Chapter 911 Bad Old Man

In the morning, Xu Jie and Su Yun left the room together. He was going to take the other party's ride to the Film and Television City Co., Ltd. to start today's "stepping on the spot" work.

However, just as he walked to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, he saw an old man walking towards him at a glance.

"Morning Xu, Xiao Su!"

"Good morning Director Yu!" Su Yun nodded, showing a faint smile, then looked at her husband beside her, and told her intuitively that the person Director Yu was waiting for was not her.

Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian suspiciously. In the past two days, he talked with him about the plot in the afternoon and also in the evening. As an outsider, he did his best and done his best. Why did he start blocking him in the morning again?Could it be that he wanted to kill him by surprise?Is it a bit too much?
"Director Yu, what a coincidence, are you waiting for someone?" Xu Jie asked, then turned his head and looked around, silently hoping that the person waiting was not him.

"President Xu, I'm waiting for you." Yu Zijian said.

"Wait for me? What's the matter?" Xu Jie pretended to be puzzled, but in fact, he was like a bright mirror in his heart. The other party couldn't ask him for anything other than the script.

Are you really going to use it to your death before he leaves Hengdian?
"Mr. Xu, I have an unfeeling request. Can you visit our film crew in the morning and inspect other filming locations in the film and television city in the afternoon?" Yu Zijian asked in a discussing tone, with a bit of worry in his eyes. It seems that I am afraid that the other party will disagree.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

Go in the morning, go in the afternoon, isn’t it the same?It's half a day anyway.

"Isn't the scene yesterday afternoon almost interesting? I will reshoot the scene this morning. I want you to go to the scene to see if it is the same as what we discussed yesterday. If it is not right, it is better to correct it in time. ?” Yu Zijian said.


Xu Jie nodded understandingly, it turned out to be the case.

In fact, in order to be able to film this scene well, he also made preparations.

"Director Yu, I rearranged yesterday's scene, and then drew some sub-shots, which basically represent all my thoughts on this scene." Xu Jie stretched out his hand to Su Yun beside him, and Su Yun immediately The document bag in his hand was handed over, Xu Jie took it and handed it to Yu Zijian, "I originally planned to let my wife bring it to you, since I met you here, I will give it to you now."

"Huh? Storyboard?"

Yu Zijian was surprised when he heard it. He only knew that the other party was a good screenwriter, but he didn't expect to be able to draw scripts for scenes. It was really unexpected.

He quickly took the file bag, took out a stack of papers from it, and looked at it standing still.

One page, two pages, three pages...

He turned the pages very slowly, and would look at each page for a long, long time, even if only one scene was drawn on this page, he would still look at it for a long time.

In fact, the painting on paper is not very good, but from the perspective of the shot, the content of the painting perfectly presents the content and focus of the scene on paper.

Seeing these paintings, the shot seems to appear in my mind, and as I flip through the pages, I seem to be able to see the whole scene.

When he finished flipping through, the play was over.

"Hey, did you draw these?" Yu Zijian held the storyboard in his hand, at least a dozen or so. The efficiency of this work is really terrifying. Even he couldn't draw so many in one night.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Mr. Xu, I..."

Yu Zijian's voice trembled slightly, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He just felt that it was a waste of time for the other party to be the vice president. If he could concentrate on making movies, he would definitely achieve a great career.

Su Yun looked at Director Yu's overjoyed look, and couldn't help laughing. She could fully understand the other party's mood at this moment, because she was also very surprised when she saw the hand-painted storyboards last night. However, unlike Director Yu, the other party didn't know how to express his thoughts, but she could hug that man and give him a passionate kiss.

Speaking of which, she and Xu Jie have been together for four years. Although it is not too long, it is not too short, but the other party can still surprise her. This is really a treasure boy.

"Director Yu, are these storyboards okay?" Xu Jie looked at Yu Zijian and asked.

"Okay, that's great." Yu Zijian came back to his senses and said.

With this thing, not only can everyone quickly understand the content and intention of the scene, but it will also be of great help when editing later. This is equivalent to a collection of wonderful shots of a scene. As long as there is These shots, this scene is not much worse.

