The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 909 Do you want to show off?

Chapter 909 Do you want to show off?
At the filming scene of the movie "The Game in the Game", all the actors and staff stopped their work and watched Director Yu and Mr. Xu discussing selflessly on the set.

No one could intervene, and no one dared to intervene, for fear of interrupting the two people's thoughts and affecting the next filming.

Everyone can see that, Director Yu finally found someone to communicate with today.

In the past, when discussing the plot, Director Yu unilaterally told everyone. No one could communicate with Director Yu in depth, and no one could come up with a better idea.

But now it's different.

The appearance of Mr. Xu can not only help Director Yu discover problems, but also help Director Yu solve them.

Although Mr. Xu is not a member of the crew, but at this moment, the two look more like a good pair, and even the assistant director and screenwriter beside him have become outsiders.

"Sister Yun, Mr. Xu is too powerful. This is the first time I have seen someone who can persuade Director Yu." Assistant director Zhang Hongze came to Su Yun's side and said softly, and by the way, he flattered him a little. If he can catch up with Mr. Xu, it will be of great benefit to him. Once Mr. Xu thinks of him when he casts a movie in the future, won't his chance come?

"No, it's just that the idea may be closer to that of Director Yu, so the two can talk." Su Yun said with a smile, but she was very happy in her heart. Who let the person who was praised be her husband?
"That's amazing. Look at us assistant directors and screenwriters. When we talk about the plot with Director Yu, we don't just listen to it?" Zhang Hongze said with a wry smile.

If that person is just an ordinary person, he will definitely be jealous, and even feel very nervous and uneasy, worrying that his position in the crew will be replaced by the other party.

However, the other party is the vice president of Jingshi Culture, both in terms of identity and status, he is much higher than him, so there is no need to worry about being robbed of his job, because the other party simply doesn't like it.

It's his luck to have such a person on the set, he doesn't have to be forced by Director Yu to think of the answer, otherwise he would always feel like a stick in front of Director Yu.

"Director Zhang, look at what you said. It took so long to shoot "A Game in a Game", didn't you solve many of the problems encountered in it? Don't be modest." Su Yun said to Zhang Hongze.

"The problems I solved were all small ones. How can I compare with Mr. Xu?" Zhang Hongze shook his head repeatedly.

"Problems don't matter how big or small they are. Maybe the problems you can solve are huge problems in the eyes of others." Su Yun said solemnly.

In fact, when she came here to film, she troubled the assistant director a lot. The nanny car she was riding in now, as well as the pick-up and drop-off to and from the airport, were all arranged by the other party.

"Well, I can't say no to you." Zhang Hongze surrendered directly, and he was very happy to be affirmed by Sister Yun. The previous errands were not in vain.

He turned his gaze to the set again, waiting for the result of the discussion between the two big men.

Since it was past four o'clock when the filming of the scene was finished, Xu Jie and Yu Zijian discussed it for a short time before the sky began to darken.

The theater affairs began to worry again.

Wait a minute or not?To order dinner or not to order?

He wanted to ask, but he didn't know who to ask, so he could only wait anxiously in the end.

Although Xu Jie was very engaged in chatting with Director Yu, he soon realized that it was getting late.

Migrant workers have always been very sensitive to off-duty hours.

"Director Yu, it's getting dark. Anyway, we can't shoot now. Let's continue tomorrow. We can use tonight to think about it." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian.

"Okay!" Yu Zijian nodded without hesitation, but it wasn't because it was dark that he couldn't continue filming, but because he had a lot of things in his mind that needed to be digested.

Although it was just a scene, Xu Jie put forward a lot of ideas, some of which he could understand immediately, but some could not be fully understood. think.

When the people around heard the conversation between President Xu and Director Yu, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and they could finally get off work.

Actors began to remove makeup, and the staff began to pack equipment.

The old saying goes well: If you are not active after get off work, you have problems with your thinking.

If going to work is for living, then getting off work is living. If there is no life, what is the point of going to work?
On the way back to the hotel, Su Yun kept looking at Xu Jie, without saying anything, just watching with a smile, Xu Jie was confused, as if the other party found out about skipping class in the first grade.

"I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to look at me like that all the time, do you?" Xu Jie asked.

