The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 914 Poaching someone else's wall!

Chapter 914 Poaching someone else's wall!
The meeting is held from morning to noon, and from afternoon to evening. Although the New Year's Eve party is held every year, and the content and form are similar, but as China TV, not to mention the whole party, even a program will be meticulous. Choose to ensure the quality of the party, in other words, because this is Huaxia TV, no one dares to be careless.

When Xu Jie walked out of Huaxia TV Station, the sky outside had already completely darkened, probably because of the rush hour, there was a long queue of cars on the road, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

"Old Zhang, let's get off work too. We'll talk about the CTS New Year's Eve party tomorrow at the company." Xu Jie said to Zhang Qize while taking out the car keys.

Even if I go back to the company now, the people in the performance department have already left work, so it is meaningless to go back, not to mention that the day to go to Xiazhou to prepare for the New Year's Eve party is scheduled for next month, which is December 12th, and there are still more than ten days left , don't be so anxious.

"Alright Mr. Xu." Zhang Qize echoed, his eyes full of admiration.

He didn't expect Mr. Xu to be so valued after he came to China TV. Not only would he discuss everything with the big boss of China TV, but even the big boss of China TV took the initiative to ask Mr. Xu for advice.

It's no wonder Mr. Xu was able to win the cooperation with Huaxia TV Station. It's impossible to think about being someone else.

"Where is your home, I'll take you off." Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qize and said, when they came, they were in the same car, and when they left, they couldn't just leave them on the side of the road, right?

"No need for Mr. Xu, I'll drive back to the company. It's very convenient to take the subway from here to the company." Zhang Qize said quickly, how could he bother Mr. Xu?

"You two are welcome, I'm going along the way anyway." Xu Jie said to Zhang Qize, and then got into his car.

When it came to this point, Zhang Qize was too embarrassed to refuse, and immediately said "Thank you Mr. Xu", and then followed Mr. Xu into the car.

The car slowly drove away from the Huaxia TV station building, and just after driving out, a burst of music sounded in the car.

Xu Jie touched the phone, originally thought it was Su Yun, but when he took out the phone, he found that it was Dai Wei, because Zhang Qize was beside him, so he didn't turn on the speakerphone, and only connected the call after putting on the earphones.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Xu, good evening. It's like this. Didn't you order me to investigate the artists whose contracts with Fanhua Brokerage Company have expired this year? I have already completed the investigation. Do you want to send it to you now, or send it to WeChat or email? "

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and then remembered that he had indeed arranged such a job for Dai Wei when he was in Hengdian, but he was too busy during this time, if it wasn't for the call from the other party, he would have even forgotten about it the back of the head.

"Send it to WeChat." Xu Jie said.

"Alright Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you." Dai Wei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Mr. Xu, go get busy if you have something to do. I'll just get off here." Zhang Qize was worried that he would delay Mr. Xu's business.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Immediately after hearing a "ding", a message was received on WeChat.

Xu Jie didn't need to look to know that it must be the message from Dai Wei.

I have to say that the efficiency of this strongest paparazzi is still very high, and he got the list of artists who are fully contracted by the prosperous agency so quickly.

I don't know how many people are in this list, and whether there are any first-line artists.

Every first-line artist is a cash cow for the brokerage company, not only can get the best resources, but even have a lot of voice.

If a first-line artist can be recruited from the prosperous brokerage company, even if that old woman Liu Jinghua doesn't vomit blood from anger, she will be depressed for half a month.

Not long after, the car stopped outside Jingshi Culture.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, then I'll be off work." Zhang Qize pushed open the door and got out of the car, saluted Xu Jie, and then gently closed the door.

"See you tomorrow."

Xu Jie waved his hand at Zhang Qize who was outside the car, and when he saw the other party leaving, he couldn't wait to pick up his phone, enter WeChat, and check the artist information sent by Dai Wei.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but there are quite a lot of them.

Dai Wei made a table for the artists who had expired. Looking at the previous figures, there were as many as 26 people.

