Chapter 915 Hard Power

Xu Jie looked at Hu Xuan, who was embarrassed beside him, and thought: There is indeed something wrong here.

In fact, when he saw the list of contracted artists sent to him by Dai Wei, he was very puzzled about Hu Xuan's establishment of a personal studio.

First-line artists are the company's cash cow, with Liu Jinghua's virtue as an old woman, how can she let Hu Xuan go easily?
You must know that after Su Yun told Liu Jinghua of the idea of ​​not renewing the contract, the other party immediately held a grand banquet, and even invited the bosses of other entertainment companies to initiate a joint ban.

But during this period of time, he had never heard the news that Liu Jinghua wanted to block Hu Xuan.

Is Liu Jinghua modified?

Dogs cannot change shit.

"Is that what you mean, or what Liu Jinghua meant?" Xu Jie asked while eating noodles.

"Yes, it's what Sister Hua meant." Hu Xuan said.

"Oh? Why did she do this?" Xu Jie was both surprised and curious.

"She..." Hu Xuan raised his head, glanced secretly at Mr. Xu, who was still staring at him, gritted his teeth and hesitated for a while, and finally chose to confess, "Sister Hua means that if I leave If Fanhua Brokerage Company sets up a personal studio, you won't block me."


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it. He thought that Liu Jinghua taught Hu Xuan to do this to avoid taxes, and he also thought that Liu Jinghua taught Hu Xuan to do this to buy people's hearts, but he never thought that Liu Jinghua taught Hu Xuan to do this to deal with His ban.

This woman is really smart!
The object of his ban is the artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company. Hu Xuan left Fanhua Brokerage Company to set up a personal studio. In the future, he will definitely use his personal studio to carry out activities in the future, so that he can perfectly avoid his ban.

It seems that in the face of his ban, that old woman Liu Jinghua didn't sit still, but was active secretly, thinking of various countermeasures.


How can a businessman watch his own interests suffer?Of course, we must try our best to save them.

"Liu Jinghua's wishful thinking is not bad, but have you ever thought about what will happen if I find out about your relationship?" Xu Jie asked.

"Sister Hua said that she will invest in my personal studio in the name of other people, and no one will know." Hu Xuan said in a low voice.

What can be said has already been said, and what cannot be said has already been said. Now he just wants to change his life and deal with it lightly.

"If you want people to know, you have to do nothing. There is no impenetrable wall in the entertainment circle. Liu Jinghua is so old, but he is still so naive. From now on, don't call him Liu Jinghua, just call him Liu Tianzhen." Xu Jay sneered.


Hu Xuan didn't dare to speak. It's better to shut up at this time. Whether it's speaking for Sister Hua or echoing Mr. Xu, it seems that it's not very good.

Xu Jie looked at Hu Xuan who seemed to have made a mistake, and said calmly: "Since you don't want to be blocked by me, why don't you leave the prosperous brokerage company completely, why do you have to let Liu Jinghua intervene?"

Hu Xuan smiled wryly, and then said: "If I leave the prosperous brokerage company, I will lose a lot of resources, and..."

Hu Xuan stopped suddenly when he said this, hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything.

"And what?" Xu Jie asked in a deep voice.

Hu Xuan clenched his fists tightly and continued: "I have been in the prosperous brokerage company for so many years. Sister Hua has a lot of information about me. Once I choose to leave, she will definitely release these information. No matter how popular it is for me , or it will have a great impact on my commercial value."

Among the entertainers in the entertainment industry, who doesn't have some black material?
In fact, the rumors spread are just the tip of the iceberg. The real rumors are in the hands of the owner. Once they are released, the consequences will be disastrous. This is also an important reason why most artists usually continue to sign after the contract expires.

"It's not a big deal, wouldn't it be enough to find a stronger backer?" Xu Jie knew that the time had come, so he asked, "What do you think of me?"


Hu Xuan was stunned, he stared blankly at the man in front of him, his whole body was frightened.

