Chapter 927 Who is it?

On the second day of the Weibo Annual Ceremony, Xu Jie didn't wake up until after 10 am. It wasn't that he liked to sleep in. It was because the dinner party last night ended too late, and the big men chatted until three in the morning.

Xu Jie put on his clothes and left home, went to a bun shop near the community to eat something, and after filling his stomach, he drove to the company.

His wife is not at home, and he is too lazy to cook alone.

When he arrived at the company, he turned on the computer and continued the sketch script that he hadn't finished writing yesterday.

For him, the most important job right now is neither the support plan for new directors nor the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi", but the sketch script for the CTS Spring Festival Gala.

All other work can be postponed, but this one cannot.

Because there is no specific completion date whether it is the support plan for new directors or the filming of "Legend of Lan Xi", everything is up to him to decide, except for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, he has to listen to other people's arrangements.

Moreover, the date for the first review of language programs has been fixed. Before that, he must complete the script in advance and find good actors to rehearse, otherwise the cooperation between Beijing Television Culture and the large-scale program center of China TV Station will fail.

This is a business that he managed to win. It can not only enhance the company's influence, but also add growth points to the company's performance. He doesn't want to lose it just like that.

In fact, the story is not difficult to imagine. The taste of the China Television Spring Festival Gala review team has not changed over the years. It can be summed up in four words: entertaining and entertaining.

The key is how to add laughter to the story.

A skit, no matter how meaningful it is, if it can't make the audience laugh, it will be a failure.

Why do people feel that the sketches are getting worse and worse, because there are fewer and fewer laughs, and they only care about the truth.

What he has to do is how to integrate the truth and the joke, let the truth exist in the joke, and give the joke a little truth. This is the most advanced joke, instead of standing on the stage and shouting Go straight to the big truth, for fear that the audience will not hear or understand, and they will think the audience is a fool.

"Ring bell bell!"

A sudden burst of music interrupted Xu Jie's thinking.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, and it turned out to be a call from Hu Xuan.

Could it be that old woman Liu Jinghua is messing up again?

With doubts, he connected the phone.

"Hu Xuan? Are you looking for me?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, it's me. I'm sorry to disturb your work." Hu Xuan said respectfully.

"We're not outsiders, so don't be so polite, what can I do for you?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, it's like this. The organizer of Xunteng Entertainment's Annual Ceremony just contacted me and asked me if I could attend their gala tomorrow. They also told me that they would give me the award for TV Actor of the Year." Hu Xuan Briefly stated things.

"Oh? Really? This is a good thing, congratulations." Xu Jie said after hearing it. It seems that the meal last night was not in vain. Mr. Wang from Xunteng Video started to act so quickly.

"But I heard that this award is going to be awarded to Wang Junyi. My assistant heard it from Wang Junyi's assistant. Mr. Xu, do you think there is something wrong? Should I go tomorrow night? "Hu Xuan didn't know what to do, and he was embarrassed to ask the people from Xunteng Entertainment just now, so he could only ask Mr. Xu for help.

As for Liu Jinghua, I already hated him to death, so how could I help him solve the problem?What's more, now that Sister Hua is supporting Wang Junyi, if he tells the other party, the other party will only favor Wang Junyi.

"Really? Is there such a thing? Could it be a double-yolk egg?" Xu Jie asked. The vast majority of the awards awarded in the Weibo annual ceremony are not double-yolk eggs, triple-yolk eggs or even four-yolk eggs. Yolk?
"As far as I know, there has never been a double-yolk egg in Xunteng Entertainment's annual festival." Hu Xuan said.

At first, he also thought it might be a double yolk egg, but after seeing Xunteng Entertainment's awards list in previous years, he immediately dispelled this doubt.

"Is that so..."

Xu Jie thought for a while, since the organizer took the initiative to call Hu Xuan, then there should be no mistake about the award. Xunteng Video is such a big company, if even such a small matter as the list of winners can be wrong, in the future What face is there to hold the annual ceremony again?

"Hu Xuan, don't worry, Xunteng will not make mistakes. I mentioned you in front of Wang Heng, the general manager of Xunteng Video, last night. How about it, I will go with you tomorrow night." Xu Jie said.

Hu Xuan's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he swept away his previous hesitation.

If what Mr. Xu said is true, and he was really mentioned in front of Mr. Wang yesterday, then the credibility of the phone content is very high.

