The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 929 Don't be late for a good meal?

Chapter 929 Don't be late for a good meal?


Liu Jinghua called her acquaintances in Xunteng Entertainment, but no one answered after waiting for a long time, which gradually made her feel irritable, and even felt like she was being played by someone.

If you can't do it, you can't do it, but you promise to be good, and you don't admit it after eating and wiping your mouth. What's the matter?

"Look, Hu Xuan has won the award!" Xu Jie said with a look of surprise, clapped his hands vigorously, and deliberately stretched them out in front of Wang Junyi.

After Wang Junyi heard it, he came back to his senses, his face became very ugly, as if he had suffered a kidney failure, and there was a little gray in the paleness.

The TV drama actor of the year award obviously belongs to him, and this is what the organizer staff said personally. Why did he suddenly change the award when it was time to present the award?

Could it be that the old Shidi was blind and misread the wrong word?

But even if you read it wrong, it can't be so much worse, right?

Well, this award can not be awarded to him, but it can't be awarded to Hu Xuan, right?

When he was in the parking lot just now, he did not run out of Hu Xuan, but now the award is awarded to the other party. Isn't this a slap in the face?
"Wang Junyi, didn't you say you came to receive the award? Now that Hu Xuan has won the award, when will you come to the stage to receive the award?" Xu Jie asked Wang Jun curiously.

Wang Junyi said heartily: I also want to go on stage to accept the award, but the organizer won't give it, what can I do?
He lowered his head, his face full of embarrassment, he didn't know how to answer, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and hide.

"Don't worry!" At this time, Liu Jinghua suddenly said, "The grand ceremony has just begun, and there are still many awards to be awarded later. As the old saying goes: a good meal is never too late, isn't it?"

When Wang Junyi heard what Sister Hua said, he was very disappointed, but he was immediately full of confidence.

With Sister Hua playing around, how could she not get the award?

He believed in Miss Hua.

"Sister Hua is right, the more advanced the award, the lighter the award, and the later the heavier the award. I must be awarded a heavyweight award, just wait." Wang Junyi proudly Said.

"Really? Then let us wait and see." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then turned his gaze to the stage.

Liu Jinghua glanced at the person surnamed Xu, and for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

The award was obviously given to Wang Junyi, but now it is awarded to Hu Xuan. On the surface, it is just a different person, but in fact it is often a contest between the forces behind the artists.

She has worked in this industry for more than 20 years, so how could she not know the secret operation behind it?
No, you must ask clearly!

Liu Jinghua stood up from his seat, and then walked towards the backstage.

not answer the phone?

Then make it clear to your face.

Since Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony is the last large-scale event of Xunteng Video this year, almost all company executives came to the ceremony.

Liu Jinghua walked around the background for a few times, and soon found the person he was looking for, Jiang Shang, the vice president of Xunteng Video.

As the planner of this grand ceremony, Jiang Shang was communicating with the backstage director, but after seeing Liu Jinghua walking over, he immediately found a reason to walk away.

Liu Jinghua followed quickly, and when he reached a place where there were few people, he called out loudly, "Mr. Jiang, you are walking in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Jiang Shang trembled all over, thinking: what should come is still coming.

He stopped, turned to look at Liu Jinghua, pretended to be surprised and said: "So it's Jinghua, I'm going to talk to the chief director, by the way, why don't you sit in the audience and enjoy the show, what are you doing backstage? "

"What are you doing? Looking for someone." Liu Jinghua stared at Jiang Shang and said.

"Looking for someone? Then keep looking, I won't waste your time." Jiang Shang was about to leave after speaking.

Usually, he is the object of this woman's banquet, but now, he just wants to stay away from this woman.

"Mr. Jiang, the person I'm looking for is you." Liu Jinghua said loudly.

Jiang Shang was startled, as if afraid of being heard by others, he quickly dragged Liu Jinghua to a place where no one was around, and said with a bitter face: "Jinghua, keep your voice down, you are afraid that others will not know that we know each other What? If you want something from me, tell me quickly."

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you pretend to be confused? You really don't know why I'm looking for you?" Liu Jinghua squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Shang and asked.

When Jiang Shang saw Liu Jinghua's appearance, he immediately knew that he couldn't continue acting, so he simply confessed, "Jinghua, I really don't blame me for the actor of the TV drama of the year. The name of Wang Junyi was still in the list of winners the day before yesterday, but Mr. Wang didn't know why. Yes, Wang Junyi was suddenly changed to Hu Xuan yesterday, and I only found out today."

