In the private room, the steaming copper pot looked so attractive that Xu Jie couldn’t help swallowing. This was his first copper pot meal since the beginning of winter this year. It would be more appropriate if there was a little more snow outside the window , It's a pity that this is Hengdian, and it rarely snows. Even if it does, it will have to wait until around the Chinese New Year, which is still far away.

"Honey, you must be very tired after working hard all day. Come on, I'll give you the first piece of meat." Xu Jie picked up a piece of mutton from the copper pot, and put it in the bowl in front of Su Yun thoughtfully.

In his opinion, whether it is a copper pot or a hot pot, the essence of them all lies in the meat. It is better to go to the roadside to eat Mala Tang if you only cook the meat without cooking the vegetables.

Su Yun picked up the meat and put it in her mouth without any dipping sauce. At this moment, she was very satisfied.

"Is it delicious?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well, it's delicious." Su Yun nodded with a smile.

"You can eat a few more yuan if it tastes delicious. This time when you come to Hengdian, I think you are thinner than before. This is not okay. When you come back to celebrate the New Year, let your father-in-law and mother-in-law see that I treat you badly." Xu Jie interjected again He took a piece of meat and put it in the boiling water of clear soup. After about ten seconds, when he saw the color of the meat changed, he immediately took the meat out and gave it to Su Yun.

"Well, I'll eat more, don't just focus on me, you eat too, put all the meat in." Su Yun said after hearing this.

"The shabu-shabu should be put in less and more frequently. After a long time, it will lose its tender taste." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun was very happy at first, but when the other party said this, her expression immediately froze.

Put less?

If the meat is cooked piece by piece like before, when will the four plates of meat on the table be eaten?She also wanted to hurry back to the room to see the other party show off.

Seeing that her husband only put another piece of meat into the copper pot, Su Yun's hands trembled anxiously, but she soon had an idea, "Husband, I'm here, I'll cook it for you." She said and picked up the meat. A plate of mutton was cut by hand, poured directly into the clear soup, and then said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely fish out the meat when it is the most tender."

Of course Xu Jie knew what his wife was thinking, but he still pretended to say loudly: "My wife, there are too many, the meat must be rinsed and eaten now to taste delicious!"

"Not too much, not too much, men should eat meat, meat!" Su Yun wanted to talk about drinking heavily at the end, but when she thought about her husband getting drunk into the hospital, she immediately changed her words.

As the clear soup in the copper pot started to boil again, the meat that was just put in quickly changed color.

Su Yun saw the right timing, and went up with a chopstick, and this time, she directly picked out half a plate of meat from the copper pot, and finally put all of it into Xu Jie's bowl.

"Husband, eat quickly, the taste is just right."

After speaking, he took out the rest of the meat, and then poured the second plate of meat into the copper pot.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun with a smile. With a big celebrity wife serving dinner, the status of this family is no longer there.

He put a piece of meat into the dipping bowl, dipped it left and right, until the sesame sauce was evenly covered with the meat, then put it in his mouth to chew carefully.

Su Yun's blood pressure went straight to the top of her head. According to the other party's way of eating, she couldn't finish eating until midnight.

At this time, she suddenly thought of roast duck. …

It's not that she's greedy for roast ducks, but that the raw ducks used for roast ducks are stuffed artificially to help the ducks eat, so the ducks used for roast ducks are also called stuffed ducks.

Su Yun looked at the meat on the plate, then at her husband who was eating slowly, an idea suddenly came to her mind.

"Husband, you have worked hard in Hengdian for the past few days. In order to express my gratitude to you, I will feed you." Su Yun said, picked up Xu Jie's dipping bowl, picked up another chopstick and put six or seven slices of meat into the bowl Stir, then bring the bowl in front of Xu Jie, put the meat in the bowl to his mouth, "Come on, hubby, ah..."

Xu Jie, who is the ambassador of the food promotion in Beijing, was directly frightened.

The chopsticks held half a plate of hand-cut mutton. It was not feeding him, but it was clearly trying to shut his mouth. No big stomach king in the short story would eat like this.

"Honey, I... woo woo!"

As soon as Xu Jie opened his mouth, Su Yun stuffed the meat directly into his mouth, probably because he was worried that his mouth wouldn't fit, and the other party pressed the exposed meat inside with chopsticks.

What a caring wife!
Xu Jie couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Because there is too much meat, it is very difficult to chew. It is so difficult that the upper and lower lips cannot be closed, and the sesame sauce flows out from the corners of the mouth.

