The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 920 An Eventful Winter

Chapter 920 An Eventful Winter
Time passed quietly, and with the arrival of December, the annual ceremonies of major media also began to compete to hold.

The annual grand ceremony is not only a grand event for celebrities, but also a moment for the organizers to show their influence.

Through this grand ceremony, it can not only improve the image of the company, but also bring a brand effect. For the media that pay attention to traffic and popularity, this is undoubtedly the best way of publicity.


Xu Jie was in the office pondering the sketch script for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, when there was a knock on the door.

When he looked up at the open door, he saw Boss Jiang standing outside with a smile on his face.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie stood up and asked.

When he saw Boss Jiang's expression, he knew that the other party must have a job for him.

"Nothing, just passing by you, come in and take a look." Jiang Hai walked into the office with a smile, and then sat opposite Xu Jie, pretending to ask casually: "I saw you at the door just now, you are very focused, are you busy?" what?"

"Hey, when I was preparing sketch scripts for China Television's Spring Festival Gala, Director Chen asked me to prepare four at once. It's too inhuman." Xu Jie sighed as he said.

In fact, he saw that Boss Jiang was acting, but he didn't expose it. Isn't there a saying?Don't tell me if you see through, we are still good friends.

"Really? Then this Director Chen is really too much. What should I do if I am exhausted by entrusting so much work to you? Can he take responsibility?" Jiang Hai said loudly, filled with righteous indignation.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang with a half-smile, isn't this scene a bit overdone?
This acting is much worse than before.

"Well, it's the boss who loves me the most." Xu Jie said gratefully, thinking: Since you want to act, then I will act with you for a while.

Jiang Hai smiled, maybe he didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything in the end, just sat blindly, and the office became quiet for a while.

It's okay to sit for a while, but it's no wonder you feel awkward when you sit for a long time.

Jiang Hai scratched his head for a while, hesitated to speak for a while, and looked extremely irritable, as if he had reached menopause.

Xu Jie looked uncomfortable, and couldn't help but said: "Boss, if you have something to say, why are you being polite to me? I won't stand idly by if I can help, and I can't do anything even if you point a gun at me if you can't help. is not it?"

"Haha, after being reminded by you like this, I really thought of one thing." Jiang Hai straightened his body and asked, "Are you free these few nights?"

"Evening? No." Xu Jie shook his head. At night, he wanted to play mahjong with Sister Man, and he was busier than during the day. When he was tired from work during the day, he could at least rest for a while and stroll around the company, but playing mahjong didn't count. Don't let him leave the table when he is tired.


Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard this, then smiled wryly, stood up and said, "I know you are busy, if you don't have time, you don't have time, anyway, it's not a big deal for me."

Seeing Boss Jiang's appearance, Xu Jie was rather curious, so he asked, "Boss, what's the matter, please tell me first, maybe I can spare some time?"

"Actually, it's nothing. Isn't it the end of the year? Various media have sent invitations to Jingshi Culture, hoping that we can participate in their annual meeting, party and other activities. I just counted and there are actually More than [-] shows, you know, you will have more shows at the end of the year, and you need to prepare for the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party, so just watch."

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie for help. Although he hadn't finished speaking, the meaning he wanted to express was already very clear.

Xu Jie suddenly realized that he wanted him to attend those activities.

As the general manager of Jingshi Culture, Boss Jiang naturally had to come forward in person for such things as going to Taiwan for meetings, so he, the second-in-command deputy general manager, should also come forward for these external activities.

"Boss, you also know that on the 10th of this month, I will lead a team to Xiazhou to prepare for the Huaxia TV's New Year's Eve party, so I definitely don't have time to participate in the activities after the 10th, but I can do the activities before the 10th." Take time to show your face." Xu Jie said.

The future development of Jingshi Culture will focus on movies and TV dramas. A good relationship with major media will be beneficial to the promotion of movies and TV dramas, and it will be of great benefit to him personally, as well as Su Yun.

If you want to develop in the entertainment circle, you can't offend the media if you offend anyone. This is one of the reasons why those entertainment company bosses and celebrities treat him so politely, because behind him is the Beijing Radio and Television Station, which is the largest in the Beijing area except China TV. media.