Liu Jinghua was startled, "Mr. Wang? You mean Wang Heng?"

Jiang Shang nodded and hummed.

Liu Jinghua frowned, and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Shang is the deputy general manager of Xunteng Video, and Wang Heng is the general manager of Xunteng Video. In terms of the right to speak, Jiang Shang must listen to Wang Heng.

But the problem is, Jiang Shang has been the chief planner of the annual ceremony all these years, while Wang Heng has only been in charge of giving speeches these years, why did he suddenly interfere with the list of winners?

"Mr. Jiang, didn't you say that Mr. Wang doesn't care who wins the award?" Liu Jinghua asked puzzled, if she hadn't heard the other party tell this about it herself, she wouldn't bet all her treasures on the other party alone.

"Yeah, I didn't care about it in previous years, and I don't know what happened this year, and I only changed the TV drama actor of the year. Is it strange?" After Jiang Shang finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Liu Jinghua's face, He asked suspiciously, "Did you offend Mr. Wang?"

"How is it possible?" Liu Jinghua firmly denied the blame, "I have only met Mr. Wang a few times, and it is too late to invite him. How could I offend him?"

As the video platform started to get involved in movies, TV dramas, and variety shows, the person in charge of the platform has gradually become a bigwig in the entertainment industry, and Xunteng Video, as one of the largest video platforms in China, is naturally the object of cursing for managers like her , how dare to offend?

Especially in the case of being blocked by Beijing Radio and Television Station, she will fight for any resource.

Wait, could it be Mr. Wang that Xu is looking for?
I remember that in the backstage after the end of the Weibo annual ceremony two days ago, that person surnamed Xu interrupted her chat with Mr. Wang, and seemed to mention the dinner...

Could it be that the person surnamed Xu said something to Mr. Wang at the dinner that made Mr. Wang change his mind?
The more Liu Jinghua thought about it, the more likely it was.

Aren't many black-box operations finalized at the dinner?
And only in this way can the whole thing be explained.

"Since you didn't offend him, then I can't think of any other reason." Jiang Shang spread his hands and put on an innocent look.

Liu Jinghua looked at Jiang Shang, and was quite angry with the other party at first, but after thinking that it might be the Xu who was behind the scenes, the anger immediately shifted to the Xu.

And if the surname Xu is pursued, then the ultimate cause of all this lies with her.

Of course, she will never admit this, and she doesn't want to get into trouble with Jiang Shang. After all, there are still many things to ask for help from the other party in the future. You must know that she has paid a lot to get on the line with the other party. The price, if you break it, wouldn't the things you paid be in vain?

"Mr. Jiang, since Mr. Wang can change the list of awardees, you can also change it. Aren't there still a few awards in the future? Isn't it enough to find one and change it to Wang Junyi?" Liu Jinghua smiled and gave an alternative.

After Jiang Shang heard it, he shook his head directly, "Do you think I haven't thought about it? But the problem is that the next few awards are not suitable for Wang Junyi at all, like Best Male Singer, has he released a song this year? Best Movie Actor Actor, has he starred in a movie? And the last all-round entertainer of the year, he is even further behind..."

"Mr. Jiang, that's not right." Liu Jinghua interrupted Jiang Shang, "In today's entertainment industry, how many all-round entertainers are proficient in everything? As long as they are excellent in most fields, our family Wang Junyi is Needless to say, in the field of TV dramas, variety shows are also very popular with audiences, and this year's guest movie earned [-] million box office, isn't this performance not enough?"

"Of course not enough!" Jiang Shang directly denied, "Has Wang Junyi won any awards this year? He didn't have any decent awards. Why did he get this title? Although the awards issued by our Xunteng Annual Ceremony are not authoritative, but It must also meet the expectations of the public, if it was really awarded to Wang Junyi, wouldn't he be scolded by fans of other artists?"

He didn't expect that Liu Jinghua would aim at the All-around Artist of the Year Award. He really dared to think about it, it was just a daydream.

In fact, what he said was only one aspect, and another aspect is that this year's All-round Artist of the Year is a star who has cooperated with Xunteng Video this year and next year, so, how could it be possible to award such an important award to others?

"According to what you mean, Wang Junyi and I are going to return empty-handed tonight?" Liu Jinghua raised his brows, feeling uncomfortable, especially when he thought of the person surnamed Xu sitting aside, he didn't even want to go back.