Xu Jie has lived for 30 years. Let’s put it this way, when he was wearing crotch pants, he didn’t even drool when eating.

Just when he was about to wipe it with a paper, Su Yun next to him wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and pressed the protruding mouth inward.

Xu Jie is very relieved, he has already seen the scene where he will be taken care of by his wife when he suffers from dementia in the future, and at the same time, he has the feeling of stepping into old age ahead of schedule.

He simply chewed a few mouthfuls, his cheeks couldn't take it anymore, so he began to swallow hard into his stomach, and finally finished eating, before he could take a breath, another chopstick appeared in front of him.

"Honey, come..." Su Yun said softly, with a smile on her face.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, not only did he not feel enjoyment, but why did he still feel like "Da Lang, it's time to take medicine"?
Originally, he wanted to tease his wife, but now he is fine, and he put himself in it.

Xu Jie opened his mouth and it was filled again.

Under this kind of duck-feeding method, the shabu-shabu was prepared for two or three hours, but in the last four or ten minutes, it was finished in less than an hour.

One and a half bites of meat are not allowed to eat for a while.

"Honey, are you full? Do you want to order two more dishes?" Su Yun shook the menu in her hand and asked Xu Jie with concern.

"I'm full!" Xu Jie said quickly.

Of the four plates of meat, three and a half plates went into his stomach, it's no wonder he wasn't full.

In fact, whether he is full or not is the second priority. The main reason is that he doesn't want to be fed anymore. He will definitely not be able to enjoy this blessing.

Su Yun smiled when she saw it, stood up and said cheerfully, "Then let's go back to the room."

"Wait, let me rest for a while, I'm full." Xu Jie leaned on the back of the chair, and burped after speaking, smelling like a mixture of mutton and mahjong.

This time he really wasn't wasting time, but really wanted to take a break.

But as soon as Su Yun heard this, she immediately came to him thoughtfully, and she didn't know where the strength came from, so she directly helped him up, and said in her mouth: "It's okay, I will support you, and I want to go back to the room to rest. There is a sofa and a bed, how comfortable it is.”…


Xu Jie was speechless.

If he really returned to the room, the other party might not let him rest.

Forget it, stop kidding!

"Okay, go back to the room." Xu Jie said, then took the other party's hand and walked out of the private room.

And Su Yun, with anxious eyes and great anticipation, was finally able to see the opponent's hidden skills.

The two took the elevator back to the floor where the guest room was located, but as soon as they walked out, they saw Yu Zijian pacing back and forth outside their room. When the other party saw them, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"President Xu, Xiao Su, you are back!"

After speaking, he walked over quickly

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and thought: You don't want to talk about the script again, do you?
Speaking of which, the scene in the afternoon was indeed a little bit unfinished.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned his head to look at Su Yun beside him, only to see that the other party was standing there in a daze, without the joy of leaving the private room at all.

Perhaps, this is called haste makes waste.

Wife, it has nothing to do with me this time.

"Mr. Xu, I have some new ideas about this afternoon's scene. Can we talk together? By the way, have you eaten yet? I didn't bother you, did I?" Yu Zijian came to Xu Jie , eyes full of eagerness, holding a script in his hand, vividly expressing the symptoms of workaholics.

Xu Jie looked at old man Yu, although he was going to work overtime tonight for the scene in the afternoon, but he didn't want to work overtime with him.

He thought that with the discussion during the day, the other party would digest it in the room tonight, but he still came.

He turned to look at Su Yun beside him, he didn't care, the key was whether the other party could bear it.

"We just finished eating." Su Yun said with a smile, but the smile was a bit forced.

If I knew Director Yu would be here tonight, I might as well go to the city to eat hot pot with Xu Jie.

Eating hot pot and singing, isn't it happier than it is now?

"Xiao Su, then I'll lend it to your husband, and I'll return it to you later." Yu Zijian said after hearing that, waiting outside the room was not in vain.

Su Yun knew that Director Yu's so-called short while would be a long time, but she still smiled and said: "Well, let's talk, I'll go back to my room first."

Yu Zijian was only thinking about filming now, so he didn't notice the depression in Su Yun's eyes at all, so after hearing what the other party said, he immediately said to Xu Jie: "Mr. Xu, let's go."

"Oh." Xu Jie agreed with his mouth, but in fact, he was a little depressed like his wife.

He originally planned to spend a good night with his wife after working overtime, but now that Director Yu has ruined it, he doesn't know how long the conversation will end.