If he understands correctly, the other party intends to become his backer and cover him in the entertainment circle in the future.

But the problem is, there is no such thing as a free dinner in this world, and the two are not related, so why did the other party become his backer for no reason?
Is there any plan for him?
Figure money?

The other party does not seem to be short of money.

That's just a picture...

Hu Xuan swallowed unconsciously, not daring to continue thinking.

The entertainment industry is a very open circle, and many people like to take an unconventional path. He has heard of many related deeds, but he never thought that things would happen to him.

Not right!

Isn't Mr. Xu married to Sister Yun?Moreover, it is rumored that he is very affectionate, Mr. Xu will even be angry with many entertainment companies for Sister Yun, why is he suddenly interested in him?

Could it be, could it be that the other party is a double...

"Xu, Mr. Xu, I appreciate your kindness, thank you." Hu Xuan said with a trembling voice, no matter what the other party's preferences are, anyway, he likes women.

"Hu Xuan, I have read your profile and watched the TV series you starred in. Although Liu Jinghua made you popular, I want to say that if you can come to my place, I will give you more resources and guarantee you It will develop even better in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

Hu Xuan thought to himself: I don't lack resources now, let's go your dry road and let me take my water road.

Xu Jie saw that Hu Xuan didn't speak, so he put down his chopsticks and asked, "Are you worried that Liu Jinghua will post your black material? Don't worry, she won't dare if I'm here."

"No, I'm not worried." Hu Xuan shook his head hastily. The more tough the other party was, the more unnatural he felt, and he even felt involuntary.

Especially when they saw that there were only the two of them in the private room, the whole person began to panic, thinking: Will the other party force their bows?

"Then why don't you agree? The old saying is good: people go to high places. Don't tell me that you want to report the kindness of that old woman Liu Jinghua." Xu Jie said.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, everyone's relationship is connected by interests, any kindness, any feelings, are all nonsense, if something really happens, it's too late to rush to get rid of the relationship.


Hu Xuan hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say, he couldn't just say "I don't like men", right?

Xu Jie stared at Hu Xuan, it seemed that he could only start from his weakness.

"You have been in the prosperous agency company for so many years, and you have acted in many popular TV dramas, but it seems that you have never won any decent awards, such as the best actor." Xu Jie said slowly.

Hu Xuan was shocked, and there was loss and unwillingness in his eyes.

He has acted in costume dramas, romantic dramas, workplace dramas, and many different roles and different themes. Although he has won the most popular actor award twice, he has never won the best actor award. A leading actor, at most, gets one nomination, and only once.

This incident has always been a pain in his heart.

When many people evaluate him, they will always bring up this incident, saying that he is only popular and has no acting skills, especially some opponents, some competitors, and fans of competitors. He never stopped, and he always wanted to prove himself, but he never succeeded.

Although he didn't pay attention to it on the surface, he really cared about it in his heart.

Now he wants to be popular and popular, and his works must have works. As an actor, he only lacks a best actor to prove himself.

If he can get it, it will not only realize one of his wishes, but also help him to take a further step in his acting career.

"You didn't win the award, not because your acting skills are not good, but because Liu Jinghua has a problem with your positioning." Xu Jie continued: "The resources she gave you are all idol dramas that have been hyped up by traffic and topics. It was popular, but after a while there was no movement. How could such an idol drama win an award? Liu Jinghua only knows how to monetize the traffic, and doesn't understand the script at all. I am different from her. I understand, and behind me is Beijing Radio and Television Station. Among the various TV awards, there is still some right to speak."

Hu Xuan looked at Mr. Xu in a daze. The other party's words seemed to reach his heart.

Although Sister Hua won a lot of resources for him, but they are all popular but not awarded. The selection of talents is one aspect, and the background is also another aspect.

Although Sister Hua is a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, she not only has a wide network of contacts, but also maintains close relationships with major entertainment companies and film and television companies, but relationships are relationships, and these cannot be called backstage.

