The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 903 Digging the Wall?

Chapter 903 Digging the Wall?
Xu Jie and Su Yun returned to the hotel after eating, but when they walked outside the gate, they stopped suddenly.

"Honey, do you think we need to change to another hotel?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked.

He felt that what his wife said during the meal just now made sense, and Yu Zijian would definitely come to him to continue discussing after reading those questions.

In order to have a complete world for the two of them, and to have a night without being disturbed by others, he now only wants to go to a place that old man Yu can't find.

Can't afford to provoke, can I still not hide?

Su Yun understood what her husband was thinking, and said with a smile: "It's not necessary, right? What if Director Yu calls you? What if Director Yu calls me? Do you think we will answer or not? Besides, if you run away, the monk I can't run to the temple, I have to go to the filming crew tomorrow, and you will stay in Hengdian for a while, do you think you can escape?"

Xu Jie thought for a while, and the reality seemed to be true. Didn't he return to the capital tomorrow, and if he could hide for a while, could he hide for a lifetime?
What's more, with old man Yu's character, even if he really returned to the capital, the other party would probably stop filming and go to the capital to find him.

"It seems that I can't escape this level." Xu Jie sighed.

Su Yun smiled lightly, and while straightening her husband's collar gently, she said, "Others are proud of cooperating with Director Yu, why do you despise him instead?"

"I don't need him to affirm me, and I don't need to rely on him to reward me. Why should I cooperate with him? Besides, can this be called cooperation? It is clearly a unilateral order. I feel like... I came here to meet netizens, but I was tricked into digging coal." Xu Jie said depressingly.

Su Yun was amused by Xu Jie's words, and joked, "Why, have you seen netizens?"

"For example, I'm just making an analogy. Forget it, let's go back to the hotel." Xu Jie said, he was worried that if he continued, he would be cut off by netizens.

"If you don't want to, you can refuse." Su Yun grabbed her husband's hand and walked into the hotel.

"Reject? He has a hostage in his hand, can I refuse?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Hostage? Who is it?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's you." Xu Jie said.

Old man Yu is the director, and his wife is the lead actor. Now that old man Yu has something to ask, is he ashamed to refuse?


What if the other party avenges his personal revenge publicly and transfers his dissatisfaction to his wife?The director wants to fix the actors, but there is no way?

For example... no matter how good the performance is, it is said that the performance is not good.

Neither swearing nor tearing face, but it will seriously hit the actor's self-confidence.

If Su Yun hadn't participated in the filming of "The Game in the Game", would he care what Yu Zijian thought?

Not to mention Yu Zijian, even if Wang Tiannan, the boss of Huasen Media behind the other party, came, he didn't care.

"So, you are doing it for me? Should I thank you well?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"You don't need to thank you, just take the initiative tonight." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun blushed when she heard the words, pinched the flesh on the back of the man's hand, and then rotated it clockwise...

Xu Jie looked at the people in the hotel lobby and gritted his teeth tightly, determined not to let others see it, otherwise tomorrow's entertainment news would be the headline.

"A well-known male star was raped by the wife of a singer..."

While Xu Jie was waiting for the elevator, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"President Xu, Sister Yun!"

When he looked back, it turned out to be Chen Siyan, the female star he met in the restaurant just now.

How could this woman appear here?

Could it be that the crew of the other party is also in this hotel?
But, didn't the other party have a party with Yang Lan, Zhang Xian and others?Why do you only see the other party and see no one else?
"Siyan? You live in this hotel too?" Su Yun looked at Chen Siyan, who was panting, in surprise. She had lived in this hotel for several months, but she had never met her here, nor I heard the assistant talk about it.

"No, I don't live here." Chen Siyan shook her head, and after she had calmed down a bit, she continued: "Sister Yun, my agent at Fanhua will end at the end of this year, I heard that your work Is the studio starting to sign artists? I want to sign to your studio."


Su Yun was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect Chen Siyan to find her for this matter.

Xu Jie on the side was also very surprised, because his wife's current agent, Wang Chenxi, just flew back to the capital this morning to meet with Ding Mengni to sign the contract. The matter has not been officially announced, and very few people know about it. How could this woman know about it? What?

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry.

Su Yun looked around at the people waiting for the elevator, then pulled Chen Siyan to the corner, looked at the other person and asked, "Siyan, why do you suddenly want to come to my studio? Aren't you very good at Brokerage?"

If she remembers correctly, the other party has been in the prosperous brokerage company since his debut, and it has been five or six years.

It is not easy to rush to the second line during this period, even at the end, which shows that the opponent does have strength and potential.

And Fanhua's management has always been very supportive of first- and second-tier artists. After all, these people are the main source of the company's income, so she really doesn't understand why the other party chooses to leave Fanhua's management after the contract expires.

After Chen Siyan heard it, she couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly in her heart.

How should she answer this question?

Because Mr. Xu's Beijing Radio and Television Station blocked Fanhua's brokerage company, her resources were greatly reduced, so she had to find another way out?

