The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 928 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 928 Meeting in a narrow road

Xu Jie and Hu Xuan entered the main venue under the leadership of the staff.

Compared with the Weibo Annual Ceremony that just ended two days ago, the venue of the Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony was a bit smaller, and even the number of artists present was much smaller, only around 80 people.

For such a situation, it is actually not difficult to understand.

Firstly, the influence of Xunteng Entertainment is not as good as Weibo; secondly, not only are there few awards issued by Xunteng Entertainment, but there is only one winner for each award. Some artists who have no works this year naturally don’t bother to participate and give up directly.

If we can set up more than [-] awards like Weibo's annual grand ceremony, and then have several winners for each award, then more artists will come to participate.

Who doesn't like trophies?
"Mr. Xu, this is your seat. Please sit down." The staff pointed to a seat in the first row and said to Xu Jie. There was a piece of paper on the back of the chair with Xu Jie's name written on it.

"Thank you." Xu Jie straightened his clothes and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, the staff took Hu Xuan to the second row, pointed to one of the seats, and said to Hu Xuan: "Mr. Hu, where is your seat, the sixth one from the middle aisle inside, and your seat is on it." famous brand."


As soon as Hu Xuan uttered one word, another "thank you" got stuck in his throat, because he saw Liu Jinghua and Wang Junyi beside his seat.

His seat is the sixth, while Liu Jinghua and Wang Junyi's seats are the fourth and fifth.

Obviously, the organizer knew that he and Wang Junyi were artists of Liu Jinghua's company, so they arranged his seat next to Liu Jinghua and Wang Junyi.

There are also Zhou Fangfei and He Jingjing, two first-line female artists of the prosperous economic company. Their seats are in the first row, in front of Sister Hua's seat.

Hu Xuan sighed secretly, this position is really uncomfortable.

He pretended not to notice and walked straight to his seat.

However, as soon as he walked to the third seat, Wang Junyi, who was sitting in the fifth seat, raised his legs.

Under normal circumstances, the distance between the two rows of seats is enough for one person to walk in, but Wang Junyi immediately blocked the road with such a kick.

Provocation, naked provocation!
If he wanted to go there, he had to talk to Wang Junyi. With the relationship between the two of them, he would definitely not be able to get any advantage, otherwise the other party wouldn't raise his feet suddenly.

Obviously, the other party was deliberately embarrassing him and trying to embarrass him.

Since it was intentional, how could he easily get out of the way?
But as the old saying goes: All roads lead to Rome.

This road is blocked, you can enter from the other side.

Just as he was about to retreat, suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

It was Xu Jie again.

"Mr. Xu..."

Just as Hu Xuan was about to speak, he was interrupted by Xu Jie waving his hand.

"The first row is too noisy, let's change seats." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Hu Xuan was taken aback when he heard it,
Whether it is a grand ceremony or a party, the seating arrangement is very particular.

Usually, the larger the coffee table, the further forward the seat.

Some artists even deliberately occupied the seats in the front row in order to improve their status, and even simply changed their famous brands.

Hu Xuan has only heard of changing seats forward, but never heard of changing seats backward.

Changing the seat forward is called raising the coffee, and changing the seat backward, wouldn’t it become a lowering of the coffee?

Didn't Mr. Xu sit in the first row at the Weibo Annual Ceremony held two days ago?

Furthermore, if you think the first row is too noisy, you should move to the rear instead of the second row.

Although there is a big gap between the first row and the second row in terms of coffee seats, but in terms of volume, there seems to be little difference between the first row and the second row.

At this time, Hu Xuan suddenly noticed Mr. Xu's eyes glanced behind him. For a moment, he seemed to understand something, and his heart was full of emotion.

Mr. Xu didn't change seats with him because he thought it was noisy, but because he wanted to save him from the siege, so he changed seats with him.

"Mr. Xu, it's fine for me to sit here." Hu Xuan said, implying: I can handle this small scene.

"I also know it's good, so I want to change seats with you." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he directly grabbed Hu Xuan's arm, pulled him out, and walked into the second row without any explanation.

Wang Junyi still crossed Erlang's legs and did not intend to let go.

However, Xu Jie didn't have the intention of "asking" the other party to move. When he walked in front of Liu Jinghua, he directly raised his leg and stepped on Wang Junyi's leg with the sole of his shoe.

Wang Junyi was startled, and quickly retracted his legs to make way.

