Chapter 930 Tolerate 10 Minutes

Looking at the message sent by Sister Hua, Wang Junyi was so angry that his hand holding the phone trembled. Although he had thought that he might be replaced by Hu Xuan before, when he actually got the confirmation from Sister Hua, he still couldn't help but feel that he would be replaced by Hu Xuan. Disappointed and angry.

Why did I lose to Hu Xuan?
Do not!
This is not my problem, but Sister Hua's problem. It was Sister Hua who lost to that Xu, not him who lost to Hu Xuan.

Has anyone found the general manager of Xunteng Video?
Besides Xu, who else?
Wang Junyi secretly looked at the man beside him. Before Hu Xuan signed a contract with this man, the other party rushed to stand up for Hu Xuan?Aren't you afraid of Hu Xuan's rebuttal, and the bamboo basket fetching water is all in vain?
It's no wonder that when Hu Xuan won the award just now, the other party kept running against him and Sister Hua. It turned out that everything was premeditated.



At this time, the mobile phone received another text message from Sister Hua.

"Junyi, don't be impulsive!"

After Wang Junyi saw it, he knew that Sister Hua was worried that he would do something irreversible on the spur of the moment, so he immediately replied a text message, which read: "I know."

In fact, he felt that Sister Hua's worries and instructions were completely unnecessary.

He's angry, but he's not out of his mind.

Sister Hua couldn't do anything to this man, so what could he do to him?

And now that he is in public, with so many colleagues and fans around him, as a star, he has to pay attention to his image and influence, right?

"Let's go, or that Xu will say a lot of nasty things." Liu Jinghua sent another text message.

"Ok Sister Hua, I'll be leaving right away." Wang Junyi replied.

Since he can't win an award, there is no need to stay here. Not only can he not show off to Hu Xuan, but he will be squeezed by others.

Wang Junyi put the phone away, then raised his buttocks and left the seat.

"Wang Junyi, where are you going?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Wang Junyi was so frightened that he quickly sat back down.

He looked back at the man beside him, thinking: Where am I going, what does it matter to you?

But after thinking about it, he said politely, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Going to the bathroom is just an excuse, leaving here is the real thing, you can't tell the other party the truth, right?Isn't that humiliating in public?

"The bathroom? Coincidentally, I want to go too, let's go together." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Wang Junyi was taken aback for a moment, the other party's words caught him off guard.

Is this person a girl?

Need a companion to go to the bathroom?

The question is if the other party goes, how will he go?
"Uh, you should go first, I'll go later." Wang Junyi thought for a while and said, as soon as the other party left, he just took the opportunity to escape.

"They're all men, so what's the point? Besides, it's not good for men to hold back their urine. It can hurt your bladder at least, and your kidneys at worst. Even if you're not responsible for yourself, you have to be responsible for your fans, right? Let's go." Without saying a word, Xu Jie stood up while pulling Wang Junyi's arm.

"I, I..." Wang Junyi was at a loss for a while, and he didn't even know how to refuse.

Change your mouth?

If you change your mouth now, won't you be exposed by the other party?

"Mr. Xu, you, don't drag me, I can walk." Wang Junyi finally managed to say something after holding back for a long time.

"Aren't I worried about you? Celebrity Wang Junyi peed his pants when he participated in an event. If this kind of thing was on the news, wouldn't he be laughed at?" Xu Jie said worriedly, and let go of the other party.

Wang Junyi's face changed, and he thought: You just peed your pants, and your whole family peed their pants.

But in order not to be suspected by the other party, he could only walk outside the venue.

The reason I found for myself was to crawl to the bathroom even if I was crawling.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Junyi's back, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smile.

Want to slip?

No way!
In fact, after Liu Jinghua left, he had been secretly following Wang Junyi.

Although he didn't know where Liu Jinghua had gone, he could guess that it was pretty close.

He left after the TV actor of the year was awarded, and combined with the other party's surprise after the award was announced, he must have asked why the winner changed.

After Liu Jinghua knew the reason, he would definitely have no face to come back, and Wang Junyi, as the old woman's favorite general, would naturally take him away as well.

And how could he let the other party go so easily?
Not only did he want to get back the scene for Hu Xuan and make Hu Xuan feel grateful to him, but he also wanted to completely cut off Hu Xuan's idea of ​​returning to the prosperous brokerage company, so as to prevent Liu Jinghua from poaching Hu Xuan back. , Hu Xuan is not his person.

Wang Junyi was thinking as he walked, thinking about how to get rid of the man behind him. At this moment, he suddenly saw an acquaintance in front of him, so he had an idea in his mind.

