The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 924 It's about to collapse!

Chapter 924 It's about to collapse!

After more than three hours of performances, the Weibo Annual Ceremony ended successfully.

A total of 50 awards were awarded in the whole ceremony, more than 20 celebrities won awards, and more than [-] film and television works won awards, including today's hottest artists and hottest works. The stars are happy, the company behind the stars is also happy, and the fans are even more happy. Happily, the ending can be said to be a happy ending.

In fact, not only Weibo, but also the grand ceremonies held by many media platforms are like this. It doesn't matter how many awards there are, and it doesn't matter who wins what awards. The important thing is to be able to invite stars to the scene.

As long as the stars can arrive, trophies are absolutely indispensable. Anyway, for the organizers, it is just an extra trophy, and the cost is only a dozen yuan.

The guests started to leave.

After Xu Jie got up, he looked at Liu Jiaman who was holding the "Most Influential Actor of the Year" trophy in his hand and said, "Sister Man, congratulations on winning the award."

After Liu Jiaman heard it, instead of being happy, he gave Xu Jie a blank look, and asked angrily, "Are you trying to squeeze me?"

"You think too much, how dare I." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Liu Jiaman snorted, maybe other people like this trophy very much, but she doesn't like it, firstly because there are too many such trophies, and there is no place to put them at home, and secondly because there are no such awards No authority of any kind, not even worthy of being placed on the honor shelf in the study.

Most Influential Actor of the Year?

She has been out of acting for many years. Although she acted in "Lover in Time and Space" this year, it was only a cameo appearance in friendship. In terms of the number of roles, she doesn't even count as four girls and five girls. How can she have such influence? ?
It's still the same sentence: If she didn't know Weibo very well, she wouldn't have come.

Some awards will make you feel uncomfortable, and some awards will make you feel uncomfortable.

"Where are you going? Home or the company? Do you want me to see you off?" Liu Jiaman couldn't help asking concerned when he thought of Xu Jie's miserable state when he came here.

Xu Jie wanted to say yes, after all, his car was parked in a parking lot one kilometer away from here, but after another thought, Jiang Yanjun arranged for Ding Mengni, Chen Siyan and Hu Xuan to be included in the award list, should he? How about thanking the other party?

So he said to Liu Jiaman: "Thank you, Sister Man, my car is parked nearby, so I don't need to trouble you, and it's getting late, Sister Man, hurry back and rest, there are still many shooting tasks tomorrow. "

"Got it, Mr. Xu!" Liu Jiaman said the word "Mr. Xu" very emphatically, and then walked out of the venue with his assistant.

Xu Jie was about to find Jiang Yanjun when suddenly a voice came from behind him.

"Teacher Xu!"

"Mr. Xu!"

Xu Jie stopped and looked back, it was Ding Mengni and Chen Siyan, and beside Chen Siyan was Hu Xuan.

The two parties probably didn't notice each other, so after shouting, they both froze for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the three of them and asked.

Ding Mengni and Chen Siyan gave in to each other, wanting each other to speak first.

Ding Mengni thinks that Chen Siyan is more famous than her, and she is a second-tier artist, so she should be the first to talk about it, but Chen Siyan thinks that Ding Mengni signed with Su Jie's studio before her, and has participated in many works of Mr. Xu, the relationship is extraordinary , the other party should speak first.

The two kept giving way, but in the end Xu Jie couldn't take it anymore, looked at the three of them and said, "Okay, don't give up anymore, Hu Xuan, come on!"

Hu Xuan, who was standing aside, was stunned for a moment, and then said gratefully: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your care tonight." After speaking, he picked up the trophy in his hand.

Although the words are not clear, but the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

He came to thank for the annual popular artist award he received today.

Of course Xu Jie also understood what Hu Xuan meant, and said lightly: "It's nothing, you're welcome, this is an honor you won with your strength, I'm just giving the organizer a suggestion."

Hu Xuan thought to himself after hearing it: It really is the reason of Mr. Xu.

In fact, with his strength, it is not difficult to win an award at the Weibo Annual Ceremony tonight. I remember that he also won an award when he participated in the Weibo Annual Ceremony the year before last.

However, due to Liu Jinghua's reasons this year, even the invitation letter was almost returned, let alone the award, and he was able to win the award tonight, it must have something to do with Mr. Xu, just like Mr. The organizer resumed the invitation to him in the same way.

Although Mr. Xu said it lightly just now, he could see from this incident that the other party cared and valued him, which made him feel in his heart that the decision to switch to Sister Yun's studio was correct.

"Siyan, what about you?" Xu Jie looked at Chen Siyan again.

"Like Brother Xuan, I deliberately came to thank Mr. Xu." Chen Siyan said.