With a "bang", Xu Jie's foot fell heavily, the sound was so loud that people around turned their heads to look at it.

Wang Junyi had lingering fears, he didn't expect that the other party would dare to step on his feet, if he was stepped on, it would be strange if he didn't break his bones.

Xu Jie went to Hu Xuan's seat and sat down as if no one was around, then turned his head to look at Liu Jinghua who was sitting across from him, and said in surprise, "Huh? Mr. Liu? What a coincidence?"


Liu Jinghua's face was sullen, and he was speechless.

Just walked past her, can this be called a coincidence?

Are you blind?

Seeing that Liu Jinghua didn't reply, Xu Jie didn't feel angry, so he directly shifted his target, looked at Wang Junyi beside him and said, "Your name is Wang, why is Wang?"

"Wang Junyi!" Wang Junyi gritted his teeth and said, although the other side didn't step on him just now, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

Meet each other on a narrow road, the brave wins, the cowardly loses.

Obviously, the moment the other party raised his foot just now, he was cowardly.

"Yes, Wang Junyi, how are you in Mr. Liu's company? If you are not happy, you can come to me. I dare not say anything else. In terms of resources, I must give you more than Mr. Liu." Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Junyi was dumbfounded, and Liu Jinghua on the other side was also dumbfounded. It was fine to poach her artist behind her back, but now she poached her artist in front of her. Isn't that too arrogant?

"Sister Hua treats me very well. I am very happy in Sister Hua's company, so I will never leave my current company." Wang Junyi said solemnly.

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua's gloomy complexion slightly improved, and he felt very relieved.

Wang Junyi changed the subject, and said in a strange way: "I am a person who knows how to be grateful, unlike some people who are ungrateful. Sister Hua has worked so hard to train him, but he chooses to betray. I will never do such a thing Yes, just stop thinking about poaching me."

Liu Jinghua's complexion turned bright immediately, and he even showed a smug smile.

"Alas!" Xu Jie sighed, shaking his head while saying, "You look like a human being, but I never thought that you would choose to degenerate yourself, and that's how you are."

"Who is willing to degenerate? I am joining hands with the light. Without Sister Hua, I would not be where I am today." Wang Jun said righteously.

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua kept nodding her head, hand in hand with Guangming, well said.

"Hehe, why does it sound like Mr. Liu is your mother? Could it be that you are Ma Baonan?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"You, you are Ma Baonan." Wang Junyi became angry from embarrassment.

And Liu Jinghua, whose face was full of relief just now, now looks tender, as if someone has slapped him severely.

Doesn't that mean she is older?
What was the previous behavior in the car?Do old cows eat tender grass?

She just likes to eat tender grass, what's wrong?
"Don't be so excited, I'm just talking casually, you're blushing like that, it's like I've hit the spot." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"I, I'm not excited, and I'm not blushing." Wang Junyi shook his head in denial.

"Still ashamed to admit it? Don't worry, only mothers are good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. You are Mr. Liu's treasure and you are not ashamed." Xu Jie comforted.


Wang Junyi still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Liu Jinghua at the side.

"Junyi, you are here tonight to receive the award, not to argue with others. Remember, never try to be quick with your tongue, or you will only swallow the bitter fruit in the future." He bumped Wang Junyi with his elbow, signaling the other party not to talk to the person next to him.

"Sister Hua is right, I remember it." Wang Junyi received the signal and stopped arguing.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want to argue, it's just that he can't argue. Sister Hua's words can be regarded as a step for him.

"So obedient, so good!" Xu Jie said.


Wang Jun gritted his teeth in righteousness, but he didn't know how to refute, so he could only hold back in the end.

The lights in the venue suddenly dimmed, and as the music came to mind, the Xunteng Entertainment Warmth Ceremony officially began.

Fans immediately screamed as the two singers appeared on stage in an elevator.

Although today's stage is not as gorgeous as Weibo's annual festival, the number of opening artists exceeds that of the men's and women's groups at Weibo's annual festival.

Zhou Huayang and Su Kewei can be said to be the two hottest singers this year. Not only have they achieved very good results in album sales during the current music recession, they have also sung theme songs and episodes for some popular movies. In the video, the songs of the two can often be seen.

Now the two are collaborating on a song, and it is a new song that has never been released. The superposition of strength and popularity will definitely arouse the emotions of the audience, and let everyone's emotions be invested in tonight's grand ceremony.

