Chapter 916 Decided!
The nanny car parked slowly downstairs of the prosperous brokerage company, and Hu Xuan hurriedly walked into the door wearing a down jacket.

In the hall on the first floor, there are many star posters. They are all contracted artists of the prosperous brokerage company. However, not all the contracted artists have posters displayed here. Only those company fronts have such treatment and qualifications.

Therefore, many artists yearn for this very much, imagining that one day in the future their posters can also be placed here. At that time, it means that they are really popular.

Hu Xuan looked at his poster with a somewhat complicated mood.

He has been here for 10 years, thinking of the invitation from Mr. Xu, he still feels very reluctant.

However, people die for money, and birds die for food.

As an artist, of course, wherever the resources are abundant, go there.

As Mr. Xu said, people go to high places, and water flows to low places.

If you leave, you are sorry for others, but if you don’t leave, you are sorry for yourself.

What's more, he has also brought a lot of income to the company over the years, and he owes neither the company nor Sister Hua, so there is no need to feel guilty or blame yourself for leaving.

Hu Xuan comforted himself in his heart, and then walked towards the elevator.

Alas, I still feel a little sad.

In fact, when he was in front of Mr. Xu just now, he already had the answer, but when he came back here, he began to hesitate again. After all, Sister Hua treated him well.

"Good evening, Brother Xuan."

"Brother Xuan, welcome back to the company."

When some juniors and employees waiting for the elevator saw Hu Xuan, they turned around and greeted him proactively.

And Hu Xuan also responded with a smile, which was regarded as a response.

At this time, the elevator stopped on the first floor, and the door slowly opened to both sides.

When everyone saw the man with a serious expression and a cool appearance inside, they all moved out of the way of the elevator door.

"Hi brother Yi."

"Brother Yi, your hair style is so handsome today."

"Brother Yi, be careful!"

Hu Xuan was slightly taken aback when he saw this person, he didn't expect to meet him here, but he didn't say hello, but looked down at his watch, pretending not to see him.

And the assistant Wang Tao on the side also pouted, his eyes full of boredom.

The reason why he did this was because the Wang Junyi in front of him was not only Brother Xuan's fellow student, but also Brother Xuan's opponent.

The two belong to the same type of actors, so they often conflict because of the script. Although everyone is on the surface for the sake of the same family and sister Hua, they are not less friendly behind the scenes, and the fans of both parties often scold each other. War is simply incompatible.

And as Hu Xuan's assistant, he naturally hated this Wang Junyi very much.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Xuan? When did you return to the capital?"

After seeing Hu Xuan, Wang Junyi, who had an indifferent face, immediately lit up his eyes and showed a smile on his face. He even came directly in front of Hu Xuan, blocking the other party's way into the elevator, and had a good chat. The meaning of chat.

"It turned out to be Junyi. I just got off the plane. How about you, aren't you recording a program in Huxiang?" Hu Xuan said with a smile, and did not show his disgust for the other party in his heart.

After all, this is a company, and there are other people around. This can be regarded as an actor's self-cultivation. He can not only act in front of the camera, but also outside the camera.

Isn't life just a game?
"Sister Hua negotiated a TV drama lead for me, so I deliberately came back from Huxiang today to thank Sister Hua." Wang Junyi said triumphantly, the corners of his mouth almost turned up.

"Really? Then I would like to congratulate you, I wish you a great success in the ratings of this TV series." Hu Xuan said lightly after hearing this.

The expression on Wang Junyi's face froze. The other party's words were all right, but the words "great success in ratings" felt particularly harsh to his ears.

Yes, the ratings of his TV series are indeed not as good as this person in front of him, but he has been catching up, especially this time the male number one.

"Thank you Brother Xuan, by the way, my TV series is called "Knowledge with the Jun", and I will trouble Brother Xuan to help you promote more in the future." Wang Junyi said with a smile.

Hu Xuan's heart tightened.

Wang Tao behind him was even more surprised, and he couldn't believe his ears.

"Acquaintance with You"?
Isn't this the costume drama that Brother Xuan has always wanted to fight for?Why did Mr. Liu give it to Wang Junyi?Brother Xuan came back from Shanghai this time, in fact, he wanted to ask Mr. Liu how the talk with the producer of "Knowledge of the King" was going. The most important thing is that Mr. Liu also agreed to ask about this drama for Brother Xuan. He also said that he would fight for Brother Xuan.

