The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 918 1 to 3, a big loss!

Chapter 918 One to three, a big loss!

Liu Jinghua frowned after hearing Hu Xuan's words, especially when he met the other's firm gaze, and finally realized that it might be impossible to be soft.

The heartbroken look just now was for nothing.

Liu Jinghua went back to the desk and sat down, took out a slender lady's cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it, she took a deep breath and then spit it out, looked at Hu Xuan in front of her and asked: "It seems that you are Are you determined to leave?"

"Yes, I think Sister Hua does not lack an artist like me here, and after I leave, Sister Hua can distribute my resources to other people, so that I won't get in the way of some people's eyes." Hu Xuan laughed said.

Liu Jinghua stared at Hu Xuan coldly. The departure of the other party would indeed benefit some artists of the same company, but for her and for the entire company, the loss would be huge.

We must know that first-line actors can earn at least eight to nine figures of income every year, and brokerage companies usually get [-]% to [-]% of it.

If she lets Hu Xuan go, it will be equivalent to losing seven to eight figures a year, which is not a small amount, not to mention, who would think that there is too much money?

"Hu Xuan, have you been with me for ten years?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Well, it will be ten years by the end of the year." Hu Xuan said.

"In the past ten years, you have gone from being unknown to being a popular niche. I can say that I have broken my heart for you. Which of your good resources have I worked so hard to win for you? Why, now that your wings are hard, I want to Gone? Isn't it too ungrateful for you to do this?" Liu Jinghua said in a cold voice, with a hint of indifference on his face.

"Sister Hua, you can't say that. It is true that you cultivated me, but I have also brought you a lot of rewards. In addition to the share marked on the contract, I often help you bring new people, and I also pay for the company. A lot." Hu Xuan said after hearing it.

Although he has acted in many popular TV series, he has also filmed many bad dramas.

Didn't he know it was a bad play when he got the script?

he knows.

But in order to repay Sister Hua, he accepted it.

Because of these bad dramas, he has been scolded a lot, and it has even become a stain on his acting career.

Sister Hua made him popular, and he also brought returns to Sister Hua, so he didn't feel that he owed the other party.

"You are a member of the company, these are what you should do, don't forget, you are also brought out by other artists." Liu Jinghua said.

"I know, so when you asked me to bring in newcomers, I have never been ambiguous. I just want to repay you and the company. After so many years, I think my repayment should be enough." Hu Xuan said.

"If you want to make a clear distinction with me, then I have to talk to you about it. Over the years, which of the bad things you have caused, which one was not settled by me? Spread those bad things casually One thing, do you think there will be you now?" Liu Jinghua said with a sneer, his eyes were full of contempt, as if to say: no matter how powerful Monkey Sun is, he can't escape the Tathagata's palm.

Hu Xuan's whole body was shaken, it's coming, what should come is still coming.

He knew very well that Sister Hua was breaking up with him on the surface, but in fact she wanted to threaten him with those bad things and prevent him from leaving the company after the contract expired. The means used by artists.

What is the shit?
A bad thing is black material, an artist's shady secret. Once it gets out, it will inevitably plunge him into a huge vortex of public opinion crisis.

This is also one of the important reasons why most artists will continue to renew their contracts after their contracts expire.

At the same time, it was also what he was most worried about.

"So, I have always been very grateful to Sister Hua for helping me. In order to repay Sister Hua, I have been working hard to make myself better and earn more money for Sister Hua." Hu Xuan said gratefully.

In fact, I want to say: Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. You took my share, so naturally you will settle the bad things for me.

Liu Jinghua has been in this industry for more than 20 years and has dealt with many artists, so how could he not understand what Hu Xuan meant?

"It seems that there is no room for negotiation?" Liu Jinghua ruthlessly strangled the pistol in his hand to death in the ashtray, and there was a trace of viciousness between his brows.

Since she can't get it, then destroy it.

"Sister Hua, in order to repay you, I have accepted so many scripts that I don't like, and I hope you can fulfill me once." Hu Xuan begged.

For ten years, if he hadn't been forced to, he didn't want to tear himself apart with the other party.

Liu Jinghua snorted coldly, thinking: I will fulfill you, who will fulfill me?

