The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 904 You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder!

Chapter 904 You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder!

Su Yun left the room in a hurry. Because she slept too late yesterday, she woke up late this morning. She didn't even have time to sit down and have breakfast with Xu Jie. Ate in the car.

She and her assistants walked out of the elevator quickly, and when they were about to walk through the lobby, they suddenly found Director Yu sitting in the rest area. He stretched his neck and kept looking around in the lobby, as if looking for something. When it was time, he immediately stood up from the sofa.

"Xiao Su!" Yu Zijian stood up, although there was a smile on his face, but there was a bit of urgency in his eyes, as if there was something urgent.

"Director Yu? You, are you waiting for someone?" Su Yun originally wanted to say why you haven't left yet, because there are less than 10 minutes left before the usual start-up time. Even if you can reach the set, you still have to spend time to prepare no?But when the words came to his lips, he felt that it was a bit impolite to say so, so he temporarily changed his words.

"I didn't wait for anyone. I just came here and suddenly thought of a question, so I sat down and thought about it. By the way, where is Mr. Xu?" Yu Zijian asked after explaining.

Su Yun looked at the well-known director with disheveled hair and a little tired look, and the last question was probably the real purpose of the other party sitting here.

Could it be that the other party really waited until twelve o'clock last night?

sin sin.

"Oh, he's still sleeping." Su Yun said.

"Sleep?" Yu Zijian was taken aback.

Work is about to start, and that person is still sleeping?
Huh, not right.

That person is not from the crew, so he doesn't need to go to the set.

Seeing Yu Zijian's suspicious gaze, Su Yun said what Xu Jie had taught her just now.

"Last night he had a video conference, which lasted until after two o'clock in the middle of the night, and he still hasn't woken up yet." Su Yun explained.

It is true that I fell asleep after two o'clock, but it was not because of the video conference.

"Oh!" Yu Zijian nodded slightly.

In fact, he didn't rest until after two o'clock last night. Before twelve o'clock, he was thinking about the solution to the problem. After twelve o'clock, he lost sleep because of something on his mind.

In addition to getting up early this morning to wait for someone here, I only slept for five hours after a full schedule, and even breakfast was delivered here by the assistant director.

What should we do now?
People are sleeping, so you can't go upstairs to wake them up, right?
Yu Zijian frowned deeply, anxious and conflicted in his heart. On the one hand, he wanted to solve those problems quickly, and on the other hand, he didn't want to delay the filming work.

Alas, it seems that I can only come here at night.

"It's okay, let's go to the set quickly." Yu Zijian squeezed out a smile, he was late yesterday, and he can't be late today.



While eating breakfast, Xu Jie looked at the new director's submission in his hand.

In order to ensure that he would not be blocked by old man Yu, he changed his routine today, reading the submissions in the guest room in the morning, and going to the various shooting scenes in Hengdian Film and Television City in the afternoon.

As for the evening...

Keep meeting!
The video conference last night did not solve the problem, so we will continue today. As for when it will be held, it is very simple, until the problem is solved.

Wait if you can, don't wait if you can't.

Of course, there is another way, which depends on whether the other party can help him solve the problem.

If the other party can help him solve the problem, then as a courtesy, he will naturally help the other party solve the problem.

In the morning, he read six submissions, but in order to avoid old man Yu returning to the hotel at noon to block him, he deliberately left the hotel during the filming of the film crew.

In order to avoid old man Yu, he also tried his best.

After finding a noodle restaurant outside for lunch, Xu Jie went to Hengdian Film and Television City Co., Ltd. to meet Zhao Su'e and prepare for today's scene selection.

As soon as he came outside the company, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. When he took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID, he stopped in his tracks.

It's Yu Zijian.

"Director Yu, have you eaten at noon? What can I do for you?" Xu Jie asked while checking the time on his watch. It was 11:35 a.m., and the filming work should not be over yet.

"Haven't eaten yet, has Mr. Xu eaten? How about eating together at noon, I just want to go back to the hotel to pick up something." Yu Zijian said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and turned his head involuntarily to look in the direction of the hotel, followed by a smug smile on his face.

The so-called: the height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the Tao is one foot.

Sure enough, as he expected, this old man really planned to come back to him at noon.