Sure enough, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. If you are with a workaholic, you can't do without following the work.

Xu Jie hugged his wife, patted her on the back lightly to express comfort, and then followed Yu Zijian to her room.

Yu Zijian's so-called new ideas are actually not new. They are some new ideas that came about after he figured out some links that Xu Jie said during the day.

Xu Jie felt that such a discussion had no practical significance. If they were all like each other, then this one-and-a-half-minute scene could not be finished in an hour. …

drama, to be added, but there is no such addition.

He wanted to add a scene to make the scene more exciting, but old man Yu directly added a side story.

Fortunately, the other party was able to listen to his opinion, and finally realized that his thoughts were a bit taken for granted, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Director Yu, don't worry too much about the plot. I know you're doing it for the good of the movie, but sometimes the more you think about it, the more confused you become. Well, listen to me. Don't think about anything related to the script tonight. Go out and have a good meal. , take a stroll, and then come back and have a good sleep, loosen the tight string, when people relax, their thoughts tend to be clearer..." Xu Jie said to Yu Zijian.

In his opinion, the other party is too obsessed with the plot right now, and has come to the verge of becoming obsessed. At this time, the best way is not to force it, but to relax, otherwise it will be asking for trouble.

Yu Zijian sighed softly after hearing this, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe I know Mr. Xu that you will leave in a few days, so I want to chat with you more, after all, after you leave, no one can Talk to me about the plot, Mr. Xu, can you stay here for a while?"

"Director Yu, to be honest, I also want to stay here for a while and spend more time with my wife, but you also know that there are many things at the end of the year, and I really don't have much time, so let me assure you, When we cooperate, I will be in the group the whole time, even if you have to chat all night, I will accompany you to the end." Xu Jie said.

The next movie will be shot for Jingshi Culture, if the other party doesn't talk, he will talk too, and it's not sure who will block whose door.

Yu Zijian nodded understandingly, feeling somewhat regretful, but fortunately there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future, so the regret is not too great.

After Xu Jie said goodbye to old man Yu, he returned to Su Yun's room. When Su Yun saw him, his expression was surprised and surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect him to come back so soon, less than an hour.

"Why did Director Yu let you back so soon?" Su Yun asked, this was not Director Yu's style at all.

"The main reason is that I miss you and want to come back to accompany you quickly, so I fooled Director Yu with a few words, and when he was confused, he let me come back." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun's face blushed, she didn't believe this reason.

But it doesn't matter if you don't flicker, as long as you come back.

Just when she wanted the other party to show her hand quickly, she found that her husband was digging through the suitcase, and then took out a pen and a notebook from it.

"What are you doing? Writing a diary?" Su Yun asked curiously. She didn't remember that the other party had the habit of writing a diary, at least when she was at home, she never saw the other party write.

"Rearrange the scene in the afternoon." Xu Jie explained, then sat down in front of the sofa, raised one leg, propped the notebook on the lap, and wrote and drew on the paper with a pen.

Su Yun opened her mouth, wanting to ask what was the hand she wanted to show, but seeing the seriousness of the other party, she was too embarrassed to interrupt. After all, when people are creating, they hate being interrupted the most. Things you think about might just disappear.

It seems that we can only wait for the other party to arrange it before asking. …

Su Yun walked into the inner bedroom, sat by the window, picked up the script, read it, and waited.

One hour……

two hours...

Three hours……

Su Yun only felt her eyelids a little sore, and then yawned again.


She looked at the time on her watch, it was already 11 o'clock, she turned her head and glanced at the direction of the living room, and saw Xu Jie was still sitting there, maintaining the posture from the beginning.

In the past few hours, the other party has been sitting there with his buttocks motionless, like an old monk in meditation.

She couldn't help standing up, it was just a scene, she wanted to see what the other party wrote and it took so long to write.

Su Yun came quietly behind Xu Jie, and when she saw the content on the paper, she froze in place.

I saw that there were no words on the paper, but a picture.

It shows two people fighting.

This is... sub-camera?

Is the other party sitting here drawing a sub-camera?

Many directors have the habit of drawing sub-shots, which can not only save time when shooting, but also present the plot and content of the story well.

Of course, not every director has to draw for every movie. This is just the director’s personal habit. She has acted in so many movies, and most directors don’t actually draw. It’s just that she didn’t expect Xu Jie to do it. You know When filming "Lover in Time and Space", I never saw the other party draw.

and many more!

This, shouldn't it be what the other party said about showing off?


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