The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 923 Who Has A Part?

Chapter 923 Who Has A Part?
Xu Jie returned to the scene and sat down. There was still one minute before the grand ceremony, and the time was just right.

"Why have you been there for so long? Is it because your kidneys are not good?" Liu Jiaman asked in a low voice.

After Xu Jie heard it, he rolled his eyes at the other party bluntly. You must know that kidney problems are a man's bottom line. Men can admit that their spirits are not good, but they will never admit that their kidneys are not good.

What's more, there is really no problem with his kidney.

"What do you know? It's because your kidneys are so good that you've been there for so long. If it's because your kidneys are not good, you've already started going there for the third time." Called back for proof.

"That's a bad stomach." Liu Jiaman's eyes fell on Xu Jie's stomach.

"Can't you think of me better? Do you have to be happy if there are some problems with the parts on my body?" Xu Jie was helpless. Is this what a sister should say?

"Hee hee, don't you care about you?" Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

When Xu Jie used to watch awards ceremonies on the Internet and on TV, he was always curious about what the stars would talk about offstage. Today he knew it, and they were all gossiping.

At this time, the lights in the venue suddenly went out, and as bunches of colorful lights shone on the stage, this year's Weibo Annual Ceremony officially began.

The first thing to do was the opening song and dance performance. Eight young lads made a handsome appearance amidst the shocking music, causing the fans in the surrounding stands to scream.

People on the Internet often criticize that today is an era of popular fresh meat, and many people even feel sad about it, thinking that the entertainment industry has changed and is no longer what it used to be.

In fact, the entertainment industry has never changed.

In any era, small fresh meats are popular in the entertainment industry, such as those singers and film kings, they were small fresh meats when they became famous, but the original small fresh meats have gradually become old, and those fans who like small fresh meats are also already old.

This feeling is like some young people can never understand that the elders can't understand the elders' eyes slanted at 45 degrees and sing a pruning plum affectionately, and the elders can't understand that the young people are humming and haha ​​while swinging the nunchuck, and the young people of the generation of humming haha Entering middle age, I don't understand the charm of slow motion with the left hand and the right hand.

The entertainment industry is still the same, but the young people who are the main force of fans have changed one after another, that's all.

The eight little fresh meat performed very hard. Although their dancing was not very good and their singing was average, who called these people fresh?Even just one movement, one look, can arouse the cheers of the fans at the scene.

Xu Jie has no objection to Xiaoxianrou, but from the perspective of the company's employment, he prefers capable Xiaoxianrou. If he just has a pair of skins, not only will he not go far, but he will also be easily hacked.

A few minutes later, the eight little fresh meats left the stage. Just when Xu Jie thought it was the host's turn, he saw more than a dozen young girls on the stage.

Their singing and dancing are still unprofessional, but they are youthful and beautiful, so it also caused a small climax of cheers from fans.

With the end of the women's group show, three hosts, one man, two women, finally stood on stage.

"Dear audience friends at the scene and in front of the TV, friends and netizens, good evening everyone..."

Xu Jie looked at the three hosts while applauding. Two of them were old acquaintances. One was Li Xueqing, the current hostess of "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting" of the Beijing Literature and Art Channel, and the other was the male host of CTS Spring Festival Gala last year. One of them is Qian Taotao.

As for the remaining one, it seems very unfamiliar, but what is certain is that this hostess is neither from Beijing Radio and Television Station, nor from China TV Station.

He guessed that the other party should be someone from Weibo. After all, tonight is the annual Weibo ceremony. Regardless of professional or not, as the organizer, there must be one person, right?

Probably because there are so many awards, after the host finished his opening remarks, he directly entered the link of awarding awards.

"The first thing that will be announced is the new actor of the year, please watch it on the big screen!"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard this, New Actor of the Year?Isn't this the award he wanted for Ding Mengni?How could it be announced in the first place?
The big screen on the stage began to display the personal information of the winners, mainly in the form of short videos, listing the significance of the winners' works this year
Seeing this link, Xu Jie couldn't help frowning.

Instead of reading the list directly?Want to play a video message?
You know, he had just separated from Jiang Yanjun not long ago, and it only took eight or nine minutes to play all the calculations. I don't know if the other party has added Ding Mengni in such a short period of time.

