The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 922 List of Winners

Chapter 922 List of Winners
Only when Xu Jie arrived at the scene did he know that the Weibo Annual Ceremony is not just an awards ceremony, but also a party. Many popular artists will perform on stage, and the surrounding stands are also full of fans. Although the Ceremony has not yet started, But shouts and screams filled the venue, and from time to time someone could be heard shouting the name of a certain artist.

Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch. It was just 7:10, and there were still 20 minutes before the grand ceremony. He thought that the grand ceremony would last for three or four hours, so he got up to find the bathroom.

At this time, the corridor was full of people. In addition to the organizer's staff, there were also actors who would perform in the ceremony, such as backup dancers, accompaniment singers, and so on.

Xu Jie walked out of the bathroom after draining the water. Just as he was walking back, he saw two acquaintances in front of him. One was Jiang Yanjun, deputy editor-in-chief of Weibo, and the other was Liu Jinghua from Fanhua Brokerage Company. They had just come from the same room. Walked out of the room, talking and laughing.

There is a situation!
Xu Jie's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Although he has not been a reporter for many years, his spirit of exploring the unknown has been preserved until now, and as a person who has stepped into the entertainment industry with one foot, how can he not be interested in gossip between men and women?

So he walked over quickly, and when he got closer, he gradually eased his steps.

"Editor Jiang, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble." Liu Jinghua said.

"Jinghua, don't be so polite, we are not outsiders, we have to continue to cooperate in the future, don't we?" Jiang Yanjun said after hearing this.

"Yes, Editor Jiang is right, in the future..." Liu Jinghua was halfway through speaking when she suddenly found someone behind her. When she saw who it was, the expression on her face froze immediately.

Seeing that he was discovered, Xu Jie immediately walked two steps quickly, looked at Jiang Yanjun and said, "Editor Jiang, you can make it easier for me to find you."

Jiang Yanjun turned around. When she and he saw Xu Jie, they were surprised at first, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, come, welcome."

"It's my honor to be able to participate in tonight's Weibo Annual Ceremony, but... Editor-in-Chief Jiang is really busy." Xu Jie said with a half-smile, and deliberately glanced at Liu Jinghua next to him.

Jiang Yanjun was slightly taken aback, knowing that he was misunderstood by the other party, he quickly explained: "Mr. Xu, Jinghua and I have known each other for seven or eight years. We are both partners and old friends. Just now we were talking about tonight's grand ceremony, thank you for the prosperity The brokerage company's support for the ceremony."

"Really? That's really a coincidence. Sister Hua and I are also old friends, isn't it Sister Hua?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua with a smile.

Liu Jinghua frowned, thinking: old friend?Old Enemy is more or less the same.

But thinking about it, she still forced a smile, nodded and said: "Well, yes, old friend, it's been a few years."

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Jiang Yanjun suddenly remembered something.

wait, no!
As one of the largest media platforms in China, what news can escape his attention?
What is the most sensational thing that happened in the entertainment industry this year?
It's not that the annual movie box office once again broke through 400 billion, it's not that the top couple Huang Hao and Yang Fei are getting divorced, and it's not that many illegal and immoral artists have been banned, but the banning battle between these two.

Liu Jinghua teamed up with many other entertainment companies to block Su Yun, while Xu Jie used all the resources of the Beijing Radio and Television Station to block all the artists of the prosperous brokerage company.

Although this incident happened at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, it left a deep impression on people.

As the saying goes: when gods fight, little ghosts suffer.

Even now, there are still many people affected by this, especially the artists of the prosperity agency.

'Oops, this is really a narrow road to Yuanjia! '

Jiang Yanjun thought to himself.

He looked at Xu Jie, and then at Liu Jinghua. One was a person from Beijing Radio and Television Station, and the other was the general manager of one of the largest brokerage companies in China. It was really uncomfortable to be caught in the middle!

In order to prevent the two from quarreling and fighting, he winked at Liu Jinghua, who was more easygoing, to signal him to leave, and then took the opportunity to look at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, what did you say to find me just now?"

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua who was leaving, ignored him, but said to Jiang Yanjun: "Editor Jiang, what were you up to just now, I called you several times and didn't answer."

"Ah? Really?" Jiang Yanjun took out his mobile phone from inside the capital, and it really showed that there were two missed calls, and they were all from the person in front of him, "Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry, maybe there was too much movement outside just now I didn't hear the phone ring, what are you looking for?"

