The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 931 Disgusting people?

Chapter 931 Disgusting people?
The scene of the ceremony.

Xu Jie watched the performance on the stage with relish. The singing voice of the female artist made people feel relaxed and happy, and the dancing posture of the female dancer was even more pleasing to the eye.

We must know that such immersive live performances are not seen every day, and not everyone can see them. If you don’t take this opportunity to feast your eyes, you will be sorry for the hard-working performances of the artists.

"It's time to present the Female Singer of the Year Award. It's really exciting." Liu Jinghua said deliberately while smiling.

Wang Junyi has left, and there is no one to run on. It is time to fight back.

For her, there are not many such opportunities. Now that she has caught it, she can't let it go easily.

In the past, she let it go because she still had a glimmer of hope for the easing of the relationship, but now, she no longer has those naive thoughts.

"Clap clap clap!"

At the end of the show, Xu Jie applauded enthusiastically, as if he didn't hear what Liu Jinghua said.

Seeing that the other party was indifferent, Liu Jinghua thought to himself, what should I do?So she turned slightly and asked, "Mr. Xu, who do you think will be the female singer of the year this year?"

Xu Jie turned his head when he heard it, looked at Liu Jinghua in surprise and asked, "It can't be Wang Junyi, right? Quick, call Wang Junyi quickly and ask him to come back to receive the award."

The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, and he forced out a smile and said, "Mr. Xu, you really know how to joke. Junyi is a man, how could he win the Female Singer of the Year Award? Guess again."


Xu Jie thought carefully for a moment, and then said firmly, "That's you."

"Ah? Me?" Liu Jinghua was startled, her face was full of doubts. She is a manager, not an artist. What does the female singer of the year award have to do with her?
"Yes, it's Mr. Liu. Don't you always speak better than you sing? In my heart, you are the best female singer and female rapper of this year!" Xu Jie said seriously.

When the artists around heard it, they couldn't help laughing, but they were afraid of offending Liu Jinghua, so they could only hold back in the end, even the artists of the prosperity agency company, because only they knew best that Sister Hua liked to give people the most. Draw cake.


Liu Jinghua's face was flushed with anger, but who can be blamed?After all, she was the one who brought up the topic first.

"Mr. Xu was joking. Compared with eloquence, who can compare with you?"

Liu Jinghua tried to fight back.

"It's not the same, it's not the same. I'm called eloquent and eloquent. You are bewitching people and bewitching people's hearts. When it comes to talking nonsense, you are still slightly better." Xu Jie said with a faint smile.


Liu Jinghua clenched her teeth and was too angry to speak.

Is this a compliment to her?
It was clearly scolding her, hurting her, and running on her.

Hmph, wait a minute to see you!
Liu Jinghua thought to herself.

"By the way, Mr. Liu..." Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua and asked, "Why hasn't Wang Junyi come back yet? Is it because he was not awarded the TV Actor of the Year Award and felt hopeless to win the following awards, so he left angrily and directly Gone? This is not very good, if the organizers know that he is so disrespectful, in the future..."


Liu Jinghua didn't wait for Xu Jie to finish, and interrupted him directly.

Angrily leave?

This is simply the words of tigers and wolves!
If it is reported to Xunteng Video's senior management, won't Wang Junyi be directly blacklisted in the future?
Xunteng Video is not only a video playback platform, but also an investor and producer of movies, TV dramas and variety shows, and one of the important capitals in the entertainment industry.

If Xunteng Video is offended, the entertainment resources in her hands will be reduced a lot. With the Beijing Radio and Television Station blocking her, she absolutely cannot let this happen.

Originally, after a year of adjustments, the company has gradually begun to recover blood, and she doesn't want to be trampled on again.

"Junyi is not happy. He is very honored to be invited to participate in tonight's annual ceremony. It's just that he has a family matter and has to go back to deal with it. It has nothing to do with not winning the award." Liu Jinghua hurriedly explained for Wang Junyi.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and she only hopes that when the wind blows into the ears of Xunteng Video executives, it can carry the words she just said.

"Really? I thought Wang Junyi left because he didn't win the award. After all, he was so confident before. Could it be that I misunderstood?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, you misunderstood." Liu Jinghua said affirmatively, and as the award presenters came to the stage, she immediately changed the topic, "The awards are about to be presented, let's see who this year's female singer of the year will be?"