Liu Jiaman, who was sitting next to him, was very puzzled after seeing Xu Jie's nervous and surprised expression, looked at the introduction on the big screen, looked at Xu Jie himself, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?" ? Is there any doubt about the list of winners?"

In fact, the awards issued by this kind of media platform are not very convincing. The reason for such a review is mainly to expand the influence of the platform, and the reason why celebrities come is because they don't want to lose such a publicity position.

Therefore, no matter who won the award or what award, generally no one would care about it. Artists don't care, and fans don't care, so she is very puzzled by Xu Jie's reaction.

It's not an international film festival, so why is it so serious?

Xu Jie signaled Liu Jiaman not to disturb him.

Soon, the five winners were introduced, and it was the sixth place's turn.

"Ding Mengni, she is the rebellious younger sister in "The World", and also the protecting court lady in "Lover in Time and Space". She uses her excellent acting skills to interpret the role thoroughly..."

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the introduction on the big screen, and a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that Jiang Yanjun's work efficiency is quite high, and he finished the short film so quickly.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at Ding Mengni who was sitting in the seventh row. The other party's cold and beautiful face was full of surprises, obviously surprised by tonight's award.

"Yo? Mengni won the award? Why have you never heard of her?" Liu Jiaman also looked back at Ding Mengni, because in the past two months, they often film together during the day and play mahjong together at night, so for this young junior , she still prefers it from the bottom of her heart.

"I don't know." Xu Jie said.

"I don't know? No way? For events like this, the organizers usually tell the artist what award they will win in advance, in exchange for the artist's presence, and Liu Qing won the title of Outstanding Actor of the Year." Liu Jiaman said in a low voice. .

"Really?" Xu Jie was taken aback. Although he had seen the list of winners just now, because there were too many awards and more winners, he didn't read carefully, and he didn't pay attention to Liu Qing's name.

It seems that the visitor really has a share!
Six artists came to the stage, and a director presented trophies to the six artists.

Compared with the calmness of the other five artists, Ding Mengni seemed a little nervous. I don't know if it was because of an accident or because it was the first time she won the award.

Due to time constraints, the host only conducted a brief interview with the actors, so short that each had only one acceptance speech.

Six entertainers walked off the stage with trophies, and there was applause from the scene.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie kept clapping his hands, especially when Ding Mengni passed by in the first row, he deliberately raised his hands and applauded to express his congratulations.

Ding Mengni is not stupid and sweet. Seeing Xu Jie's appearance, she instantly knew how she got this award.

When she didn’t sign a contract with Sister Yun’s studio, there weren’t many people who even invited her to participate in activities. Now that she has just signed with Sister Yun’s studio, not long ago, she can not only receive invitations, but also win awards. It has something to do with it No, it's just a coincidence, she doesn't believe it.

After the first awards were presented, it was the turn of the stars to perform.

"You did it?" Liu Jiaman asked Xu Jie sideways.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie asked while watching the show on stage. This time, the performer was a female singer, dressed in fancy clothes, but the short skirt of the supporting dancer was very beautiful.

"Did you help Mengni get her award?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"How could it be? She was awarded based entirely on her strength and popularity. It has nothing to do with me. Please don't question the fairness of the awards." Xu Jie said solemnly.

How can such a thing be admitted?

Firstly, this is not a glorious thing, and secondly, it is easy to damage Ding Mengni's self-confidence.

Liu Jiaman curled her lips when she heard it. She has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, so how can she not know the way?

Not to mention the awards issued by this kind of media platform, even those official film festival awards are full of games between all parties, which is why "double yolk eggs" have appeared frequently in recent years.

There is no way, all forces cannot offend, and even the organizing committee has to lay "double yolk eggs" to balance.

"I heard that you recruited Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan from Fanhua Brokerage Company? I think they are here tonight too, but based on what I know about Liu Jinghua, she is very vindictive, and theoretically she will never let these two She won any awards tonight, but she is facing you this time, and with your character, you will never let those who follow you be wronged..."

Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie with a smile, and finally began to draw conclusions, "I guessed blindly, Hu Xuan and Chen Siyan will definitely win awards tonight, I don't know if my guess is right?"