"I can't see enough, can't I?" Su Yun asked back.

"Okay, but what's the point of looking at it like this, I'll show you naked later." Xu Jie said, he was quite confident about his figure.

"I hate it!" Su Yun glanced at the driver Lao Zhou and assistant Huang Xiaorong in the front row, stretched out her hand to pinch the flesh on the man's thigh, and rotated it clockwise.

"Hiss!" Xu Jie gasped in pain, and said with an aggrieved face, "Didn't I do this to let you see more clearly?"

"Slick tongue." Su Yun withdrew her hand, and then said: "I'm serious, what happened to you on the set just now? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?"

"Wife, look at what you said, as if you are not your own wife. I have always been very serious when I work." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"That's not what I meant. I meant that your attitude towards Director Yu changed too quickly, right?" Su Yun asked.

Before catching that big fish of Director Yu, he didn't even show his face. Now that he is transferred to this big fish of Director Yu, he immediately shows up, and he is so focused, serious, and devoted. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he be Is it the other way around?When no fish is caught, all kinds of baits are cast, and when fish are caught, they are thrown aside.

"It's almost right, I have to let him know the benefits of cooperating with me. Maybe after this cooperation, there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. Next time, I will not take the initiative to catch him, but he will take the initiative to find him." Me." Xu Jie said to Su Yun.

Of course, this is just one of them.

Another point is that he wants to treat Yu Zijian as a propagandist, and when he talks about him with other people in the future, he will be full of praise like Zhang Weiqiang and Xu Shenghua.

It may be one-sided for one person to praise him, and it may be a coincidence for two people to praise him, but if three or four people praise him, it means that he is really outstanding.

With so many first-line directors praising him, who could not believe his persuasive power?
"I didn't expect you to be so cunning." Su Yun said after listening, it turned out that her husband not only wanted to fish, but also wanted to catch the fish and raise them so that the fish would produce more fish.

"Actually, I just had a brief discussion about the plot, and it's not a big deal. If you want to take this person down completely, just these things are not enough." Xu Jie said seriously.

"What else do you want to do?" Su Yun asked in confusion, feeling that the other party seemed to be planning something big.

Could it be that you want to introduce a wife to Director Yu?

Although Director Yu has been widowed for many years, as a first-line director, it seems that he has never been short of women around him.

Last month, a female producer came to visit Director Yu and stayed here for a few days. It is said that the two lived in the same compound when they were young.

However, she quickly dismissed such thoughts.

Because according to her understanding, although Xu Jie knows a lot of things, he is not good at managing media.

"What are you doing?" The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up, revealing a mysterious smile, "I have to show him one more thing."

"Show what?" Su Yun looked at the man, is there anything else she doesn't know?
"Hey, you'll know when you get back." Xu Jie put on a show.

"Okay, I want to see how you conquer Director Yu." Su Yun said.

Not long after, the nanny's car stopped in front of the hotel.

Xu Jie led Su Yun's hand out of the car, and walked quickly into the hotel gate, as if there was something urgent.

Although Su Yun was curious, she didn't ask any further questions, and waited to see what the other party was going to do.

Go back to the room.

Xu Jie put the laptop on the table, and couldn't wait to enter the bathroom.


Su Yun froze in place, didn't she want to conquer Director Yu?What are you doing in the bathroom?Could it be...

Could it be that he is planning to use a handsome man?
This, this is impossible, absolutely impossible!

Regardless of the three women Huang Xiaorong, Chen Guo and Jiang Xiaoying in the room, she directly pushed open the door of the bathroom, looked inside and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Turn on the water, hold it all afternoon!" Xu Jie said while unbuttoning his belt.

Su Yun heard the sound of "哗啦哗啦", blushing and retreated from the bathroom.

It's she who thinks too much.

Since getting married, my thoughts have become more and more dirty.

After a while, Xu Jie came out of the bathroom.

"What's for dinner tonight? How about shabu-shabu?" Xu Jie asked.

The lunch box at noon is average, and he wants to make up for himself.

"Okay." Su Yun said.

Shabu shabu can boil vegetables, which is better than stir-fried vegetables for her.