How does this seem to come to defect?It's simply to ask the teacher for a crime.

Chen Siyan thought about it for a while, and then said: "I think there are too many artists in Fanhua Brokerage now, and it's embarrassing for someone like me who is up and down in the company, so I want to change the environment, isn't there a saying? Trees die, people live, and I have always regarded Sister Yun as my idol, Sister Yun is so successful now, I want to be like Sister Yun."

By saying this, she not only expressed her dissatisfaction with the status quo, but also expressed her determination to follow Sister Yun, especially the second point, which is very important.

Su Yun looked at Chen Siyan, thinking about what the other party just said.

She had heard too many things about idols, and they were all flattering her. Dissatisfaction with the uneven distribution of resources in the prosperous management agency should be the real reason why the other party chose to leave after the contract expired.

In fact, whether it is a brokerage company or an entertainment company, it is normal for resources to be unevenly distributed. In the case of limited resources, it is natural to focus on the top artists first. Plates, five or six lines can only pick up some dregs that fall on the table or on the ground.

Even if they are all first-line artists, if they cut a piece of meat in half, who can guarantee that the two pieces of meat will be the same size?
Of course, she was very happy that someone took the initiative to join her, but the other party was an artist managed by Fanhua, if she signed him, it would be equivalent to poaching Fanhua's manager, how would she face Liu Jinghua in the future?After all, Fanhua's brokerage is her old club, and it's not good to spread the word about poaching the old club's corner.

"Siyan, thank you for your approval. I will seriously consider it." Su Yun said with a smile, neither immediately agreeing nor directly rejecting.

Xu Jie on the side looked at his wife in confusion. Chen Siyan is also a second-tier artist after all, and her rank is higher than Ding Mengni's. Now she is taking the initiative to ask for a contract. Is there any need to consider such a thing?

Could it be, could it be that the wife is worried that the other party is an undercover agent sent by that old woman Liu Jinghua?

"Thank you, sister Yun." Chen Siyan said.

She can understand that Sister Yun didn't give an answer immediately. After all, a brokerage contract is not just signed. At least one should investigate the situation of the contracted partner and make a comprehensive evaluation, such as strength, word of mouth, etc. , these are very important.

"Sister Yun, this is my mobile phone number. It is on 24 hours a day." Chen Siyan stuffed a note she had prepared into Su Yun's hand, and then bowed, "Sister Yun, Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you." Bye bye."


Su Yun waved her hand and watched Chen Siyan walk out of the hotel gate.

Xu Jie and Su Yun took the elevator to the floor where the guest room was located. As soon as they returned to the room, Xu Jie couldn't wait to ask: "Honey, why didn't you just agree to Chen Siyan directly?"

Compared with signing newcomers, he is more inclined to directly sign celebrity entertainers, because newcomers need time to cultivate, at least three or four years before they can gain a certain reputation, but celebrity entertainers are different, with popularity, fan base, online Having won the stage and walking the red carpet is equivalent to a ready-made cash cow, there is no reason to refuse.

Su Yun took off her hat, stroked her long hair, and then spoke out her thoughts.

"Chen Siyan is from Fanhua's manager, I'm worried that if I sign her, people will say that I'm poaching the corner of my old club..."

"It's over?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.


Xu Jie was speechless.

He thought his wife had other important considerations, but he just didn't want to be said to be poaching the corner of his old employer.

Isn't this face too thin?

But he doesn't look like someone in the entertainment industry at all.

"Wife, you are worrying too much. She, Chen Siyan, is the one who took the initiative to join you. Why are you poaching the corner of her old club? At most, it is Chen Siyan's abandonment of the dark side. Besides, isn't it normal for entertainment companies to poach people from each other?" ?” Xu Jie said indifferently.

He didn't understand why his wife made such a simple thing so complicated.

Where is the entertainment industry?
The entertainment industry is a place where the weak eat the strong, who cares if they poach the corner of their old club?
If Almighty is poached away, that's called ability, and it can only show that Liu Jinghua is unpopular.

Not only entertainment companies, but in other industries, don't they also change jobs and take away the entire department staff?

"But no matter what, Sister Hua is also kind to me." Su Yun said in a low voice.

"I know, you are a grateful person, but didn't she block you later? You two are even, and neither owes the other." Xu Jie started the reasoning mode again.

"Yeah, you said it's even, if I accept Chen Siyan again, wouldn't it be tantamount to declaring war on her?" Su Yun asked.

"But she owes me!" Xu Jie said.

Su Yun looked at her husband, she knew that the other party had a lot of resentment towards Liu Jinghua, but she didn't expect that after so many years, the resentment still hadn't been resolved.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he realized that what he said just now could easily cause misunderstanding, so he quickly added: "I don't care if she bullies others, but I can't do if she bullies my wife."

Xu Jie didn't want Su Yun to think that he was angry about Tang Fei.

Originally the atmosphere was quite serious, but because of this sentence, Su Yun made a "puchi" and couldn't help laughing.

How could she not know the meaning of the other party's next sentence?