For an awards ceremony of this level, the organizers will definitely give an award to any first- and second-tier actors who can be present.

Xu Jie looked away from the stage, and couldn't help but look at Liu Jiaman next to him with admiration, the other party's analysis is really in place.

"Sister Man, with your IQ, it's useless to be in the entertainment industry." Xu Jie pointed at the other party with a thumbs up. Although he didn't answer directly, it was regarded as acquiescing.

"My IQ is developed by playing mahjong. Remember, one day, sooner or later, I will surpass you in mahjong. Just wait and see." Liu Jiaman said confidently.

"I hope that day will come earlier." Xu Jie said.

This is the truth, not perfunctory, because as long as the opponent's card skills surpass him, he doesn't need to teach the opponent anymore, let alone play mahjong with the opponent every night.

I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day.

Performances and award presentations alternated with each other, because there were stars on and off the stage, so the atmosphere was always good.

Breakthrough Actor of the Year...

Expected actor of the year...

Enterprising Performer of the Year...

Powerful Actor of the Year...

Quality Actor of the Year...

Word of Mouth Actor of the Year...

Most Watched Actor of the Year...

The awards are presented one after another, and the stars sitting in the first few rows basically hold a trophy. Although even the winners themselves may not know the meaning of the trophy in their hands, everyone looks very happy. After all, they did not leave empty-handed. Star Encyclopedia Among the main achievements, there can also be one more award.

No matter how big or small an award is, no one would think too much of it.

As the old saying goes: a man has a face, a tree has a skin.

Isn't this face accumulated by awards?

The more awards you have, the more radiant your face is. Even if you only win one award, it is better than no award.

Do you have the certificate of honor for the three good students in elementary school?It's just a piece of paper, and the result can't make people happy for a while?
"The next one will be the Charismatic Actor of the Year, please watch it on the big screen..."

"I invite Cheng Yilong, Chen Siyan, Zhang Zheng, and Song Yiyi to come on stage to accept the awards."

As the host's voice fell, the scene once again burst into applause.

"Clap clap clap."

The two male artists Cheng Yilong and Zhang Zheng stood up first and happily went on stage to accept the award, but the two female artists Chen Siyan and Song Yiyi were stunned in their seats at the moment.

Chen Siyan stared blankly at the host on stage. If it wasn't for her photo and name on the big screen, she would even wonder if she had heard it wrong.

How could there be her?

You must know that she only has one work broadcast this year, and she is not the number one actress. Although she has also appeared in some good works before, shouldn't the awards for the annual ceremony be based on that year?
Moreover, the company didn't want her to attend tonight's grand ceremony. If Mr. Xu hadn't fought for her, she wouldn't be sitting here.

By the way, Mr. Xu, it must be Mr. Xu!
If Mr. Xu can fight for her to participate in this grand ceremony, he will definitely win an award for her.

Anyway, Sister Hua can't help her.

Thinking of this, Chen Siyan stood up from her seat, walked towards the stage with a smile.

Song Yiyi looked at Chen Siyan's back in surprise. Although she won the award, she was not at all happy.

This award was rewarded by Sister Hua for her loyalty, and she deliberately won it for her. She was happy for a long time, and thought that Chen Siyan was too stupid to leave the prosperous brokerage company. Don't you know that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse?
But now, Chen Siyan, who was ridiculed by her secretly, won the same award as her, which made her unable to accept this reality for a while.

How could this be so?
Liu Jinghua who was sitting in the corner was also very surprised, and his face soon became gloomy.

She had seen the complete list of winners from Jiang Yanjun before, and there was no Chen Siyan among the charismatic actors of the year, so why is there again now?No need to ask, it must be the ghost of that surnamed Xu!
She canceled the arrangement for Chen Siyan to participate in the Weibo annual ceremony, and gave Chen Siyan a warning. However, the person surnamed Xu not only won an invitation letter for Chen Siyan, but also won an award for Chen Siyan. This, this does not mean slapping her in the face ?

She gritted her teeth and looked at the first row of the venue.

The surname Xu, Feng Shui turns, sooner or later, I will make you pay the price!

(End of this chapter)

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