Chapter 913 Persuasion
The next morning, Xu Jie brought Zhang Qize to Huaxia TV Station, and after calling his senior sister, he waited outside the gate.

"Old Zhang, this is our first cooperation with China TV's large-scale program center. Although it is mainly about cooperation and learning, we must also show our spirit and not lose our momentum, understand?" Xu Jie said to Zhang Qize confessed.

Zhang Qize was looking at the Huashi building in front of him. After hearing Mr. Xu's words, he quickly turned around and replied respectfully: "Yes, yes Mr. Xu, I understand."

Seeing Zhang Qize's stiff look, Xu Jie stretched out his hand to pat him on the shoulder, and said in a relaxed tone: "Don't be so nervous, it's not the first time that your performance department has cooperated with someone to hold a party, and you used to cooperate with Beijing TV Station every year. Is it? Since we have so much experience, we don’t need to worry, we just need to show a normal level, and the people in CTS are not overpowered, so I don’t believe that they will all change 72 times.”

Zhang Qize couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard it.

Is the cooperation with Beijing TV different from the cooperation with Huaxia TV?

Jingshi Culture is a company of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is its own business to cooperate with Jingcheng TV Station to hold a party. It's not just as simple as embarrassing to drag people down at work.

As for the tension...

Stars are nervous when they come here, let alone ordinary people like him, it's no wonder they're not nervous.

"Student, what are you talking about, who are you talking about?"

A clear and pleasant voice suddenly sounded, Xu Jie followed the sound, and saw the senior sister walking slowly towards this side.

"Sister, I just told my colleagues in our company that the people at Huaxia TV are very powerful. They are not only versatile, but also proficient in everything. They are like Monkey King in Journey to the West. I must learn from you." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Zhang Qize on the side looked at Mr. Xu in surprise, his face changed too quickly, right?
"Oh? Really?" Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior with a smile. Although she didn't hear those words clearly before, but based on her understanding of her junior, the other party would never say such a thing that spoils her own prestige and so on.

"Of course it's true. Can I lie to you, senior?" After Xu Jie finished speaking, he immediately changed the subject, pointed to Zhang Qize beside him, and introduced: "Sister, this is Zhang Qize, the head of our Jingshi Culture and Performance Department. Minister, this is Jiang Yuanyue, a well-known beauty producer in China TV's large-scale program center, and also my senior sister, listen to her more and learn from her, understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Zhang Qize turned his head to look at Jiang Yuanyue, and said politely: "My dear Director Jiang, please take care of me in the future."

"Since I belong to my junior, I am not an outsider. I will take care of it." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile, "Student, let's go. Director Chen is still waiting."

"Okay, senior sister, please." Xu Jie stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner, making a gesture of invitation.

Jiang Yuanyue narrowed her eyes and looked at the junior next to her. Today, the other party is a bit obedient and abnormal.

The old saying is good: when things go wrong, there must be demons, and if people go wrong, there must be knives.

I don't know what kind of demon my junior is going to be today, and what kind of knife is hidden.

Xu Jie walked into Huaxia TV Station under the leadership of his senior sister. This is not the first time he has been here, and he is already very familiar with everything here.

It was different from Zhang Qize who was behind him. He looked around as he walked, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, his eyes were full of curiosity.

The Huashi Building is a landmark building in the capital. Many people have seen it, and it can even be said to be a scenic spot. However, not many people have seen it, and not everyone can enter.

Large program center conference room.


Jiang Yuanyue knocked on the door lightly three times, then pushed the door open and walked in.

"Director Chen, Xu Jie is here."

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she looked out of the door and signaled her junior to come in.

Xu Jie walked in, and besides Chen Ya, there were four people sitting in the conference room. In fact, he had seen two of them, one was Yu Yan, the deputy director of last year's Spring Festival Gala, and the other was Lu Xiaopeng, the deputy director of the integrated channel.

"Director Chen..."

After Xu Jie greeted Chen Ya, he nodded to the others.

"Mr. Xu, we are not outsiders, so don't be polite, sit down." Chen Ya pointed to the chairs beside the conference table, with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, when Xiao Xu came, the director team of the New Year's Eve party was really gathered.

He already regarded the other party as a member of the director's team.

Xu Jie winked at Zhang Chengze who was behind him, then came to sit next to the senior sister.

