The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 908 Looking for trouble?

Chapter 908 Looking for trouble?

the next day.

Xu Jie did not pretend to sleep in the room as he did a few days ago, but left the hotel early in the morning, and continued to inspect the shooting scenes with Zhao Su'e in the film and television city.

Although this job seems as easy as sightseeing, it is actually similar to sightseeing, except that the time spent in each scenic spot is relatively short.

Especially after reaching a cooperation with director Yu Zijian, there is no need to avoid the burden of the other party, and the mood of the whole person has become much more relaxed.


After Xu Jie bid farewell to Zhao Su'e, he came to the filming scene of the movie "The Game in the Game" alone.

The problem with the plot had been resolved last night, and there was no need for him to avoid Yu Zijian and leave.

At this time, it was lunch break, and the cast and crew were eating.

Xu Jie saw his wife's nanny car, but he didn't go there immediately, but walked towards Yu Zijian and greeted him proactively.

"Director Yu!"

Xu Jie came to Yu Zijian's side. Fang was sitting with the assistant director and screenwriter, discussing something while eating.

Although he didn't hear it, he could guess that it was mostly related to the plot.

"Mr. Xu?" Yu Zijian was surprised at first, then stood up from his seat in surprise, looked at the visitor and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Xu, when did you come here?"

"I just came here. I passed by here when I was inspecting the scenic spots. It happened to be lunch time, so I wanted to ask for a boxed lunch. I wonder if Director Yu has anything extra here?" Xu Jie asked jokingly.

"Yes, yes!" Yu Zijian turned his head and shouted towards the neighbors: "Stage manager, bring a lunch box to Mr. Xu."

The theater manager was taken aback when he heard it, and entertained Mr. Xu with a boxed lunch?This, is this appropriate?

Besides, isn't there still sister Yun?Shouldn't Mr. Xu eat with Sister Yun?
But thinking about it, he moved very quickly. He went to get a boxed lunch, and came to Xu Jie in a hurry, and said politely: "Mr. Xu, your boxed lunch."

"Thank you." Xu Jie was not polite. He reached out to take the lunch box, then looked at Yu Zijian and said, "Director Yu, I'm going to my wife's place. By the way, I don't have to go back to the meeting this afternoon. The answers to a few questions are not good enough, and we can continue the discussion."

Yu Zijian's eyes lit up, he was very happy to hear this.

In fact, he is very satisfied with the results of the discussion last night, but besides those few questions, are there no other questions?Of course there is.

Many problems are only discovered by patting.

Therefore, to have such a problem-solving expert staying here, it seemed to him that he had an extra helper.

If I had known this, I should have taken over the job of director of Beijing TV Culture's new film two days ago, wasting two days in vain.

"Then I will thank Mr. Xu in advance." Yu Zijian said.

"Director Yu is being polite." Xu Jie smiled, then nodded to the assistant directors and screenwriters beside him, and walked towards Su Yun's nanny car with the lunch box.

Su Yun had already spotted Xu Jie, and now seeing him approaching, she immediately asked Huang Xiaorong to open the car door.

Huang Xiaorong didn't want to be a light bulb, let alone eat dog food here, so she winked at Chen Guo and Jiang Xiaoying in the car, and the three got out of the car together, and hid in another car for dinner.

"Honey, why are you here?"

After the car door was closed, Su Yun couldn't wait to ask Xu Jie.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't welcome the other party, on the contrary, she hopes that her husband can come every day, but the other party is busy with work and has to avoid other supervisors, so she feels very surprised.

"The problem has been solved, and there is no need for me to hide from XZ." Xu Jie had a showdown, telling the truth directly, and the woman sitting opposite was his wife, not an outsider, so there was nothing he couldn't say.

"Hee hee, aren't you afraid that Director Yu will cause you problems again?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"I told Director Yu just now that I won't be leaving this afternoon. If there are any problems, we can discuss them together. He has already agreed to make a movie for me. I have to be more active, right? That way, he won't I regret cooperating with me." Xu Jie broke off the convenient chopsticks while talking, and ate the lunch box he ordered from Director Yu.

