Chapter 919
When Hu Xuan walked out of the gate of the prosperous brokerage company, he felt a lot more relaxed. Even though he was calm just now, he was actually flustered in his heart, for fear that Sister Hua's shame would turn into anger and kill her.

Fortunately, the other party was not overwhelmed by anger. Otherwise, if the two bigwigs in the entertainment industry fought, he would definitely be affected as the source of the conflict. At that time, let alone his future, whether he could get out of the way would be a problem.

"Huh, I'm finally done." Chen Siyan breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her head to face the sun, and said loudly excitedly: "The pinnacle of my life, Chen Siyan, is coming soon."

Hu Xuan on the side turned his head and looked over after hearing it. Why does the other party look like he has just been released from prison?

But if you think about it a little bit, you can understand it.

Sister Hua usually has a more tolerant attitude towards first-line artists and popular artists, and has always been very strict with other artists, and she rarely even smiles.

An artist like Chen Siyan who has been in the company for so many years and is only at the end of the second line is really not qualified to be valued by Sister Hua. I think she must have suffered a lot of grievances.

It's not easy to be in the entertainment industry, especially female artists, who pay more than male artists.

"Siyan, Mr. Xu told me that there will be other artists from the prosperous brokerage company going to Sister Yun's studio. I didn't expect this other person to be you." Hu Xuan said.

"Why, do you think my rank is low and not qualified?" Chen Siyan asked with a smile.

"No, that's not what I meant." Hu Xuan quickly shook his head, for fear that the other party might misunderstand.

He just felt that the other party's sense of presence in the prosperous brokerage company was very low, and there was no masterpiece this year. He never expected that Xu would always extend the shovel of poaching people to the other party.

"It's nothing. Compared with you, my coffee position is indeed lower, and I am different from you. You were invited by Mr. Xu to join Sister Yun's studio, and I took the initiative to find Mr. Xu to join Sister Yun's studio." Chen Siyan said truthfully.

She was not angry, nor did she feel humiliated, on the contrary, she saw that Hu Xuan had decided to leave Fanhua's manager and join Mr. Xu, and felt that her original decision was correct.

Hu Xuan was slightly taken aback, with some surprise in his eyes.

Volunteering to Mr. Xu?
That's really bold.

Most of the artistes who leave after their contract expires are invited by other companies. It is very rare in the entertainment industry for an artist to actively contact the next company like the other party.

"By the way, besides you and me, is there anyone else?" Hu Xuan asked curiously.

"Originally there was Song Yiyi, but you saw it just now, so it's probably just the two of us." Chen Siyan said here, with an angry expression on her face, and said bitterly: "This Song Yiyi, I kindly pull her It's fine if she doesn't go, but she even betrayed me, I usually see her quiet and quiet, but I didn't expect to be such a person, I was really blind."

What did you say to accompany the parents who came from their hometown for dinner, bah!

She finally understood that it was hard to guard against this honest man telling a lie.

"Two, it seems a little less." Hu Xuan muttered to himself.

"Less is better, there are fewer people and more resources, why don't we choose casually? There are so many artists in Fanhua Brokerage Company, we can't even grab a good role." Chen Siyan said.

If it hadn't been for the fact that she hadn't received a decent script in the past two years, she wouldn't have thought of leaving Fanhua's agency. It was because she felt that she was not valued by the company and Sister Hua, and she wasn't even active in renewing her contract. Moved and left the thought.

Hu Xuan couldn't help but nodded when he thought of the male lead in "Acquaintance with the Jun" being given to Wang Junyi by Sister Hua.

Chen Siyan turned her head to look at Hu Xuan, and said with a smile: "We will still be in the same family in the future, I hope Brother Xuan will take care of you."

In the past, the company had a lot of people, Hu Xuan was the first-tier, she was the second-tier, and they usually rarely interact with each other, but now it’s different. As far as she knows, there are only three artists signed to Sister Yun’s studio, and the other one is a female artist like her. , if she can cooperate with Hu Xuan in the future, her popularity will also be improved to a certain extent.

Hu Xuan looked at Chen Siyan's hand, held it with a smile, and said, "Wherever it is, let's make progress together and create brilliance together."