This, what's the situation?
How could Mr. Liu go back on his word?

Moreover, he also handed over the male lead of the show to Wang Junyi. Doesn't Mr. Liu know that brother Xuan and Wang Junyi are not compatible?
Wang Tao looked at Brother Xuan suspiciously, thinking: Does Mr. Liu know that Brother Xuan has the idea of ​​leaving Fanhua Brokerage Company?
At this time, Hu Xuan not only lost his smile, but even his face turned livid.

Before the National Day, he had clearly expressed to Sister Hua that he wanted to play the leading role in "Knowledge of the King", not only because the novel of this drama is very exciting, but also because he heard that the drama's The female number one is Jiang Mi. You must know that Jiang Mi has always been known as the queen of the new generation of TV dramas. She not only has traffic, but also has ratings. She is the partner that many male actors hope to cooperate with.

Sister Hua actually gave this resource to Wang Junyi now?

Although he knew that Sister Hua had been admiring Wang Junyi for the past two years and had given Wang Junyi more and better resources than him, he never thought that Sister Hua would give Wang Junyi the role he liked.

"Brother Xuan? Brother Xuan? What's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable?" Wang Junyi asked pretending to be concerned, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"No, nothing." Hu Xuan shook his head.

"Brother Xuan, I see that your complexion is not very good. Are you sick? You must see a doctor when you are sick." Wang Junyi reminded.

Hu Xuan looked at Wang Junyi's hypocritical appearance, and really wanted to give him a hard time, but he knew very well that he couldn't do that, so he squeezed a smile on his face and said, "Thank you for your concern, I'm going up to see Sister Hua Alright, let's talk another day."

"Okay, Brother Xuan, go slowly." Wang Junyi said with a smile, as proud as a winner.

Hu Xuan ignored Wang Junyi, walked directly into the elevator, and when the elevator door closed, his expression darkened instantly.

"Brother Xuan, what the hell is Mrs. Liu doing? Doesn't she know that you have always wanted to play the leading role in "Acquaintance with the King"?" Wang Tao said in a low voice, defending his artist.

The relationship between an assistant and an artist is one that prospers and the other loses.

The more popular the artist, the better the assistant's treatment, and the worse the artist, the worse the assistant's treatment.


Hu Xuan didn't speak, but his clenched fists betrayed his heart, especially his eyes, which were full of doubt, loss, and anger.

If Sister Hua hadn't won the role, he wouldn't be as angry as he is now. The problem is that Sister Hua won it, but gave it to someone else, and she was still his opponent in the TV drama market, which made him very incomprehensible up.

Usually, Wang Junyi was given so many good resources, so he could bear it, but this time he actually gave Wang Junyi the resources he wanted, which is really intolerable.

"Look at Wang Junyi's success as a villain. With his acting skills, when the TV series is filmed, the ratings will definitely drop." Wang Jun said bitterly.

He felt that Wang Junyi must also know that Brother Xuan also wanted to play the male lead in "Knowledge with the King", otherwise he would not deliberately say it to show off in front of Brother Xuan.

So irritating.

If Mr. Liu treats Brother Xuan like this, Brother Xuan is right to leave.

If it were him, he would go too.

Isn't this ganging up to bully people?
The elevator stopped, and Hu Xuan walked out with a straight face, and soon came outside the general manager's office.

The secretary sitting outside saw Hu Xuan coming, and immediately picked up the intercom on the table to report, and after getting Mr. Liu's answer, he quickly got up and went to open the door.

"Teacher Hu, please come in!"

Hu Xuan glanced at his assistant Wang Tao, motioned him to wait outside, and then walked in alone.

"Xiao Hu, how is your trip to Shanghai this time?" Liu Jinghua enthusiastically stood up from his seat, pointed to the reception area, and signaled Hu Xuan to sit there.

"It's okay." Hu Xuan replied, and at the same time told himself to calm down in his heart, and listen to Sister Hua's answer first.

