"Honey, you've been on the set of "The Game in the Game" for so long, what do you think of Director Yu?" Xu Jie chatted about Yu Zijian while eating.

For this person's repeated interruptions, he has already forgiven the other party, but he has spent time and energy to help the other party, so should the other party also reciprocate courtesy and do something for him?

So, he had a bold idea in his heart.

"Which aspect are you referring to? Personal character, or work ability?" Su Yun asked after hearing this.

"Working ability." Xu Jie said.

As for his personal character, he already had a general understanding of it through the contact last night and today, and besides, he didn't plan to contact the other party in private, so he didn't care too much about his personal character.

"Does it need to be said? Director Yu is a famous director in China. He is very good at scene scheduling and camera assembly, and he can use the most concise and easy-to-understand language to guide actors. He also has a very unique view on things. "What are you asking this for?"

After Su Yun finished her evaluation, she looked curiously at her husband beside her, wondering why the other party suddenly became interested in Director Yu. Didn't she still think that the other party was "disgusting" before?

"I solved problems for him and checked the script, does this count as a debt to me?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Su Yun thought for a while, then nodded, her husband is not a member of the production team, and secondly, he confiscated labor fees, so he really has no obligation to work for Director Yu, and Director Yu took the initiative to ask her husband for help, which is definitely considered a favor.

"Since it's a favor, shouldn't he also return the favor to me?" Xu Jie asked again.

Su Yun was stunned. There seemed to be nothing wrong with what she said. She looked at her husband smiling. Could it be that she has already figured out how to make Director Yu return the favor?

Xu Jie continued: "I've already thought about him, so let's ask him to make a movie for JingTV Culture. What do you think of this way of returning favors?"

Su Yun was stunned when she heard it.

Although it was the same as what she had just thought, the other party had already thought of a way to repay the favor for Director Yu, but this "way" was far beyond her expectations.

Director Yu to make a movie?

Who is Director Yu?

A leading domestic director.

To be honest, there are too many people who want to invite Director Yu to make a movie. It is no exaggeration to say that they can line up from the restaurant to the hotel where the crew lives.

But the question is, can Director Yu agree?Can the capital behind Yu Dao agree?
Moreover, one is to ask someone to check the script, and the other is to ask someone to make a movie. The favors are completely unequal. Not only did Director Yu lose, but he was also compensated by the whole person.

We must know that a director like Yu Zijian usually only releases a movie in a few years due to the influence of many factors such as his body, age, energy, and script.

If the other party really takes over the movie, it means that the next few years will be wasted on this movie.

"Are you sure Director Yu can agree?" Su Yun asked.

From her husband's point of view, she naturally hoped that Director Yu would agree, but from the perspective of a bystander, the possibility of Director Yu agreeing was extremely slim.

"Whether he agrees or not is his business. Anyway, I can't suffer from it." Xu Jie ate a piece of meat with a big mouthful.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing. As a wife, she naturally knew that the other party was not the one to suffer, but Director Yu is not stupid, right?

"By the way, have you thought about one thing?" Su Yun asked.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked over suspiciously.

"You have raised so many questions about the script, after reading it, will Director Yu come to you again?" Su Yun said what she just thought of.


Xu Jie was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he said: "No way? I have found out the problem. Shouldn't his next thing be to solve the problem?"

"What if he can't solve it?" Su Yun asked back.

Xu Jie got stuck and forgot to chew the meat in his mouth.

What my wife said is not impossible. With Yu Zijian's attitude towards him these two days, this is no longer a question of possibility, but something that will inevitably happen.

This is how to do?
If he could have thought of this question earlier, he would not have listed a row of questions.

"President Xu, Sister Yun!"

Just when Xu Jie was wondering whether to go back to the hotel tonight, a voice suddenly came from behind, and then he saw a group of people coming to him, it was Yang Lan and others who had been guarded by fans before.

"Welcome to this small shop. My name is Yang Lan, and I am the owner of the small shop." Yang Lan introduced herself, her words were full of respect and politeness.