"Teacher Xu, me too." Ding Mengni who was beside her also said.

"You are capable, so don't thank me." Xu Jie waved his hands again and again. He regarded this award as an encouragement to these three people, so that they were full of energy to welcome the new beginning.

you are welcome?
Ding Mengni and Chen Siyan didn't think so.

Although the two of them haven't been in the entertainment industry for a long time, they have seen all kinds of dangers in the industry.

Take the awards as an example, can an artist with no support and no background win the award?

There has never been a shortage of capable people in the entertainment industry, but why do some people often win awards, while others don't even get nominated?
Not to mention winning awards, even the leading female lead in some big productions, whoever has the ability can win.

Nowadays, "fighting father" is popular in society. In fact, the deeper meaning of "fighting father" is to fight background.

It is difficult for people without background, but it is easy for people with background.

Xu Jie still had something to do, so he said to the three of them: "It's so late, you all should go home quickly, there are a lot of activities during this time, so don't tire yourself out."

"Alright Mr. Xu."

"President Xu, let's go then."

"Goodbye, Teacher Xu!"

Hu Xuan, Chen Siyan, and Ding Mengni left after greeting each other.

In fact, they still have a lot to say, but there are too many people here, it is really not a place to talk, and they can only wait until later.

Xu Jie waited for Hu Xuan and others to leave, then walked quickly to the backstage.

At the moment, the backstage is overcrowded. In addition to the staff and performers, there are also several high-level officials from the Weibo platform.

A large number of entertainment company representatives and celebrities gathered around them. Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere looked peaceful.

With regard to this scene, who would believe that the awards for tonight's solution are not tricky?

Xu Jie saw Jiang Yanjun at a glance in the crowd, so he walked towards him.

"Editor Jiang, you've worked hard."

Xu Jie held each other's hand tightly, needless to say, everything was in his eyes.

"Mr. Xu can come to cheer, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it." Jiang Yanjun said after hearing it.

For him, holding the annual grand ceremony is not hard, but for Mr. Xu to add someone to the list of winners, he really sweats.

Not only do we need to collect information about Ding Mengni, Chen Siyan, and Hu Xuan, but we also need to make short videos of the information, especially for Ding Mengni, the new actor of the year, because it is the first award to be announced, so the time is very tight. The singing and dancing of the girl group took a long time, which made the host delay for a while, and Ding Mengni's short promotional video was simply endless.

This is also a lesson.

The next time you hold an annual grand ceremony or other event, be sure to ask Mr. Xu in advance if he has any recommenders.

"Editor Jiang, do you have time later? It's so late, how about finding a place to have supper together?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yanjun and asked.

Jiang Yanjun was taken aback, he was really hungry when he was asked such a question.

In preparation for tonight's annual event, he had an early dinner at three in the afternoon, and it was already 10:30, so he really should have something to eat.

"Just the two of us?" Jiang Yanjun asked in a low voice.

"I just saw Mr. Wang from Xunteng's video, Mr. Zhang from Fashion Magazine, and Mr. Hu from Liangxing's manager..." Xu Jie mentioned six people in a row.

Jiang Yanjun was stunned for a moment, calling so many people, obviously it was not just a simple supper.

Moreover, these people are not only his colleagues, but also his customers, and they might be able to use them at any time in the future. It is also necessary to take advantage of the meal to get closer and deepen their relationship.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yanjun said with a smile: "I'm here to find a place, and I'll send you the location map later. I'll invite you tonight. You can't snatch it from me."

"Okay, I'll listen to Editor Jiang tonight, and I'll go find other people." Xu Jie said to Jiang Yanjun, and then walked to several other people.

The few people he mentioned just now have had business contacts with him, some are many, some are few, and it is rare that there are so many people tonight. Going out to eat something and bragging is also very good.

Xu Jie first came to the general manager of Xunteng Video, Wang Heng, who was sitting next to him at the performance site just now.

"Mr. Wang, tonight's annual ceremony was a success, and Jiang Yanjun is very happy. I invite you, me, and a few others to have supper. Do you have time?" Xu Jie added, "They are all acquaintances. "

"Okay." Wang Heng agreed happily without thinking too much.

He knew very well that although Xu Jie said it was a supper, it was actually a dinner.

He likes this kind of private dinner, which can not only chat about the inner affairs of the circle, but also deepen the relationship with each other, and it will also be of great help to future work.

There are two kinds of dinners: one is useless and the other is useful.

For him, useless dinners will only waste time, while useful dinners can expand contacts.

Tonight's private dinner obviously belongs to the latter.

"I'll send you the positioning map later." Xu Jie said to Wang Heng, and then looked for the next target.