"It's okay. Although we lost some opportunities here in the capital, there are other resources, such as Shanghai Satellite TV, Huxiang Satellite TV, and Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV. They are no worse than Beijing Satellite TV. In the future, we will deepen these resources. So a word? At this time, if you don’t stay with me, you will have your own place, and gold will shine everywhere.” Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

Her biggest task every day now is to appease these artists in the company and avoid the idea of ​​leaving due to reduced resources.

"Sister Hua, there is something I really don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice." Hu Xuan looked at Liu Jinghua with a serious expression and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Liu Jinghua asked curiously.

"Why did Wang Junyi get the male number one in "Acquaintance with the King"? It was obviously the script that I had my eyes on first." Hu Xuan said excitedly, and his voice was a little higher than before.

Liu Jinghua was startled, wondering why the other party knew about this, but when he thought that Wang Junyi had just left, he roughly understood what was going on.

No need to ask, Wang Junyi must have revealed it to Hu Xuan.

Isn't this Wang Junyi too good at bragging?
"Xiao Hu, I know you like the script of "Knowledge of the King", but you have to know that there are many scripts that are higher than this one, so I found one for you." After Liu Jinghua finished speaking, she immediately got up and went back to her office Next to the table, then picked up a folder from above, handed it to Hu Xuan and said: "This is a script of a modern workplace drama. I think the male lead is especially suitable for you."

Hu Xuan didn't answer. What he's talking about now is not the question of which script is good and which one is bad, but the question of why he gave the script of "Knowledge of the King" to others.

It's okay to be eccentric, anyone's heart will go to the person they like.

However, using another script as an excuse was unacceptable to him.

Seeing that Hu Xuan was angry, Liu Jinghua put the script on the tea table, sat down and said, "Xiao Hu, don't lose your temper, I did this for your own good, didn't you always hope to win some important awards? You also know that puppet shows have always been unpopular with those judges, and this script was carefully selected by me for your award."

Hu Xuan's heart moved. It turned out that Sister Hua was out of this kind of consideration. In this way, he misunderstood...

wait, no!
Puppet shows are not popular with the judges, do the judges of workplace dramas like it?I don't like it either.

Especially those idol dramas under the banner of workplace dramas are not only not liked by the judges, but even the audience does not buy it, at least the ratings are not as good as the ancient puppet dramas.

The reason is definitely another reason.

He looked at the script, then picked it up and flipped through it. When he saw the name, he became more certain of his thoughts.

"The Best Youth"?
Is this a workplace drama?
You can tell it's an idol drama just by looking at the name.

He read the outline of the story, and then threw the script on the coffee table with a cold face. He felt that his IQ had been insulted, and Sister Hua was just perfunctory him.

"Sister Hua, I still want to act in "Acquaintance with the King", you should leave this award-winning opportunity to Wang Junyi." Hu Xuan said angrily.

"Ah? But the producer has already agreed to let Wang Junyi play the leading role, and the contract will be signed soon. How can I go against my promise? When the producer gets angry, what should I do if I give this role to an artist from another company? Xiao Hu, please be considerate of Sister Hua, let me tell you, the pay of the TV series "The Best Youth" is higher than that of "Knowledge of the King"." Liu Jinghua twitched her eyebrows at Hu Xuan after speaking , as if to say: How is it, not bad?
"Sister Hua, it's not about the salary." Hu Xuan sighed, full of helplessness, why every time he talked with Sister Hua about the script, the other party always talked about the salary?Can't you listen carefully to his thoughts?

"Little Hu, you made your debut earlier than Wang Junyi, and you are also his senior. As a senior, you have to look like a senior. What can you do for him? Isn't it the male number one in a TV series? Think about it carefully, these Didn't I win the male number one for you in [-]?"


Hu Xuan opened his mouth, but didn't say anything this time.

If he spoke at this time, it would be as if he was an ungrateful person.

That's right, the other party did win him a lot of leading men, but the problem is that the quality of these scripts is also uneven, and some of them are just scripts written by a certain company in order to promote a certain female artist.

He has acted in several popular TV series, but he has also acted in some TV series that have been scolded badly. If Sister Hua hadn't forced him to act for the pay, and even threatened him, he would never have accepted that kind of bad script. .