In her opinion, Sister Yun is fine, but the key is that Mr. Xu must not be offended, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

"I recognize you." Su Yun said with a smile.

"I also heard people talking about you in the restaurant just now." Xu Jie said.

The other party is not an artist managed by Fanhua, so his attitude is much better than before.

"Hi Mr. Xu, Sister Yun. My name is Zhang Xian. I'm an actor. I'm currently filming in Hengdian, and I'm in the same crew as Yang Lan." Zhang Xian also introduced himself.

"Hello." Xu Jie nodded at the other party.

Next, Huang Sen, Zhang Weiwei, and Bai Yangquan also scrambled to introduce themselves, for fear of being considered rude by Mr. Xu.

In fact, Xu Jie also knew what these people came here for, he really wanted to say: You think too much, I just came here for dinner with my wife... But everyone has already come here, why should he refuse the kindness of these people?

"Did you guys come here to have a party after filming?" Xu Jie had nothing to say to avoid embarrassment for these people.

"Yes." Yang Lan said immediately.

"The relationship is really good. I have come to Hengdian frequently. It is rare to see people like you who can get together after filming. In fact, this is very good. More contacts can cultivate a tacit understanding, which is also good for filming. ..."

Xu Jie said with a smile, and the artists around him also listened seriously.

Su Yun next to her looked at her husband, and then at these young artists, and couldn't help laughing, but in the end she forced herself back.

In fact, my husband is about the same age as these artists, even younger than some artists, but it looks like a teacher teaching students, and seniors teaching juniors.

It may be taken for granted by these artists, but in her opinion, although she has experienced it many times, she is still somewhat uncomfortable.

Because this boss is really too young, you must know that in the past, everyone faced people who were in their forties, fifties, or five or sixties.

In terms of identity, yes, but in terms of age, the picture looks full of disobedience.

But Xu Jie has long been accustomed to this.

He has directed variety shows and also directed movies. During this process, he had to hold meetings with celebrities, and he could call and drink people who were bigger than the people in front of him, let alone these young artists.

"Okay, you go to the party, remember to rest early, don't delay tomorrow's work." Xu Jie didn't say much, after all, these people are not his employees, and there is nothing to chat with these people.

"Mr. Xu, there are too many people outside, why don't you go to the room inside?" Yang Lan pointed to the private room she had been to just now.

"No need, my wife and I just came out to have something to eat casually, and we don't have any secrets to share. If you get together, don't worry about us," Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, Sister Yun, then we'll go in. Goodbye Mr. Xu, goodbye Sister Yun." Yang Lan didn't want to disturb the two-person world of Mr. Xu and Sister Yun, and now she heard Mr. Xu's words again, so she said goodbye politely.

"Goodbye!" Xu Jie nodded.

"Goodbye Mr. Xu, goodbye Sister Yun." Other artists also greeted each other.


The stars left in a mighty way, but the scene just now has been deeply imprinted in the minds of other fans in the restaurant.

Although everyone didn't hear the name, the sound of "Mr. Xu" and "Sister Yun" did not escape their savvy ears.

Mr. Xu may not be able to guess for a while, but Sister Yun, the scope has been narrowed down a lot. The key is that this Sister Yun's voice is so beautiful and familiar, and when she turns her head, the profile of her face is revealed. Those who are familiar with the entertainment industry quickly guessed who this sister Yun was.

Su Yun, the queen of Chinese singing.

It would no longer be so difficult for Su Yun to speculate on Mr. Xu.

It was Xu Jie and Su Yun, the celebrity couple.

In terms of fame, those couples just now combined are not as good as this couple.

Especially in this time period, the variety show "Ordinary Courage" is currently on the air, and the movie "Lover in Time and Space" has just been released, and the popularity and topicality are still there. How can people like Yang Lan compare?
Haven't you seen Yang Lan, Zhang Xian and others take the initiative to say hello to Xu Jie and Su Yun?
Therefore, as soon as Yang Lan and the others left, the people in the restaurant immediately turned their attention and conversation to the couple in the corner.