"Then I don't need to go to the set?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, no, no!" Yu Zijian grabbed Xu Jie's arm and said solemnly: "You have drawn all the storyboards, and you should go to the scene to supervise."


Xu Jie was taken aback, he wasn't the producer, what the hell was the on-site supervisor?

"Director Yu, I don't think that's necessary. I drew these storyboards to better express my thoughts on the scene. In the end, how to shoot and what to shoot are up to you, the director, so I won't go. It is." Xu Jie said.

Not only did he not want to go in the morning, he didn't even want to go in the afternoon. He was worried that the other party would call him to give his opinions when the next scene was being filmed, and he wouldn't even have time to read the submissions.

The most important thing is that endless reshoots will increase the cost of filming, and the producer still scolds him behind his back for meddling with his own business?

"No, you have to go, or I won't shoot this scene." Yu Zijian said seriously.


Xu Jie was speechless.

This old man is too unreasonable, right?
"Xiao Su, please persuade me quickly." Seeing that Xu Jie disagreed, Yu Zijian called for help.

After Su Yun heard it, she couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Xu Jie is her husband. In front of outsiders, she should stand on her husband's side, but Yu Zijian is the director. As a famous actor, she should listen to the director's instructions when filming.

She hesitated for a while, and finally, based on the principle of respecting the old and caring for the young, she looked at her husband and said, "Just promise Director Yu, you can go to the shooting spots in the afternoon."

In fact, she said this for the good of her husband.

If the other party goes in the morning, they can leave after lunch, but if the other party goes in the afternoon, they may not be able to leave at night.

After all, once Director Yu's persistence came up, no one could stop him.

Yu Zijian also said at this time: "Mr. Xu, you are recognized as the most loving couple in the circle. I have long heard about your brilliant deeds of becoming a wife in a rage. Since Xiao Su has already said so, don't you It should also be followed by a husband and wife? Otherwise, Xiao Su will lose face?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he actually threatened him with this matter, this old man is really very bad.

"Okay, I'll go!" Xu Jie agreed, seeing that his wife was so enthusiastic, proactive and unrestrained last night, he couldn't let the other party lose face in front of outsiders.

"Haha, that's right, as the saying goes: Listen to your wife's advice and eat your fill. A man who listens to his wife is a good man, and I knew that Xu is always a good man." Yu Zijian said with a smile, he was very happy The back molars can be seen.

Xu Jie immediately rolled his eyes, thinking: What do you need to say?Everyone in the entertainment industry knows it.

"It's getting late, let's go quickly." Su Yun reminded at this time.

"Yes, yes." Yu Zijian nodded repeatedly, then walked towards the hotel gate.

In his opinion, if he arrived at the set one minute earlier, he would have one more minute to discuss the script with Xu Jie. If it wasn't for the time, manpower and material resources, he would have wished to discuss it with Xu Jie again from the beginning, but he hated meeting him too late.

Xu Jie came to the set in his wife's nanny car, lost his freedom as soon as he got out of the car, and was dragged away by Yu Zijian. His pace and strength didn't look like an old man in his 60s at all.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhou, you all come here." Yu Zijian shouted loudly as he walked, and the loud voice spread throughout the set.

There are many people surnamed Zhang and Zhou in the crew, but the only ones who will be called to the side by the director are the assistant director Zhang Hongze and the cameraman Zhou Jingshan.

The two came to Yu Zijian's side. In fact, even if Director Yu didn't call, the two of them would still come. On the new day, everyone would have a meeting to talk about today's work tasks. However, it was the first time they saw Yu Zijian. so excited.

Is this going to marry again?
"Come on, this is the script and storyboard of the scene yesterday afternoon, everyone, take a look, we will shoot according to this version later." Yu Zijian said, and then took out the script and script from the file bag .

After taking it, Zhang Hongze and Zhou Jingshan took a closer look. Not to mention, the added content is indeed much more exciting and fuller than before. Although it has not been shot yet, judging from the picture presented in the storyboard script, it is wonderful. The level has also improved a lot than before.