In fact, he understood what Chen Siyan was thinking.

If it was in the prosperous brokerage company, it would be impossible to cooperate with the difference in their positions, but it will be different in the future. There are only two or three artists in Sister Yun's studio. If Jingshi Culture has any movie or TV series projects, They will definitely be given priority, and cooperation will be inevitable at that time, so this hand must be held.

"Hehe, that's right, let's create brilliance together. By the way, since the showdown with Sister Hua is over, should I report to Sister Yun?" Chen Siyan asked.

"I heard from Mr. Xu that Sister Yun is still filming in Hengdian." Hu Xuan thought for a while and said.

"Then go to Mr. Xu." Chen Siyan said.

"The contract hasn't expired yet. In theory, we are still members of Fanhua's brokerage company. Isn't it appropriate to go to Mr. Xu now?" Hu Xuan said hesitantly.

"Mr. Xu knows that we came to have a showdown with Sister Hua. I believe he must be waiting for our news. You also said that we are now theoretically members of the prosperous brokerage company. Do you think that with our situation, the remaining During this month, will Sister Hua still waste resources on the two of us?" Chen Siyan analyzed.

Hu Xuan was taken aback, yes!

Although there is only one month, the month at the end of the year is the month with the most activities in the entertainment industry, such as activities on major websites and magazines. A year of cooperation laid the foundation.

"Brother Xuan..."

Just as Hu Xuan was thinking about it, Wang Tao, his assistant not far away, walked over quickly and whispered in his ear: "Vice President Zhang just called and canceled all your activities at the end of the year, such as the fashion figure ceremony, Weibo Grand Ceremony, Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony...a total of seven have been cancelled."

Hu Xuan frowned. Vice President Zhang Xiaoli, the deputy general manager in charge of artist activities of Fanhua Brokerage Company, must have the attitude of Sister Hua.

He turned his head and looked at the prosperous brokerage company building behind him. He didn't expect that Sister Hua's actions came so quickly, and she only left for 10 minutes.

But just like what Chen Siyan said, they were all about to leave, only fools would waste resources on them.

At this moment, Chen Siyan's assistant also came over, and said with a wry smile: "Sister Yan, Mr. Zhang has canceled all fashion activities."

Chen Siyan looked at Hu Xuan and asked, "Is this the same thing for you?"

Hu Xuan nodded.

At the end of the year, artists rely on these events such as ceremonies and evening parties to increase their exposure. If the event is cancelled, although the popularity will not be greatly affected, the exposure will be greatly reduced.

"Let's go to Mr. Xu." Hu Xuan said to Chen Siyan.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you go to these activities or not, the main reason is that you can't swallow this breath, because as far as he knows, Wang Junyi will also participate in these activities. lose to the opponent.

He is holding back his energy now, and he must be better than Wang Junyi, so that Sister Hua will regret it.

The two came to Jingshi Culture by car, and because it was lunch break, they made an appointment at the nearby noodle shop.

Hu Xuan came here for the second time today, so he didn't need the waiter to lead the way. After entering, he went straight to the private room upstairs.


"Come in!"

Hearing Mr. Xu's voice, Hu Xuan pushed the door and walked in.

Xu Jie was watching the short video, and when he saw Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan arriving, he immediately got up and said with a smile, "You two have worked hard, hurry up, please sit down."

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan said in unison, and then sat down around the dinner table.

Xu Jie called the waiter, ordered three bowls of noodles, and a few side dishes. After the waiter left, he looked at Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan and asked, "How is it, Liu Jinghua didn't make things difficult for you?"

"No." Hu Xuan shook his head.

It was originally intended to threaten him, but after knowing that he joined Su Yun's studio, he immediately turned the threat into anger and complaints, and never mentioned black material again.

"That's good." Xu Jie smiled, it seems that it's been a long time since I haven't seen her, and the old woman knows a lot.

"Mr. Xu, although Sister Hua didn't make things difficult for us, after the showdown, she canceled all our social activities, such as Weibo Festival, Fashion Figure Festival, etc." Chen Siyan sighed softly after finishing speaking.