Today, when the competition for artists is so fierce, it is simply impossible to win awards without the backstage.

"Also, I heard that you have been actively entering the film industry in the past two years? This is my strength. Our Jingshi Culture has this business, and Forbidden Films and our Jingshi Culture are also brother companies. There are other Some film and television companies, which one can't give me a little bit of face? I am also familiar with some big directors, such as Xu Shenghua, Zhang Weiqiang, Yu Zijian. By the way, our Jingshi Culture will have a movie next year, and Yu Zijian will be the director... "

Xu Jie demonstrated his strength to Hu Xuan endlessly, and at the same time he did not forget to describe a bright future to him.

Simply put, it is a cake.

As long as the cake is well painted, there is no need to worry about no one coming.

Hu Xuan was completely shocked now.

What Mr. Xu said is hard power.

Although he didn't know where the other party heard about it, but every sentence touched his heart. It felt like... like meeting a bosom friend.

Sister Hua never said these words to him.

Sister Hua would only tell him which company paid the most for the film and which activity party gave the best treatment. Although it was also for his own good, it always felt that something was wrong.

In contrast, Mr. Xu's every sentence is his career.

For him currently, career is the most important thing.

Hu Xuan's heart was moved, and he really wanted to have a backer like Mr. Xu, but he still couldn't pass the test in his heart.

He is straight!

Very straight.

Xu Jie noticed Hu Xuan's expression and knew that the opponent's psychological defense had been loosened, so he decided to strike again.

"Let me tell you one more thing. Apart from you, Fanhua Brokerage Company has other artists who chose to sign with my wife's studio after their contract expires this year. It's just because the contract hasn't expired yet, so there is no official announcement yet."


Hu Xuan was stunned.

What he cared about wasn't that other artists who were brokered by Prosperity switched jobs, but that the artist signed a contract with Mr. Xu's wife's studio.

Isn't Mr. Xu's wife Miss Yun?
"Mr. Xu, you mean... let me join Sister Yun's studio?" Hu Xuan asked in a low voice.

"That's right, I signed a contract with my wife's studio and became an artist there. I don't have a studio, and in my capacity, I can't set up a studio." Xu Jie explained.

Hu Xuan was stunned for a while after listening, and then realized that he had thought too much before, Mr. Xu had no interest in him at all, and was just helping Sister Yun's studio to recruit him to join.

Thinking of this, he heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his face turned red with embarrassment.

So embarrassing!

Fortunately, I didn't directly reject it before, otherwise the misunderstanding would have gotten bigger.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for inviting me. It's just that this incident is a bit too sudden. I have never thought about it before. Can you give me some time to think about it? Just one night, and I will give you an answer tomorrow." Hu Xuan sat upright Standing straight, with a serious expression on his face.

Since it's not sexually interested in him, then things become simpler.

"No problem." Xu Jie said happily.

He never thought of convincing the other party in just one meal. After all, the incident happened suddenly and it was related to the future. If it were him, he would spend some time thinking about it.

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Hu Xuan stood up after finishing speaking, and asked respectfully: "Do you have anything else? If not, then I won't bother you."

"Well, not anymore." Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks again.

"Mr. Xu, I'll go first. Goodbye Mr. Xu."


The door was closed, and only Xu Jie was left in the private room.

Because he was going to play mahjong with Liu Jiaman later, Xu Jie ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

He is still very optimistic about poaching Hu Xuan.

The other party did not refuse in person, but chose to go back and think about it, which shows that his temptation played a certain role, making the other party no longer insist on staying in the prosperous brokerage company, and no longer caring about the resources in Liu Jiaman's hands.

Unless this person really regards Liu Jiaman as a benefactor, with the current situation of the prosperous brokerage company, fleeing there is the most correct choice.

Hu Xuan left the noodle shop and returned to the nanny's car.

Although the person was sitting in the car, his soul seemed to be still in the noodle shop just now.