She looked at Hu Xuan again. To be honest, she didn't expect that the other party would not panic when faced with threats. You must know that when many artists hear her words, their faces are usually ashamed, and then they directly admit their cowardice. Don't talk about renewing the contract, even if you give up a little share, you dare not disagree.

and many more!

Could it be that this kid has already found his next home?

Yes, it must be so, otherwise why are you so determined?

Thinking of this, Liu Jinghua became angry.The so-called: the house leaks happen to rain all night, and the broken boat meets the head wind.

Ever since she was banned by the person surnamed Xu at the beginning of the year, many companies have secretly contacted the artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company, and she has also made a lot of efforts to appease the artists of the company.

Now that she has finally survived the first year, everything is developing in a good direction, and yet another company is targeting her company, she wants to see who is so disrespectful to her.

"Seeing that you are so determined, you must have already found a job? I don't know which company it is?" Liu Jinghua asked arrogantly.

Hu Xuan sighed secretly, but he didn't expect to come to this step, so he replied, "It's Sister Yun's studio."

Liu Jinghua was at a loss when he heard it.

Sister Yun's studio?

Who is Miss Yun?

She knows a lot about these big and small film and television companies and brokerage companies in the entertainment industry, but no matter how much she thinks about it, she can't think of the boss with the cloud in her name.

Did you hear me wrong?
"Who? Whose studio?" Liu Jinghua asked again.

"Sister Yun, this is Su Yun's studio." Hu Xuan repeated.

"Su Yun?"

Liu Jinghua's whole body was shocked, and he was stunned.

Yunyun's studio actually started signing artists?When did you start this business?How has she never heard of it?

After a while, Liu Jinghua came back to her senses. She looked at Hu Xuan in a daze, and asked in disbelief, "Did Su Yun invite you to join, or did you take the initiative to join?"

"Mr. Xu invited me to join." Hu Xuan said truthfully.

It's not that he betrayed Mr. Xu, it's that neither he nor Sister Yun is Sister Hua's opponent, and Sister Hua is not afraid of them at all. Only Mr. Xu can shock Sister Hua.

"President Xu? You mean Xu Jie? Xu Jie, the vice president of Jingshi Culture?" Liu Jinghua frowned involuntarily. Just hearing this name gave her a headache.

"Yes." Hu Xuan nodded.

After Liu Jinghua heard it, his face immediately became gloomy.

It's that man again!

She clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could fight with that man.

Last year, she encouraged Su Yun to leave the prosperous management agency to start her own business, and this year, she came to recruit her as an artist. Isn't this too bullying?
She just took Tang Fei away from the other party, and if the other party took Hu Xuan away again, there would be two people.

One-on-two, isn't this bullying?
"Hu Xuan, you should be very clear that the reason why the company's business volume has declined this year is all thanks to this Xu, and you are going to defect to him now, you, aren't you trying to anger me on purpose?" Liu Jinghua said bitterly , her blood pressure went straight to the top of the sky, she was so angry that her face was flushed like a monkey's butt.

"Sister Hua, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to annoy you on purpose. In fact, many people from entertainment companies and brokerage companies invited me to join, but I didn't agree. The reason why I agreed to Mr. Xu was because I thought he understood me and knew about me. Thoughts." Hu Xuan quickly explained.

"Understood you? Bah, you were deceived by him, you, you might as well join another company." Liu Jinghua said angrily.

Hu Xuan thought to himself: other companies?Other companies can't cover me.

There are many artists in Fanhua Brokerage Company, and there are also many artists who have gone out of Fanhua Brokerage Company, so even those big entertainment companies are not willing to break up with Sister Hua in the open, because once they break up, they are likely to be punished. to isolation, even revenge.

Even the artists who have their eyes on the prosperous management company are contacted secretly. No company will openly invite the artists of the prosperous management company to join in the media.

Liu Jinghua couldn't sit still anymore, she got up and walked around in the office, if it was someone else, she would definitely take out her mobile phone to question the other party, but this person surnamed Xu, let alone questioning, she didn't even want to make a phone call, because even if she called In the past, they could not take advantage of it, they would only ask for trouble.

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the office.

Liu Jinghua picked up her bag, took out her mobile phone from it, and connected the call, "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yun, where are you? Why didn't I see you at the airport?" It was Wang Junyi.