"Zhang Jing!" Wang Junyi waved at the acquaintance, while walking towards him.

The beauty was slightly taken aback when she saw Wang Junyi, waved her hand, and said politely, "Brother Yi, what a coincidence, are you coming to tonight's Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony?"

"Well, yes, how are you doing recently, how are you doing?" Wang Junyi asked with concern.

"It's okay, but it's far behind Brother Yi." Zhang Jing said with a smile, but she was very puzzled in her heart.

I remember that when we filmed the same TV series together last year, the other party only chatted with the first female and the second female, and ignored her, the third female, at all.

After careful calculation, the two haven't seen each other for more than a year since the filming of that TV series. The sudden enthusiasm of the other party really made her a little uncomfortable.

"I recently accepted a costume drama. There are still a few roles that have not been confirmed. You can try them. I think those roles are quite suitable for you." Wang Junyi said.

"Really?" Zhang Jing's eyes lit up.

As a third-tier female artist, although there is no shortage of filming, she seldom receives good scripts. If she wants to join a big crew, she can only recommend herself.

A bad script, even if it's the lead actress, won't be popular, and a good script, even if it's the third and fourth girl, has a chance to be popular.

It's just that she really didn't understand Wang Junyi's sudden hospitality.

"Of course, and it's a big production. It will definitely win the first place in the ratings. Let me tell you the story of this script..." Wang Junyi suddenly stopped at this point, turned to look at Xu Jie behind him and said: " Mr. Xu, let me chat with her about the script, you go to the bathroom first."

"I said Junyi, why are you not responsible for your body? I know you love your work, but your body is the capital of your work, especially for actors. Only with a good body can you always stand in front of the camera on the stage. If you really hold back something wrong, who can take responsibility for it?" Xu Jie said earnestly, and then looked at the female artist, "Beauty, Junyi is going to the bathroom, I can't take it anymore, you go back first Venue, you can chat after tonight's grand ceremony."

Zhang Jing was a little confused.

Can't take it anymore?

I didn't see it.

Wait, this person, isn't this person Director Xu?
Why did Director Xu know that Wang Junyi was in a hurry to urinate?And it looks very concerned, do you want to go to the bathroom together?What is the relationship between these two people?Could it be...

Zhang Jing didn't dare to continue thinking about it, thinking about it again would be an unsuitable episode for children.

"Okay Director Xu, I'll go back first." Zhang Jing saluted, and then walked away quickly, as if she was afraid that she would be silenced if she walked too slowly. After walking a certain distance, she turned her head back, her eyes full of doubts ...

Wang Junyi looked at Zhang Jing who left, with embarrassment written all over his face.

Can't take it anymore?

How could anyone speak like that?
Does he have no face?

"Junyi, what are you still doing, go to the bathroom." Xu Jie said.


Wang Junyi was speechless, and now he didn't dare to play tricks anymore. If he met an acquaintance again and was told by Mr. Xu that he couldn't hold back, wouldn't he be laughed at?
This man is so difficult!

Wang Junyi sighed secretly, then walked towards the bathroom.

Come to the bathroom.

Wang Junyi walked into a single room and locked the door from the inside, thinking how to get rid of that man.

If the urine escape is not enough, then you can only use the mother escape.

Ask mom to call him in a few minutes, and he will take the opportunity to leave after answering the phone.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his mother: Mom, call me in 10 minutes.


There was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Junyi, are you alright?"

"Horse, immediately!"

Wang Junyi hurriedly pretended to flush the water, and then walked out of the private room.

"For so long, I thought you had kidney stones, let's go back quickly, maybe you will be the next prize." Xu Jie urged.

Wang Junyi gritted his teeth, thinking of the text message he had sent, decided to endure it for another 10 minutes.

The scene of the ceremony.

Wang Junyi found the second row, but just as he was about to go in, he was stunned.

It turned out to be Miss Hua.

Miss Hua didn't leave?
When Liu Jinghua saw Wang Junyi, he also looked confused, and blurted out: "You, why are you still here?"

She didn't see Wang Junyi when she came back just now, she thought he had already left, and she was still very happy, why did she come back now?
What is going on?
"Mr. Liu, look at what you said, Junyi came to receive the award tonight, why did he leave? He just went to the bathroom just now." Xu Jie explained for Wang Junyi.

But he didn't expect that Liu Jinghua would come back, he really has thick skin.