He didn't want to leave because of Sister Hua.

Because Sister Hua made him popular.

He wanted to leave because of Sister Hua.

Because after he became popular, Sister Hua asked him to play many roles that he didn't like for money.

Seeing that Hu Xuan didn't speak, Liu Jinghua couldn't help being secretly happy, and continued: "The producer has already said that as long as you can play the leading role in this TV series, you can agree to any conditions. I've made up my mind and I'm going to let Bai Lu and Cheng Sisi will play the second female lead and the third female lead respectively, this will benefit you, me, the company, Bai Lu and Cheng Sisi, and it will be a win-win situation."


Hu Xuan frowned immediately after listening.

Bai Lu and Cheng Sisi?
One is a third-tier female artist, and he has never heard of the other, so he must be a newcomer signed by the company.

It's fine to let him act in a TV series that he doesn't like, but he still wants him to bring in newcomers, what do you think of him?A stepping stone for other entertainers?

"Sister Hua, I won't act in this play." Hu Xuan couldn't help but said.

Let him bring newcomers?
Why not let Wang Junyi bring the newcomers?
Is it because Wang Junyi is the new favorite?
"No acting? How can I do that? I've already made an agreement with the producer, otherwise why would I let you come to the company? The contract has already been drawn up." Liu Jinghua said.

She can not only get a high salary, but also give newcomers the opportunity to show their faces. She has no reason to refuse such a TV series.

Bad show?

Hundreds of TV dramas are produced across the country every year, most of which are bad dramas, so what if there is one more?
Professional attitude?


Which Shidi hasn't acted in a bad drama?Which actor hasn't acted in a bad movie?
As long as the money is in place, even the worst TV series will be cast.

If she doesn't make the money, someone else will.

She worked so hard to win resources for the artists, why did she make the artists in her hand popular?Isn't it just to make these artists make money for her?
Now that people are popular, don't you want to make money for her?

There are no doors.

Liu Jinghua got up and took out a document and a pen from the drawer, put it in front of Hu Xuan and said, "This is the contract, I have read it for you one by one, just sign your name on the back."

"Sister Hua..."

Hu Xuan still wanted to speak, but was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Xiao Hu, I know you are a person with ideas and pursuits, but you can't just think about yourself, but also for me and the company. Do you know how difficult it is to train an artist? Do you know how difficult it is to train an artist? How much does an artist need to spend? Also, where did the resources I obtained for you come from? If you don’t need money to maintain the relationship, can they give me the resources?

Liu Jinghua persuaded her earnestly, but she has already become accustomed to this. Whenever an artist gets angry, she will do so, and her speech skills are almost the same.

And there are steps.

Let's be soft first, be reasonable, and play the emotional card. If soft is not good enough, then come hard.

As long as it is tough, there is no artist who will not agree.

Do not agree?
Then stop being an artist.

Hu Xuan gritted his teeth and remained silent. In fact, he had heard sister Hua's words before, and more than once, but he chose to compromise in the end.

But this time, he didn't want to compromise anymore.

Because he has already seen that Sister Hua's thoughts are no longer on him.

The current him is just a tool that Sister Hua uses to make money and profit, and any personal ideals and personal pursuits must give way to Sister Hua's plan to make money.

Even with this compromise, it will still be like today.

If he still had some hesitation in the face of Mr. Xu's invitation before, then now, he has nothing to hesitate.

Hmm, totally lost my mind.

"Sister Hua, I'll take the script and the contract away first. I want to go home and have a look. I'll come over for you tomorrow." Hu Xuan said with a smile.

After thinking about it and making a decision, the burden in my heart disappeared.

All he has to do now is to leave here, and then call Mr. Xu to confirm joining Sister Yun's studio. In this way, he also has a backer and no longer has to be afraid of Sister Hua.

Seeing Hu Xuan's smile, Liu Jinghua immediately said with a beaming smile, "That's right, can Sister Hua still harm you? Well, you just got off the plane, go home and rest well."

Hu Xuan picked up the script and the contract, said goodbye to Sister Hua, got up and walked out of the office.

Liu Jinghua looked at Hu Xuan's back with a sneer on his face.

It's so popular that I don't know what my last name is!


(End of this chapter)

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