Although he and Yu Zijian haven't known each other for a long time, they already know each other's temper thoroughly.

What "just went back to the hotel to get some things" is just an excuse from the other party.

The old man, a bunch of excuses.

"Director Yu, I'm really sorry. I've already finished my lunch, and I'm here at Hengdian Film and Television City Co., Ltd., planning to go with Mr. Zhao to choose a location. It's a pity." Xu Jie sighed.

Yu Zijian who had already arrived at the hotel lobby stayed where he was.

He left the set more than half an hour early and returned to the hotel, hoping to meet each other and chat with him about the issues listed on the paper during the meal break, but who would have thought that the other party had lunch so early? No coincidence.

"No, it's okay, there will be opportunities in the future, so please be busy." Yu Zijian said disappointedly, and it was hard to say anything else.

Although he really hopes that the other party can help him solve the problem, he can't let the other party give up his job to help him, right?

Not from the crew.

It is love to help him, and it is duty not to help him.

What's more, hasn't the other party already helped him find out the problems in the script?

If he insists on the other party's help and forces the other party to help, then there is another problem with his character.

not authentic!
"Good director Yu, when the drama "The Game in the Game" is finished, I'll treat you to dinner." Xu Jie said grandly.


The corner of Yu Zijian's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Waiting for the show to wrap up?
The purpose of him having dinner with the other party is to solve the problems in the script, the filming of the scene is over, so what's the point of eating?By then the day lily will be cold.

Xu Jie looked at the phone that was hung up, and was already thinking about how to deal with the other party at night.

In fact, the day is fine, and the night is the highlight.


In order to deal with various situations that may arise, Xu Jie rushed back to the hotel before the end of the filming.

The call Yu Zijian made at noon gave him a premonition that the other party might come here to look for him directly after the filming was over under the pretext of inviting him and Su Yun to dinner, instead of waiting for him to come after dinner like last night he.

There was no way for Su Yun to refuse, so he had to find a reason to deal with Yu Zijian and let the other party's plan fail.

And he believed that the more time passed, the more anxious old man Yu would be, and the more anxious the other party would be, the more he would try every means to find him.

During this process, if he lets the other party find an opportunity, then his plan may fail, and then it will really be a waste of money.

Therefore, he must not leave any opportunity for the opponent.

"How can I make old man Yu retreat in spite of difficulties?"

Xu Jie returned to the room and began to think of countermeasures.

Obviously, work is undoubtedly the best reason, but always using video conferences as an excuse will inevitably make the other party suspicious.


Then hold a real video conference and let old man Yu see it with his own eyes.

Xu Jie took out the laptop from the suitcase, then contacted Wang Wen, Qian Cheng and others, and gave them a room number for the online meeting. There was very important work to be discussed.

Naturally, Wang Wen and the others dare not neglect, even if there is a big matter, it is not as big as Mr. Xu's matter.

Soon, several people all entered the conference room.

"The scene selection for "Legend of Lan Xi" is almost done here, and the crew can start filming when they arrive. Shouldn't we also prepare for the next movie? We can't wait until the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi" is finished." Think about it again? We have to go all out, take advantage of the victory, and take advantage of the situation, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked several people on the screen.

To be honest, during the two days of location selection, he saw so many film crews gathered here, and he also had the idea of ​​casting the next film.

The success of "Lover in Time and Space" has already opened up a good start for Beijing TV Culture to enter the film and television industry, so this opportunity must not be wasted.

In his plan, Jingshi Culture should make at least one movie every year, and if possible, invest in another movie, so as to increase the company's influence in the movie industry.

Several people in the video conference did not expect that what Mr. Xu was talking about would be a movie. You must know that "Lover in Time and Space" has just been released not long ago. A system project requires a lot of time to prepare in the early stage. Is the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" shot by Mr. Xu fast enough?But didn't it take a year from project approval to release?
Even if the project is established now, it will not be released until the end of next year if it is soon, so it is not too early to discuss, and not everyone makes movies as fast as Mr. Xu.

"Boss Xu is right, the movie cannot be stopped!"

"Mr. Xu, do you have an idea for the next movie?"

"Mr. Xu, you say, we all listen to you."