Liu Jinghua looked at Wang Junyi suspiciously, as if asking again: "If you are asked to leave the ceremony, what bathroom do you go to?"
Wang Junyi understood what Sister Hua meant, so he showed a smile on his face, signaling the other party to rest assured, and then returned to his seat.

"The next one will be the TV Drama Actress of the Year Award, please invite the presenters..." the host said on stage.

Xu Jie returned to his seat and sat down, excitedly said: "Finally caught up, don't talk, listen carefully, it should be Junyi's turn now."


Sitting in the first row, Zhou Fangfei and He Jingjing looked back at Mr. Xu who was behind them, thinking that this person is not good enough, since the award was given to the TV drama actress, what does it have to do with Wang Junyi?
Wang Junyi sullenly.

Hold on for another 7 minutes.

The TV Actress of the Year Award at the Xunteng Entertainment Annual Ceremony was finally awarded to Lin Jingyi.

This is an artist from Liangxing Brokerage Company, and also a female artist promoted by the golden agent Hu Zhen in the past few years. Last year, she won the Best Actor Award at the TV Drama Festival.

"Oh, what a pity." Xu Jie sighed heavily, then turned his head to look at Wang Junyi and said, "It's not you, don't worry, it's never too late for a good meal, I think it should be next."

Wang Junyi: Hold on for another 3 minutes.

Liu Jinghua on the other side looked at Wang Junyi strangely. He had clearly stated in the text message before that there was no award for him tonight, but why didn't the other party leave?

Could it be that he was on the shoulders with that surnamed Xu?
But an ending that is doomed to fail, what's so good about it?Isn't this self-defeating?
She lightly touched Wang Junyi beside her with her elbow, and winked at him with a frown.

Don't look at her coming back here, but she didn't intend to stay at the end, just to wait for the female singer of the year to be announced, disgusted by the one surnamed Xu, and then leave.

She knew very well that if Wang Junyi didn't get the award, the guy surnamed Xu would run on her too.

She didn't want to give the other party this chance.

Wang Junyi received a signal from Sister Hua, and in order to reassure Sister Hua, he stretched out two fingers calmly.

Liu Jinghua looked at Wang Junyi's finger in doubt, what does this mean?
Is this kid's head dumbfounded?The awards have been snatched away, and you are still in the mood to bide here?
"Why don't you leave?" Liu Jinghua asked in a low voice.

"Sister Hua, don't worry, right away." Wang Junyi comforted, and his two fingers became one.

Liu Jinghua stretched out his hand and scratched his forehead, is this kid playing charades with her?
Wang Junyi kept looking at the watch on his wrist, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face.



Wang Junyi sat up straight, waiting for the phone to ring on his chest, but after a while, the phone didn't respond, and he stayed quietly in his pocket.

Did you remember the wrong time?
Wang Junyi looked at his watch and decided to wait another minute.



The phone on his chest still didn't respond.

Wang Junyi's smile was also stiff on his face at the moment, could it be muted?
He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after confirming that no one had called him, he immediately checked the text message he had just sent to his mother.

It's been 13 minutes, that's right.

What's the situation with mom?
Are you asleep?
But it's only 7 o'clock now.

"Mom, call me in 10 minutes...Junyi, why did you ask your mother to call you? Could it be that you miss your mother?"

Suddenly a voice came, and Wang Junyi raised his head suddenly. It was Mr. Xu, who seemed to be saying with a smile on his face: You are really a good boy!
"No, I, I, I want to see if my mother eats on time." Wang Junyi hesitated for a long time, and finally thought of a pretty good excuse.

And Liu Jinghua at the side glanced at the content of the text message on the phone, and immediately understood Wang Junyi's small plan.

I have to say that this method is really good, but she doesn't know why Wang Junyi's mother didn't call on time.

"Junyi, did something happen to your mother? Hurry up and call her old man." Liu Jinghua winked at Wang Junyi while speaking.

Although there are some curse people, it can only be done in this way.

Wang Junyi understood immediately, got up and left his seat, he didn't forget to look back halfway, he was relieved when he found that Mr. Xu didn't follow, he walked quickly to the outside of the venue, and dialed his mother's number.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Mom, are you okay?" Wang Junyi asked anxiously.

"Me? Of course, son, what can I do on the phone?"

Hearing his mother's voice, Wang Junyi seemed to be all right, so he asked, "Mom, I sent you a text message just now, why didn't you reply?"

"A text message? Maybe I didn't hear it. I'm dancing in the square."

Wang Junyi listened carefully, and there was really a sound of music. He was speechless, and now he only had one thought: square dancing is harmful!

(End of this chapter)

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