Crying children have candy to eat, since these resources are lost because of joining Sister Yun's studio, then they have to find a way to make up for them, right?
"is it?"

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone directly from his pocket, and then made a call.

He will not let those who follow him be wronged.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Good afternoon, Editor-in-Chief Jiang, have you had lunch? There is a noodle shop near our company that makes very delicious noodles... out of town? Well, I'll treat you to dinner when you return to the capital... By the way, I have a One thing I want to ask is that your Weibo annual ceremony has been cancelled? No? Then how do my two friends say that they received invitations before and now they have been cancelled? Who? Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan, okay, then I will trouble you It's..."

At the end of the call, Xu Jie put the phone aside and said while picking garlic, "This editor Jiang is the deputy editor-in-chief of Weibo, Jiang Yanjun. He said to ask right away, and he will reply later."

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

In the past, when participating in Weibo activities, all the people who contacted Sister Hua were the heads of Weibo departments. Now, Mr. Xu made a phone call directly to the deputy editor-in-chief.

Perhaps, this is the level.

"Mr. Xu, pick it up for me." Chen Siyan got up and took a few cloves of garlic, then sat back and picked it up.

Soon, noodles and side dishes came in.

Xu Jie picked up his chopsticks and was about to eat when his cell phone rang suddenly. The name Jiang Yanjun was displayed on the screen.

"Mr. Xu, it's me, Jiang Yanjun. I asked just now. The people below said that Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan's agency wanted to cancel it on their own initiative. It's for the artists, not for the brokerage company, their prosperous brokerage company is really lenient."

At the end of Jiang Yanjun's speech, he didn't forget to complain about the prosperous brokerage company.

Since he is Mr. Xu's friend, of course he can't be turned away. Besides, if the agency doesn't let this celebrity go, and won't let that celebrity go, then they still hold a ball at this Weibo annual festival?
"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Jiang, I would trouble you to ask about such a small matter." Xu Jie thanked.

"It's nothing, by the way, Mr. Xu, you and your wife must also come to our year-end ceremony. I will leave you the front seat." Jiang Yanjun said. I don't know how many times it has been searched on Weibo.

"My wife is filming in Hengdian, and it won't be over until the end of the year. I have no problem, let me represent her." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Okay, then let's make a deal."

Just as Xu Jie hung up the phone, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan on the side also received a call from his assistant, and after connecting the call, the two had surprisingly the same reaction.

"Well, okay, I see."

Then hung up the phone.

"Mr. Xu, my assistant just received a call from the organizer of the Weibo Annual Ceremony, inviting me to attend." Chen Siyan said with a smile on her face.

I thought to myself: The decision to go to Mr. Xu is indeed correct.

So what if Miss Hua cancels?Didn't Mr. Xu want to come back for her again?
No, it should be said that the organizer rushed to send it back.

"Me too." Hu Xuan said.

"That's good." Xu Jie nodded.

Next, he made several calls in a row, some from video sites, some from magazines, and the callers were either the editor-in-chief or the editor-in-chief, all talking about the annual grand ceremony.

In fact, this matter itself is not big, but he wants to show an attitude to Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan.

I, Xu Jie, are very concerned about your affairs.

"Okay, it's all done, let's eat noodles." After Xu Jie made the last phone call, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating noodles. If he didn't eat noodles, he would be lumpy.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Hu Xuan said gratefully.

"Mr. Xu, I knew that you would not wrong us. From now on, I will follow you wholeheartedly, and I will definitely live up to your expectations of me." Chen Siyan said solemnly.

Xu Jie smiled and continued eating noodles.

In fact, he didn't have any expectations for these two people, he just felt that he had too many resources in his hands, and it would always be too wasteful for others.

Isn't it all that sentence?Fertile water does not flow into outsiders' fields.

Since there are so many resources, it is better to be cheaper than others, and you can make money, so why not do it?

"By the way, Mr. Xu, Song Yiyi can't come. Didn't I separate from her at the door of the teahouse? We met again in Sister Hua's office. Guess what she was going to do? To inform Sister Hua, I really didn't expect her It will be such a person." Chen Siyan said angrily.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said lightly.