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Jinghua who was focused. Why did the other party care so much about the female singer of the year awarded this year?Could it be that the winner of this award has something to do with this old woman?
"The next thing I will present is the Female Singer of the Year Award." The female guest opened the envelope, looked at the list of winners inside, with a deep smile on her face, and then announced loudly into the microphone, "The Female Singer of the Year Award It's...Tang Fei!"

As the female guest's voice fell, there was warm applause at the scene, and the big screen on the stage began to introduce Tang Fei.

Xu Jie stared at the photo on the big screen for a moment, and understood why Liu Jinghua, an old woman, repeatedly mentioned the female singer of the year.

At this time, Tang Fei stood up from the fifth row with a face full of surprise, first bowed to the fans in the surrounding stands, and then walked to the stage ahead.

"It's Tang Fei, Mr. Xu, look quickly, it's Tang Fei." Liu Jinghua pointed at Tang Fei and looked at Xu Jie, so excited that the crow's feet in the corners of his eyes became more.

Here comes the opportunity, at last.

Although Wang Junyi did not win the award, it was a good thing for Tang Fei to win the award.

You must know that Tang Fei was trained by her alone, and the other party's current achievements can be said to be indispensible as her manager and boss.

She just wanted this man to know how successful Tang Fei's life was after leaving him, so let him be secretly sad.

"Why, don't you know her? Do you need me to introduce her? I know her very well, she is my ex-girlfriend." Xu Jie said lightly.

Liu Jinghua, who was still very excited, was stunned by this sentence. Not only did the smile on his face disappear, but his eyes became a little more nervous.

She never thought that this person surnamed Xu would say such a thing, which not only blocked her next words that were going to disgust the other party, but even began to worry that the other party would continue to talk.

In the past few years, under her care, Tang Fei has never had any scandals or black spots. Now she is not only recognized as a future queen in the music circle, but also a high-quality idol in the entertainment circle.

If news of the other party dumping her boyfriend after becoming famous gets out, the blow to Tang Fei's popularity will undoubtedly be fatal, and it will directly affect Tang Fei's reputation among fans, especially in the eyes of male fans. image.

It's not that female artists can't fall in love, but if they get rid of their boyfriends after becoming famous, no matter what the purpose is, they will be condemned by public opinion.

Although the freedom of love is a personal matter for the artist, as a public figure, every move, even a piece of history, will be infinitely magnified.

This is what she worries about.

That's why I was so nervous when I heard the word "ex-girlfriend" from Xu's mouth just now. If it gets out...

Liu Jinghua quickly looked around vigilantly to see if anyone could hear him, but probably because of the loud live music, coupled with the shouts and screams of fans, it seemed that the artists around did not hear what Mr. Xu said.


Liu Jinghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was surprised that this person surnamed Xu would be so bold and dare to reveal such a big secret casually.

But if you think about it carefully, if this matter gets out, it won't have much impact on the other party. After all, the other party is not an artist, but it will have a great influence on Tang Fei who is an artist.

In the past, she always felt that this man would never forget Tang Fei, and he still had feelings for Tang Fei in his heart, so he would not easily reveal the secret between the two of them.

But now, the other party will say it so easily, what does this mean?This showed that her previous intuition was wrong, this man had already put Tang Fei down.

Only those who let go of everything will talk about one thing in a very flat manner, because this thing has no effect on his emotions and feelings.

Liu Jinghua stared intently at the man sitting next to him. It was only a few years ago that he put Tang Fei down?This, this is too heartless, right?

You must know that in order to persuade the other party to leave Tang Fei, she had exhausted all the means of coercion and lure.

Sure enough, time can change everything.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, it's best not to make such jokes." Liu Jinghua said in a low voice, but compared to when the award presenter pronounced Tang Fei's name, he had completely lost the arrogance at that time.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I look like I'm joking? If Mr. Liu doesn't believe me, I have photos to prove it." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinghua was shocked all over, even his expression became stiff.

Where did she not believe it?

It's because I know that I can't laugh.

She bent down and got up, sat on Wang Junyi's seat, approached the man, and reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, if you keep talking like this, it will be bad for none of us."