"It turned out to be Lao Xu and Su Yun, why didn't I notice it before?"

"Today was really lucky. Not only did I see Yang Lan, but also Xu Jie and Su Yun. I decided to buy a lottery ticket when I went out."

"Add me one!"

While everyone was discussing, a girl suddenly stood up, holding the mobile phone in her hand, walked quickly to the corner, and stopped beside Xu Jie and Su Yun.

"Old Xu, Sister Yun, I, I am your fan, can I take a photo with you?" The girl asked tremblingly, her eyes were full of anticipation and a little nervous, probably because she was worried about being rejected, after all, She finally worked up the courage and decided to come over and ask for a group photo.

"Okay." Xu Jie agreed very happily, and his attitude was completely different from when he faced the star just now.

"Thank you, thank you Old Xu, thank you Sister Yun."

The girl bowed and thanked her, and was a little incoherent in excitement, then came to Xu Jie and Su Yun's side, picked up her mobile phone and took a selfie.

With the sound of "click", the smiling faces of the three people appeared on the phone screen.

The girl's happy face flushed, and after thanking her again, she left quickly.

When other people in the restaurant saw it, they cast envious looks, especially the two girls who were at the same table as the girl, rushing to look at the photos on the phone.

Maybe there was a role model, at this time, someone stood up again and walked in the direction of Xu Jie and Su Yun.

"Teachers, can you sign for me?"


When the others saw it, they couldn't wait to line up.

Inside the private room.

Yang Lan, Zhang Xian, Huang Sen, Chen Siyan, Zhang Weiwei, and Bai Yangquan were sitting together, waiting for the meal and discussing what happened just now.

"Sisi, Mr. Xu doesn't look as scary as you said." Yang Lan said, and at the same time thought: Fortunately, I didn't hear about Sisi just now, otherwise Mr. Xu must be neglected.

Everyone else here can not go, but she can't not go, who let the restaurant be hers?
Chen Siyan smiled wryly, and then said: "Yes, maybe it's because I'm an artiste managed by Fanhua. You should have heard about Sister Yun at the end of last year. I guess Mr. Xu hasn't calmed down yet."

"You're talking about the big fight caused by Sister Yun's decision not to renew her contract with Fanhua's agency? Not only have I heard about it, it's so thunderous that even our company has been affected." Bai Yangquan said after hearing it.

Although he is an artist of Pentium Films and not of Fanhua Brokerage, the biggest investor of Pentium Films is Zhou Yuanqing of Orange Heart Capital.

Because of this relationship, Pentium Films was not uncommonly affected. At that time, not only lost a lot of film and television resources, but also almost went bankrupt. It was not until Zhou Yuanqing quit Pentium Films that the company took a breath.

At that time, everyone in the company called Liu Jinghua a villain. Of course, only the people in the company knew about it.

"I heard that the boss of our Huasen Media was also planning to block Sister Yun at the beginning, but for some reason, instead of blocking Sister Yun, he even gave her the resources of "The Game in the Game". I was thinking at the time, maybe we The boss doesn't want to offend Mr. Xu either."

"The artists who are most affected are the artists in our prosperous economy. It's been almost a year, and no one has been able to appear on Beijing Satellite TV. No, there is one. Zheng Yun participated in "Crossover Actors", but in the first round We were eliminated, alas, now we can only go to other TV stations to participate in the program." Chen Siyan sighed deeply after speaking, her face was full of depression.

As an actress whose career is on the rise, one year is too precious for her. Once the upward momentum is interrupted, she may never be able to climb up again.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

"Sisi, don't you think about leaving the prosperous brokerage company?" Huang Sen asked curiously.

"I thought about it, why didn't I think about it? I thought about it at the beginning of the year, but there was still a year to go, and it was useless to think about it. It turned out that I managed to get through this year, and it was about to expire, but because of the prosperous Influenced by the agency, this year I only received two dramas, and they were all small roles. Not only were the companies that recruited me less active than before, even the terms of the contract were more stringent than before, just like selling a contract. "

The more Chen Siyan talked, the more depressed she became, she poured a cup of tea and downed it in one gulp.