"I forgot to bring the invitation letter and was stopped outside the gate. Fortunately, I met Liu Jiaman, otherwise I would have frozen to death outside." Xu Jie said flatly.

Jiang Yanjun was surprised, there is such a thing?
This is not just a mistake at work, it is a mistake.

He quickly held Xu Jie's hand and said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll treat Mr. Xu to dinner another day to make amends."

"Eating is free, but..." Xu Jie looked around and found no one here, so he whispered, "You have to tell me what Liu Jinghua asked you for just now."

"This, this..." Jiang Yanjun showed hesitation, and had nothing to say after a long time.

What he said between Liu Jinghua and Liu Jinghua was a private chat, and there was no need or obligation to tell others.

Even if he has a pretty good relationship with the person in front of him, he can't tell him everything, can he?
Man, there has to be a little secret, right?

"Why, is there any ulterior secret between Editor-in-Chief Jiang and Liu Jinghua?" Xu Jie asked with narrowed eyes.

"No!" Jiang Yanjun immediately denied it, and then said with a wry smile: "Mr. Xu, you can't talk nonsense about this. If outsiders hear it, my reputation will be ruined."

"Then you have to tell me why Liu Jinghua came to you." Xu Jie said relentlessly: "To tell you the truth, it's not me who gossips, but the deep hatred between me and Liu Jinghua. What should I do if my wife and I are harmed? Do I have to be on guard? "

"Mr. Xu, I swear to you, she definitely didn't come to me to harm you, please rest assured." Jiang Yanjun said seriously after hearing this.

"Just denying is not enough, you have to tell me, after all, you and her have known each other for seven or eight years, and I have only known you for a year or two, and, recently, I was looking for artists from the prosperous agency company, and Liu Jinghua even ate my heart alive It’s all there, do you think my vigilance is wrong? Who knows if she made a detour through you to harm me?”

"Editor Jiang, so you are here."

At this time, a staff member walked over quickly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yanjun looked at the other party and asked.

"Editor Jiang, the grand ceremony is about to start, and everyone is looking for you." The staff member said, deputy editor Jiang is the chief planner of tonight's grand ceremony, and the chief planner suddenly disappeared before the grand ceremony started, who is not in a hurry ?
Jiang Yanjun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, where did he come to find him?It was clearly to save him.

Just as he was about to take the opportunity to leave, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Understood, Editor-in-chief Jiang told me to go back after work." Xu Jie said to the staff.

The corner of Jiang Yanjun's mouth twitched, feeling helpless.

Seeing Mr. Xu next to him swearing not to give up until he achieves his goal, he knew that if he didn't speak out today, the other party would definitely not let him go.

The other party has plenty of time now, but he doesn't.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yanjun waved his hand at the staff, and said in his mouth: "You go back first, I will go there right away." After the staff left, he confessed to Xu Jie, "President Xu, Liu Jinghua really didn't come to me to harm You, but ask about the artist's award."


"Yes, there are some awards that will be presented tonight. Although they are not authoritative awards, they can also reflect the artist's popularity, traffic, popularity, and performance in the past year to a certain extent." Jiang Yanjun explained .

"Really?" Xu Jie asked.

"President Xu, do I have to lie to you? Besides, if it's something else, she won't be looking for me tonight, what do you think?" Jiang Yanjun said.

Xu Jie thought about it, it seems that this is the case

It seems that Jiang Yanjun was not lying.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie was more or less disappointed in his heart, thinking that there was something big, but it turned out to be these trivial things.


Liu Jinghua approached Jiang Yanjun just to ask?
With Liu Jinghua's virtue, anyway, he doesn't believe it.

"Mr. Xu, the grand ceremony is about to begin, so I'll go back first." Jiang Yanjun was about to leave after speaking.

"Wait!" Xu Jie grabbed the opponent's arm.

Jiang Yanjun smiled wryly again, "Mr. Xu, what else is there? I've said everything you want to know."

"I also want to know one more thing, is there any artist signed by my wife's studio in the award list." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Yanjun was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "There are still signed artists in Su Yun's studio? Who is it?"

"Ding Mengni, you don't even know about this, do you? She's here tonight." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Yanjun knew about this female artist, but she could barely reach the third or fourth tier in terms of celebrity status. The winners of the awards tonight were all very popular artists this year. How could there be this Ding Mengni?
"President Xu, there really isn't one," Jiang Yanjun said.