Xu Jie was a little embarrassed by being laughed at, but he still said cheekily: "You know, I have good relationships with many brokerage companies and entertainment companies. To be honest, if I were to go to other companies to scout people now, I would It's a little embarrassing."

Su Yun thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

Moreover, the fact that the studio signed an artist was not a matter of her alone, but a matter of their husband and wife. Although Chen Siyan came to join her, why didn't she take a fancy to Xu Jie as a backer?
"Honey, what do you mean...?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie.

It's okay to let her sing, and it's okay to let her act, but things like signing artists are really not her strong point, so in this matter, she will eventually listen to her husband's opinion.

"Sign, there are artists coming to the door, why don't you sign? As for what other people think, that's their business, can't they just listen to the toad?" Xu Jie said unequivocally.

"Well, I'll ask the studio to investigate Chen Siyan's situation first. If she doesn't have a bad history, then we'll sign her." Su Yun said.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Signing Chen Siyan is just the beginning for him. When the news of the other party's switch to Su Yun's studio spreads in the prosperous agency, more people will definitely think about it.

He believes that Chen Siyan's situation is definitely not an exception in the prosperous brokerage company.

In fact, he had heard about it a long time ago. Since the end of last year, many entertainment companies have gone to Fanhua's brokers to recruit people, including Wang Tiannan, the boss of Huasen Media who was on the same boat with Liu Jinghua back then.

Others can dig, why can't he accept those who come to defect?

Talk about friendship with Liu Jinghua, is that old woman worthy?
Xu Jie looked at his wife who was calling Wang Chenxi, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and sent a text message to Dai Wei, the strongest paparazzi of Feng Chuan Media, asking him to investigate how many artists' contracts in Fanhua Brokerage Company expired this year. Even if Liu Jinghua's lair cannot be taken care of, he will let the other party lose a few pieces of meat.


Just when Xu Jie was about to take a bath and prepare for the two-person world at night, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.


Xu Jie was shocked when he heard it, and looked back at Su Yun who was standing by the window. The other party seemed to have guessed something, and smiled at her.


Xu Jie couldn't help sighing, the people he recruited had to be sent away even if they put on their trousers.

He put on the clothes and pants he had just taken off, and opened the door.

"Mr. Xu, didn't I bother you?" Yu Zijian asked cheerfully. Judging from the expression on his face, those who didn't know would definitely think that he was an amiable, kind and kind old man.

Xu Jie thought: I have taken off my pants, what do you think?
Thinking about it, who let the wife be in the hands of the other party?So he smiled and asked, "Director Yu, what's the matter?"

"It's like this." Yu Zijian picked up the script in his hand and said seriously: "I carefully read the questions you listed just now, and read the script several times, and I think these questions are very necessary. Modify it, but I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I can't come up with a solution, so I want to discuss it with you and listen to your suggestion, do you have time now?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, his wife really hit the spot.

But the problem is, it took less than two hours from when he handed over the question to the other party to when the other party came here to look for him. How long can this be called pondering?

It is clear that there is free labor and there is no need to use it in vain.

Moreover, the sentence "read the script several times" is also very watery.

He knew that if he couldn't satisfy the old man now, the other party would definitely find other reasons to pester him, but he always felt that he had suffered a big loss just agreeing to the other party.

"Now..." Xu Jie showed a troubled look on his face, and then said: "I'm afraid I can't do it now, I have a video conference later, I want to discuss a movie project with people from the company, I don't know how long it will last, next time."

Yu Zijian's heart tightened.

How does this work?
The questions raised by the other party are directly related to the development of the plot. If they cannot be resolved immediately, there will be no way to proceed with future filming.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the next scene cannot be filmed, but that if the problem is not resolved, he will always worry about it in his heart, and he will not be in the mood to continue filming.

"I can wait, it doesn't matter what time it is." Yu Zijian said.

Anyway, if the problem is not resolved, he will not be able to sleep tonight.

Xu Jie took a breath, he was indeed a stubborn old man.

"Director Yu, is your body able to take it? I heard from my wife that the crew still has a lot of filming tasks tomorrow." Xu Jie said pretending to be concerned.

"It's okay, I'm in good health." Yu Zijian patted his chest with his hands as he said, to reassure the other party.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Director Yu, if I had known that you were looking for me, I would have held this meeting earlier, then you can go back and wait, but this meeting may be held very late, if after twelve I haven't looked for you yet, so you should go to bed first." Xu Jie said.

When Yu Zijian heard this, his blood pressure soared.

twelve o'clock?
so late?
What will be able to drive for four hours?

He really wanted to know, but it was another company's business, maybe it was some kind of commercial secret, as an outsider, he really couldn't find out.

"ok, I get it."

Yu Zijian sighed secretly, it seemed that he could only go back and think of a solution by himself.

"Director Yu, go slowly."

Xu Jie looked at the back of old man Yu leaving, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He just wants to put a long line and catch big fish.

Next, wait for the other party to take the initiative to bite the hook.


(End of this chapter)

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