"Isn't it too obvious for you to do this? Don't you worry about being seen by Director Yu?" Su Yun reminded, isn't this just playing with Director Yu?
"What do you see? He helped me solve the problem. Shouldn't I use the meeting time to see you? Is it wrong to accompany my wife?" Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun looked at her husband, gave him a charming look, and said coquettishly, "Slick tongue!" But her face was full of joy.

Soon, the lunch break is over.

Su Yun got out of the car and continued filming, but Xu Jie didn't get out of the car, but took out his laptop and looked at the new director's submissions received in the mailbox.

He is not a person looking for trouble, so Yu Zijian doesn't come to him, and he doesn't want to take the initiative to get together to create a chance for the other party to find him.

After all, he still has a lot of submissions to read.

As for Yu Zijian on the set, he was quite confident in the story he conceived, and he was quite satisfied with the script compiled by the screenwriter, but since Xu Jie found out a few problems, his confidence was not so full. Especially when shooting important parts, I always want to ask Xu Jie to come over for advice, even if there is no problem, I still want the other party to see it.

"Xiao Su, could you please invite Mr. Xu to come over?" Yu Zijian looked at Su Yun.

There is no doubt that Xiao Su is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate in the entire crew for the matter of inviting Mr. Xu.

"Alright, Director Yu." Although Su Yun didn't know why Director Yu suddenly looked for her husband, she still walked towards the nanny's car.

Xu Jie was concentrating on reading the manuscript when he suddenly heard the car door open. When he raised his head, he found that Su Yun appeared outside the car at some point.

"It's time for work?"

Xu Jie was about to close his laptop when he suddenly remembered that this was the third submission he had seen. How could the crew call it a day?
He glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen, and it was only two o'clock.

"It's beautiful to think, Director Yu invited you over." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Director Yu invited me? What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Although he said at noon that there are problems that we can discuss together, it seems that now is the time for filming, not the time for discussing problems.

"I don't know either." Su Yun shook her head lightly.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. The other party was the heroine of the movie, so he didn't know why the director wanted him?It sounds unbelievable.

He closed the laptop on the table, jumped out of the car, and followed Su Yun to the set.

Before he got close, he saw Yu Zijian standing in front of the monitor from a distance, followed by an assistant director and two screenwriters, but judging from the expressions of these people, it didn't seem like he had encountered a problem.

"Director Yu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie came to Yu Zijian and asked.

He chatted with Su Yun about the content of today's filming during lunch, and it seems that he hasn't filmed the clip where he found the problem.

"Mr. Xu, it's actually nothing. I just want to invite you to come and watch the next few scenes." Yu Zijian said with a smile.

Xu Jie froze in place.

It’s fine to ask him if you have any questions, why not ask him if you don’t have any?

Could it be that he was regarded as Avalokitesvara?Asking for something, nothing to do?

Does he look idle?
But since it was Director Yu's invitation, he couldn't say anything. After all, with so many people around, wouldn't refusing it be the same as slapping him in the face in full view?
Wait, could it be that the other party felt that there was something wrong with these scenes, but as the director and the author of the story, he was too embarrassed to speak up, so he was called to help?
Well, it is possible!
"Alright Director Yu." Xu Jie nodded and agreed.

Yu Zijian was overjoyed and immediately asked the actors and staff to start preparations.

Xu Jie came to Director Yu's side calmly at this time, and asked in a low voice: "Director Yu, is there any problem with these scenes?" he.

"No problem." Yu Zijian shook his head, and then said, "I want you to take a look and see if you can see any problems."


Xu Jie was confused.

What is: See if you can see the problem?

He said it as if he was the kind of person who always finds trouble for nothing.

Yu Zijian saw Xu Jie who was in a daze, and said, "The next few scenes are very important, so I want Mr. Xu to help as a staff officer."

After speaking, he handed over the script.

After Xu Jie heard it, he finally felt much more comfortable.

The staff is about the same.

"I understand."

Xu Jie nodded, reached out to take the script and read it.

Because he had read the script of the movie "The Game in the Game" several times before, he knew the plot very well, so he knew what to shoot in the next few scenes after a simple glance.