"Mr. Xu, you both know Director Lu and Yu Yan, so I won't introduce you any more. Let me tell you about the two around me." Chen Ya pointed to the man on the left and said, "This is our large Zhao Hongbo, the deputy director of the program center, is also the general director of this New Year's Eve party..."

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Deputy Director Zhao Hongbo?

The chief director of the New Year's Eve party?
Isn't the chief director Chen Ya?When did you change?

Probably seeing Xu Jie's doubts, Chen Ya explained: "I am the general manager of the New Year's Eve party, but I still have to prepare for this year's Spring Festival party, so I arranged for Deputy Director Zhao to be in charge of the New Year's Eve party. Chief Director, I hope you can cooperate happily."

Xu Jie suddenly realized.

That's what happened.

Among the evening party staff of the TV station, the chief person in charge is equivalent to the chief producer. After receiving the task issued by the superior, he is responsible for the preparation and formation of the team. He is both the organizer and the decision maker, including the director and the staff of various departments. There are also hosts, actors, programs, etc., which need to be decided by the producer.

"Director Zhao, hello." Xu Jie took the initiative to greet the deputy director in his 50s, who seemed to be older than Director Chen in age.

"Hi Mr. Xu, I often hear director Chen praise you. I think this year's New Year's Eve party will be very good." Zhao Hongbo said with a smile.

In fact, even if Director Chen didn't introduce him, he still knew this person. Who made him a celebrity?
At this time, Chen Ya pointed to the second person sitting on the left, and explained: "This is the producer and director of our large-scale program center, and Chen Jiangsheng, the deputy chief director of this New Year's Eve party."

"Hello, Director Chen." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

The assistant director, Chen Jiangsheng, is relatively younger, but he looks like he is in his 40s. He has a standard Chinese character face and is wearing a suit. He looks meticulous and serious.

"Hello, I watched the New Year's Eve party you directed for Beijing Satellite TV the year before last. It was very bold and innovative, and I liked it very much." Chen Jiangsheng said seriously.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie nodded to the other party with a smile. To be recognized by the CTV producer is considered a success.

"Now that everyone knows each other, let's talk about the New Year's Eve party." After the introduction, Chen Ya started to get down to business.

Although the New Year's Eve Gala is not as important as the Spring Festival Gala, and the ratings will vary greatly, but as a national TV station, even if it is a small gala, it must not be sloppy.

From the recorded guests to the arrangement of the program, there are very high requirements, so as to present a high-quality program to the audience as much as possible.

Xu Jie took out a pen and paper, and listened carefully while taking notes. It wasn't that he cared so much about the New Year's Eve party, but that he felt that these were experiences worth learning, and he might be able to use them sometime in the future .

Director Chen can also be regarded as the No.1 chief director of large-scale evening shows in China. What he said cannot be learned from other people or books.

"The guests for the New Year's Eve party have basically been confirmed, and there is also a list of backup candidates. By the way, Mr. Xu, the star guests you recommend are..." Chen Ya said and looked at Xu Jie.

"Director Chen, here are the profiles of two celebrity guests." Xu Jie took two resumes from Zhang Qize and handed them to Chen Ya, "One is the male celebrity Fang Yi, and the other is the female celebrity Ding Mengni."

It is said that it is a resume, but it is actually a photo of the star, as well as past works and honors received.

"Fang Yi, I know, there is no problem, but who is this Ding Mengni? Why haven't I heard of it?" Jiang Yuanyue asked curiously.

"Senior sister, it seems that you are used to dealing with big stars, and don't pay much attention to newcomers. This Ding Mengni is the most promising new star among young actresses. Have you watched "Lover in Time and Space"? She is the third female lead , the ones in front of her are Su Yun and Liu Qing, and the Gongdou drama "Legend of Lan Xi" that is being filmed. Although she is still the third female number, she is only behind Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing. The acting skills are very good." Xu Jie said emphatically.

He also knew that with Ding Mengni's resume, it would be difficult for him to be on the stage of China Television's New Year's Eve party, but he would not bow his head in the face of difficulties.

Besides, Ding Mengni is now the only artist signed by Su Yun's studio. If he doesn't support Ding Mengni, who will he support?
At first, Jiang Yuanyue also felt that she might be lonely and ignorant. After all, there are so many stars in the entertainment industry, it's normal to not know about them, but after hearing the introduction from her junior, she was speechless.

