The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 917 Go to the showdown!

Chapter 917 Go to the showdown!
In the morning, a loud phone ringing woke Hu Xuan up from his sleep. He touched the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and connected the call.

"Xiaotao, what's the matter?"

It was none other than his assistant Wang Tao who called.

"Brother Xuan, didn't you ask me to pick you up at 10 o'clock this morning?" Wang Tao asked on the phone, wondering if Brother Xuan hadn't sobered up yet.

After leaving the company last night, Brother Xuan plunged into the bar. Usually he only drank a little, but this time he drank until he vomited. In the end, he was the one who helped him back home.

Although Brother Xuan didn't explain the reason, his intuition told him that it should be related to the conversation with Mr. Liu before.

Hu Xuan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and then looked at the time on his phone. It showed that it was 9:55, and there were still 10 minutes before 5:[-].

Hu Xuan supported his body with his hands and sat up from the bed. While rubbing his temples with his hands, he thought about why Wang Tao came to pick him up at 10 o'clock.


Call Mr. Xu and show off to Sister Hua!

Thinking of this, Hu Xuan became sober.

"Xiao Tao, wait for me for a while, I'll go down right away." Hu Xuan said to Wang Tao, and then hung up the phone.

You forgot such an important thing, damn it!
It seems that I can't drink like that anymore.

He held the phone in front of him, carefully searched through last night's address book, and immediately called the other party back after seeing Mr. Xu's number.

In fact, he wanted to make this call last night after he left the prosperous brokerage company, but considering that he just ended the call with Mr. Xu and told the other party that he would reply today, if he behaved too positively, he would be easily underestimated, isn't there such a sentence talk?Things that are easier to get are less cherished, so he went to the bar he usually frequents, vented his dissatisfaction with Sister Hua, and looked forward to a bright future.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected.

"Hello Mr. Xu, I'm Hu Xuan, do you have time now? I want to delay you for a few minutes to talk about something." Hu Xuan said cautiously, for fear of disturbing the other party's work.

"I have time, what's your business, tell me."

"Hey, it's like this. After repeated thinking last night, I decided to join Sister Yun's studio after the contract with Fanhua's brokerage company expires." Hu Xuan said seriously.

He knew that today's decision would directly affect his future, and it was precisely because of this that he made up his mind to leave the prosperous brokerage company and join Mr. Xu.

What Sister Hua said to him last night directly gave him a chill, and extinguished the flames of guilt in his heart.

He no longer has any illusions about Sister Hua, nor does he have any hope for his future in the prosperous brokerage company, no matter what he will face in the future, no matter whether he will regret it in the future, at least for now, he doesn't think How beneficial it would be for me to stay in the prosperous brokerage company.

"Have you figured it out?" Xu Jie asked.

"Think it over." Hu Xuan said, if he didn't think it over, he wouldn't make this call.

"Haha, congratulations on making the best decision. You are welcome to join my wife's studio. Believe me, in the near future, you will be proud and proud of today's decision." After thinking about it, he smiled and said.

To be honest, this answer was completely within his expectations. If the other party disagreed, it could only mean that the other party's IQ was questionable.

Fortunately, this is a normal person who made a perfectly normal decision.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Xu for your invitation. I will go to the company now and tell Sister Hua about this." After Hu Xuan said this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally a verbal agreement was reached.

As for telling Sister Hua, he actually wanted to procrastinate until the contract expires before giving Sister Hua a surprise.

"Go, if she threatens you, or wants to trouble you, you can call me directly, and I will have a good chat with her." Xu Jie said.

He was digging Liu Jinghua's people, so he was not afraid of him at all. He even hoped that the other party would come to trouble him. In this way, he had a reason to increase the ban.

Hu Xuan was very happy and moved, because this was exactly the answer he wanted.

Mr. Xu stands up for him, which also reflects the importance the other party attaches to him. If the other party chooses to hide at this time, it will make him doubt the decision he just made.

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Hu Xuan thanked.

It feels good to have someone backing you up.

"You don't need to be so polite. The day you and Fanhua's agent expires is the day we sign the contract. I will definitely give you a big gift at that time." Xu Jie said.

With the addition of Hu Xuan, a first-line artist, it will not only increase Su Yun's studio's influence in the entertainment industry, but may also attract more artists to join him.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, then I won't bother you." Hu Xuan said respectfully, and then ended the call.

Xu Jie put away his mobile phone, looked at the classic beauty with straight black and long hair sitting opposite, and said with a smile: "How about Song Yiyi, I just told you that there will be first-line artists who will leave Fanhua's management to join my wife's work Room, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Song Yiyi stared at Mr. Xu in a daze, she was still in shock, she never dreamed that Hu Xuan would leave the prosperous economic company to join the man opposite.

You must know that Hu Xuan was brought out by Sister Hua, unlike her, who joined the prosperous brokerage company halfway.

The gap between the two is usually invisible, but when the company's resources are reduced, the gap is very obvious.

The artists brought out by Sister Hua will not be short of resources, but the resources of the artists who joined halfway have been reduced a lot, especially some excellent resources that can be shown on TV, the difference is not a star and a half.