This is indeed a few highlight scenes, and one of the few climaxes in the movie. It is very important to the whole story and serves as a link between the past and the future.

Looking at it this way, he understood Director Yu somewhat.

The other party must be worried about some problems, so they want to ask him for help.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie was very pleased.

After all, not everyone can be appreciated by Director Yu.

There were Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua before, and now there is Yu Zijian. With the affirmation of these three directors, I believe that there will be more directors willing to cooperate with him in the future.

Isn't Director Yu in front of you a good example?

Didn't the other party make up their minds to cooperate with him after listening to director Zhang and director Xu's praise for him?

I believe Yu Zijian is not the first, but he will definitely not be the last.

Shooting begins.

Xu Jie stood behind Director Yu, looking at the screen on the monitor seriously. Since the other party thought of him so much, he must not let him down.

After a long time, the first scene was filmed.

This is a scene of more than one minute, but it took a full two hours to shoot.

Yu Zijian has watched this scene several times. The actor's acting is fine. Since he acted according to the script, his acting skills are all online, but for some reason, there is always an indescribable feeling in his heart, like a stick in his throat.

While the actors were resting, he turned to the assistant director, screenwriter and cameraman, and asked, "What do you think of this scene?"

"Director Yu, I think the actors performed very well." The assistant director said with a smile.

"Jiang Shang's action scene just now was too beautiful. Although it was dangerous, it was still completed."

"Several people cooperated very well. I thought this scene could be filmed until dark."

"Yes, it's rare and rare."

Yu Zijian was a little disappointed when he heard other people's responses, then turned to look at Xu Jie behind him, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you think of the scene just now?"

Xu Jie looked away from the screen with a blank expression, he was considering whether to say something.

The assistant director and screenwriter have already expressed their opinions just now, if he stands up to pick faults at this time, wouldn't it be tantamount to slapping these people in the face?
But if you don't say it, you will feel uncomfortable in your heart.

To say, or not to say?
Xu Jie hesitated.

Not right!

Xu Jie suddenly straightened his back, thinking: What is my identity, and I am afraid of offending these people?

Isn't it just because I don't want to see other people's faces that I keep climbing up?
With such a small problem, you still worry about the displeasure of those assistant directors and screenwriters. Isn't this asking for trouble?
Besides, he didn't see the problem, it was the problem of these people, not his problem, so why should he hesitate?
Thinking of this, Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian and said, "In the scene just now, the plot is fine, and the actors are fine..."

Yu Zijian was taken aback for a moment, thinking: Could it be that Mr. Xu didn't even see the problem?Is it because I worry too much?

"However..." Xu Jie changed the subject at this time and continued: "I think the expressiveness of this scene is not enough. As a small climax, it did not meet the expectations of the audience. , nice, but not addictive."

This kind of feeling is like... It's like the two parties are having a good time, but the other party ends suddenly. Although they also experience happiness, the final result is a bit disappointing and disappointing.

Yu Zijian was shocked, with a surprised expression on his face, and blurted out the words stuck in his throat, "Yes, that's exactly what it feels like."

Seeing the excited Director Yu, the people around were afraid to speak up.

Dare to feel that everyone talked for a long time just now, but no one agrees with Dao Yu.

However, they are already used to this kind of situation. It's not that everyone's level is not good, it's because Director Yu's requirements are too high.

Fortunately, Mr. Xu is here now, and he has a common topic with Director Yu. Otherwise, everyone would stop filming and gather around to think hard about the answer.

"Mr. Xu, what countermeasures do you have in this situation?" Yu Zijian asked.

"If you want to increase the expressive force, you can only add some scenes to the actors on the basis of the original plot, such as the environment is more dangerous, the fight is more exciting, and the time can be extended appropriately..." Xu Jie thought while Say.

He not only analyzes these issues from the perspective of the director, but also looks at these issues from the perspective of the audience. After all, movies are for the audience to watch, not for the director alone. problem, then the film produced can only be regarded as a self-proclaimed work.

"President Xu, let's redesign this scene again!"

After Yu Zijian finished listening, he directly dragged Xu Jie into the set, and began to make gestures and strokes.


(End of this chapter)

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