Moreover, Dai Wei's investigation was very comprehensive. Not only the artist's phone number, but even his home address were written in the information.

Worthy of being the strongest paparazzi!
Xu Jie watched from the beginning,

Hu Xuan, a first-line artist, plans to set up a personal studio...

Zhou Fangfei, a first-line artist, has renewed her contract...

Zhang Yunge, a second-tier artist, has renewed his contract...

Chen Siyan, a second-tier artist...

Song Yiyi, a second-tier artist...


When Xu Jie saw the eighth one, he stopped watching it, because the following ones were all third-tier to eighteenth-tier artists, which he didn't know and wasn't interested in.

Even if such a small artist leaves the brokerage company, it will not cause any loss to the brokerage company, and no big manager will care.

Only first-tier and second-tier artists can be regarded as the company's cash cow.

Just like the current list, there are 8 first-tier and second-tier artists whose contracts have expired this year, but 5 of them have already completed their contract renewals. Obviously, the brokerage company launched an offensive against the artists whose contracts expired this year. It is not difficult Understand, after all, no one wants to lose the cash cow.

Xu Jie set his sights on the names of the remaining 3 artists who did not renew their contracts.

Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, Song Yiyi...

Chen Siyan has taken the initiative to join him, and she will be able to sign a contract after the year, so now only Hu Xuan and Song Yiyi are left.

Looking at the information, Song Yiyi should not be difficult to deal with, but Hu Xuan is a bit difficult to deal with.

First-line artists have works, popularity and market, especially popular niche like Hu Xuan, who never lack resources, otherwise they would not set up a personal studio. It is not ordinary difficult to recruit such people.

If you want to get a person, the method is actually very simple, that is: do what you like.

The other party can give whatever they want, and give whatever they lack, let alone a star, even a god has to say cheerfully: If you have any wishes, I will help you realize them.

What does this Hu Xuan lack?

Xu Jie searched for the other party's information on the Internet, and then looked at it seriously.

It has been ten years since Hu Xuan made his debut. He has become popular due to his appearance in many popular TV series. In the past two years, he has started to get involved in movies, but the box office is average, and his reputation is not as good as the TV series.

"In other words, movies are his weakness..."

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and already had an idea in his heart.

Since movies are the other party's weakness, and the other party intends to enter the film industry, it is entirely possible to start from this point.

And he also found a problem.

Although the other party is very popular in the TV circle, he has never won any important awards, and has only won the most popular actor award a few times.

But the problem is that this award is a popularity award, not an acting award. Winning this award can only show high popularity, not good acting skills.

But as an actor, who doesn't want to be recognized for his acting skills?

Therefore, compared with the most popular actor award, the best actor is actually more convincing.

Xu Jie smiled.

Now that you know what the other party lacks, it is no longer difficult to persuade the other party to join.

Who made him reason?

In front of his truth, everything else is just a cloud.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie directly dialed the number on the information.


The phone rang for a long time, but finally got through.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Before Xu Jie could speak, a man's voice came from the microphone, and he sounded very cautious.

"I'm looking for Hu Xuan." Xu Jie said.

The person on the other side of the microphone hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Are you..."

"I'm Xu Jie."

Xu Jie's introduction is simple and direct.

He felt that he didn't need to introduce too much, because in the entertainment circle, as long as his name was mentioned, there was no artist who didn't know.

What's more, the other party is an artist from the prosperous management company, and the banning incident last year was so violent that it was impossible to pretend that he hadn't heard of it.

"Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Hu Xuan was surprised and surprised. He thought it was a fan who got his private number, but he didn't expect it to be Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture.

Thinking about it carefully, I have nothing to do with Mr. Xu, but only met once at the annual meeting of the prosperous brokerage company a few years ago.

And just looking at each other from a distance, and didn't step forward to get to know each other.

"Mr. Xu, why are you looking for me?" Hu Xuan asked cautiously after recovering. The other party has always regarded Fanhua's broker as a thorn in his side. Why did he suddenly call him tonight?
"Do you have time tonight? I have something I want to talk to you face to face." Xu Jie said.

