The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 933 The Picture Is Too Harmonious

Chapter 933 The Picture Is Too Harmonious

Huaxia TV has its own large-scale program center, which can produce high-level and high-quality evening shows. It does not need to cooperate with other units at all. Taking a step back, many producers and directors in Huaxia TV have their own media companies outside. , If you want to cooperate, you should also cooperate with these companies.

Beijing Television Culture?

Xu Jie?

It has nothing to do with Huaxia TV, okay?

The top executives of the entertainment company looked at Xu Jie strangely, full of incomprehension about the fact that he was once again the assistant director of the important gala of China Television.

The one who was most shocked was Liu Jinghua. Her purpose of coming to Xiazhou was very simple, to win the chance for the company's artists to appear on the CTV New Year's Eve Gala and Spring Festival Gala.

But now?The person surnamed Xu became the assistant director of CTV's New Year's Eve party. How could she speak to the chief producer and chief director of the New Year's Eve party?At that time, won't you be disturbed by this surname Xu?
Alas, point your back!
It seems that we can only fight for the Spring Festival Gala.

"Director Chang, it's not as exaggerated as you said, it's just a normal cooperation." Xu Jie said to Chang Ziyang with a light smile, but he was quite comfortable being photographed. Now he finally understands why some people who do practical things can't get it Reuse, those who only know how to flatter will be very favored.

The old saying goes well: wear thousands of clothes and flatter you but not wear them.

No matter what kind of people, like to listen to good things, without exception.

Including himself.

"Mr. Xu, even if it is just a normal cooperation with CTS, not any company can do it. What does this prove? It proves that Mr. Xu not only has outstanding personal ability, but also has strong leadership ability. I am convinced. "After the analysis, Chang Ziyang expressed another wave of emotion.

Hu Zhen on the side looked at Chang Ziyang in surprise. He thought that his flattering skills were already outstanding, but he didn't expect that every mountain was as high as another mountain. Huasen Media's artist management director was really not given for nothing.

"Alright Director Chang, if you're here for the New Year's Eve party, you'd better leave what you just said to Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhao. I don't care about the program." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he I don't want the other party to waste their time here.

"Mr. Xu, what I just said is from the bottom of my heart. It has nothing to do with the program of the New Year's Eve party. Even if you are not the assistant director of the New Year's Eve party, my admiration for you is..."

"OK OK."

Xu Jie waved at Chang Ziyang again and again, interrupting the other party's words directly. If the other party was allowed to continue talking, he would definitely float up.

The so-called stupid king probably means that there are too many flatterers around him, and everyone who listens is dizzy.

He was a little flustered when he flattered one person, but what about ten people?What about a hundred people?It would be strange if he didn't faint by then.

"Mr. Chang, the people from China TV Station are here." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the entrance of the restaurant.

Probably because they didn't eat enough on the plane, Chen Ya, Zhao Hongbo, Yu Yan, Jiang Yuanyue and others all came.

As soon as these people appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people. The eyes of those entertainment company executives shone like lighted light bulbs. They were excited and excited, just like pirates seeing treasure.

After the few sat down, the people who had been waiting for a long time got up and went to say hello.

"Mr. Xu, while you're eating, I'll go over." Chang Ziyang said, and walked over impatiently.

There is only one assistant director of the New Year's Eve party here, while there are the chief producer, chief director and several assistant directors of the New Year's Eve party over there. Which side should I go to? This question is very easy to choose.

Xu Jie looked at Chang Ziyang's back, then turned to look at Hu Zhen opposite and asked, "Old Hu, why don't you go and say hello?"

"Don't worry, there are so many people in a mess, even if you go, you can't say anything, you can't recommend an artist in front of so many people, right?" Hu Zhen picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Xu Jie , "Besides, don't I have you here? Looking for you is the same as looking for them."

Wasn't Fang Yi under him recommended by Mr. Xu in front of him to attend the New Year's Eve party?

Xu Jie smiled when he heard it. The other party thought the same as him. He also felt that the current behavior of these entertainment company executives was very inappropriate.

The best way to ask for help is to be alone, and the fewer people you know, the better. In the current situation, the beggar can't find a chance to speak, and the begged is too embarrassed to agree. It's a waste of both parties' time.

Xu Jie didn't go over to join in the fun, so he ordered a bowl of noodles and started eating.