"Go to Huxiang by yourself, I won't go." Liu Jinghua said.

"Ah? Why?" Wang Junyi asked suspiciously, obviously it was already agreed yesterday, and the ticket was already booked, so why not go if you don't go?
What if you don’t go, don’t go to Hunan Satellite TV’s variety show resources?That's tens of millions of labor costs.

"No reason, can't you be in a bad mood?" Liu Jinghua said angrily.

She doesn't want to go anywhere now.

"Sister Hua, who made you angry? Tell me, and I will vent your anger for you!" Wang Junyi said loudly.

Sister Hua is not only his manager, but also his boss. If she dares to offend his boss, she must avenge her.

"Xu Jie, Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture, go and beat him up for me!" Liu Jinghua said through gritted teeth.


Wang Junyi misfired directly.

Mr. Xu?
How could he dare to provoke someone that Sister Hua couldn't afford?He was even said to have been beaten up, so wouldn't that directly ruin his acting career?
However, he could also hear that Sister Hua was in a fit of anger at this time, and she would be easily scolded if she couldn't say it well, so he comforted him: "Sister Hua, don't be angry, it will hurt you too much, how about this, you are busy with something, I'll go to Huxiang first, and I'll wait for you over there, and I'll go after you calm down."

After finishing speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.

Liu Jinghua tightly clutched the phone, lost her temper?She couldn't get over it.

"Sister Hua, I have already told you my decision. If there is nothing else, then I will leave first. I wish Sister Hua good health, wealth and youth in the future." Hu Xuan said politely.

All that needs to be said has been said, there is no need to stay here any longer.

Liu Jinghua glanced at Hu Xuan, neither soft nor hard, she knew that he would definitely not be able to keep him.

If I had known this earlier, I would have handed over the male number one of "Knowledge to the King" to this person.


At this time, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Liu Jinghua pressed the speakerphone, and asked angrily, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Liu, Chen Siyan is here. She has something important to tell you." The secretary reported on the phone.

"I don't want to hear it now, let her come back in two days." Liu Jinghua said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

Liu Jinghua let go of the speakerphone, and was thinking about how to win over Hu Xuan again, when suddenly the door of the office was pushed open, and then Chen Siyan broke in from the outside.

"Mr. Chen, you can't go in, Mr. Chen..." The secretary chased after her, and even took Chen Siyan's arm with her hand, but all of this was useless. The secretary looked at Liu Jinghua who had a hard face, and hurriedly explained: " Mr. Liu, I told Teacher Chen, but she..."

"Okay, you go out." Liu Jinghua waved his hand at the secretary, and after the door was closed, he looked at Chen Siyan and asked, "Siyan, why are you so anxious that you have to talk now?"

Hu Xuan looked at Chen Siyan, then at Liu Jinghua, and said, "Mr. Liu, I'm going out first."

Before Liu Jinghua could speak, Chen Siyan grabbed Hu Xuan's sleeve, "Don't go yet."

Hu Xuan was dumbfounded.

Liu Jinghua was also stunned, thinking: Didn't he come to look for her?Why are you still pulling Hu Xuan?
"Siyan, what's the matter?" Hu Xuan asked curiously.

Chen Siyan took a deep breath, then raised her chest, looked up at Liu Jinghua and said, "Sister Hua, I plan to leave Fanhua Brokerage Company after the contract expires and will not renew the contract. Thank you for taking care of me over the years, no matter where I am , you will always be my sister Hua..."


Liu Jinghua's eyes widened with disbelief.

What day is today?Why is there another person who wants to leave the company?Is it written in the almanac: Do not renew the contract, it is better to change jobs?

Hu Xuan on the side was also very surprised. Could it be that not renewing the contract is a disease, and can it be contagious?
Perhaps it was because Chen Siyan's wrist was not as big as Hu Xuan's. Liu Jinghua quickly came back to her senses, looked at him and asked, "Have you found your next home too? Where are you going?"

If it is said that first-line artists may start their own business if they do not renew their contracts, then second-tier artists, especially those at the end of the second tier, will only make such a decision if they have found a new home, absolutely not, and dare not go out and do it alone Yes, going it alone is dead. The most important point is, without a backer, how dare you set up your own business?