In fact, Mr. Xu is not the only one who wants to poach him. In fact, from the beginning of the year to now, other entertainment companies have been inviting him to join, and they have also put forward very generous conditions, such as guaranteeing at least one TV series a year after signing the contract. , a movie every two years, and all of them are male leads, and the other benefits are too numerous to count. Some companies even promised that as long as he signs a contract, he will be the company's first brother immediately.

However, no matter how generous the conditions offered by these people were, he rejected them on the spot, because in his opinion, these companies were not much better than Sister Hua's company.

But the words Mr. Xu said just now and the strength he showed made him think seriously for the first time.

Although it was Su Yun's studio that signed the contract on the surface, Mr. Xu behind it is powerful, and the most important thing is that the other party has an official background. This alone is incomparable to other entertainment companies and film companies.

As the old saying goes: there are people in the court who are easy to handle.

With Mr. Xu as the backer, can there be fewer high-quality resources?Certainly not less.

The best example is Sister Yun herself.

When Sister Yun and Mr. Xu received their certificates, how many endorsements were cancelled, and how many announcements were withdrawn. You must know that Mr. Xu at that time was just a small reporter in the Beijing TV station.

But what about now?
In a few years, Mr. Xu has become a big member of the party, and Sister Yun's film career is also very popular. Not only are there constant film appointments, but also all of the major productions and cooperators are big directors, and the endorsements are even received. Soft hands, I don't know how many actresses in the prosperity agency are envious and jealous, and there is no one who is not greedy.

It can be said that the most popular artist in recent years is none other than Sister Yun, and the female artists promoted by other entertainment companies and film and television companies are all for nothing.

From this incident, it can be reflected how stable and powerful Mr. Xu's backing is.

Could he not be tempted by such an invitation?

"Brother Xuan? Brother Xuan!"

The assistant's voice sounded at this moment.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Hu Xuan came back to his senses.

The assistant looked at Brother Xuan's distraught look, and asked with concern: "Brother Xuan, are you alright?"

"No, it's okay, what can I do, am I fine now?" Hu Xuan said with a smile after hearing it.

The assistant frowned, and his eyes became a little complicated.

He has been with Brother Xuan for so many years, can't he see that Brother Xuan has something on his mind?

But Brother Xuan didn't tell him what was on his mind, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Brother Xuan, have I made any mistakes recently? If I do something wrong, you must tell me so that I can correct it in time." The assistant said.

"No, you have always performed very well, otherwise I would not have let you serve as my assistant for so many years." Hu Xuan said.

Many artists' assistants change every few years, but his assistant has been with him for many years.

"But I feel that Brother Xuan seems to have something on his mind to hide from me. Don't get me wrong, Brother Xuan. I don't want to spy on your privacy, nor do I want to interfere with your private life, nor do I want to know your secret. I just want to help you share the burden." Take a moment." The assistant said frankly.

Hu Xuan was slightly taken aback.

Could it be seen by the other party?
It seems that his acting skills still need to be improved.

Think about it carefully, if he leaves Fanhua Brokerage Company, the other party will definitely be scolded by Sister Hua, and may lose his job because of it, and the other party has been with him for ten years, not only for work, but also for some trivial matters in life. They are all taken care of by the other party. If he does not have the other party by his side and finds another assistant, it will inevitably take a long time to adapt, and it may affect his work and life.

"Wang Tao, if, I mean if..." Hu Xuan looked at the assistant and asked, "If I leave the prosperous brokerage company, will you continue to be my assistant?"

Wang Tao was stunned.

Leaving the prosperous brokerage company?

Is Brother Xuan going to another company?
He's not stupid, although Brother Xuan deliberately emphasized that it is if, but he still feels that there is no wave without wind.

However, although he is a person who was promoted to the prosperous company, if he leaves Hu Xuan, he can only start from scratch, so this answer is not difficult for him to answer.

"I am willing!" Wang Tao said.

Hu Xuan laughed when he heard it, and didn't say anything else. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He will see Sister Hua later, and he must not let Sister Hua see anything.


(End of this chapter)

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