Aren't "Lover in Time and Space" and "Legend of Lan Xi" both under the charge of my juniors?
Saying that Ding Mengni has nothing to do with her junior, no fool would believe it.

Chen Ya also discovered this problem.

It's not that Ding Mengni is inferior, but that she can't compare with other guests in terms of coffee status and popularity.

CTV's New Year's Eve party invites excellent performers. They have great influence both in terms of works and popularity. CTS will also use this to gain more attention, but this Ding Mengni...

He wanted Xu Jie to change someone, but he hesitated for a long time before saying this. After all, when he recommended the other party, he only said that he could not be a bad artist, and there were no other additional conditions. Now he is denying the other party's recommendation. It's as if he broke his word, maybe it will leave a pimple in the future cooperation, but if he doesn't change, he feels that this person is very reluctant.

After careful consideration, he decided to change the angle and let Xu Jie deny this person himself.

"Mr. Xu, does this Ding Mengni have any masterpieces with great influence?" Chen Ya asked.

His meaning is very clear, without a representative work, and the audience does not know him, he is not qualified to be on the stage of the CTS New Year's Eve Gala.

"Lover in Time and Space is right, it has a box office of more than [-] million yuan, and it was released on National Day, and it has just been released not long ago." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The corner of Chen Ya's mouth trembled, thinking: Is this your masterpiece, or Ding Mengni's?

He thought for a while, and then asked: "I looked at the resume, and there are only some movies and TV series she has acted in. Can she sing?"

The essence of the New Year's Eve party is a New Year's Eve concert. Although China Television has invited many actors to perform on stage over the years, these people more or less have certain singing skills, but this Ding Mengni, at least he does not have any in his resume. See information about music.

"Director Chen, you can rest assured about Ding Mengni's singing skills. You may not know it. This Ding Mengni learned singing from the king of singer Chen Guang, and it was taught one-on-one. It cannot be bad." Xu Jie said.


Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Singer Chen Guang and the others certainly know each other. CTV has invited Chen Guang to the stage at many galas, at least a dozen times.

Studied under Chen Guang?

real or fake?

I have never heard of Chen Guang and his students.

"You don't believe me, do you? I have Chen Guang's number, so I'll call him now to verify Ding Mengni's singing skills." Xu Jie took out his cell phone and dialed Chen Guang's cell phone number.

"No, Mr. Xu, no, I believe it." Chen Ya said quickly after hearing this.

"No, I have to let you all know how good this Ding Mengni is." Xu Jie said.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call is connected.

Xu Jie turned on the speakerphone, and asked, "Mr. Chen, this is Xu Jie. I want to ask you two questions about Ding Mengni."

"Ding Mengni? What's the problem?"

A man's voice came from the microphone.

When everyone heard it, don't say it, it's really Chen Guang, the king of singers.

"You have been teaching Ding Mengni to sing, right?" Xu Jie asked.


"How is Ding Mengni singing?" Xu Jie continued to ask.

"Look at you asking this question, I taught it myself, can it be worse?"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm fine." Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

If you ask two questions, just ask two questions, and don't ask too many questions.

It's not that he is trustworthy, but that he is afraid that Chen Guang will reveal his secrets if he asks too many questions.

The people here are better than the other. If these people can tell that Chen Guangcai has taught Ding Mengni for less than half a month, then Ding Mengni's participation in the CTV New Year's Eve party will really be suspended.

"Director Chen, I wonder if Ding Mengni is ready now?" Xu Jie looked at Chen Ya and asked.

"Yes, yes." Chen Ya nodded, and the other party even called Chen Guang. If he still didn't agree, wouldn't it be regarded as finding fault?
"Everyone, actually, I think that for a large-scale gala like this, we should not only invite the famous and popular ones, but also give newcomers more opportunities. Old artists represent the past, traffic artists represent the present, and newcomers represent the future. We can't just miss the past and cherish the present, but also look forward to the future, right? This is an attitude..."

Xu Jie started the mode of reasoning again, and began to pour his thoughts into these people in front of him.

And those who think Ding Mengni is not qualified, now when they hear Mr. Xu's words, they immediately feel that newcomers should be given some opportunities.


(End of this chapter)

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