Hu Zhen suddenly made a surprised voice.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously, and then followed the other party's gaze.

I saw two middle-aged women in their forties walking in from the outside of the restaurant. One was wearing a light-colored waist-cut suit, with slightly curly short hair. She was not dull intellectually and looked very capable. Long skirt, long wavy hair, retro and fashionable, with shrewd eyes.

Although the two of them are not stunning, they are very attractive and have a lot of temperament.

Xu Jie smiled, looked back at Hu Zhen who was opposite and asked, "Why, Mr. Hu likes this type?"

If the other party is the boss of a brokerage company, there are at least dozens of female artists who have signed contracts under him. What types of them are there?Why are you suddenly attracted to these two?

Could it be that the other party is not interested in female celebrities, but only interested in female amateurs?
"Mr. Xu, stop joking." Hu Zhen looked away and asked in a low voice, "Do you know who those two are?"

"Who?" Xu Jie asked.

Is it a female star?

But why has he never seen it?

As long as there are a few representative works of this kind of female star in her 40s, even if he has never heard of the name, at least he should be familiar with it.

"The one with short hair is Dong Xiaoli, director of the program center of Huxiang Satellite TV, and the one with long hair is Sun Hao, the general manager of Mangmang Media. By the way, the nature of Mangmang Media is the same as that of Beijing Television Culture. They are both affiliated companies of the TV station. It's strange. How did the two of them appear here?" After the introduction, Hu Zhen showed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

This is Xiazhou, and it doesn't belong to Huxiang, so the two shouldn't be here.


Xu Jie was a little surprised, he didn't expect that those two would be the top executives of Huxiangtai.

Speaking of which, although he had never seen that Dong Xiaoli before, he had heard it several times from that senior sister from Huxiang Satellite TV.

Xu Jie couldn't help looking again, only to see Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao also walking towards Chen Yana's table, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other talking and laughing.

What's the situation?
Could it be that Huxiang Satellite TV also wants to have a foot in China TV's New Year's Eve party?
But the problem is that Huxiang Satellite TV is neither in Xiazhou, nor a local TV station, nor is it in Beijing. It is so far away from China TV, and there is no reason for cooperation at all.

"I see." Hu Zhen suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and said, "It must be to solicit resources for the artists of Boundless Media."

"Boundless Media also signs artists?" Xu Jie asked curiously. Anyway, none of the companies under Beijing Radio and Television Station have signed artists. Even Forbidden Films, which specializes in the film and television industry, only cooperates with celebrities.

"Well, and there are quite a few signings. In the competitions held by Huxiang Satellite TV in the past few years, most of the players in it ended up signing with Boundless Media." Hu Zhen explained.

If you don't sign, you will be eliminated. Can those players who dream of entering the entertainment circle not sign?

"Really?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. You must know that among those contestants back then, many of them have become the mainstay of the entertainment industry today, shining brightly in the singing and film and television industries.

Now he finally understands why Huxiang Satellite TV's variety shows and evening parties always like to invite those contestants in the past. It turned out to be the same thing.

This is the true self.

If you don't praise your own people, who will you praise?

Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao chatted with Chen Ya and the others for a while, and then walked to an empty seat in the restaurant.

After Hu Zhen saw it, he said to Xu Jie in embarrassment: "President Xu, you eat first, I'll go say hello to Dong Xiaoli, don't mind."

For their business as a manager, resources are the most important, especially TV stations. You must establish a good relationship with every TV station, because the best way for artists to increase their exposure is to appear on TV.

And Huxiang Satellite TV, as the most entertaining provincial satellite TV in China, is naturally also the object that his agent must fight for.

You must know that before the opposite Mr. Xu was born, the number one variety show ratings had been occupied by Huxiang Satellite TV all year round, and it had been like this for more than ten years.

"Go, you still meet me like this?" Xu Jie waved his hand at the other party, signaling the other party to hurry up and don't let others take the lead. Since Hu Zhen has such an idea, don't other entertainment company executives have such an idea? ?

He even saw Liu Jinghua stand up from his seat, ready to move.

Hu Zhen moved his chair back and was about to go there, but saw Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao walking towards them.

Hu Zhen froze in place, his mind full of question marks.

Although he is a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, in front of these TV station bosses, he doesn't have that much face to make people come over to say hello.

Seeing Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao approaching, Hu Zhen quickly stretched out his hand, "Hi Director Dong, Mr. Sun, we haven't seen each other for a month, right? I didn't expect to meet you here. It's so fateful."