Xu Jie shook his head, signaled everyone to be quiet, and waited for the few people in the video to stop talking before he said, "If I have an idea, I'll go back to the capital and talk about it, and I won't hold a video conference with you. The purpose is to let you discuss and discuss together, and think carefully before I return to the capital."

He does have an idea, but his idea is aimed at the film director and has nothing to do with the content of the film.

"Mr. Xu, do you have any good scripts in your support plan for new directors?" Wang Wen asked.

"The purpose of the support plan for new directors is to support new directors, not to pick scripts. We play the role of investors here, and the total support fund is only more than 4000 million. We can only make some low-cost movies. We It's a commercial blockbuster, do you understand?" Xu Jie said.

"Understood Mr. Xu." Wang Wen nodded, and then looked at Qian Cheng in the video.

Mr. Xu's meaning is very clear, the company's next film will not be selected from the submissions of the new director plan, so the company can only rely on the company to find the script.

And Qian Cheng is the person in charge of the creative department of the company. As the old saying goes: Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. People in the creative department usually stay in the company all day, either reading novels or chasing dramas. Now is the time to watch these people. show.

"Mr. Xu, what are your requirements for the subject matter of the next movie?" Qian Cheng also knew that this is his chance to express himself. As a department established by Mr. Xu himself, he must not let Mr. Xu lose the chain at this time.

"There is no requirement, as long as the content is good, I have a look at the scripts submitted by your creative department, they are all okay, but definitely not good..."

Just as Xu Jie said this, he heard the sound of the door opening from outside.

When he turned his head to look, it was Su Yun who entered the door first, but behind him was neither Huang Xiaorong nor Chen Guo, but Yu Zijian.

He got it right again.

In other words, solving the problems in the script is the top priority for old man Yu now, so it's no wonder the other party is not in a hurry.

"Honey, you're back, huh? Director Yu? Please take a seat." Xu Jie stood up, pointed to a single chair next to Yu Zijian enthusiastically, and said, "I'm discussing with people from the company. You guys talk about a movie, and I'll go in for a meeting."

After speaking, he picked up the laptop on the table and walked to the bedroom inside.

Yu Zijian looked at Xu Jie's back, neither sitting nor walking, his face was full of embarrassment.

The purpose of his coming here is to find this person, but the other person has left now, so why is he staying here?

Didn't wait in the morning, didn't catch it at noon, and now I finally saw it, how could I let the other party go so easily?

Thinking of this, he sat down and waited!
Su Yun at the side saw Yu Zijian's embarrassment, so she said, "Director Yu, wait a moment, he probably didn't finish the meeting last night, and he is continuing now."

"Understood, understood, Xu is always the leader of the company, it's normal." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

Su Yun took a bottle of mineral water and put it in front of Director Yu, and said, "Director Yu, drink some water, and I'll take off my makeup."

"Xiao Su, go ahead and leave me alone." Yu Zijian said hastily.

Su Yun also knew that it would not be so easy to leave today, so she walked into the bathroom with Xiaoying.

The meeting on Xu Jie's side is still in progress. It was originally for Old Man Yu to watch, but as he was talking, the discussion really started. Even if it is separated by a door, the room outside can hear it.

After Su Yun finished removing her make-up and came out, she kept chatting with Director Yu. She said it was a chat, but in fact it was all about movies, because the two of them had nothing else to talk about except movies.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and it was already 07:30 in a blink of an eye.

Yu Zijian looked out the window, there was still light outside when he came in, but now it was completely dark.

Listening to the movement from the bedroom, it seems that the meeting will not be over for a while. As the director, he naturally knows that the movie is not as simple as you saying a few words and he saying a few words. Thinking about the story of "The Game in the Game", he has been preparing for a year before and after.

"It's getting late, since Mr. Xu is so busy, I'll treat you to dinner another day." Yu Zijian stood up and said.

Sitting here and waiting is already a bit too much, you can't order takeaway and wait?

"Director Yu, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. I'll go in and ask him how long it will take." Su Yun made a gesture to enter the room.

"Xiao Su, no need, don't go in and disturb Mr. Xu." Yu Zijian waved at Su Yun, and then walked out of the room.

Su Yun sent Director Yu out the door, looked at the back of the other party leaving, and felt that the other party was a little pitiful for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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