Mr. Wang must have listened to Mr. Xu's words, so he temporarily changed the winner.

Although Xunteng Entertainment's annual TV drama actor of the year is not a regular award, he is still very happy to snatch it from Wang Junyi.

Moreover, Mr. Xu will support him tomorrow. If Xunteng made a mistake, wouldn't it just be wrong for Mr. Xu's face?

"Thank you Mr. Xu." Hu Xuan said immediately.

It seems that in many invisible places, the fight between Mr. Xu and Sister Hua has started again.


5 number.

The Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony organized by Xunteng Video was held in the Cultural Exhibition Hall.

With the lessons learned from being frozen at the Weibo annual event last time, this time Xu Jie kept the invitation letter in his pocket, for fear of forgetting to take it and being blocked outside the gate.

"I'm sorry Mr. Xu, I kept you waiting." In the parking lot beside the red carpet, Hu Xuan came to Xu Jie with an apologetic expression on his face, making the future boss wait in the cold wind, which is simply an extra crime.

"It's nothing, I came early." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he was worried about the traffic jam like the day before yesterday, so he arrived here half an hour earlier.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct. The gate of the exhibition hall has been blocked by dogs, even if there are guardrails, it cannot withstand the enthusiasm of fans.

Just when Xu Jie and Hu Xuan were about to walk the red carpet, suddenly two figures got out of a nanny car in front, they were Liu Jinghua and Wang Junyi.

I don't know if it was because the temperature of the air conditioner in the car was turned too high, but Liu Jinghua's face was flushed, while Wang Junyi was buttoning up his clothes while walking.

Liu Jinghua and Wang Junyi also saw Xu Jie and Hu Xuan at this moment, one's expression darkened immediately, while the other's eyes were filled with a sneer.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Liu? What a coincidence." Xu Jie warmly greeted Liu Jinghua.

"Yes, what a coincidence." Liu Jinghua gritted her teeth and said, she was in a good mood, but when she saw the other party, especially Hu Xuan standing beside him, her blood pressure went straight to the top of her head.

The contract hasn't expired yet!
From a legal point of view, Hu Xuan is still an artist of the prosperous brokerage company and an artist under her Liu Jinghua. When he comes out to participate in activities, it is fine if he does not stand by her side, but he is still standing by her enemy. This is not intentional mad at her?Who can not be angry?
"Yo, Xiao Hu is here too!" Liu Jinghua said in a strange way, and gave the other party a hard look, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Walking with her enemy is simply a traitor.

"Hello, Sister Hua." Hu Xuan said politely. Although he was a little embarrassed, he couldn't help feeling more confident when he thought that Mr. Xu was by his side.

Wang Junyi on the side already knew that Hu Xuan would not renew the contract when the contract expired. He was very happy that the other party left, because once Hu Xuan left, Sister Hua could devote more attention to him.

But he also knew that Liu Jinghua had always been brooding over Hu Xuan's departure, so instead of expressing his happiness, he had to vent his anger for Sister Hua, so that Sister Hua could know who was the most caring person.

"Brother Xuan, I didn't expect you to come too, but tonight's Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony is different from the Weibo Annual Ceremony the night before yesterday. Not only are there fewer awards, but each award has only one winner. Depending on your strength, you don't have to worry about being shared by those who are not strong anymore." Wang Junyi said arrogantly.

"It seems that you are very confident about winning the award tonight, I wish your dreams come true." Hu Xuan said lightly.

Since he wasn't sure whether the TV drama actor of the year was himself or Wang Junyi, he didn't argue with the other party, and Mr. Xu was by his side. He didn't want to cause trouble for Mr. Xu and leave a bad impression.

"That's for sure. I have confidence in winning the prize tonight. When I get the trophy, I will definitely lend it to Brother Xuan for you to take a good look at." Wang Junyi said with a smile.

Hu Xuan nodded and said nothing more.

"Mr. Liu, who is this, talking so much? Is it your new artist? Go back and teach me well, keep a low profile." Xu Jie said to Liu Jinghua, his tone was full of disdain.

Liu Jinghua thought: Be low-key?You are not low-key in life, why should you let others be low-key?