"Director Yu, thank you for your hard work. With so many storyboards, you must have drawn them very late." Zhang Hongze really admires Director Yu's energy. He is in his 60s and still has such a high enthusiasm for work. Anyway, he is his own Ashamed.

"Director Yu, why are the painting styles of these storyboards different from your previous ones?" Zhou Jingshan asked. As a cameraman, he has seen Director Yu's storyboard scripts, and also seen the storyboards made by Director Yu. script, but this one is different from all those.

"That's right, it's different. I didn't draw this, but Mr. Xu." Yu Zijian said while pointing to Xu Jie.


Zhang Hongze and Zhou Jingshan looked at Xu Jie in surprise, exactly the same as Yu Zijian's expression when he got the storyboard sketch.

They didn't expect that the storyboard they saw just now would be made by Mr. Xu, and they didn't expect Mr. Xu to have this skill. He really didn't show his face.

wait, no!
Mr. Xu has directed films before and achieved good box office results.

In this way, it's not that Mr. Xu doesn't show his face, but that they look at people with dog eyes. No, they underestimated Mr. Xu.

He only remembered that the other party was the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture and an executive in Beijing Radio and Television Station, but he forgot that the other party's business ability in the industry was also top-notch.

"Mr. Xu, you can make movies, act in movies, and draw storyboards. I completely admire you." Zhang Hongze said from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, what he said just now was only a part of the other party's many talents, such as being able to cook food, write scripts, and direct variety shows.

"Yes!" Zhou Jingshan also said with emotion: "The storyboard is so good, I seriously suspect that Mr. Xu is also proficient in photography."

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it. He did have some research on photography. When he was a reporter at the Life Program Center, he played a guest role as a cameraman.

"Hong Ze, go and send a few copies of the script of this scene to the actors." Yu Zijian ordered.

"Okay, I'll go right away." After receiving the order, Zhang Hongze immediately took the script to make copies, and then sent the script to all the leading actors in the scene.

Yu Zijian stared at the actors on the scene, thinking that everyone should have watched it all, so he clapped his hands and said: "Everyone came here, you have seen it too, we have added some scenes to the original content, now I would like to ask Mr. Xu to retell this scene for everyone, everyone is welcome."

After speaking, take the lead in applauding.

"Clap clap clap!"

All the actors present were stunned, and they all looked at Mr. Xu in surprise, shouldn't it be the director's job to tell a play?How did it become Mr. Xu's job?
Xu Jie was also a little confused.

When old man Yu blocked him just now, he was talking about supervisors, why has it become a show now?

The old liar!
Xu Jie looked around at these people who were looking at him. It seemed a little bad to refuse at this time. In order to let old man Yu do his best when making movies for him, he had to bite the bullet.

"The plot is still the same as before, and the feelings are also the same as before. These scenes are added to arouse the emotions of the audience. Let's start with the first scene..."

Xu Jie walked into the shooting scene with the script, and began to talk to the actors about the content of the added drama, and how to connect with the original drama, so as to make the lines, actions, and pictures more complete.

And the actors on the scene are also listening carefully. First, everyone knows that Director Yu has been discussing the script with Mr. Xu in the past few days. Mr. Xu must know the content of the script very well; secondly, Mr. Xu is a big boss in the circle , is an existence that they can't afford to offend. If they don't listen carefully, once Mr. Xu is angered, it's not something actors like them can bear.

Since the scene was not long, Xu Jie finished speaking quickly.

"Mr. Xu said very clearly just now, did everyone understand?" Yu Zijian asked at this time.

"Understood." Everyone replied.

"Okay, let's line up as a whole first, go through a cutscene, and then start shooting from the beginning. All the actors are in place, and we will start right away." Yu Zijian said in a gentle tone, changing from the seriousness of the previous few days.

The actors immediately returned to their respective positions.

Yu Zijian turned his head to look at Xu Jie who walked out of the scene, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, if anyone is wrong, you can correct them on the spot. If someone doesn't listen to you, I will deal with him!"

Everyone thought: We just don't listen to you, and we dare not not listen to Mr. Xu.

Xu Jie gritted his teeth fiercely, this old man...

This revenge is not retribution for a non-gentleman!
This account will be settled with you slowly in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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