"Yiyi, why are you still hesitating? Mr. Xu personally recruited you, isn't this sincerity enough?" Chen Siyan, who was sitting on the side, persuaded.

Song Yiyi and she are not the same type of actors, they have different ways of acting, so there is no competition in the TV drama industry, which is one of the reasons why she tried her best to persuade the other party to join Su Yun's studio.

As for other reasons...

It's very simple, she wants to show it in front of Mr. Xu, if she can successfully persuade Song Yiyi to join her, she will be considered a meritorious minister, and she will also get some more resources in the future, won't she?
"Siyan, don't force Yiyi, let her think about it, after all, this is also a turning point in her life." Xu Jie said lightly, then picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Chen Siyan said respectfully, but turned her head and blinked at Song Yiyi who was beside her, as if to say: Why are you still hesitating about such a good opportunity?Are you stupid?
The contract between an artist and a brokerage company is usually signed for many years. If you can’t make a choice that is beneficial to you when the contract expires, you can only wait until a few years later to make a choice next time.

several years……

How many years can an artist, especially a female artist, have in her entire acting career?
Especially in the rising period, if you can't seize the opportunity, you will have no chance when you get older. Now the young juniors are rising more and more vigorously. It is true: the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before die on the beach.

Song Yiyi looked at the beaming Chen Siyan, she would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted.

Who is Mr. Xu?
That's the character that even Sister Hua is afraid of three points, and the culprit who made Sister Hua very anxious.


The other party is from the Beijing Radio and Television Station, and the resources seem to be limited to the capital. In contrast, Sister Hua’s resources are all over the country. Huxiang can also be mixed with wind and water.

How many years has Mr. Xu been in the entertainment industry?However, Sister Hua has been in this circle for more than 20 years, and she has a wide network of contacts, which is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

That's right, the company's resources in the capital have indeed been greatly reduced, but isn't the prosperous brokerage company still standing upright in the entertainment industry and not falling down?
Therefore, she believes that with Sister Yihua's ability, after this year's adaptation, the company's situation will definitely get better and better.

Song Yiyi secretly glanced at Chen Siyan next to her, thinking: Siyan, Siyan, you are so confused, Mr. Xu is indeed a good backer, but the question is, are you going to stay in the capital for the rest of your life and not go out?
Let's go, let's go, if everyone leaves, Sister Hua's resources will be hers alone.

Thinking of this, she raised her head to look at Mr. Xu opposite and said, "Mr. Xu, it happened so suddenly, can you give me some time to go back and think about it?"

Chen Siyan was taken aback for a moment, completely unexpected that Song Yiyi didn't agree immediately.

"Yes." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

"Thank you Mr. Xu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first." Song Yiyi stood up and said.

"En." Xu Jie responded without saying anything.

"Mr. Xu, then I'm leaving too." Chen Siyan hurriedly stood up, it was true to leave, but she mainly wanted to hear Song Yiyi's thoughts, and at the same time persuade him.

Xu Jie nodded and signaled the other party to go.

Chen Siyan carried her coat and walked out of the private room holding Song Yiyi's arm.

Xu Jie looked at the closed door and frowned slightly.

This Song Yiyi didn't seem interested in his invitation.

Although the other party was very shocked and spoke very politely, but overall it was too bland, with neither excitement nor joy.

Let’s not say whether to accept it or not, someone invited her to join, and the future is so bright, shouldn’t it be emotional?

Xu Jie picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. It seemed that poaching Song Yiyi was going to fail.

"Yiyi, why didn't you agree to Mr. Xu just now? What is there to think about such a good thing?" Chen Siyan's face was full of puzzlement.

Back in Hengdian, she was the one who took the initiative to join Mr. Xu, but now, Mr. Xu took the initiative to recruit Song Yiyi, but Song Yiyi didn't agree, she couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out too much.

"Siyan, signing a contract is such a big deal, of course I have to think about it." Song Yiyi said with a faint smile.

"Sigh, I really don't know what to say about you. Sister Yun's example is right there, why do I need to think about it? Besides, Sister Yun's studio has only recently started to sign artists. Let's sign now, which is the first batch. In ancient times, That is the founding heroes, and various high-ranking salaries are definitely indispensable, if you want to join in the future, it will be the second batch, and the treatment will definitely not be as good as the first batch, what do you think?" Chen Siyan said.

"Well, it makes sense, thank you Siyan, I will use it as a reference." Song Yiyi said while holding Chen Siyan's hand.

"You're welcome, who connected us with fate? If there is such a good thing, I will naturally think of you. It's noon soon, how about going to dinner together?" Chen Siyan asked, she felt that she should have convinced Song Yiyi.

"My parents came to visit me from my hometown, I promised to have lunch with them, I'm sorry." Song Yiyi said embarrassingly.

"It's okay, it's important to be with uncle and aunt." Chen Siyan said with a smile.

After leaving the tea house, Song Yiyi waved to Chen Siyan, and then got into her nanny's car.