Hu Xuan's heart tightened.

Talk face to face?

Wouldn't it be that the other party is going to further increase the ban on Fanhua's brokerage company, and then attack him first?

If it is blocked, it will be blocked. How can there be advance notice?
It's not an octagonal cage fight, but also meet before the game to create atmosphere and gimmicks.

What else could it be except banning?
Hu Xuan thought about it for a long time, but he didn't guess it, but he didn't seem to be embarrassing him when he heard Mr. Xu's relaxed tone just now.

Thinking of this, Hu Xuan said: "Yes, Mr. Xu, I have time, you can tell me a place, and I will go to find you now."

"There is a braised beef noodle restaurant on the left side of Jingshi Culture, I will wait for you there." Xu Jie happened to have no dinner, so he could talk about things and settle dinner there.

"Okay Mr. Xu." Hu Xuan said immediately, then hung up the phone, and said to the driver: "Brother Zhang, change the road and go to Jingshi Culture Company."

"Yes!" The driver responded, and then turned on the steering, preparing to turn at the intersection ahead.

The assistant sitting in the co-pilot turned his head at this time, looked at Hu Xuan curiously and asked, "Brother Xuan, aren't we going back to the company to meet Mr. Liu? Why did we suddenly change directions?"

"I'm going to meet a very important person now, and I'll return to the company later." Hu Xuan said.

The assistant was taken aback for a moment, feeling even more puzzled.

Very important person?
Is it more important than the boss?
Could it be a girlfriend?

After all, he is also Brother Xuan's personal assistant, and has been by his side since his debut. Brother Xuan has a girlfriend, how could he not know?

Wait, could it be the ex-girlfriend?
Well, it's possible.

The assistant turned back and looked forward. Brother Xuan's love life is beyond his assistant's control.

Hu Xuan turned his head and looked out of the window. At this moment, he was very confused.

The reason why he described Mr. Xu as a very important person was not to say how important the other person was in his life, but that the other person could affect his future stardom.

As long as the other party says a word, his bright future will be covered by a layer of dark clouds, let alone starlight, and he won't even be able to see a fart.

In contrast, the reaction of Sister Hua, who has been praising him and treating him as a cash cow, is not so important.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the Jingshi Cultural Building.

Hu Xuan opened the door and got out of the car. He turned his head and looked around for the braised beef noodle restaurant Mr. Xu mentioned. He didn't know whether it was the left side facing Jingshi Culture or the left facing Jingshi Culture.

"Brother Xuan, what are you looking for, I'll help you find it." The assistant also got out of the car.

Hu Xuan quickly found a shop with a signboard of "Braised Beef Noodles in Braised Beef". As he walked over, he said to his assistant, "Wait for me in the car. I'll be back in a while."

He didn't want his assistant to follow him. Although the other party had been by his side for many years, and the relationship between the two was like brothers, but the other party was arranged for him by Sister Hua. Who knows if the other party would tell him about his meeting with Mr. Xu? Where's Miss Hua?
Knowing that Sister Hua was behind her back, she scolded Mr. Xu a lot.


The assistant froze in place when he heard it.

Don't even let him follow?

This is strange.

You have to know that even if the other party was dating his girlfriend before, he would be brought along as a cover, and which of the other party's previous girlfriends did he not know?

The assistant watched Hu Xuan walk into a noodle shop and wanted to follow him, but he was worried that Brother Xuan would find out, so he could only go back to the car, watched from a distance through the window, and kept guessing.

There are not many people in the noodle shop, there are more than a dozen tables, half of them are occupied, and half are empty.

Hu Xuanzai searched carefully, but did not see Mr. Xu.

Did I go to the wrong noodle shop?
"Excuse me..." Hu Xuan came to the cash register, looked at the clerk inside, and asked softly, "Is Xu Jie there?"

The clerk looked at Hu Xuan, then nodded with a smile, and said to another clerk, "Xiao Liu, take this gentleman upstairs. He is Mr. Xu's guest."