"No?" Xu Jie frowned, and asked suspiciously: "How could it be possible without her? Although she doesn't like hype and her popularity is a little lower, but in terms of appearance and acting skills, she is much better than other young artists, even if she can't Winning the Best Supporting Actress, but winning the Best Newcomer is still more than enough, Editor Jiang, did you give Ding Mengni's favor as a favor to an artist from the prosperous agency company? You can't do that."

Jiang Yanjun was completely dumbfounded.

Why did he want to know if Ding Mengni won the award?Obviously he wanted to get a prize for Ding Mengni.

Moreover, it also gave a hint, no, it was an explicit indication that Ding Mengni would be used to replace the artiste of the prosperous agency.

How can this be good?

Explain the selection rules to the other party?
doesn't work!
The other party is an insider, so how could he not know the situation in the awards?
Explanations are also useless explanations.

Xu Jie really knew, otherwise he wouldn't have done it.

The awards set up by a media platform are neither national awards nor professional judges. How can there be so many rules?In the end, who will win the award is not entirely up to the platform?
Authoritative data?

Authoritative data is not only clear to the platform itself?
Who is the platform?

Isn't the deputy editor-in-chief in front of you the top executive of the platform?

And he believed that Liu Jinghua's purpose in looking for the other party must be for this purpose.

Jiang Yanjun kept rubbing the forehead lines on his forehead with his hands. If it was to communicate with him before the selection, it would not be a problem for him. The problem is that the grand ceremony is about to begin, and Liu Jinghua already knows Is it inappropriate to change people suddenly?

"Editor Jiang, Chief Editor Jiang? I know that you like to award awards to related households, but you can't give all the awards to related households, right? It must be given to some powerful people, right?" Xu Jie Said.

If Liu Jinghua could have it, why couldn't he?

Not only did he want it, but he decided to do it.

In the past, he had no desires or desires in these matters because he had no artists under his command, but now it is different, he has his own artists under his command, so for the future development of artists, it is very necessary for him to win some awards for these artists, even if it is just A paltry award.

"Mr. Xu, we are not outsiders. Let me tell you the truth. In fact, before this, many entertainment companies and celebrity managers approached us, hoping to win the award tonight. When our organizers selected, in order to be able to All aspects were taken care of, and a lot of thought was spent on the list of winners, and only then was the final winner determined."

When Jiang Yanjun said this, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Xu Jie, and continued: "This list is not only meant by me alone, but also by all relevant high-level officials of our sponsor. Liu Jinghua not only knows Me alone."

Xu Jie took a quick glance at the list and froze in place.

There are as many as twenty awards!

And except for three or four awards with only one winner, other awards have as few as two or three winners and as many as eight or nine winners. When all the winners are added together, there are at least five or sixty winners.

He seriously doubts that the artists who are here today are the ones who come, and as long as they come, they can win the prize.

In other words, these artists came to participate because they were notified to accept the award.

But if you think about it carefully, now even the best actors and actresses and queens often lay double yolks, let alone these media platform awards.

"Editor Jiang, if there is one person for every award, I won't embarrass you, but look for yourself, so many people win an award, don't let you insert one more, even if you insert her ten times into it No one can see the problem with one or eight of them." Xu Jie said while holding the list.

Jiang Yanjun smiled embarrassedly, this time he didn't refute or complain.

Xu Jie directly took out a pen from his pocket, and while writing on the list by hand, he said, "Editor Jiang, I won't make things difficult for you. You can add Ding Mengni to the annual new actor list, and add another to the annual charismatic actor list." Chen Siyan, add Hu Xuan to the popular artist of the year..."

"Wait, Mr. Xu, aren't these Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan artists from the Fanhua Brokerage Company?" Jiang Yanjun asked suspiciously. Since the other party and Liu Jinghua are rivals, why should they fight for awards for the artists from the Fanhua Brokerage Company?
And it was only one just now, and now it has directly become three.

"After this year, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan will be artists in my wife's studio." Xu Jie explained.

Jiang Yanjun opened his eyes wide in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Although he knew that the other party was poaching people from the prosperous brokerage company, he didn't expect to be able to poach even first-tier and second-tier artists.

"Mr. Xu, you are awesome!" Jiang Yanjun directly extended a thumbs up.

After Xu Jie added his name to the list, he returned the paper to Jiang Yanjun, "Editor Jiang, this is the first time I ask you for help, I think you must be embarrassed to refuse. Okay, let's say that It's settled, if anyone among you disagrees, let him come to me, and I'll have a good chat with him."

Jiang Yanjun thought to himself: If we talk again, we need to add three more people.


(End of this chapter)

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