Chen Siyan watched Song Yiyi's nanny car gradually disappear, and suddenly thought of the call Mr. Xu received from Hu Xuan just now. Hu Xuan said that he would go to the company to tell Sister Hua about the expiration of the contract. Why didn't she take this opportunity to say the same? come out?Even if she is threatened by Sister Hua, Hu Xuan is still there.

Yes, just do it.

Thinking of this, Chen Siyan immediately got into her nanny car and asked the driver to drive back to the company.

Hu Xuan came to the prosperous brokerage company and walked into Sister Hua's office.

"Xiao Hu is here, how is the script? Has the contract been signed yet?" Liu Jinghua casually asked Hu Xuan while sorting out the documents.

She will go to Huxiang with Wang Junyi later, and the air ticket has already been booked. Just three hours later, she still needs to prepare some documents before leaving.

This time I went to Huxiang mainly to discuss the resources of a variety show with a leader of Huxiang Satellite TV. If it can be won, it will greatly help Wang Junyi's popularity. Of course, the income is also very large. After all, Huxiang Satellite TV has always invested a lot in variety shows, and it is also quite generous in the labor costs of stars.

"Sister Hua, I didn't sign the contract." Hu Xuan said.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't sign it. You can sign it now. It only takes a few seconds to write a name." Liu Jinghua said.

"Sister Hua, I have something to tell you." Hu Xuan came to Sister Hua's desk and stood up.

"I have to catch a plane. Let's talk about it when I come back." Liu Jinghua put the documents in his bag, and got up to get his coat.

Hu Xuan looked at Sister Hua, feeling uncomfortable.

Not even looking at him?
Don't even have the time to listen to him?

Doesn't this take him too seriously?
Is his business so unimportant?

Hu Xuan originally wanted to say his decision tactfully, but when he saw Sister Hua at this moment, he gritted his teeth and said directly, "Sister Hua, I will not open a personal studio, and I will not renew my contract with the company. After the contract expires, join another company."

Liu Jinghua smiled when he heard it, walked to Hu Xuan's side while putting on his clothes, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Hu, don't be joking, I really have something urgent."

"Mr. Liu, I'm not joking, what I said is true." Hu Xuan said solemnly, serious and serious.

Liu Jinghua was startled, and she stopped when she was about to leave the office. She looked at Hu Xuan carefully, and suddenly asked, "Is it because of the new drama I asked you to act in?"

"No." Hu Xuan shook his head.

"Oh, I see. Is it because I gave Wang Junyi the male number one in "Knowledge of the King", and you are not balanced, so you have such an idea?" Liu Jinghua asked again.

"No." Hu Xuan shook his head again.

In fact, these are just triggers. What really made him make a decision was Sister Hua's attitude towards him, the attitude that didn't take him seriously, regardless of his thoughts, and only regarded him as a tool to make money.

"That's not it, that's not it. What's the reason? I, Liu Jinghua, don't seem to have done anything to apologize to you, right?" Liu Jinghua frowned and asked.

"Sister Hua is serious. You have never done anything to be sorry for me. Not only that, but I am also very grateful for your help over the years. It's just that I have different ideas about future development from yours." Hu Xuan said slowly Said.

"I thought it was such a big deal. If you think differently, you can say it. I'll just listen to you. Why leave?" Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

From her point of view, the other party is just playing tricks. For such an artist, just coax him and give him some sweets.

"In the past two years, I feel that I have come to a bottleneck period in my career, so I want to change the environment and try to break through. I am not young anymore. If I don't try to make a transition, maybe it won't take long. Eliminate." Hu Xuan continued.

Maybe it's a showdown, but at this time, I can talk about things calmly.

Numerous artists have proved that if an artist wants to go longer in the actor's way, relying on traffic will not work, traffic is only temporary, and only acting can go further in this industry.

Looking at Hu Xuan's serious look, Liu Jinghua finally realized that the other party was not playing petty temper, and his expression gradually turned cold.

It's okay to play petty temper occasionally, but it's impossible to leave if you want to.

"Hu Xuan, this is the first time I've heard you say this. It seems that you've been thinking about it for a long time." Liu Jinghua said with narrowed eyes.


Hu Xuan didn't speak.

In fact, he didn't think about it for a long time, but he heard Mr. Xu's words last night and thought it made sense.

There are so many vivid examples around him, he can't pretend he didn't see it, can he?
"Since you have such an idea a long time ago, why didn't you tell me when I proposed to set up a personal studio with you a few days ago? Do you know how much I paid for your personal studio? Do you know that I paid for this matter? How long have you been busy?" Liu Jinghua asked sharply.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hua." Hu Xuan said with his head down.

"I have spent so much manpower, material and financial resources. You just say sorry? In fact, these are nothing. The most important thing is that I have done so much for you, and now you tell me that you want to leave, you are too Let me down, it hurts me so much." Liu Jinghua clasped her chest with her hands after speaking.

"Sister Hua, there are so many artists in the company, you can change someone. I think Wang Junyi is very good. If you can set up a personal studio for him, I think he will be very happy." Hu Xuan said.

Open the bow without turning back the arrow.

No matter what sister Hua said now, he couldn't hesitate.

Go, must go!

(End of this chapter)

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