even the general manager doesn't know?

The reason is simple, because this person is too famous.

The director of the variety show "Crossover Actor", the director of "Ordinary Courage", and also directed, wrote and acted in the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"...

But what impressed everyone the most was that the other party rushed to the crown and became Su Yun. Facing the blockade of Su Yun by the four major entertainment companies, this man not only did not give in, but faced the challenge head-on and drove one of the capital companies out of the capital. , It also caused one of the largest artist management companies in the country to suffer greatly. Who is not surprised by such strength and means?

"Why did Mr. Xu and Sister Yun come here to eat?" Zhang Weiwei asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it might be a coincidence." Chen Siyan shook her head.

"Ask Yang Lan to see if she knows." Huang Sen said.

When the others heard it, they immediately quickened their pace.

Soon, several people came to the private room, leaving the assistant outside

This is the only private room in the restaurant, and it is also the private room of the boss Yang Lan, which is not open to the public.

"Yang Lan, did you see President Xu and Sister Yun when you came in just now?" After closing the door, Chen Siyan immediately asked the boss here, Yang Lan.

"President Xu? Sister Yun? Who is it?" Yang Lan was confused.

"It's Mr. Xu Jie and Sister Su Yunyun from Jingshi Culture." Zhang Weiwei explained.

"I didn't see it." Yang Lan said, when she came in, in order to avoid being asked for a group photo by fans, she walked very fast, her head was kept lowered, and she didn't dare to look at the fans, so she didn't see anything. But soon, she understood what Yang Lan and Zhang Weiwei meant, "You mean, Mr. Xu and Sister Yun are in my restaurant?"

Chen Siyan nodded.

Yang Lan stood up abruptly, pushed away the chair in front of her, and was about to go out. One was a big shot in the film and television industry, and the other was a queen of Chinese songs. She knew they were coming but didn't say hello. In the ears of those two, what would the boss think?

"I gonna go see!"

"and many more!"

Chen Siyan stopped Yang Lan, "Mr. Xu and Sister Yun are eating, I think it's better not to disturb them. I went to say hello to them just now. Mr. Xu's face is not good."

"Really?" Yang Lan stopped.

The temper of the boss is very weird. If you regard greeting as an interruption, you might as well not go, but this is her restaurant. When she came in just now, Xu Jie and Su Yun must have seen it. If she doesn’t Isn't it impolite to show up?
Yang Lan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "It's okay if you don't know. Now that you know, there is no reason not to go. The old saying is good: There are many people who are polite."

When the others heard it, since Yang Lan had already gone to say hello, how could they pretend not to know?
"I'll go too!" Zhang Xian said.

"Just let's go together!" Zhang Weiwei also said.

If you can impress Mr. Xu, you may think of her when recording variety shows or making movies in the future.

You must know that the variety shows in Mr. Xu's hands are all top resources in the entertainment industry.

Several people no longer hesitated, and walked out of the private room together.


The star fans in the restaurant all looked at the corner, they were very curious why Chen Siyan took the initiative to say hello to those two people.

Who are they?
Some people wanted to go over to have a look, but felt it was impolite, and some people asked the waiter directly, but the waiter said they didn't know.

At this time, everyone suddenly saw several celebrities who had just entered the private room come out again.

Just when everyone thought that this was a special benefit given to them by the restaurant owner Yang Lan, they saw the stars lined up and walked towards the table in the corner.


what's the situation?
All the fans present were stunned.

It was Chen Siyan just now, but now it's a string?
Those two people are too awesome, right?
These fans are all trying to squat to guard the stars, but those two people just sit down casually, and some stars will take the initiative to line up to pass by.

Some fans have already stood up, wanting to see what's going on.


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