The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 932 Hold a meeting?

Chapter 932 Hold a meeting?

For Xu Jie, the first few days of the month at the end of the year were both comfortable and busy. The comfort was because the company had no work arrangements for him, and the busyness was because he was busy attending the annual event of various media.

In fact, he could choose not to go and leave the work of attending the annual meeting to Wang Yunjie, another deputy general manager in charge of media business in the company.

But after this year's work in Jingshi Culture, and the future focus of the company's business will be on movies and TV series, all these made him realize the importance of a good relationship with the media.

Especially the personal relationship with various media leaders.

Isn't there such a sentence?Having more acquaintances makes it easier to handle things. Establishing good personal relationships with these media leaders is not only beneficial to the company's future development, but also greatly beneficial to him personally.

Therefore, he participated in five annual ceremonies at one go and organized three private dinners. He not only deepened his understanding with many old friends, but also met many new friends, which can be regarded as laying some foundations for better work next year. After all, media publicity is really important to film and television dramas and artists.

Time passed day by day, and soon it was time to go to Xiazhou.

In order to have a good start with China TV, this time Xu Jie personally led the team, on the one hand, to show that Beijing Television Culture attaches great importance to this cooperation, and on the other hand, to embolden the employees of the performance department and prevent everyone from being overwhelmed. The people from Huaxia TV were frightened.

After a long flight of three hours, the plane finally landed at Xiazhou Airport smoothly.

Compared with the daily average cold weather of minus several degrees in Beijing, the weather here in Xiazhou is much warmer. It is around ten degrees all day long, which is very suitable for outdoor activities.

Especially the New Year's Eve party.

At the end of the year, the capital will be even colder than it is now. This is a very big test for the actors participating in the New Year's Eve party. Anyway, when he directed the Beijing Satellite TV New Year's Eve party the year before last, he was as cold as a grandson outdoors.

But in Xiazhou, there is no need to worry about this at all.

The team led by Xu Jie and the staff of China Television's large-scale program center led by Chen Ya walked out of the airport. After greeting the local reception staff for a while, they took a bus to the hotel.

Both the car and the hotel are provided by Xiazhou, which is one of the reasons why the New Year's Eve party was held in Xiazhou.

In recent years, China Television's New Year's Eve party, like the Mid-Autumn Festival party, will be held in different cities. The purpose of doing so is mainly to show something different to the audience.

The local government also very much hopes that CTV's large-scale evening party can be held in its own city. On the one hand, it can promote the city, and on the other hand, it can also promote the development of local tourism.

VisionChina is a unique platform, and its influence is also unique.

When Xu Jie came to the hotel, he had just packed his luggage when there was a knock on the door.


Xu Jie walked to the door and opened the door, only to see senior sister Jiang Yuanyue standing outside.

"Sister, please come in."

Xu Jie pointed to the room.

"I won't go in. It's just a few words. I have other things to do after I finish talking." Jiang Yuanyue said: "I just arrived in Xiazhou today, and I haven't arranged any specific work. Everyone mainly rests, and we will officially start tomorrow. Prepare for the New Year's Eve party, by the way, Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhao will go to the venue where the New Year's Eve party is held, do you want to go together?"

"Go." Xu Jie replied directly without any hesitation.

When he came to Xiazhou this time, he was not only the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, but also the assistant director of the CTV New Year's Eve party. Although it is not a big deal to go to the venue, only by being familiar with the venue can he understand himself better Task.

This time, he must show a professional attitude to conquer everyone in the large-scale program center of Huaxia TV Station, paving the way for future cooperation.

Although he served as an assistant director at the China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala in September, he participated in it as an individual.

However, this time is different. He participated as the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture. He is obliged to let the people of Huaxia TV have a new understanding of the people of Jingshi Culture. After all, he can’t show up every time he cooperates. He is cooperating with Chen Ya, not selling to Chen Ya.

"Yo? Since when have you been so interested in the work of our CTS? This is not like you." Jiang Yuanyue teased with some surprises. You must know that this junior was able to do it during the previous cooperations. Do it or don't do it.

"Senior sister, look at what you said, I have always been very concerned about the tasks arranged by you, CTS, otherwise you wouldn't be able to find me, right?" Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this.