"Really?" Jiang Hai's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "I knew you could relieve my worries." After speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, which recorded the media activities he needed to attend in December.

Xu Jie glanced briefly. There are both big media and small media, those in the entertainment circle and those outside the entertainment circle. In short, there are all kinds of media.

No wonder Boss Jiang asked him for help. He felt dizzy just looking at this activity list.

Xu Jie picked up a pen from the side and drew a circle on several activities before the 10th. Of course, he did not circle all the activities from the 1st to the 9th, but went through some selection.

Like some relatively large media, such as the activities of several major portal websites, and the Weibo annual ceremony that will be held tonight, they are all circled by him. As for the others... there is no time.

"Boss, I will go to these activities." Xu Jie pointed to several activities in the painting circle and said, and then recorded the activities on the desk calendar to avoid forgetting.

"Okay, you go for these, and I will share the rest with Wang Yunjie." Jiang Hai said as he folded the paper a few times and put it in his pocket.

"Wang Yunjie?" Xu Jie was startled, as if he suddenly thought of something, he began to regret choosing so many activities.

"Yes, she is in charge of media planning, brand promotion, and advertising marketing. It is her job to establish a good relationship with the media, which is also conducive to the development of these businesses in the future. The growth of the company's performance cannot only depend on you, she must also With her efforts, the company's various businesses are making great strides, even if she stays where she is, it will still be a hindrance to the company..."

Jiang Hai stood up at this point, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I have been observing for a year and a half. I used to turn a blind eye to everything because of the company's stability, but now it is different. , The company's revenue has increased this year, and next year's revenue will also rise steadily, so I am going to attack Liu Feng and Wang Yunjie's two departments, and let all those who are eating and waiting to die get out."

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang in surprise, saying that the new official took office three fires, but he didn't expect the other party's fire to burn so late.

But I have to say that Boss Jiang's idea is indeed correct.

When the other party came to Jingshi Culture, there was no business that could be sold here. Under such circumstances, if Boss Jiang made a move on the company's interior, it would not have any effect, and it would also make the company's interior change. People panic, not only can't improve performance, maybe it will have the opposite effect.

But now it's different.

The company's performance has grown substantially, all businesses are thriving, and the company's future is full of hope. Under such a big environment, it is really necessary to deal with the stubborn diseases left in the past.

JingTV Culture has three major departments, namely, the functional management department headed by Liu Feng, the marketing department headed by Wang Yunjie, and the content resource department headed by him.

The content resource department has completed its transformation under his leadership, while the other two departments have not changed in the rapid development of the company. If Boss Jiang doesn't give these two departments some motivation, it will even affect his department in the end , thus dragging down the development of the entire company.

"I have no objection." Xu Jie immediately stated his position.

Although he has no grievances with Liu Feng and Wang Yunjie in the past, he has no grievances in the present, but for those who affect the development of the company, he really wants you to dislike them.

For the sake of the company, some old diseases must be cut off.

Seeing Xu Jie's attitude, Jiang Hai smiled on his serious face.

For him, as long as Xiao Xu is there, he will have confidence. As long as Xiao Xu is there, no matter how his fire burns, it will not affect the company.

"You are busy, I will not disturb your work." Jiang Hai said and walked out of the office.

Xu Jie sent Boss Jiang out of the house and looked at the back of the other party. It seemed that the company was about to set off a bloodbath.


Xu Jie went home and changed into a suit, then drove to the International Cultural Center.

Weibo's annual grand ceremony will be held here, and he promised Boss Jiang and Weibo's deputy editor-in-chief Jiang Yanjun to attend the party.

However, when the car drove halfway, it encountered a bad situation.

Traffic jam!

He was worried about the traffic jam during rush hour, so he set off half an hour earlier, but he still caught up.

At this time, whether it is a car worth tens of thousands or millions, the result is the same. Unless you grow wings, you have to walk here honestly and slowly.

Xu Jie was not in a hurry at first, but seeing that the time to walk the red carpet was getting closer and the car was still moving at a slow speed, he had to find an opportunity to park the car in the parking lot on the side of the road, and then walk towards Go to the International Cultural Center.