He was not surprised. In fact, when he interviewed Song Yiyi, he saw some clues from the other party's reaction. However, everyone has their own ambitions and cannot be forced. Since they do not accept the invitation, he cannot tie them to the studio. no?
Moreover, the studio has just developed the business of contracting artists, and everyone has no relevant experience and does not know how to operate it. If there are few people, you can slowly explore it, but if there are too many people, it will be chaotic.

At present, there are three artists Ding Mengni, Hu Xuan, and Chen Siyan, and it will not be too late to sign more artists after the studio gradually gets familiar with the business and smooths out all the links.

"By the way, can the two of you play sketches?" Xu Jie asked abruptly while eating.


Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were stunned. Both of them were actors, but they all acted in movies and TV dramas, sketches, and they had never acted before.

What did Mr. Xu ask this for?
Could it be that before joining Sister Yun's studio, there is still a professional test?

never heard of that.

"Mr. Xu, the last time I acted in a sketch was when I was in college, the teacher gave us homework." Chen Siyan thought for a while and said.

"Me too." Hu Xuan echoed. At that time, he acted most in sketches and dramas.

"That's fine." Xu Jie swallowed the noodles in his mouth, then looked at the two of them and asked, "Do you want to participate in the sketch of China TV Spring Festival Gala?"


This time, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan were stunned.

China TV Spring Festival Gala sketch?
They have been to the Spring Festival Gala on the satellite TV channel, but they are all singing and dancing, and the China TV Spring Festival Gala has sketches, they have never thought about it.

"This year's China Television Spring Festival Gala, I will be in charge of a few sketches. If you are interested in it, I can arrange for you to participate. I can say nothing about it, but whether you can pass the trial depends on your luck." Xu Jie said.

It was said that they would be given a big gift after signing the contract. It was impossible to give money, but resources were undoubtedly the most appropriate. After New Year's Day, the Spring Festival Gala stage was undoubtedly the best resource.

In terms of ratings and influence, there is no program that can compare with CTS Spring Festival Gala.

"Mr. Xu, can I, can I do it?" Chen Siyan asked uncertainly.

To be honest, she dreamed of being on the stage of the China Television Spring Festival Gala, but she was really not confident on the stage that attracted the most attention and was the best.

It's not just Chen Siyan who lacks confidence, but also Hu Xuan.

"Mr. Xu, it's okay to let me sing, but I'm not sure if I can play a sketch." Hu Xuan said with a guilty conscience.

Seeing the reactions of the two people beside him, Xu Jie couldn't help laughing, "Don't be so nervous, okay? Let me tell you, as the older generation of sketch actors are gradually withdrawing from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, more and more Many film and television drama actors have started to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala as sketch actors, and it can be seen from the Spring Festival Gala in the past few years that this is also a future trend. Haven’t you seen many actors and actresses acting in sketches?”

When Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan heard it, it was really the case.

When it comes to professional cross talk actors, there are quite a few now, but when it comes to professional sketch actors, everyone seems to have only those old artists in the past.

Sketches, and, but sketch actors, seem to have become a thing of the past.

"Even if you don't act, there will be many other actors. This is not only an opportunity to show your face, but also an opportunity to show yourself to the national audience. You know the influence of the CTS Spring Festival Gala. There are many actors who are It went to the whole country through the CTV Spring Festival Gala, so from a personal point of view, I think you should try it, of course, the decision is still yours." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan looked at each other, and they were really moved by Mr. Xu's words.

That's the China Television Spring Festival Gala, who wouldn't want to be there?What's more, there is no harm, such a good opportunity is worse than taking advantage of other actors.

In the past, they wanted to go, but they didn't have a chance. Now they finally have a chance. Although it is different from what they imagined, there is no reason to refuse.

"President Xu, I'll go!" Hu Xuan said seriously.

"I'm going too!" Chen Siyan said after her.

"Okay, then it's settled, eat noodles and eat noodles." Xu Jie pointed to the noodles in front of him.

He wants these two people to know that I can give you what Liu Jinghua gives you, and I can give you what Liu Jinghua can't give you.


(End of this chapter)

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