He doesn't allow others to question his work attitude, even if it's a joke.

"Cut!" Jiang Yuanyue curled her lips, then looked at the time on her watch, and said, "It's 1:42 in the afternoon, gather outside the elevator at 2:[-], don't be late." Jiang Yuanyue instructed.

In order to facilitate the work and rest of the New Year's Eve party staff, this floor of the hotel has been completely vacated to avoid being disturbed by the outside world.

"Understood, senior." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

After Jiang Yuanyue left, Xu Jie called the ten people he brought this time to his room, telling everyone to eat and sleep, and those who are willing to go shopping, go shopping, adjust their personal status, and prepare for tomorrow's work. prepare for.

His attitude towards his subordinates has always been to take a good rest when they are resting, and work hard when they are working. If anyone is lazy and slippery while working, then don't blame him for turning his face.

After the meeting, Xu Jie changed into a lighter outfit, then left the room and went to the restaurant for dinner.

Although I ate some on the plane before, I was not full. I have to go to the party venue later. It doesn’t matter when I stay. Eat more so I won’t starve.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Xu Jie walked out, but as soon as he entered the restaurant, he found several familiar figures.

There are Hu Zhen who just had dinner two days ago, Chang Ziyang, director of Huasen Media's artist agency who met once at the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shao Jiali, deputy general manager of Tianchen Media, and even Fanhua's manager The company's Liu Jinghua is also here. Many company executives in the entertainment industry are here.

Xu Jie was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

What's happening here?
A meeting of all entertainment companies?
Could it be a dream?Didn't you wake up on the plane?

You know, such scenes are rare.

Not only Xu Jie, but you and the top executives of the entertainment company in the restaurant are all confused, especially Liu Jinghua, whose eyes almost pop out of surprise. Seeing Xu Jie is like seeing a ghost. Buddha beads.

"Boss Xu?"

"Mr. Xu!"

Many people took the initiative to say hello to Xu Jie. Although they didn't know why Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture appeared in Xiazhou, they couldn't lose the politeness they should have.

Xu Jie also came back to his senses at this time, and nodded in response as he walked into the restaurant.

"Mr. Xu!"

At this time, Hu Zhen stood up from his seat, smiled and waved, and pointed to the opposite seat.

Although Xu Jie was familiar with these people present, he was closer to Hu Zhen, so he walked towards him and sat beside him.

Hu Zhen was very proud, and he looked at the executives of other entertainment companies in protest, as if he had won a lottery.

"Old Hu, what's the situation? There are enough people. Is your entertainment industry going to hold an annual exchange meeting in Xiazhou?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, what exchange annual meeting? Isn't everyone here for CTV's New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party?" Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Compared with other high-level executives of entertainment companies who were slightly anxious, the reason why he could still laugh was entirely because he knew during the dinner that Mr. Xu in front of him would be the assistant director of the China TV New Year's Eve party, and he would also participate in the Chinese New Year's Eve Gala. For him, the TV Spring Festival Gala is undoubtedly good news. Even if what the other party says doesn't count, at least it can help him recommend some artists to be on the stage of China TV.

This kind of opportunity is very rare for an artist, and it can even affect an artist's future stardom, which is why so many entertainment company executives appear here.

Xu Jie is now considered an insider, so he understood what Hu Zhen meant when he heard Hu Zhen's words.

Good guy, they have all chased him to Xiazhou.

"No, isn't the program list for the New Year's Eve party already finalized?" Xu Jie asked, although he hadn't announced it to the public, but as an assistant director, he had already read the program list.

Although Hu Zhen is not from CTS, but with the other party's contacts, he should have known about it long ago, not to mention that there are artists from the other company's company in the program list of the New Year's Eve party.

"Hey, as long as the New Year's Eve Gala is not aired for a day, anything is possible. Besides, isn't the program of the Spring Festival Gala still undecided?" Hu Zhen said.

After Xu Jie heard it, he remembered that Chen Ya is not only the chief producer of the New Year's Eve party, but also the chief director of the Spring Festival party, and some of the assistant directors in the New Year's party will also be in the Spring Festival party. important role.