What are you going back for?
Stretch your face over and hit someone?
One must know that she just let out the words "It's never too late for a good meal".

Well now, the food is gone.

"Wang Junyi will definitely return empty-handed, but you won't, have you forgotten? This year's best female singer is Tang Fei, isn't she an artist under your management?" Jiang Shang reminded.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, that's right, I almost forgot about it.

Thinking of Tang Fei, a smile appeared on her face, not only because Tang Fei won the award, but also because Tang Fei could be used to disgust that Xu.

"Jinghua, I owe you a favor this time. If something good happens in the future, I will be the first to find you. Is this the head office?" Jiang Shang asked.

The so-called: Cannibals have short mouths, short hands when holding people, and short penises when sleeping people.

The woman in front of him could bring him so many things, so he naturally didn't want to break this relationship.

What is the driving force for a person to climb up?
Serving the public?
Do not!
To be able to get more of what you want.

First for yourself, then for others.

"Mr. Jiang, that's what you said."

Liu Jinghua is not going to continue to embarrass the other party anymore, it is definitely not possible to break up, so he can only strive for the best interests for himself.

What is Mr. Jiang's favor?is a resource.

One more resource is better than nothing at all.

"Don't worry, a gentleman's words are hard to follow." Jiang Shang promised, patted his chest.

"Mr. Jiang, then keep busy." Liu Jinghua had nothing else to do, so she turned and left the backstage.

Looking at Liu Jinghua's back, Jiang Shang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was really worried that the other party would reveal the deal between the two, but now it seems that he was too worried.

Liu Jinghua did not return to the venue immediately, but hid in the bathroom, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Wang Junyi, since the other party will not win the prize tonight, there is no need to stay here any longer.

If you stay here, you will only be run over by that Xu.

It's nothing to be run on, but Xu Jie's run on is not an ordinary run on, she has experienced it and has a deep understanding, so in order to avoid Wang Junyi's embarrassment and embarrassment in public, it is better to persuade the other party to leave.

Isn't there such a saying?
Can't afford to provoke, can't we still hide?

inside the venue.

Wang Junyi was watching a performance, and the female singer on the stage was dressed very coolly, which suited his taste. At this moment, there was a sudden vibration in his chest, which was a mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket. He thought it was an actress, but it turned out to be Sister Hua.

What things can't be talked face to face, but have to use text messages?

Could it be that I forgot to bring paper to the bathroom?
Then you should find a female artist to give it to you.

He couldn't help turning his head to look around, but he didn't see Sister Hua, so he lowered his head to check the text message, but when he saw the content, a series of question marks immediately appeared in his eyes.

"Go back to the company quickly."

Wang Junyi typed and asked: "Why do you want to go back to the company?"

He is still waiting to receive the award, how can he leave?
"The situation has changed, you will not be awarded tonight." Liu Jinghua replied.

Wang Wangjunyi was stunned.

without him?
Really without him?
Isn't it said that a good meal is not afraid of being late?
Who stole his meal?
This, what is the situation?
"Why? Why did my award suddenly disappear?" Wang Junyi wanted to ask clearly. If there was no award, he would not come to this grand ceremony tonight.

Those who came to participate in this kind of annual grand ceremony without winning an award were either performers, awards presenters, or small coffees without exposure, hoping to have a chance to show their faces in the event.

And he is neither a performer nor an award presenter, and he doesn't need this kind of event to increase his exposure. If he didn't win an award, why would he come?
After Liu Jinghua in the bathroom saw Wang Junyi's reply, he really wanted to say: If I let you go, you can go, why waste so much talking...

But when he thought that the other party was competing with that Xu and Hu Xuan, if he didn't make it clear, it would be difficult for the other party to leave, so he could only explain briefly.

"Someone found Xunteng Video's general manager and replaced you with Hu Xuan."

Liu Jinghua suddenly felt that she was too incompetent to explain this way, but she couldn't control her hand and clicked send, and when she wanted to withdraw, she realized that the two were chatting by text message, and the text message could not be withdrawn.

She couldn't help feeling depressed.

Speaking of it, she was negligent. I didn't expect that Xu would use resources other than Beijing Radio and Television Station to attack her.

She clenched her fist suddenly and slammed it hard against the partition of the compartment.

Xu, I, Liu Jinghua, are at odds with you!


(End of this chapter)

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