The clerk Xiao Liu immediately enthusiastically led the way.

"Sir, please come with me."

Hu Xuan followed the clerk to a private room on the second floor. When the clerk opened the door, he immediately recognized Mr. Xu who was eating noodles inside.

"President Xu, I kept you waiting." Hu Xuan walked in and said politely.

"Have you eaten yet? Do you want a bowl of noodles? The noodles here are delicious." Xu Jie smiled and said to Hu Xuan, pointing to the noodles in the bowl with his chopsticks.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, I have eaten." Hu Xuan said.

Xu Jie looked at the clerk, who tactfully left the private room.

"I called you here suddenly, didn't it disrupt your itinerary?" Xu Jie asked while gesturing for the other party to sit down.

"No, no, I just came back from Shanghai, and I'm going to take a rest for a while, and I happen to be free." After sitting down, Hu Xuan asked with a cautious expression: "Mr. Xu, I don't know what you want from me?"

He felt that it should not be to invite him to eat noodles.

"Oh, that's right. I heard that your contract with Fanhua's brokerage company will end at the end of this year and you haven't renewed it. Is that true?" Xu Jie looked at Hu Xuan and asked.

Hu Xuan was stunned for a moment, although he didn't know why Mr. Xu asked about this matter, he still replied truthfully: "Yes Mr. Xu, I plan to set up a personal studio after the contract expires, so as to better develop for the future. planning."

"So, are you really going to leave Brokerage?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Hu Xuan nodded, but his reaction was a little slow.

After Xu Jie found out, he couldn't help frowning, and the chopsticks holding the noodles stopped.

The other party's words were indeed the answer he wanted to hear, but the hesitant expression on the other party's face made him feel that there was something else in it.

Could it be that it was a fake that the other party left the prosperous brokerage company?
"Hu Xuan, what I want to tell you is related to your answer just now, so you have to tell me the truth." Xu Jie said lightly, but there was a trace of coldness on his face, as if a kind of Warning: Don't tell the truth at your own risk.

Hu Xuan was shocked all over, and the sharp eyes of the other party made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his back. He was already a little guilty, and his tightly clenched hands began to sweat.

Thinking of the other party's identity, he knew that even if he didn't say it now, he would know about it sooner or later based on the other party's connections in the entertainment industry, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain: "Mr. Xu, it's like this, although I will set up a personal studio in the future , but did not completely leave the prosperous brokerage company, Sister is our Mr. Liu, who will own a certain percentage of shares in my studio..."

He didn't go on, but the meaning has been expressed very clearly. From now on, he and Fanhua Brokerage Company will no longer have a subordinate relationship, but a cooperative relationship. Sister Hua will still support him and help him at work.

The reason why he didn't say it just now is that the idea of ​​setting up a personal studio was actually proposed by Sister Hua first, in order to avoid the blocking of the man in front of him.

This man's ban on Fanhua's brokerage company caused Sister Hua to lose a lot of resources. As a result, the existing resources could not meet the needs of so many artists in the company, and the workload of many artists this year has been greatly reduced. The situation also made many artists dissatisfied. Many newcomers chose not to renew their contracts when their contracts expired, and went to other entertainment companies one after another.

And other entertainment companies are not idle, they have extended olive branches to the artists of Fanhua Brokerage, trying to make trouble at this time and dig Liu Jinghua's wall.

Under internal and external troubles, Sister Hua had no choice but to come up with a solution.

Sister Hua now wants to use him as an experiment. If the effect is good, she can gradually promote it to other artists in the future, so that it will not affect their future development in the capital.

We must know that the capital is the cultural center of China, without the resources of the capital, the impact on both the brokerage company and the artists themselves will be huge.

Of course, the matter of holding shares will be carried out secretly in other forms, and will not be known to outsiders, let alone Mr. Xu, or else...

and many more!

Mr. Xu doesn't know already, does he?
Otherwise, why did the other party suddenly look for him?

Thinking of this, Hu Xuan felt even more uneasy, and lowered his head.


(End of this chapter)

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