The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 921 Flashing the Red Carpet

Chapter 921 Flashing the Red Carpet
This year's Weibo Annual Ceremony not only invited many media reporters to the scene, but the organizer also cooperated with a number of video sites to broadcast live the Ceremony.

In order to attract more shots and become the protagonists in the news reports, and not to be compared with other colleagues, the celebrity guests tried their best to put their minds on dressing.

In order to carry out the beauty and fashion that a female star should have, many of the female guests present wore high-end gowns. Put it in your eyes.

In contrast, the male guests at the scene were much happier. Everyone seemed to discuss it. They wore suits, but in order not to look too bloated in the camera and photos, there was usually a shirt inside the suit. There will be no more.

Xu Jie didn't regard himself as a celebrity, so he wore a little more, but in order not to embarrass Su Yun, he didn't wear too much. He just changed the shirt into a turtleneck sweater, and added an extra piece on his lower body to make his mother feel more comfortable. Rest assured warm long johns.

However, these alone obviously couldn't resist the cold wind tonight. Even after walking for so long just now, he was still shivering from the cold.

"Mr. Xu!"

Just when Xu Jie was about to make a phone call, a voice suddenly came from inside the guardrail, and he couldn't help looking up, only to see Liu Jiaman sitting in a car that had just driven through the outer gate, facing him Waving his hands, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Sister Man!" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, knowing that the other party would also come, but he didn't expect to meet here.

"What are you doing standing outside if you don't go in? Isn't it cold?" Liu Jiaman asked loudly.

"It's cold, but I forgot my invitation letter, and the organizers can't get in touch, so I can only suffer from the cold here." Xu Jie said pitifully.

Liu Jiaman couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and then shouted at the security personnel: "He is with me, let him in."

The security personnel saw that since there were guests helping to intercede, they immediately stepped aside in front of the small door.

"Thank you!"

Xu Jie knew that these security personnel were also responsible, so he didn't blame anyone. After thanking him, he quickly trotted into Liu Jiaman's car.

With the air conditioner turned on in the car, it was as warm as spring, and I immediately felt much more comfortable.

"Sister Man, I'm lucky to meet you, otherwise I'd freeze into a popsicle tonight." Xu Jie rubbed his ears while talking, although it wasn't that exaggerated, but it was really cold.

"Hee hee, who told you to forget to bring the invitation letter." Liu Jiaman said with a smile: "By the way, you are considered a movie star now, why don't you hire an assistant, the assistant can arrange these little things for you. "

"I didn't have the money to invite celebrities to act in the movie myself. Besides, my level is not enough to be an assistant." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

If it's an ordinary company, it's okay to hire an assistant, but the problem is that Jingshi Culture is not an ordinary company, and it's not easy to recruit if you want.

In the whole company, only Boss Jiang is equipped with assistants.

While speaking, the car stopped slowly.

The organizer's staff took the initiative to communicate, and after seeing Xu Jie and Liu Jiaman sitting in the car, they immediately became more respectful.

"Please wait a moment, both of you, we will walk down the red carpet in 5 minutes."


Xu Jie said a word, and then quickly closed the car window. It was less than a minute since he got in the car, and he still hasn't slowed down yet.

Just when Xu Jie regretted not wearing a down jacket, Liu Jiaman next to him took off the down jacket on his body, and Xu Jie was stunned by the black embroidered tube top dress inside.

He didn't pay much attention when he got in the car just now, he only saw that the other party was wearing a long down jacket, but he didn't expect that there were universes in the dumplings made by Fuxi.

"Sister Man, you, aren't you cold?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, and at the same time did not forget to take a few more sneaky glances.

The nobility, elegance and amorous feelings of a mature woman are vividly reflected in the other party. She is already in her 40s, but she looks like she is in her thirties. I have to feel that these female stars are well maintained. Millions of dollars a year The money for skin care products is really not in vain.

"It's not cold now, but it's hard to say later." Liu Jiaman said, and then handed the down jacket to the assistant sitting in the co-pilot for safekeeping.

"Why bother? Isn't it good to wear long-sleeved trousers?" Xu Jie glanced at the other party's feet after speaking, and he was wearing high heels barefoot.