The party needs stars, and the executives of these entertainment companies take the initiative to recommend stars to the director team of the party to show their support for the party, which is also a good thing for the director team.

When he was the assistant director of the China Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, didn't his agent come to him?

It's a treat for dinner, and it's a female artist for company.

Now it's the turn of the more important New Year's Eve Gala and Spring Festival Gala, so naturally we have to respond positively, we can't fall behind other entertainment companies, or we will be beaten if we lag behind!
The competition in the entertainment industry is more intense than the outside world imagined. The rise of an artist usually means that another artist, or even several other artists, will be abandoned by capital.

So for resources, especially the resources of CTS, everyone will work hard to get them, even if the chances are very slim, they have to give it a try.

"Don't stare at the New Year's Eve party. The program of the New Year's Eve party has basically been determined, and there are no more than three. Unless someone is arrested, it will basically not change. You should work harder on the Spring Festival party." Xu Jie reminded .

"Thank you Mr. Xu for reminding me. I'll listen to you." After Hu Zhen finished thanking him, he suddenly leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, that, can you help push my artists?"

"Old Hu, I've let you down. I'm not the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala. I'm only in charge of a few sketches. If you have sketch actors under your command, I can bring them along." Xu Jie said truthfully.

Lao Hu is not an outsider, so if he can help, he will help, and if he can't help, he will not insist.

When Hu Zhen heard this, he immediately regained his spirits, "You can have this."


Xu Jie was stunned for a moment. He only knew that the other party's company had signed many singers and actors, but he didn't expect to sign sketch actors.

"Okay, Hu, even sketch actors." Xu Jie was very surprised.

"Mr. Xu, you misunderstood. What I mean is that the artists in my company, no matter singers or actors, can become sketch actors." Hu Zhen explained.

Xu Jie was startled.

Well, he thought too much.

Also, how can there be any professional sketch actors now?
If there is, it is about to starve to death.

"Let's see, if the role needs it, I'll call you when the time comes." Xu Jie thought for a while and said, the first thing he should consider is the script, and the second is the actor. No matter how famous the actor is, if the content is not exciting, he can't To amuse the audience is a failure.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!" Hu Zhen said happily, and then handed over the menu, "Mr. Xu, what do you want to eat? I invite you."

"No, someone will reimburse me for my meal." Xu Jie said, he was on a business trip this time.

Xu Jie picked up the menu and was about to order when a voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Hello Mr. Xu, do you remember me?"

Xu Jie looked up, it was Chang Ziyang.

"Of course I remember. Aren't you Chang Ziyang, director of talent agency of Huasen Media?" Xu Jie said indifferently. He still hasn't forgotten the beauty trick of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Yes, yes, it's me. Mr. Xu, you have a really good memory. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really fate. I don't know if you came to Xiazhou for business or... Don't get me wrong, there is an artist in our company who is Xiazhou You can let her be your guide." Chang Ziyang said while rubbing his hands.

Xu Jie looked at the other party and thought: Do this again?
It was the same when we were at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. It has been a few months, why is it still the same old way?Can't we change it?

Without saying anything, he took out his work card from his pocket and put it on the table.

Chang Ziyang turned his head and saw a few lines written on it... Xu Jie, deputy director of the New Year's Eve party of Huaxia TV.

Assistant director again?
Chang Ziyang was full of surprise. This person was the assistant director during the CTS Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, and now it's CTV's New Year's Eve gala, and he's still the assistant director?
Is this person from Beijing TV Station or Huaxia TV Station?

What is the current situation of China Television's large-scale program center?It doesn't matter if you cooperate with the TV station where the party is held, why do you still bring people from the Beijing TV station with you wherever you go?Is there no one left at China TV?
"Mr. Xu, you are really amazing. You can serve as an assistant director in the gala held by China Television. Satellite TVs all over the country can't find another person." Chang Ziyang flattered him directly on the spot.

After hearing Chang Ziyang's words, the senior executives of the entertainment companies around showed surprise expressions in unison.

Assistant director of China Television Gala?
There is only one party held by China Television in Xiazhou recently, and that is the New Year's Eve party.

How did this person... how did he become the one?

(End of this chapter)

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