As soon as the song ended, there was immediate applause at the scene, accompanied by screams from the fans.

"Zhou Huayang!"

"Su Kewei!"

The enthusiasm of the fans made many singers present feel jealous.

The so-called: peers are enemies.

Everyone was thinking: If only they could have the luck of Zhou Huayang and Su Kewei.

Yes, the singers in the audience regarded the success of Zhou Huayang and Su Kewei as luck, they just picked a certain song by chance, and it happened that this song became popular, that's all.

As for singing skills, no one is convinced.

It's the same as when boys peed higher than anyone else when they were young, and no one obeyed the other.

Next, the two hosts, a man and a woman joined hands to qualify on the stage.

Compared with the professional hosts invited by Weibo's annual ceremony, today's hosts are two celebrities. Although they are not so professional, they are obviously higher than professional hosts in terms of popularity.

Moreover, it is very popular to invite entertainers to be the hosts of the current gala, including some very formal film festivals, and even invite some movie stars to be the hosts later. It has become a norm to use actors as hosts.

After the welcome speech, the president of Xunteng Entertainment went to the stage to give a speech. This is also an indispensable part of the annual media ceremony to promote the corporate image and corporate culture, even though there are not many people listening carefully.

A few minutes later, the speech was over, and it was another star's turn to sing on stage.

Because there are fewer awards in this annual ceremony tonight, there will be more performances by artists.

With the end of the song, we finally ushered in the first award tonight, the TV Actor of the Year Award.

In the previous performances, the fans were more excited, but now, it is finally the turn of the artists at the scene to get excited.

Who is Xunteng Entertainment's TV drama actor of the year this year?
Everyone is looking forward to it.

A veteran Shidi appeared on the stage, holding an envelope in his hand. As the old Shidi slowly opened the envelope, the scene was quiet, and everyone held their breath.

"Now announce Xunteng Entertainment's annual TV drama actor..."

The old Shidi paused at this point, and turned his eyes to the audience, not knowing whether he was deliberately trying to show off, or was looking for the award-winning actor in the crowd.

At this time, Wang Junyi raised his chest and raised his head, making himself more prominent in the audience, trying to let the old Shidi see him. At the same time, there was a faint smile on his face. It can be called the self-confidence of the fan.

Hu Xuan, who was sitting in the first row, looked back at Mr. Xu. Although it was not a great award, he was very worried.

He didn't want to lose to Wang Junyi.

Wang Junyi noticed Hu Xuan's gaze, and thought that the other party was looking at him, so he showed a complacent expression on his face, and his eyes were full of provocation.

"he is the one……"

Old Shidi was very good at judging the emotions of the audience. After seeing everyone's eager eyes, he finally said his name.

"Hu Xuan, please come to the stage to accept the award!"

"Wow wow wow..."

There was immediate applause at the scene, accompanied by shouts from fans.

"Hu Xuan, Hu Xuan!"

The person involved, Hu Xuan, was first surprised and then pleasantly surprised when he heard his name.

Really yourself!
He looked back at Mr. Xu again, then stood up and bowed deeply.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a bow to the fans, but only he himself knows who the bow is for.


An incredible voice came out of Wang Junyi's mouth, and he casually looked at the man who walked onto the stage.

Hu Xuan?

How could it be Hu Xuan?
what's the situation?
He hurriedly turned his head to look at Sister Hua beside him, and asked her with his eyes.

However, at this moment, Liu Jinghua also looked surprised and puzzled, even a little confused, completely unclear about the current situation.

Didn't you agree to give this award to Wang Junyi?How did you become Hu Xuan?

Liu Jinghua's mind was full of question marks. She thought carefully about the dinner appointment with the organizer that night, and she was talking about the TV drama actor of the year award!
Is it another award?

Did not receive the notification.

And among the awards presented tonight, apart from the TV drama actor award, the only ones left are the TV drama actress award, male singer award, female singer award, movie actor award, movie actress award, and the most important all-around entertainer of the year prize.

It seems that except for the All-round Artist of the Year Award, other awards are not next to Wang Junyi.

Are you planning to award the All-around Artist of the Year Award to Wang Junyi?

Thinking of this, Liu Jinghua took out his mobile phone from his bag and immediately called the organizer.

Why isn't Wang Junyi the TV actor of the year?

Was the meal that night eaten for nothing?


(End of this chapter)

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