This is not a queen, she is simply thick-skinned.

"What do you know, to attend this kind of public event, of course you have to show your best side, even if it's your wife." Liu Jiaman said naturally.

Xu Jie wanted to say: You are so old, you are not afraid of getting old and cold legs.

However, considering the self-esteem of the female star, she finally swallowed these words into her stomach and did not say them out.

In the blink of an eye, the organizer staff member came over again and pointed in the direction of the red carpet.

Liu Jiaman opened the car door, and a gust of cold wind blew in. The frozen Xu Jie shuddered, but Liu Jiaman didn't seem to feel it. He gently lifted his skirt and walked out gracefully.

Liu Jiaman asked her assistant to touch up her makeup. When she was ready, she found that Xu Jie was still sitting in the car. She knocked on the window with her hand, then pointed to the direction of the red carpet and said, "Let's go."

"You go first, I'm warming up in the car, and I'll go out later." Xu Jie said.

"What are you waiting for? It gets colder the longer you wait." After Liu Jiaman finished speaking, she opened the car door, dragged Xu Jie out of the car, and walked towards the red carpet.

"I want to wait until the red carpet is over and go directly to the grand ceremony instead of walking the red carpet." Xu Jie explained the meaning of "waiting".

"Everyone is here, so how can we not walk the red carpet? At least to make a show, you have to know that many artists who want to walk the red carpet tonight have no chance yet." Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie didn't speak, he just wanted to enter the cultural center quickly.

Liu Jiaman stopped when she came to the entrance of the red carpet. She wanted to tidy up her clothes, but as soon as she let go of Xu Jie, she saw him walking directly into the red carpet.

"Liu Jiaman!"

"Xu Jie!"

"Sister Man!"

"Old Xu!"

Hearing the screams and shouts from the fans around, Liu Jiaman didn't have time to straighten her clothes, so she took a few quick steps to catch up with Xu Jie, and then took the other's arm, with a gentle smile on her face.

The host of the red carpet had just sent away a female guest. After seeing Liu Jiaman and Xu Jie walking towards this side, he immediately shouted excitedly: "The next ones to walk on the red carpet are Liu Jiaman and Xu Jie. Jay, let us give them the warmest applause..."

Of these two guests, one is a queen who has been out of acting for many years, and the other is the vice president of Jingshi Culture. It is impossible not to be excited about such a combination.

Liu Jiaman looked at the reporters on both sides of the red carpet with a smile, and said in a low voice, "I said brother, did you press the spring on your feet? Can you slow down?"

Normally, when walking the red carpet, the walking speed of celebrity guests should be slower than usual, so that they can stay on the red carpet for a longer time, which is convenient for media reporters to take pictures.

However, Xu Jie is now not only not slower than usual, but even faster than usual. He feels like a grandpa and aunt who are anxious to get free eggs, wishing to run fast.


Xu Jie uttered a word, he was so cold that he didn't want to say another word, for fear of freezing his teeth.

Liu Jiaman was speechless after hearing it.

She has been in the arts for more than 20 years, and has walked countless red carpets. Everyone wants to slow down and stay longer on the red carpet. Only this person, who doesn't know, thinks there are wolves chasing after her.

She wanted to hold on to him, but she gave up after trying a few times, because she couldn't hold on at all, and the red carpet was already halfway through, and it was not good to let go at this time, so she could only walk quickly.

When they came to the signature wall, Miss Etiquette handed over the pens to Xu Jie and Liu Jiaman. After signing their names, they should stand in front of the signature wall to take pictures according to the usual practice.

Xu Jie was also the one who walked the red carpet, so he looked left and right, and then walked on.

Liu Jiaman was still posing, and was preparing to take a group photo with Xu Jie, but when she turned her head, she saw that Xu Jie had already left, so she had to catch up.

To be honest, she has never been in such a hurry to catch a plane.

The media reporters who were about to take pictures were all stunned, thinking: we haven't started the official filming yet, why did people leave?

"Sister Man, Mr. Xu, this way please."

The host of the red carpet stretched her finger to the side. Her original intention was to invite Sister Man and Mr. Xu to come to her side for an interview. With such big wrists appearing at the same time, and it was the finale at the back, they should interact with each other.