"Take off your makeup, I'll wait for you." Xu Jie walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up the script and turned to the page of today's shooting.

However, this script is different from other people's scripts. There are many words densely written on it, not only his views on the scene in the afternoon, but also Director Yu's views on the scene, including the changes to the scene. Every detail is recorded in detail above.

What he has to do is to keep all the changes in his mind, and then connect them together to imagine the content of the scene, every action, every line, every picture...

Su Yun looked at her husband, her whole body was not calm.

Don't you know when you come back?Now that she's back, why doesn't she know?
Curiosity is something that can be endured for a while, but if it has to be endured for a long time, no one can bear it.

Su Yun didn't take off her makeup, she came directly to Xu Jie and sat down, looked at him and asked, "Come on, show me your 'hand' first."

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, and then laughed, "Don't worry, if you want to show up, you have to eat and then show up, right?"

Su Yun looked at the man's face for a while, and after confirming that the other's hand was unknown to her, she grabbed the other's arm and said coquettishly, "Just show it off, okay?"

Standing aside, Huang Xiaorong, Chen Guo, and Jiang Xiaoying were almost too embarrassed to die, neither to leave, nor to stay, nor to watch.

They knew that Sister Yun didn't treat them as outsiders, but they couldn't be so open, right?

"Yes." Xu Jie said: "It's just that this kind of thing takes a long time, and it's not appropriate to be interrupted in the middle. If I really reveal it now, I'm afraid I won't have time for dinner tonight."

"Sister Yun, me, let's go back to the room." Huang Xiaorong said with a blushing face, she could watch it just now, but now she can't even listen to it, the content is really not suitable for children.

Chen Guo and Jiang Xiaoying even turned their heads away, staring at the ground, not daring to look around, for fear that Teacher Xu would reveal something suddenly.

"Wait a minute!" Su Yun said.

Huang Xiaorong and the others panicked.

Wait a moment?
What are you waiting for?
What should I do if I am waiting to be exposed?
Su Yun stared at Xu Jie intently, saw that the other party was very serious, neither seemed to be joking, nor wanted to show off, so she let go of the other party's hand.

"Xiaoying, remove my makeup."

Su Yun went to the dressing table and sat down. After enduring it for such a long time, she secretly made up her mind that if the other party didn't show her hand after eating, then she must show her hand and let the other party taste the taste of Jiuyin White Bone Claw.

Huang Xiaorong and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief because they would not reveal it for the time being, but not revealing it now does not mean not revealing it later, so Jiang Xiaoying hurried to Sister Yun's side to remove her make-up.

"Hurry up." Su Yun said.

"Okay Sister Yun." Jiang Xiaoying nodded, why didn't she want to hurry up?

It usually takes more than ten minutes to remove makeup, but today it was completed in less than 10 minutes.

Su Yun asked Jiang Xiaoying and others to go back to rest, then came to Xu Jie and said, "The makeup removal is complete, let's go."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it. He didn't expect his wife to be so fast today, but the faster the other party was, the more he wanted to tease the other party to see how anxious the other party was.


Xu Jie put the script aside, then stood up, took his wife's hand and walked out, saying as he walked: "When I was inspecting the shooting spots during the day, I asked Zhao Su'e about the delicious food here. There is a good copper pot shabu-shabu, let's go there tonight, speaking of it, I have been to Hengdian so many times, and I have never really looked at the scenery in the city."

Su Yun was shocked. Although the urban area is not far from Hengdian, it takes half an hour to drive, and it takes an hour to go back and forth, plus finding the way... Her patience can't wait that long.

"It's not easy to want to eat copper pot shabu-shabu. In fact, this hotel has copper pot shabu-shabu, whether it is hand-cut or sliced. Besides, I have already let Lao Zhou rest, and suddenly put him How bad it is to call out." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie secretly smiled inwardly, but said on his mouth: "It is really a blessing for Lao Zhou and the others to have a boss like you. Okay, then let's eat here tonight, and then go to the city to eat tomorrow."

"Yeah." Su Yun smiled.

She doesn't care or care about where to eat tomorrow, but today she has to eat at the hotel, because in this way, there will be a lot of time left, and it will be a little closer to her when she sees the other party showing off.


(End of this chapter)

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