Although December is not the coldest time in Beijing, the temperature will drop below zero as soon as the sun sets.

Xu Jie was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and walked quickly on the street. The cold north wind blew on him, making him shiver from the cold.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, otherwise I would be really sorry for this face.

Xu Jie originally thought that the traffic jam was due to the rush hour, but when he was about to walk to the International Cultural Center, he realized that the traffic jam was due to the annual festival.

Because the Weibo annual grand ceremony was held in the International Cultural Center, a large number of celebrities, media and fans gathered around. Although some people were diverting the traffic, the effect was not obvious. In addition, it was the rush hour for get off work, which made things worse. , directly blocked into a cerebral thrombosis.

Trembling, Xu Jie walked towards the outer gate of the International Cultural Center, but was stopped when he was about to enter.

"Sir, an event is being held here, please show the invitation letter." The security guard said while sizing up the person in front of him. He didn't wear a down jacket in the cold weather, and he didn't say anything like a grandson in the cold, and he was blindfolded everywhere with a mask on. Strolling, it's too suspicious.

Xu Jie touched his pocket, and suddenly remembered that the invitation letter was in the car, and he forgot to take it when he left just now.

"Did you forget to take it?" the security guard asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Xu Jie asked.

"You are already the 108th person who said that. You cannot enter without an invitation letter. If you want to take pictures of celebrities, you can go there." The security staff pointed to the positions on both sides of the gate with a blank expression, which was full of fans .

Xu Jie looked at those people holding up lights and posters, did he regard him as a celebrity fan who wanted to sneak into the venue?
The 108th one is really full of odds and ends.

"I didn't bring the invitation letter, so can I just brush my face?" Xu Jie asked, and then took off the mask on his face.

"You are..." The security guard couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Yes, yes, did you remember?" Xu Jie said while rubbing his hands, he just wanted to get into the house quickly and keep warm.

"You're Li Xiaoyao? The one in Legend of Sword and Fairy?" Anbao asked.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, for a moment he didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

I am happy because Li Xiaoyao should be handsome, but I am unhappy because I didn't recognize him, and the double BUFF of celebrity plus star is useless.

"No!" A security guard next to him corrected at this moment, "How could he be Li Xiaoyao?"

Xu Jie nodded, and finally met someone who knew the goods.

"He is Bai Zhantang!"

Xu Jie almost slammed his head on the fence to death, this one is not as good as the one just now.

"I am Xu Jie, the vice president of Jingshi Culture, and I am invited by the organizer to participate in tonight's annual ceremony." Xu Jie explained, while taking out his mobile phone, and found his own photos and introductions on the Internet.

The security guard took a closer look and found that he was really a star.

"Can I go in now?" Xu Jie put away his phone and asked.

"No." Security said, "Even if you are a celebrity, you can't enter without an invitation letter. Otherwise, whoever invited you, who do you call?"

When Xu Jie heard that this method was good, he took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Yanjun.


The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Xu Jie looked at the suspicious eyes of the security personnel, and was embarrassed for a while. At this moment, he really wished to become Li Xiaoyao or Bai Zhantang, find a place where no one was around and fly in directly, so as not to be frozen here.

"I'll change someone else!"

As Xu Jie spoke, he rummaged through the contacts, and finally found the manager of the marketing department and called him.


Xu Jie was depressed, but no one picked him up yet.

The deputy general manager of Tangtang Jingshi Culture, the director of a popular variety show, the director, screenwriter and actor of a movie with a box office of [-] million, not only failed to walk the red carpet, but also had a cold nose outside. Not directly on the headlines?

"Brother, I'll try to get in touch again, can you lend me your clothes for a while, it's so f*cking cold." Xu Jie's fingers were no longer working well.

When the security guard heard this, he became more vigilant, and his eyes seemed to say: You don't want to grab my down jacket, do you?


After Xu Jie saw it, he wanted to withdraw, but since he agreed to others, he had to go in even if he was frozen like a dog.

He breathed into his cold hands, and continued to search for the organizer on his phone.


(End of this chapter)

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