"I'm going to Sister Yun's studio." Chen Siyan said bluntly, without hiding anything.


Liu Jinghua was shocked.

No need to ask, this sister Yun must also be Su Yun.

It's okay to go one by one, so how come another one pops up?How many people are there in the company?
"It was also Xu Jie who invited you?" Liu Jinghua asked tremblingly.

"Well, yes." Chen Siyan lied.

She felt that this issue was not important anymore. Anyway, whether it was Mr. Xu's invitation or her taking the initiative to defect, it had no effect on the final result.

Anyway, she made it.

Moreover, it is impossible for Sister Hua to go to Mr. Xu for verification.


Liu Jinghua looked at Chen Siyan and Hu Xuan in a daze, her mind was in chaos, she didn't know what to say.

One to three.

Hu Xuan looked at Chen Siyan in surprise. He heard Mr. Xu say last night that besides him, there are other people from Fanhua Brokerage Company who will join Su Yun's studio. At that time, he was still curious about who it would be, and now the answer came by himself. , is Chen Siyan.

That's right, I have a companion.

Chen Siyan smiled at Hu Xuan, hurried to catch up, and finally caught up, otherwise when facing Sister Hua, she was really guilty and scared.


The phone on the desk rang again.

Liu Jinghua's whole body was shocked, and his heart "thumped", and at the same time, he had a bad premonition.

Could it be that someone wants to quit again?
With trembling hands, she pressed the speakerphone on the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Liu, Song Yiyi is here, and I have something very important to tell you." The secretary said, wondering at the same time: What happened to the artist today?Why do you have something important to tell Mr. Liu?

Liu Jinghua thought that Song Yiyi hadn't renewed her contract with the company yet, and her face suddenly changed, she was really afraid of something.

But now she couldn't stand the successive blows anymore.

"Let her come back tomorrow." Liu Jinghua said, thinking: These people must have been negotiated together, right?

Liu Jinghua was about to let go, when suddenly a voice came from the phone.

"Sister Hua, I have something very important to report to you. An artist in the company will leave the company after the contract expires and will not renew the contract..."

Liu Jinghua was already confused, when he heard that there were still people leaving, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and said angrily, "Come in and tell me."

"Good Miss Hua."

Soon, the office door opened, and Song Yiyi walked in quickly.

"Sister Hua..."

Song Yiyi just opened her mouth, but when she saw the two extra people in the office, she froze in place.

How could they be here?

"Yiyi, who else is leaving the company?" Liu Jinghua asked.

Now, she just wants to have a good time.

Stabbing one knife after another is so fucking torturous.

"Uh..." Song Yiyi looked at Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan beside her, her words were stuck in her throat but she couldn't speak, her whole face turned red.

The person is here, what can she say?
Unexpectedly, the informant came to the point of the gun.

so awkward!
"Yiyi, you should hurry up and tell Sister Hua, I think Sister Hua is in a hurry." Chen Siyan urged, her pair of red phoenix eyes almost staring at people to death.

I thought to myself: I am pulling you to the bright road for your own good, but it is good for you to betray me!

"I..." Song Yiyi hesitated for a long time, but didn't finish a sentence.

Chen Siyan snorted, and said in a strange way: "It seems that Yiyi has something to say to Sister Hua alone, Hu Xuan, let's go."

It happened that Hu Xuan didn't want to stay here, and seeing Song Yiyi's expression, he roughly guessed who the other party was talking about, so he saluted Liu Jinghua and followed Chen Siyan out of the office.

"Everyone is gone, so tell me quickly." Liu Jinghua's anxious blood pressure rose again.

Just now, she was stabbed with a knife, but now it is fine, pointing a gun at her, but not firing for a long time, which is even more tormenting.

Song Yiyi looked back at the office door, and after confirming that it was closed, she whispered, "Sister Hua, the people I'm talking about are Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, and they are going to Su Yun's studio."

Liu Jinghua rolled his eyes directly.

What the hell, bastard!
"Sister Hua, Mr. Xu invited me, but I didn't agree. I think staying with Sister Hua has a future..." Song Yiyi flattered her.

Liu Jinghua sat down. At this time, she didn't have the mind to listen to flattery at all. She just wanted to know what that Xu guy wanted to do besides poaching people from her.


(End of this chapter)

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