"Mr. Liu, are you threatening me?" Xu Jie narrowed his eyes, looked at Liu Jinghua with a sneer and said, "Then tell me what's wrong with me."

Liu Jinghua was startled, thinking: Why doesn't this man play cards according to common sense?Normally, shouldn't the topic stop here?

She couldn't help spitting, what's wrong... She really couldn't figure it out for a while.

Impact on business?

The other party's work is mainly behind the scenes, and not only the vice president of Jingshi Culture, but also Beijing Radio and Television Station is behind it. It is impossible for the station to demote this man because of this scandal, let alone this man is still a victim.

Does it affect the family?


Liu Jinghua felt that he had finally grasped the point, so he said, "If Su Yun knows about you and Tang Fei..."

"Su Yun knows about Tang Fei and I." Xu Jie interrupted Liu Jinghua directly.

Since he and Su Yun were in a cooperative relationship at the beginning, he told Su Yun a lot about himself and Tang Fei. Later, because his relationship with Su Yun warmed up, he finally confessed everything directly.

It can even be said that the old woman in front of her doesn't know as much as Su Yun.


He is not afraid at all.

It was precisely because Su Yun knew about his relationship with Tang Fei from the very beginning that he kept a candid attitude in matters of relationship.

"I know that Su Yun knows about you and Tang Fei, but I think she is more interested in the fact that you have been refusing to break up with Tang Fei." Liu Jinghua's mouth turned up, showing a hint of complacency.

"She knows more than you." Xu Jie said with a faint smile.

"You also know about getting drunk when you're sad?" Liu Jinghua asked in disbelief.

"I know." Xu Jie said, and added in his heart: Not only did he know, but he was also bumped into.


Liu Jinghua blinked, she couldn't be punished anymore.

Other men are worried that their ex-girlfriend's affairs will be known by their wives, especially those vows and deep love when they are together, and the heartbroken and heartbroken when they break up. Why is this man not worried?
Is it pretend?
By the way, this man has starred in a movie, and has achieved good box office results, so he must have some acting skills.

"Really? Then I'll tell Su Yun?" Liu Jinghua made a gesture and took out the phone from the bag.

"Let's talk, but I advise you to go to Hengdian and say it face to face. It's noisy here. I'm afraid my wife can't hear you well." Xu Jie said.


Holding the mobile phone, Liu Jinghua was in a dilemma for a while.

If she really made this call, then there would be no room for maneuver in Tang Fei's matter. Once this material was exposed by a man, the impact on Tang Fei's acting career would be irreversible.

The most important thing is, if it is true that Su Yun knows everything as this man said, then isn't she making this call for nothing?

Liu Jinghua weighed it over and over again, and finally put the phone back in the bag.

She wouldn't do anything without any benefits, not to mention that Tang Fei was now the company's cash cow, and she couldn't cut it down with her own hands.

"I was joking." Liu Jinghua said with a sudden smile, "Actually, I was testing you for Yunyun. I didn't expect you to be so honest with her, so I feel relieved."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jie said as he slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "I think it's better to expose it, so as to save my wife from being suspicious in the future."

"Don't, don't tell me!" Liu Jinghua became anxious immediately, reaching out to snatch the man's cell phone.

Who is this man?This person is from Beijing Radio and Television Station. If this is exposed, the whole country will know it in minutes.

"Mr. Liu, what are you doing? Robbery?" Xu Jie said while hiding the phone behind his back.

"No, no, I..." Liu Jinghua waved his hands hastily, but didn't know how to explain it. Finally, he bowed his head and admittedly said, "Mr. Xu, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said those words just now. I farted, okay?"

"Mr. Liu, look at your fart... By the way, where did you go wrong? Why didn't I know?" Xu Jie asked in confusion.

"I, I shouldn't threaten you." Liu Jinghua said after holding back for a long time.

"Wrong, you can threaten me, but you shouldn't destroy my relationship with Su Yun. If there is another time, don't blame me for killing you." Xu Jie said coldly.

The other party has already destroyed it once, and now wants to destroy it a second time, can he bear it?Of course I can't bear it.


Liu Jinghua felt so depressed.

I wanted to disgust the other party, but I didn't expect to shoot myself in the end with a rock, bad luck!

(End of this chapter)

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