However, just as she was about to interact, she saw President Xu and Sister Man walking in the direction of her finger.


The host of the red carpet looked at Mr. Xu's back and was stunned. She looked at her outstretched hand and the direction her fingertips were pointing. This meant "please come here for an interview", not "please Go to the grand ceremony site from here" means.

She really wanted to call him back, but she thought again that it seemed a bit offensive to do so, so she canceled this year.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was full of swiping screens, all about Xu Jie.

"Haha, look at old Xu Leng, he left before being interviewed."

"Old Xu looks like he has kidnapped someone else's wife."

"Old Xu is the most authentic, the last frozen face turned blue and he didn't forget to pose!"

"The real-time outdoor temperature in Beijing is minus 3 degrees..."

"Where is this walking on the red carpet? It's just a flash."

The other celebrities all had smiles on their face, no matter how cold it was, they seemed to be okay. Only Xu Jie, who not only walked very fast, but also kept frowning, regarded walking the red carpet as a kind of hard work, really tonight A clear stream among the guests present.

Xu Jie hurriedly walked into the gate of the International Cultural Center, the suitable temperature immediately made him feel much more comfortable, and his facial expression relaxed.

"Huh, it's still warm inside."

Just as Xu Jie finished feeling, he felt a sharp pain in his inner arm.

"What's wrong, Sister Man?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman in bewilderment and asked, not understanding why the other party pinched him.

"What are you talking about!" Liu Jiaman said with staring eyes, "I have hundreds of thousands of latest high-end clothing, and millions of pigeon egg diamond rings. Before I had time to show them off, I was dragged in by you."

Although walking on the red carpet is a ritual, it is inevitable that female stars will compare with each other, especially what they are wearing, whether they are wearing big-name brands, whether they are the latest models, what jewelry they are wearing, and the approximate price.

Although tonight is not a big film festival, she has also prepared for this annual ceremony all afternoon, and the result is good now, the clothes and jewelry are for nothing, can she not be angry?
"Sister Man, it was you who said to make a show. Didn't we finish the light just now? Besides, it's so cold, and I see you wear so little, so I worry about you. What do you say you have a cold?" Xu Jie cared Said.

Liu Jiaman was quite angry at first, but when he heard these words, his heart suddenly warmed up, and a smile appeared on his face, thinking: This brother has no useless place.

"And..." Xu Jie continued: "Sister Man, who are you? You are a hot actress who has been famous for so many years. You are the big sister in the industry. You can make news by doing anything, so you don't care about that. Exposure?"

Liu Jiaman nodded involuntarily, what the other party said was indeed true, with her status as a celebrity, what are these annual grand ceremonies worth?
If she didn't know the organizer very well, she wouldn't have come to participate.

"Hmph, then I'll forgive you this time, it's not an example." Liu Jiaman said, and then walked into the hall of the annual grand ceremony.

Although it was just a media's annual event, due to the great influence of Weibo, the scale of the event was also very large, no less than those TV festivals and film festivals.

Moreover, many celebrities gathered at the scene, hundreds of them at least, among them there are not only some big hits, but there is also no shortage of actors, actresses, queens, queens, and directors of many film and television companies and entertainment companies. join in.

Under the leadership of the on-site staff, Xu Jie came to the first row. Because he had said hello before coming, Liu Jiaman's seat was arranged next to him.

And his appearance also attracted the attention of many people present.

Especially these people around, greeted warmly one after another.

"President Xu, you are here."

"Mr. Xu, I didn't expect to be able to sit with you. We must have a good chat later."

"Mr. Xu, do you have any new movie or TV drama projects? I really want to cooperate with you once."


Xu Jie also changed his grandson-like appearance before, and greeted the people around him in a personable and personable manner. He quickly became one with everyone and gradually became the center of the topic.

Liu Jiaman on the side looked at Xu Jie's eloquent talk, and couldn't help being a little surprised. You must know that among the people around, there are both the boss of the film and television company and the person in charge of the media platform. It is amazing to be able to chat and laugh with these people. Not everyone can get in.

In the past, when she came into contact with the other party, she was either on the set or at home, but here today, she has a new understanding of the other party.

This younger brother is not ordinary!


(End of this chapter)

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