"Mr. Hu also came to Xiazhou? Today's Xiazhou is really lively." Sun Hao said with a smile.

After Dong Xiaoli shook hands with Hu Zhen, she looked aside, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture?"

Xu Jie, who was eating noodles, did not expect that Dong Xiaoli would take the initiative to talk to him. Out of politeness, he quickly chewed a few times, swallowed the noodles in his mouth, then stood up and said, "I am Xu Jie, Hello, Director Dong." .”

"Oh? Do you recognize me?" Dong Xiaoli asked with a smile.

"Liu Liya is my senior sister. I often heard her mention you, so I searched your name on the Internet out of curiosity and saw your photos." Xu Jie explained.

"Unfortunately, Xiao Liu failed to persuade you to join our Huxiang Satellite TV." Dong Xiaoli said while shaking her head and sighing.

"Thank you Director Dong for being so respectful of me. Actually, it's not that I don't want to go to Huxiang Satellite TV, but that your Huxiang Satellite TV has too many variety shows. It's unnecessary for me to go. If you find out that there is nothing in my stomach, then Wouldn’t my perfect image in the minds of Director Dong and senior sister be shattered? So after much deliberation, I decided to forget it.” Xu Jie said jokingly, saving enough face for the other party.

"I've heard for a long time that Mr. Xu can speak and argue. When I saw you today, it's really unusual." Dong Xiaoli smiled from ear to ear, then pointed to the empty seat inside, and asked, "Is there anyone inside? We can come here Sit down?"

"Of course." Xu Jie nodded.

Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV are not only a competitive relationship, but also a brotherly relationship. Although they compare in program ratings, they sometimes cooperate, such as buying TV dramas. Is it the first broadcast rights bought by Beijing Satellite TV and Hunan Satellite TV?

Moreover, building a good relationship with the head of Huxiang Satellite TV is also of great benefit to Su Yun and the few people signed by the studio. The resources are not enough in the capital, and they have to go out.

Xu Jie winked at Hu Zhen. Hu Zhen, who still didn't know why Dong Xiaoli chose to sit here, finally came to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly asked the waiter to clean up the table, and then changed to sit beside Xu Jie.

Dong Xiaoli and Sun Hao sat down opposite and saw Xu Jie eating noodles, so they also ordered two bowls of noodles.

"Mr. Xu, I have admired your name for a long time. I have wanted to sit down and have a chat with you for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity. I never thought it would happen today." Dong Xiaoli smiled happily, she seemed really happy, not polite .

"Director Dong, thank you for looking at me so highly. In fact, I have always wanted to see you, so I would like to express my gratitude to you in person. You see, you invited me to join Huxiang Satellite TV, and also purchased the TV series "Legend of Lanxi" produced by me. , I really want to cooperate with you more in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

If Beijing Television Culture wants to become bigger and stronger, it must not rely solely on Beijing Satellite TV. Variety shows and TV dramas can actually be sold to other TV stations.

The purchase of "The Legend of Lanxi" by Huxiang Satellite TV this time reminded him that knowing more TV stations equals multiple sales outlets. Maybe in the future, Huxiang Satellite TV will be able to take a fancy to TV dramas that Beijing Satellite TV doesn't like. There are still some differences in style between the TV series broadcast by different TV stations.

"Your words have reached my heart, and I have always wanted to cooperate with you, but the editor-in-chief Lu of your Beijing Satellite TV has always regarded you as a treasure, and never gave me a chance. I am very sorry for what you said today. Happy, you must be the first to tell me about any variety show projects you have in the future, I will support them unconditionally, and the copyright fees are definitely higher than those offered by Beijing Satellite TV, this is the real strong alliance..."

Dong Xiaoli also opened up the conversation. Although the two met for the first time, they seemed to have known each other for a long time.

Hu Zhen next to him was already stunned.

Just now he thought Mr. Xu and Director Dong belonged to two different TV stations, and they would inevitably quarrel when sitting together. After all, the variety show directed by Mr. Xu has been suppressing the variety show of Huxiang Satellite TV for the past two years, but who? It can be imagined that instead of confronting each other, these two people are extremely friendly. The one on the left cooperates and the one on the right cooperates. The picture is not too harmonious.

Is it really the first time these two meet?


(End of this chapter)

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