When he was going to find Zhao Hanlin, the deputy general manager of Northern Newspaper, he found that Liu Jinghua had appeared in front of Zhao Hanlin at some point, and he was beaming and didn't know what to say.

Although he didn't hear it, he could roughly guess that it was nothing more than sycophancy and solicitation. Liu Jinghua, an old woman, has always been like this.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Liu, what are you talking about so happily, can you share it with me?"

Xu Jie walked over directly, interrupted Liu Jinghua who was performing, and didn't even bother to eavesdrop.

Zhao Hanlin and Liu Jinghua turned their heads at the same time, Zhao Hanlin smiled, but the smile on Liu Jinghua's face froze, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes, fleeting.

"Mr. Liu and I chatted about the performance at tonight's grand ceremony. Mr. Liu deserves to be a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry. The performances of these artists under his hands are really wonderful." Zhao Hanlin boasted with a smile.

"Agreed!" Xu Jie echoed, "My wife, Su Yun, signed a contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company before, and she has been taken care of by Mr. Liu."

Zhao Hanlin took a breath, and immediately thought of the grievances between Xu Jie and Liu Jinghua, and his expression became embarrassing.

As if Xu Jie didn't see it, he continued: "In order to express my gratitude to Mr. Liu, I plan to take good care of Mr. Liu's artists in the future, and train Mr. Liu's artists as my own artists..."

Liu Jinghua was shocked when he heard this, and his heart was full of anger. He clenched his fists and thought: I don't need you to take care of my old lady's artists!

Suddenly poached two generals from her company, is there such a care?

Isn't this treating her agency as an artist training class?
"Mr. Zhao, you guys talk, let's meet again some other day." Liu Jinghua forced a smile on his face, then walked away gritted his teeth.

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Jinghua with a sneer, and then asked Zhao Hanlin: "Mr. Zhao, Jiang Yanjun, editor-in-chief Jiang invited us to have dinner together later, will you go?"

"Go, I'm just hungry, and I want to find a place to fill my stomach, so I have left over the money for the meal." Zhao Hanlin said jokingly, and patted his belly with his hands.

"Then I'll send you the positioning map later."

After Xu Jie finished talking to Zhao Hanlin, he was going to find Hu Zhen not far away, but he found that Liu Jinghua was with Zhang Deyi, the editor-in-chief of "Fashion" magazine.

It just so happened that he was going to find Zhang Deyi for dinner, so he walked in that direction again.

Liu Jinghua is recommending artists to Zhang Deyi. As one of the four major magazines in the domestic fashion circle, "Fashion" magazine also has a high status in the entertainment circle. Some international big names usually refer to these fashion magazines when they are looking for product spokespersons in China.

Her goal this year is very simple, which is to win the cover of the three-month issue of "Fashion" magazine for your company's artists. As for the interviews in the magazine, naturally, the more the better.

However, just as she was talking vigorously, she found that the man who had just interrupted her conversation with Zhao Hanlin was walking towards this side again, and he had a half-smile expression on his face.

Damn, you don't want to mess up the situation again, do you?
Just as she was thinking this way, the man had already spoken.

"Editor Zhang, what are you talking about with President Liu so happily?"


Liu Jinghua was speechless, the same opening remarks, the same tone, must have come to "care" about her again.

"Mr. Liu and I are talking about tonight's annual ceremony. The annual ceremony of our "Fashion" magazine will start in a few days. Mr. Xu must come to join us." Zhang Deyi said.

"That's natural." Xu Jie said solemnly: "Let me tell you, Editor-in-Chief Zhang, not only will I go, but I will also bring Mr. Liu's artists there. Don't be angry when the time comes, Mr. Liu."

The corners of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched again and again, suppressing the anger in his heart, he said, "I won't be angry, and I will also praise Editor-in-Chief Zhang. Let's chat, Editor-in-Chief Zhang. See you at the fashion festival." After speaking, he left .

While looking at Liu Jinghua's back, Xu Jie said to Zhang Deyi beside him, "Old Zhang, wait a moment and invite Jiang Yanjun to dinner. Let's go together? Wang Heng from Xunteng and Zhao Hanlin from Northern Newspapers are all going."

When Zhang Deyi heard it, so many heavyweight bigwigs were going, how could he miss himself?So he nodded excitedly and said, "Okay, I'll go."

"I'll send you a location map later." Xu Jie patted Zhang Deyi on the shoulder, then walked in the direction of Liu Jinghua to see who the other party wanted to flatter.

At this time, Liu Jinghua was looking at the man who followed him, and his whole body was about to collapse.

She just wanted to concentrate on flattering her, why is it so difficult?
This person is too shameless, right?

(End of this chapter)

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