"His name is Wang Junyi. He is an artist that our prosperity agency has promoted for the past two years. He is not only a first-line star, but will also become the pillar of our company in the future. You will be the top in the entertainment industry." Liu Jinghua said proudly, with A bit provocative, as if to say: Even if you block my artist, so what?I can also hold out A-list stars and top artists.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for two days. Mr. Liu's bragging ability has grown again." Xu Jie said with a smile, then glanced at Wang Junyi next to him, and said bluntly: "Can someone like him become a pillar? It seems that your company is still There's really no one left."


Just as Wang Junyi was about to speak, he was stopped by Liu Jinghua.

She knew very well that Wang Junyi was no match for the man in front of her at all. If Wang Junyi really retaliated at this time, then Wang Junyi would definitely suffer in the end.

"Let's wait and see if anyone is there." After Liu Jinghua finished speaking, she walked directly towards the red carpet.

In the past, she still cared about the other party's identity and didn't dare to fall out completely, but the other party not only blocked her artist, but also started poaching her artist. This behavior has exceeded her bottom line, so she chose not to bear it anymore.

fall out?

Haven't they already fallen out?

Her previous thoughts of wanting to ease the relationship now seem to be just her own wishful thinking. The other party has never thought of letting her go. If this is the case, why pretend?What to play?

So what if you tear your face apart?
It's been a year, isn't the prosperous brokerage company doing well?
Isn't it the resources of Beijing Radio and Television Station?

Without that plate of dumplings, wouldn't it be a new year?

Wang Junyi looked at Sister Hua who left, and whispered to Hu Xuan: "Brother Xuan, thank you, your departure has made me a success. I will have a good book in the future, and I will definitely invite you to play the male lead." He chased after Liu Jinghua step by step.

Hu Xuan looked at Wang Junyi's back, clenched his fists tightly, and wished to give him a combination of punches. He knew that Wang Junyi was trying to anger him on purpose, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do.


At this time, a hand clapped on his shoulder.

Hu Xuan turned his head and looked, it was Mr. Xu.

"You left Fanhua's agency because of him, right?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes." Hu Xuan nodded without hiding anything.

"Don't worry, one day sooner or later, you will step on him, and on that day you will understand that he is not worthy to be your opponent." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Hu Xuan was comforted and encouraged, and felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

Yes, when he debuted, that kid hadn't graduated yet, so how could he lose?

No, absolutely not!

red carpet area.

After seeing off an artist, the host cast his eyes on the red carpet and introduced: "Wang Junyi is coming to us now. This year is a busy year for Wang Junyi. It has achieved good results in terms of performance and broadcast volume, and is also a strong contender for the actor of the year in TV dramas tonight..."

Wang Junyi walked on the red carpet with a smile, sometimes nodding to fans, sometimes waving to reporters, with an approachable look, without the arrogance just now.

When he walked to the signature wall, he took the pen handed over by the staff, wrote his name on the wall smartly, then turned to face the photographer, and posed a few handsome poses.

After signing the name and taking photos, the next step is to interview the environment.

As a first-line star, Wang Junyi must be the focus of tonight's interview.

"Welcome to Wang Junyi, let's say hello to the fans!" The host said, looking at Wang Junyi who came to the interview place, and then handed over the microphone.

Wang Junyi took the microphone and said with a smile, "Hi everyone, I'm Wang Junyi..."

The host originally wanted to continue the interview, and even prepared the questions, but when he was about to speak, he saw two people walking on the red carpet, and they quickly came to the signing place.

If it's just an artist, the interview with Wang Junyi must continue, but the problem is that among these two people, there are not only entertainers, but also big shots in the film and television industry.

How dare the host be negligent?So he turned to face the boss, and said enthusiastically: "Xu Jie and Hu Xuan are walking on the red carpet now. Mr. Xu is not only the chief director of the two popular variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" , and the director, screenwriter, and starring role of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", and whether it is a variety show or a movie, it is deeply loved by everyone..."

Wang Junyi, who was left on the sidelines, was stunned when he saw this scene.

what's the situation?
Isn't the host going to interview him?Why did you suddenly start introducing other people?

Before Wang Junyi could recover, the host snatched the microphone back from his hand, turned around and handed it to Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu, welcome to our Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony..."

Wang Junyi looked at the host's enthusiastic and obsequious look, with embarrassment on his face, and even doubts in his heart.

Don't you mean yourself?


(End of this chapter)

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