"How about you come to our Pentium Film and Television?" Bai Yangquan asked. He has a good impression of Chen Siyan. If the other party can be in the same company as him, the relationship between the two may be able to continue after the current TV series is finished. Continue to develop and develop.

"Hehe, with the scale and resources of Pentium Film and Television, I might as well stay in Fanhua Brokerage." Chen Siyan said after hearing this.

As the old saying goes: a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Although the resources of Prosperous Brokers are not much left in the capital, there are many outside the capital, such as Shanghai Satellite TV, Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV, and Sujiang Satellite TV, and they still have the opportunity to show their faces on stage.

And there are many commercial resources, such as endorsement or something.

In contrast, apart from movies and TV series, Pentium Film and Television has very few resources in other aspects, less opportunities to appear on variety shows, and even fewer endorsements.

Bai Yangquan was at a loss for words for a while, he didn't know how to persuade Chen Siyan, after all, what the other party said was also true.

"By the way, I heard something today. I don't know if it's true or not. It is said that Sister Yun's studio is about to start signing artists. Do you know Ding Mengni? She played the role next to Sister Yun in the movie "Lover in Time and Space". The palace maid, she has already decided to sign a contract with Sister Yun's studio, I guess the news will be announced soon." Zhang Weiwei said suddenly.


When the other people present heard it, they all showed surprise eyes.

Sister Yun has just left Fanhua's manager for a year, and is she ready to sign an artist herself?

Of course, based on Su Yun's current situation, if she wants to sign an artist to develop in the music industry, there is no problem, but if she wants to develop in the film and television industry, her qualifications seem to be insufficient.

But who let her husband be Xu Jie?

With Mr. Xu's relationship, why don't the programs of Beijing Satellite TV be shown casually?And judging from the current development direction of Jingshi culture, the resources of movies and TV dramas will be indispensable in the future.

In addition to these, based on the relationship between Beijing Radio and Television Station and these magazines in Beijing, fashion resources are also indispensable?

The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that joining Sister Yun's studio had a future. The most important thing was that Sister Yun's studio had just started signing artists. If they could join now, wouldn't they be able to enjoy the highly praised treatment?All the resources are thrown hard at one person or one person?

Bai Yangquan sighed secretly, he still has a three-year contract with Pentium Film and Television, if he terminates the contract now, he will be ruined.

It's a pity such a good opportunity.

There is also Zhang Weiwei who has the same idea as Bai Yangquan.

In fact, when she heard her agent talk about this, her first reaction was to join Sister Yun's studio. Unfortunately, the purpose of her agent's telling her was to dispel her idea, because her agent made an appointment. It was also signed not long ago.

If she had known this earlier, she would have preferred to sign a short contract, even if she had less resources.

At this moment, she turned her head to look at Chen Siyan, she might be taking advantage of her this time.

Chen Siyan stared straight at the water glass in front of her, lost in thought.

As a person whose contract is about to expire, she can choose to sign with other companies, but there must be a prerequisite when choosing, that is, the company must be large, must have a strong background and strength, otherwise it is very likely that the former owner Retaliation, such as posting black material or something.

People are in the entertainment industry, how many people are not black?
Once some black material is exposed, it will be fatal to the artist.

Therefore, only the next boss has the strength to hold down the previous boss for her.

Although Sister Yun's studio is not big, Mr. Xu is behind him, and Mr. Xu is also responsible for the reason why Fanhua's brokerage is so poor in the capital.

Mr. Xu is not only not afraid of Fanhua's agent, but also has the strength to hold Liu Jinghua down. If he can sign a contract with Sister Yun's studio, will Fanhua's agent dare to release her black material?Certainly not.

Thinking of this, Chen Siyan tightly clenched her fists, she had already made a decision to join Su Yun's studio.

It's just that she still has a little worry.

She used to be a manager of Fanhua, so she didn't know if Sister Yun and President Xu would agree to sign her.


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